The entire premises of any trailer park shall be well drained, and shall be graded so as to prevent the accumulation of storm or other waters.
(Prior code § 6404.18)
All units shall be clearly designated, and each trailer-unit shall have a minimum area of four hundred fifty square feet, and all auto-units shall have a minimum area of two hundred square feet. All units shall face or abut on a driveway not less than eighteen feet in width. Such driveway shall provide unobstructed access to a public street, and shall be paved and maintained in good condition, and shall be well lighted at night.
(Prior code § 6404.19)
Every trailer unit shall be furnished with an electric outlet, which outlet shall be equipped with an externally operated switch, preferably a multi-circuit breaker, and be fused not to exceed twenty amperes. All wiring shall comply with Chapter 16.20 of this code.
(Prior code § 6404.20)
An adequate supply of water, furnished through a pipe distribution system and connected directly with the city water mains, with faucets located at each trailer-unit, shall be furnished for drinking and domestic purposes. Additional faucet outlets with a hose fitting shall be provided in the ratio of one to each five trailerunits.
(Prior code § 6404.21)
No common drinking vessels shall be permitted, nor shall any drinking facilities be placed in any toilet room or water closet compartment.
(Prior code § 6404.22)
Except where such facilities are separately and individually provided for each trailer-unit, there shall be erected, at a distance not greater than one hundred fifty feet from any trailer-unit which it is designed to serve, a suitable building for housing toilets, showers, and laundry facilities as herein required.
(Prior code § 6404.23)
There shall be provided separate toilet rooms for each sex and each of such rooms shall be plainly designated as to sex. Flush toilets provided with an adequate water supply shall be enclosed in separate compartments and shall be provided for each sex in the ratio of one toilet for each ten trailer-units or fraction thereof. Every male toilet room shall have at least one urinal. Toilet rooms shall contain lavatories with hot and cold water in the ratio of one lavatory to every two or less water closets.
(Prior code § 6404.24)
Separate bathing facilities for each sex shall be provided in the form of showers enclosed in a compartment of not less than two and one-half feet square in the ratio of one shower for each ten trailer-units or fraction thereof. Each shower compartment shall be supplemented by an individual dressing compartment of at least sixteen square feet.
(Prior code § 6404.25)
Laundry facilities shall be provided in the ratio of one double tray for each fifteen trailer-units.
(Prior code § 6404.26)
The accommodations listed in Sections 19.16.010 through 19.16.090 shall constitute the minimum requirements and shall be based upon the total camp capacity according to approved plans.
(Prior code § 6404.27)
Floors and interior walls to a height of six inches of toilet, shower and laundry rooms shall be of smoothfinished concrete, tile, or other material impervious to water.
(Prior code § 6404.28)
All waste from showers, toilets, laundries, drinking fountains and lavatories shall be wasted into the city sewer system.
(Prior code § 6404.29)
The use of any toilet or bath devise, in any trailer parked on any premises whatsoever, is prohibited, except when the outlet for the trailer is properly vented and trapped and the plumbing within the trailer is installed in a proper and sanitary manner; the fixtures in such trailer may be connected to the sanitary sewer by a flexible sewer pipe of not less than two inches in diameter.
(Prior code § 6404.30)
Each faucet site shall be equipped with facilities for drainage of waste and excess water.
(Prior code § 6404.31)
Every trailer park shall be furnished with substantial metal garbage depositories, and such depositories shall be kept within a screened enclosure.
(Prior code § 6404.32)
Every trailer park shall be provided with an incinerator of type and capacity to be approved by the chief of the fire department, as provided by the fire code.
(Prior code § 6404.33)
Every trailer park shall be provided with one two-quart pyrene fire extinguisher or its equivalent, to each eight trailer-units at locations to be approved by the chief of the fire department.
(Prior code § 6404.34)
Facilities shall be provided at all times for the heating of all bathing facilities, including all supplemental dressing compartments, located in any trailer park or provided for the use of the occupants of any trailer park in accordance with the provisions of this title. Such facilities shall be capable of heating the said bathing facilities including dressing compartments to a temperature of seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit. Compliance with this section and with Sections 19.16.010 to 19.16.170 shall be the duty of the owner, the licensee and the operator of every trailer park.
(Prior code § 6404.35)
Every trailer park owner or licensee shall maintain an office in such trailer park. A copy of the park license and of this title shall be posted therein, and the park register shall at all times be kept in said office.
(Prior code § 6404.36)
The attendant or person in charge, together with the licensee shall:
Guest Register. Keep a register of all guests which shall be open at all times to inspection by state and federal officers and officials of the city, showing for all guests:
Names and addresses,
Dates of entrance and departure,
License numbers of all trailers and towing or other automobiles,
States issuing such licenses,
Place of last location, and length of stay;
Sanitation. Maintain the park in a clean, orderly and sanitary condition at all times;
Report Violations. Report promptly to the proper authorities any violations of this title and any other violations of law which may come to his attention;
Report to Health Officer. Report to the health officer all cases of persons or animals affected with, or suspected of being affected with, any communicable disease;
Post Notice of Prohibitions. Prohibit the following; and post a notice of same in conspicuous places:
Prohibit the running loose of dogs, cats, or other animals or pets in such trailer park,
Prohibit the lighting of open fires on the premises,
Prohibit the throwing or discharge of any waste water on the ground,
Prohibit the accommodation of any trailer beyond the capacity of the trailer park, or the occupancy of any trailer by a greater number of persons than that for which it is originally designed and constructed,
Prohibit the parking of any trailer at any place other than a designated trailer-unit, and the parking of any automobile at any place other than a designated auto-unit,
Prohibit any trailer or automobile in a trailer park from being without any wheel at any time, or to be permanently fixed to the ground in a manner that would prevent the ready removal of said trailer.
(Prior code §§ 6404.37, 6404.38, 6404.39, 6404.40, 6404.41, 6404.42)
In interpreting and applying the provisions of this title such provisions shall, in every instance, be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety and general welfare.
(Prior code § 6404.43)
No change in the plan of any existing trailer park shall be made unless such change shall conform to the requirements of the trailer park plan as provided in Sections 19.16.010 to 19.16.170.
(Prior code § 6404.44)
On a trailer site accommodating a cabana, an awning serving exclusively as a carport may be erected, placed, or maintained only on the trailer coach side opposite the location of the cabana.
Any carport may be enclosed only on one end with a drop curtain or approved storage cabinet, provided, however, that if a carport is enclosed on more than one side or end its location shall be not less than three feet from the trailer coach it serves.
Every carport and every awning shall conform to the minimum provisions of the rules and regulations promulgated by the Division of Housing pursuant to the Trailer Park Act of the state, and the Uniform Building Code of this city shall not apply to the extent such carports and awnings comply with such rules and regulations.
(Prior code § 6404.45)