The City Council shall not hear, consider, allow or approve any claim, bill or demand against the city unless the same be itemized giving names, dates and particular services rendered, distance traveled, character of work done, number of days engaged, materials and supplies furnished, when and to whom, in what quantity furnished, the price therefor and any other pertinent details as the case may be.
(Prior code § 2600; Ord. 85-21, 1985)
Each claim or demand presented for payment shall be presented to the City Manager who shall prepare a register of demands. Each claim or demand arising as the result of the purchase of supplies or equipment, from projects under construction, or from contracts and agreements, shall be presented to the department head, if any, who authorized the same, for his or her written approval, and each claim or demand shall thereafter be presented to the City Manager for his or her written approval. The City Manager shall inform the City Council in writing of any claims or demands presented against the city which shall fail to obtain the approval of the City Manager. All such claims and demands, whether approved or not, shall be forwarded by the City Manager to the City Council for audit. The City Council shall audit said claims and demands as required by law.
(Prior code § 2601; Ord. 85-21, 1985)
Except as is provided in the following section, a register of all claims against the city shall be submitted to the City Council prior to payment. Such register shall have attached thereto the affidavit of the City Manager certifying as to the accuracy of the demands and the availability of funds for payment thereof.
(Prior code § 2602; Ord. 85-21, 1985)
Payroll checks for officers and employees whose compensation has been previously fixed by the City Council need not be audited by the City Council prior to payment. Payrolls shall be presented to the City Council for ratification and approval at its first meeting after delivery of the payroll warrants.
Checks drawn in payment of demands certified or approved by the City Manager as conforming to a budget approved by resolution of the City Council need not be audited by the City Council prior to payment. However, demands paid by check prior to an audit by the City Council shall be so stated on the Register of Demands separately from unpaid demands, and shall be presented to the City Council for ratification and approval at the first meeting following delivery of the warrants.
(Prior code § 2603; Ord. 85-21, 1985)
If the City Council finds that any claim or demand is not a proper charge against the city, it shall be rejected by resolution or minute action and the fact of the rejection shall be plainly endorsed upon the claim by the City Clerk or his or her authorized representative. If any disputed claim or demand is determined to be a proper charge against the city, the same shall be allowed only by resolution setting forth as to each claim the name of the claimant, a brief statement of the claim and the amount allowed. Any claim may be allowed in part and rejected in part by the City Council.
(Prior code § 2604; Ord. 85-21, 1985)
When a claim or demand is approved and allowed by the City Council, the City Clerk shall endorse upon the duplicate of each such claim the words "allowed by the City Council of West Hollywood," together with the resolution number allowing the same, the date, and the signature or initials of the City Clerk.
(Prior code § 2605; Ord. 85-21, 1985)
For every claim or demand approved and allowed by the City Council, the Mayor or other Council person designated by the Council shall draw a check upon the City Treasury for the same, which check shall be counter-signed by the City Manager. Every check shall specify for what purpose it is drawn and the fund from which it is to be paid. The signatures of the Mayor or other person designated by the Council and the City Manager shall be by manual signature.[1]
(Prior code § 2606; Ord. 85-21, 1985)
Editor's Note: Resolutions Nos. 324 and 428 authorize signatory power for the Mayor and Councilmembers on Bank of Los Angeles Account #001-025139, and that a signature plate be created and used to sign warrant register checks and payroll checks with the Mayor's and the City Manager's signatures.
Upon presentation of said check, properly executed and endorsed, the City Treasurer shall pay the same out of the funds in the City Treasury properly applicable to the purpose.
(Prior code § 2607; Ord. 85-21, 1985)
Except as otherwise provided, no checks shall be drawn or evidence of indebtedness issued unless there be at the same time sufficient money in the Treasury legally applicable to the payment of the same.
(Prior code § 2608; Ord. 85-21, 1985)
Miscellaneous purchases by the City Manager in an amount not to exceed $2,500 need not be audited by the City Council prior to payment. However, such demands paid by check prior to an audit by the City Council shall be so stated on the Register of Demands separately from unpaid demands and shall be presented to the City Council for ratification and approval at the first meeting following delivery of the warrants.
(Prior code 2609; Ord. 34 § 1, 1985)