This title may be referred to as the "Monterey Park Zoning Code."
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Unless otherwise specifically permitted by Title 21 of this Code, and notwithstanding any other provision to the contrary, no new use is permitted unless it is permitted by both State and Federal law.
(Ord. 2241, 12/20/2023; Ord. 2242, 1/17/2024)
This title is adopted pursuant to Article XI, Section 7 of the California Constitution in compliance with the requirements of Title 7 of the Government Code, Division 1, Planning and Zoning Law, and Division 2, Subdivision Map Act, for the purpose of promoting health, safety and general welfare.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
The purposes of this Zoning Code include:
To promote and protect the public health, safety, and welfare of the people of the City of Monterey Park;
To safeguard and enhance the appearance and quality of development of the City of Monterey Park;
To provide for the social, physical, and economic advantages resulting from comprehensive and orderly planned use of land resources;
To conserve, stabilize, and protect the value of property in the City of Monterey Park;
To provide adequate improvements and utilities in the City of Monterey Park; and
To divide the City of Monterey Park into zones of such number, shape, and area as may be deemed appropriate and necessary to carry out the provisions of this Zoning Code and provide for its enhancement.
The provisions contained in this Zoning Code apply to all real properties contained within the corporate limits of the City of Monterey Park.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Words, terms, and phrases used in the Zoning Code have the meanings usually ascribed to them, or as defined or used in state planning, zoning, and subdivision laws, or as otherwise defined in the Monterey Park Municipal Code. For the purposes of this Zoning Code, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, certain terms used in this Zoning Code are defined as follows:
Words in the present tense include the future;
Words in the plural number include the singular;
Words in the plural number include the singular;
Throughout the Zoning Code, "shall" and "must" are mandatory; "may" is permissive; and "should" indicates a nonbinding recommendation. "Will" indicates a future contingency or predicts action by the City Planner, or designee, in the ordinary course of events, but does not signify a mandatory duty;
The term "City Council" means the City Council of the City of Monterey Park;
The term "Planning Commission" means the Planning Commission of the City of Monterey Park;
The term "his" is gender neutral and means his or her;
The term "City" means the City of Monterey Park; and
The term "General Plan" means the City of Monterey Park General Plan.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
These regulations are the minimum requirements necessary for the promotion of the public health, safety, interest and welfare, unless the context of a specific regulation clearly provides otherwise.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Where conflict occurs between the provisions of the Zoning Code and any other title, chapter, resolution, guideline, or regulation, the more restrictive provision controls unless otherwise specified in this Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
This Zoning Code is intended to provide the legislative framework to implement the goals, policies, plans, principles, and standards of the City of Monterey Park General Plan.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
The City Planner, or designee, has the authority and responsibility to hear and act upon all matters as specified in this title.
The City Planner has the authority to interpret the use provisions applicable to each zone district identified in this title. In the event that a specific use or type of use is not listed, the City Planner has the authority to determine which listed use is most similar to the proposed use and thereby determine whether the use is permitted, permitted subject to conditional use permit review and approval, permitted as a temporary use, or prohibited. In determining "similarity," the City Planner must make all of the following findings:
The proposed use must meet the intent of, and be consistent with the goals, objectives and policies of the general plan;
The proposed use must meet the stated purpose and general intent of the district in which the use is proposed to be located;
The proposed use cannot adversely impact the public health, safety and general welfare of the City's residents; and
The proposed use must share characteristics common with, and not be of greater intensity, density or generate more environmental impact, than those uses listed in the permitted uses section.
Any applicant, interested person, or public official may appeal any decision of the City Planner to the Planning Commission in accordance with the appeal procedures set forth in this title.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
The Building Official, or designee, is responsible for enforcing the provisions of this title that pertain to the construction, moving, conversion, alteration, or addition of and to structures and associated improvements to the lots on which they are located.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
The City Engineer, or designee, is responsible for enforcing this title as it regulates land subdivisions or other action authorized by the Subdivision Map Act (Government Code §§ 66410, et seq.).
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
If ambiguity arises concerning the appropriate classification of a particular use within the meaning and intent of this title, or if ambiguity exists with respect to matters of height, yard requirements, area requirements, or zone boundaries as set forth herein, it is the City Planner's duty to ascertain all pertinent facts, and to set forth in writing the findings and the interpretations. The City Planner can refer the matter to the Planning Commission as a scheduled matter not requiring public hearing, and the findings and interpretations of the Planning Commission will be set forth in the recorded minutes. Thereafter, such interpretations will govern.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Conditional use permits, variances and other discretionary permits, any of which are valid on the effective date of this Zoning Code remain valid until their expiration date. These projects can be built in accordance with the development standards in effect at the time of approval, provided that such permit is valid at the time building permits are issued and that the permit is subject to any time limits imposed pursuant to the Monterey Park Municipal Code. If no expiration date was established, the discretionary permit approval shall lapse two years after the effective date of the Zoning Code unless:
A valid building permit has been issued; or
The valid certificate of occupancy has been issued.
No provision of this Zoning Code requires any change or modification to plans, construction or designated use of any structure for which a building permit has been issued before the effective date of this Zoning Code, or any subsequent amendment.
Any application for any expired building permit must meet the standards at the time of the application submittal.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Projects for which no discretionary approval or building permit was granted before the effective date of this Zoning Code are subject to the land use regulations, development standards, and other requirements of the Zoning Code except as specified.
Applications which were accepted as complete before the effective date of this Zoning Code are subject to the development standards in effect at the time of submittal.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
No land can be used, and no structure can be constructed, occupied, altered, enlarged, demolished or moved in any zoning district except in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Code.
Except as otherwise provided by the regulations of this Zoning Code, wherever this Zoning Code prohibits the use of property for a particular purpose, the property and any improvements on the property cannot be used for that purpose, and no structure or improvement can be constructed, altered, or moved onto the property which is designed or intended to be occupied or used for the prohibited purpose.
The provisions of this Zoning Code cannot be interpreted to repeal, amend, alter or change any other regulation that is not specifically repealed, amended, altered or changed as specified in this Zoning Code.
Nothing in this Zoning Code can be interpreted to authorize the use of a lot or parcel in any way that is in violation of any other applicable statute, ordinance, or regulation.
When provisions of various adopted regulations are different, the more restrictive provisions apply.
To the extent required by law, the rights given any permit, license, or any other approval under any ordinance repealed by this Zoning Code may be continued. However, in the event of changes or modifications of the project or development plans, the modified project must be consistent with this Zoning Code as adopted.
Any use or structure that is in violation of the existing Zoning Code as adopted by the City upon the effective date of this Zoning Code continues to be a violation, unless the standards the use or structure violated are modified and the use or structure conforms to the modified Zoning Code.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Nothing in this Zoning Code extends the permitted continuation of any nonconforming use or structure which was nonconforming under any zoning law and remains nonconforming under this Zoning Code.
Uses and buildings which are existing under a variance or conditional use permit granted under any previous law shall not be considered as nonconforming and shall be permitted to continue under the conditions and regulations in the granting of the variance or conditional use permit.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Except as provided in this title, it is unlawful to construct, reconstruct, or structurally alter any building or use any real property for any purpose other than is specifically permitted in the zone in which the building or land is located. Using any building or real property for a purpose prohibited by federal law, state law, or this Code is a misdemeanor.
Unless preempted by Federal or State law, it is unlawful for any person to construct, operate, reconstruct, or use real property for an airport, helipad or heliport in any zone. Using any building or real property in violation of this subsection is a misdemeanor.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013; Ord. 2153 § 3, 2018)
No use established or conducted, nor any building or improvement existing or maintained, in violation of any of the former zoning regulations of this City, may be deemed to have acquired a legal nonconforming status by reason of the adoption of these regulations.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
If, as of the effective date of these regulations, legislative or administrative action is in process pursuant to the provisions of the former zoning regulations of the City, such action is deemed to have been taken pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, and must be finally processed, insofar as possible, in accordance with the regulations of the Monterey Park Municipal Code.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
The City of Monterey Park is exempt from the provisions of this Zoning Code when the City Council makes the following findings:
That reasonable attempts have been made to comply with the regulations contained in this Zoning Code;
That the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of this Zoning Code would inhibit the City's ability to maintain public health, safety, and general welfare in the particular instance; and
That granting of the exemption will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
The zone designations are established to achieve compatibility of uses within each classification to serve purposes of this title. Each zone designation distinguishes between land uses and structures, intensities of uses and open spaces. No building or structure can be constructed, erected, enlarged, relocated, altered or reconstructed nor can any structure or land be used for any purposes unless specifically allowed in the zone designation in which such structure or land is located and such use is in compliance with the standards and procedures of this title.
In order to classify, regulate and restrict the use of land, buildings and structures and to regulate and restrict the height, coverage of buildings and to regulate the area of yards, and other open spaces, the legal boundaries of the City of Monterey Park separated into designations as follows:
Single-Family Residential Zone
Medium Density Residential Zone
High Density Residential Zone
Neighborhood Shopping Center Zone
Shopping Center Zone
Central Business Zone
Regional Specialty Center Zone
Commercial Services Zone
Commercial-Professional Zone
Office-Professional Zone
Open Space Zone
Planned Development District—Overlay Zone
Senior Citizen Housing—Overlay Zone
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
A map, known as the "Official Zoning Map of the City of Monterey Park, California" dated December 18, 2002, or as subsequently amended, and on file with the City Clerk, is adopted by reference and exists pursuant to and as an integral part of this title. The Zoning Map will be maintained to reflect the City's current zoning.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
When a project is determined to be subject to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the application must be reviewed in accordance with the provisions of this Zoning Code, the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code Section 21000 et seq.), the CEQA Guidelines (California Code of Regulations, Title 14 Section 15000 et seq.) and any environmental guidelines adopted by the City of Monterey Park.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)