As used in this chapter:
"Business before the city."
A person or entity has "business before the city" if within twelve months of offering a gift to a city official or employee, the person or entity: (i) has or will submit a bid or proposal to the city to perform services or provide supplies or equipment; or (ii) has or will submit an application to the city for a permit, license or regulatory approval of any kind.
"City official"
means any elected or appointed official of the City of West Hollywood.
means any bestowal of money or anything of value, or provision of a discount or rebate, to any city official or employee for which nothing of equal or greater value is exchanged, or which is not required by law to be given, or which is given in appreciation of service rendered or perceived rendered by a city official or employee in the course and scope of his or her duties. "Gift" does not include: (i) any discount or rebate made in the regular course of business and offered to the general public without regard to official status; (ii) receipt of something of value from those who do not have business before the city; (iii) inheritances; (iv) plaques and trophies; and (v) campaign contributions.
(Ord. 16-981 § 3, 2016)
No person or entity with business before the city shall make and no city official or city employee shall accept a gift from any such person unless the gift: (i) is edible and can be shared (such as candy); (ii) can be displayed publicly in City Hall (such as flowers or art) and is conveyed immediately upon receipt to the City Manager, or designee, for such purpose; or (iii) is turned over immediately upon receipt to the City Manager, or designee, and used as a raffle prize, the proceeds of which shall be donated to charity or deposited in the City's General Fund. Under no circumstances shall a city official or employee accept a gift of cash from any person or entity with business before the city.
Any city official or employee who is offered or receives a gift shall advise the offeror of this policy and of the ultimate disposition of the proffered gift, and shall provide the offeror an opportunity to withdraw or reclaim the gift.
Nothing herein shall prohibit a gift or donation to the city in furtherance of its governmental purposes.
(Ord. 16-981 § 3, 2016)
Payments made principally for legislative, governmental, or charitable purposes that are made at the behest of a city official as defined in California Government Code Sections 82004.5 and 84224 and the Fair Political Practices Commission (FPPC) Regulation 18215.3, shall be reported within thirty days following the date on which the payment or payments equal or exceed $1,000 in the aggregate from the same source in the same calendar year in which they are made. The report shall be filed by the city official with the City Clerk. The report shall contain the following information: name of payor, address of payor, amount of the payment, date or dates the payment or payments were made, the name and address of the payee, a brief description of the goods or services provided or purchased, if any, and a description of the specific purpose or event for which the payment or payments were made.
(Ord. 16-993 § 1, 2016; Ord. 21-1142 § 4, 2021)