The purpose of this chapter is to achieve the following:
Provide accessible, secure, properly lighted, and well maintained parking facilities;
Reduce traffic congestion and hazards;
Protect neighborhoods from effects of vehicular noise and traffic generated by adjacent nonresidential land use districts;
Assure the maneuverability of emergency vehicles;
Provide appropriately designed parking facilities in proportion to the needs generated by varying types of land use.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
This chapter applies to new buildings and structures, when an existing building or structure is enlarged or when the use is intensified and constitutes the minimum standards for all off-street parking and loading facilities.
Land within the right-of-way of a proposed street or highway, or within the planned ultimate right-of-way on a street or highway proposed to be widened, cannot be used to provide required parking and loading facilities.
A change in occupancy that does not involve a change in the use classification is not considered a change in use for purposes of this requirement unless the change in occupancy involves an intensification of use or an increase in parking demand.
Required parking areas must be used exclusively for vehicle parking in conjunction with a permitted use and cannot be reduced or encroached upon in any manner. Required parking spaces must be available for the use of residents, customers or guests of the use. Fees cannot be charged for the use of required parking spaces. Required parking spaces cannot be used for the parking of equipment or storage of goods or inoperable vehicles. Required parking spaces cannot be used on another site except for joint parking situations approved by the Planning Commission and through an appropriate recorded legal instrument approved by the City Attorney as to form.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
The parking facilities required by this chapter can only be used for temporary parking of vehicles used in conjunction with the uses they serve. Such parking facilities cannot be used for any other purpose, such as, but not limited to, storage of vehicles or living areas for domestic, social or recreational activities normally conducted in a dwelling.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Notwithstanding any provisions of this title or any adopted specific plan to the contrary, the parking requirements for a religious institution affiliated housing development project are subject to the provisions of Government Code Section 65913.6, as amended. For purposes of this section, a 'religious institution affiliated housing development project' is defined as set forth in Government Code Section 65913.6(a)(5).
(Ord. 2205 § 3, 2021)
When considering parking needs for a project, the City Planner may utilize the following methods:
Parking standards set forth in this code.
Where off-site parking is proposed to meet parking standards, the City Planner may accept appropriate alternatives like ride services, micro transit, and valet services to help reduce parking demand. Such services, however, must be mitigated with sufficient pick-up and drop-off areas.
Shared parking agreements for new projects.
Accept unbundled parking for new projects. Unbundled parking allows selling or leasing parking spaces separately, rather than automatically including the parking spaces with the purchase or lease of the commercial or residential use. Unbundling parking manages parking demand by allowing applicants to only pay for the parking spaces they actually need.
A traffic and parking study prepared by a licensed engineer to mitigate vehicle and parking impacts. The traffic and parking study must be prepared by a state licensed traffic engineer in accordance with Los Angeles County's Traffic Impact Analysis Report Guidelines (January 1997) and Institute of Transportation Engineers, Parking Generation, 4th Edition, or the most recent subsequent edition. The traffic engineer preparing the study should define an appropriate approach for determining the number of trips generated by a proposed project and present this approach in the study.
(Ord. 2205 § 3, 2021)