No person shall operate a trailer park without first having secured a permit therefor from the building official of the city.
(Prior code § 6404.11; Ord. 2190 § 6, 2020)
An application for a permit to operate a trailer park shall be accompanied by a legal description of the property to be used for such trailer park, and four copies of the trailer park plans showing the following, either existing or proposed:
Location, extent and area used for trailer park;
Location, arrangement, and dimensions of all buildings, trailer-units, auto-units, walks and driveways;
Location and number of sanitary conveniences, including toilets, washrooms, laundries and utility rooms to be used by occupants of units, and other persons residing on such premises;
Plan of sewage disposal;
Plan of water supply;
Plan of garbage removal;
Plan of electric lighting.
(Prior code § 6404.12)
No such permit may be issued until the location of such trailer park and the plans thereof as provided herein shall have been approved by the planning commission. An approved location shall be one where the planning commission shall find that such trailer park would not be detrimental to adjacent property or injurious to the public health, safety and general welfare.
(Prior code § 6404.13)
Whenever any existing permanent structure in any auto trailer park, existing at the time of the effective date of this code, is so located that compliance with Section 19.16.020 would, in the opinion of the planning commission, cause the owner or operator of such trailer park undue hardship or would require extraordinary financial outlay, the planning commission may allow exceptions to said provisions and under such terms and conditions as it may deem necessary.
(Prior code § 6404.14)
Any permit issued pursuant to the terms of this title may be suspended if the building official determines that the holder thereof has violated any of the provisions of this title or other ordinances or regulations applicable to the operation and occupancy of a trailer park.
(Prior code § 6404.15; Ord. 2190 § 6, 2020)
Any person aggrieved by the granting, denying or suspending of a permit for a trailer park, at any time within ten days after issuance of such grant, denial or suspension, may file with the city clerk a written request for a hearing on such matter. The city council at its first meeting after the filing of such request shall set a time for hearing thereon and the city clerk, within five days thereafter, shall cause a written notice of such hearing to be mailed to the person requesting such hearing or the permittee of such trailer park. The city council, in its discretion, may also order that notice of the hearing be mailed to other persons directly interested therein. The city council may refer such matter to the planning commission of the city for hearing and findings of fact and recommendation thereon. After hearing by the city council or after a hearing and report thereon by the planning commission, the city council shall determine whether the action by the building official was justified, and shall thereupon issue an order granting, denying, suspending or revoking such permit. The findings of fact, recommendation, and determination and order shall be filed with the city clerk who shall send a copy thereof by registered mail to such person requesting such hearing or the permittee of such trailer park.
(Prior code § 6404.16; Ord. 2190 § 6, 2020)
A permit issued under the terms of this title shall convey no right to erect any building, or to do any plumbing, sewer or electrical work.
(Prior code § 6404.17)