Editor's Note: Article 2, Departments, was repealed by Ord. 19-1076.
Editor's Note: Chapter 2.16, Department of Community Development, was repealed by Ord. 19-1076. The ordinance(s) formerly codified in Sections 2.16.010—2.16.030 includes Ord. 85-41, 1985. The sections were originally codified as prior code §§ 2800—2802.
Editor's Note: Chapter 2.20, Department of Rent Control, was repealed by Ord. 19-1076. The ordinance(s) formerly codified in Sections 2.20.010—2.20.030 includes Ord. 85-41, 1985. The sections were originally codified as prior code §§ 2810—2812.
Editor's Note: Chapter 2.24, Department of Administrative Services, was repealed by Ord. 19-1076. The ordinance(s) formerly codified in Sections 2.24.010—2.24.030 includes Ord. 85-52, 1985. The sections were originally codified as prior code §§ 2820—2822.
Editor's Note: Chapter 2.28, Department of Human Services, was repealed by Ord. 19-1076. The ordinance(s) formerly codified in Sections 2.28.010—2.28.030 includes Ord. 85-53, 1985. The sections were originally codified as prior code §§ 2830—2832.