The regulations of this chapter apply to all parking areas in all residential zones.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
The following minimum requirements for off-street parking, as shown in Table 21.22(A), apply at the time of construction of any main building or when an existing single-family building is enlarged or there is an Intensification of use. Any fractional parking space is computed as a whole.
Table 21.22(A) Residential Parking Standards
Dwelling Uses
Min. Required No. of Spaces
Single Family Dwelling
4 or fewer bedrooms*
2 enclosed garage spaces
5-7 bedrooms*
3 enclosed garage spaces plus 1 additional open parking space per bedroom above 5
8 or more bedrooms*
4 enclosed garage spaces plus 1 additional open parking space per bedroom above 5
Multifamily Residences: per unit*
Multiple Family
3 or fewer bedrooms*
2 enclosed garage spaces; plus 1 guest parking space per 2 dwelling units
4 bedrooms*
2 enclosed garage spaces; plus 1 guest parking space per 1 dwelling unit
5 bedrooms*
3 enclosed garage spaces; plus 1 guest parking space per 1 dwelling unit
6 or more bedrooms*
3 enclosed garage spaces; plus 1 additional open parking space per bedroom above 5; plus 1 guest parking space per 1 dwelling unit
1 per bedroom
Rehabilitation Facility
1 per bedroom
Second Dwelling Unit
Less than or equal to 600 SF
1 enclosed garage space
Greater than 600 SF
2 enclosed garage spaces
Senior Citizen Housing
Moderate Income Unit
1 per unit; plus 1 for property manager unit
Guest Parking
1 per 4 units
Mixed Moderate Income & Low/Very Low Income Unit
0.8 per unit; plus 1 for property manager unit
Guest Parking
1 per 4 units (3 minimum)
Low Income Unit
0.65 per unit; plus 1 for property manager unit
Guest Parking
1 per 6 units (2 minimum)
Very Low Income Unit
0.5 per unit; plus 1 for property manager unit
Guest Parking
1 per 8 units (2 minimum)
Single Room Occupancy (SRO)
1 per bedroom
*A den, library, study or similar habitable room which in the determination of the City Planner could be used as a bedroom will be considered a bedroom for purposes of determining required parking.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013; Ord. 2135 § 12, 2016; Ord. 2136 § 2, 2016; Ord. 2137 § 2, 2016)
Off-street parking facilities on lots classified in zone R-l must be located within garages.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Recreational vehicle, boat, and trailer parking is permitted in the R-1 Zone, subject to the following limitations:
Parked in an enclosed garage; or in the side yard, rear yard or driveway. If parked on the driveway, the vehicle or item must remain out of the front yard setback and be placed so as not to obstruct the operation of the garage door for access of at least one vehicle to be parked in the garage.
Parked on a hard-surfaced area such as asphalt or concrete.
On the lot, parked perpendicular to the street.
Cannot extend over the public sidewalk or any lawn or landscaped area.
Cannot be used for temporary or permanent housing purposes longer than 24 hours.
Cannot be connected to sewer lines, water lines or electricity except temporarily for charging batteries and other temporary hook-up facilities not lasting more than 24 hours; and provided, that all such connections must comply with applicable State law and the electrical code.
Cannot be used for storage of food, materials or equipment other than those items considered to be a part of the unit for its use.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Parking spaces for automobiles on R zoned lots must conform to the minimum standards set forth in Table 21.22(B).
Table 21.22(B)
Residential Parking Dimensions
20 ft.
20 ft.
20 ft.
18 ft.
18 ft.
18 ft.
9 ft.
9 ft.
9 ft.
Garage Door Width
Single-Family Dwelling
16 ft. — 18 ft.
16 ft.— 18 ft.
16 ft. — 18 ft.
Multi-Unit Development
18 ft.
18 ft.
10 ft.
18 ft.
18 ft.
*Driveway width for R-2/R-3 may be reduced subject to Section 21.20.070(A)
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013; Ord. 2135 § 13, 2016)
Driveways must be at least 10 feet wide in the R-1 Zone, and at least 18 feet wide in the R-2 and R-3 Zones.
The required driveway width may be reduced to 12 feet in the R-2 or R-3 Zones for:
Two-unit developments on lots with less than 50 feet frontage; or
Two-unit developments which satisfy all of the following standards:
The lot contains an existing single-family dwelling unit on the front portion of the lot, which shall remain on the lot;
The second single-family dwelling unit to be constructed on the property cannot exceed 1,500 square feet of gross floor area and three bedrooms; and
Not more than six parking spaces may be required for the development;
Driveway width and vertical clearance shall be provided as required in Table 21.22(B).
Driveways intersecting within a project and driveways intersecting with a public right-of-way must be provided with adequate sight distance clearance satisfactory to the City.
Length. No driveway in any residential zone can exceed a total distance of 300 feet from a street or alley to the parking area served.
No approach driveway in an R-2 or R-3 Zone may extend more than half the length of a lot at grade.
Lots with a slope at the front lot line which slopes either up or down toward the back of the lot from a point before or at the halfway point of the lot depth, effectively preventing the view of a straight driveway, are exempted from the driveway depth limitation.
An approach driveway does not include specifically paved back-up spaces for garages and guest parking stalls. The driveway depth limitation only applies to an approach driveway.
Joint Use. Driveways used in combination with abutting properties must be allowed when proper easements or agreements, approved as to form by the City Attorney, are executed and filed with the City and recorded on both properties with the County Recorder.
Clearance. All driveways must be maintained with a vertical clearance of not less than 14 feet where the driveway leads to the loading area. No encroachment to of any type, including, without limitation, utility meters, trash receptacles, power poles, exterior plumbing and other similar facilities are permitted within driveway areas.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)
Off-street parking facilities may be located on any portion of any lot, in any zone, where main or accessory buildings may be placed, except as follows:
Unless otherwise permitted by this code, off-street parking facilities cannot be located in any required front yard on any lot classified in any R zone; and
Off-street parking facilities cannot be located on any lot classified in any R-2 or R-3 Zone in front of a main building or under the front of the front most main building on any lot, unless such off-street parking facilities are located on the rear half of such lot (except as otherwise provided in this section), or when the offstreet parking is located in an enclosed and fully subterranean garage; and
If any off-street parking facility is attached to, and is part of, a main building on any lot classified in zone R-l, not more than 50% of the total frontage of such main building, or 25 feet, whichever is greater, may be utilized for vehicular access (driveway) to such off-street parking facility; and
When parking is located perpendicular to the terminus of a driveway, the driveway must extend five feet beyond the designated parking space. This extension area must be clearly marked as a "No Parking" area.
All garages or carports, if permitted, located upon any lot classified in any R zone, must be set back from the lot line separating the lot from an alley a sufficient distance so as to provide for a 26 foot turning area; provided, that the width of an abutting alley may be included for the purpose of ascertaining whether a 26 foot turning radius is available.
On a 50 foot wide residential lot the turning radius for a garage with its entrance at right angles to the street (turn-in driveway) is 25 feet.
Within the R-2 and R-3 Zones, the following applies:
Required parking must be located within 150 feet of the residential unit to be served.
At least 50% of all units must provide direct access to the unit from the required parking serving such unit; provided, however, that deviations from this requirement may be approved by the planning commission. Such review and approval does not require a public hearing.
At least 50% of all guest parking must be located within 200 feet of the front property line.
All guest parking must be clearly marked and maintained with appropriate pavement markings and signage, including directional signage at street front.
All garage doors must be equipped with an automatic garage door opener which must be continuously maintained and operational.
Parking must be accessible from the public street. When parking is behind security gates, such gates must be equipped with a telephone or intercom system which allows visitors to call individual units to gain access. Security gates must be located to provide a minimum of 25 feet between the equipment system and the property line. Adequate on-site turnaround facilities are also required in the event gate access is denied.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013; Ord. 2135 § 14, 2016)
No vehicle which is registered for commercial purposes under California law and which exceeds three tons in unladen gross weight can be parked or left standing on any part of the required front yard setback of a residentially zoned property, except for temporary stopping or parking for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries of goods, wares or merchandise from or to any building or structures located on a residential lot, or for the purpose of delivering materials to be used in the actual and bona fide repair, alteration, remodeling or construction of any building or structure upon such residential lot.
This section does not apply to any vehicle subject to Article 2, Chapter 5, Part 1, Division 1 of the Public Utilities Code, or to any vehicle owned by a public utility in use in the construction, installation, maintenance or repair of any public utility.
(Ord. 2097 § 3, 2013)