For the purposes of this chapter the following terms shall have the following meanings:
"Billiards," "bagatelle," or "pool"
shall mean a game, played on an oblong table, whose object is to hit balls into pockets around the table's ledge by means of a cue or stick.
"Billiard club"
shall mean a proprietary club where billiards, bagatelle or pool is played, or in which any billiard, bagatelle or pool table is kept and persons are permitted to play or do play thereon, whether any compensation or reward is charged for the use of such table or not. "Billiard club" does not include a place having only one coin-operated pool or billiard table, which table is maintained as an incident to some other type of business or activity.
"Public billiard room"
shall mean any place open to the public where billiards, bagatelle or pool is played, or in which any billiard, bagatelle or pool table is kept and persons are permitted to play or do play thereon, whether any compensation or reward is charged for the use of such table or not. "Public billiard room" does not include a place having only one coin-operated pool or billiard table, which table is maintained as an incident to some other type of business or activity.
(Prior code § 6343(a); Ord. 90-269 § 1, 1990)
Application Information. In addition to the information prescribed by the Director, an application for a license to operate a billiard club or public billiard room shall state the exact location within the business establishment where the public billiard room or billiard club is to be located if the billiard club or public billiard room is only a part of the greater business establishment.
Authorization of Location. Any license issued to conduct a billiard club or public billiard room shall authorize such billiard club or public billiard room only at the place described in the application and by the person who makes such application.
(Prior code § 6343(b); Ord. 90-269 § 1, 1990; Ord. 08-800 § 2, 2008)
Visibility of Interior of Premises. Every billiard club or public billiard room shall be maintained so as to provide a clear and unobstructed view of the entire interior of the public billiard room or billiard club from the entrance into such room or club. A public billiard room or billiard club may be part of a greater business establishment that conducts other business and activities and, in that event, need not be visible from the entrance to the greater business establishment.
Hours of Operation. No public billiard room, billiard club or similar place of business shall be open from 2:00 a.m. until 6:00 a.m. of any day, nor shall an owner, manager, proprietor or other person having charge of any billiard club or public billiard room keep the same open or allow or permit any game to be played therein between 2:00 a.m. until 6:00 a.m. of any day. No person may remain on the premises of any public billiard room or billiard club during the hours when such public billiard room or billiard club is closed or required by this section to be closed, except the owner and regular employees.
Age Restrictions. The owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charge of any public billiard room or billiard club shall not allow or permit any person under the age of eighteen years to be, remain in, enter or visit such place unless:
Such minor is accompanied by one of his or her parents or by his or her guardian or by a spouse eighteen years of age or older; or
Such parent or guardian personally presents a written consent to the owner, manager, proprietor or such other person in charge that the minor be permitted to enter, and alcoholic beverages are neither sold nor served in such place, and such place has no license to sell, dispense or serve alcoholic beverages. The written consent shall be in the manner and form approved by the Director.
Exceptions. Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (3) of this section, if a billiard club or public billiard room is maintained in a physically separate part of a greater business establishment then its closure does not require the closure of the greater business establishment and the age restrictions will not apply to the greater business establishment. The requirements set forth in subsections (2) and (3) of this section shall only apply to the segregated billiard club or public billiard room.
Disorderly Persons. No owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charge of any public billiard room or billiard club shall allow or permit any intoxicated. quarreling or disorderly person or persons to be or remain in such place.
(Prior code § 6343(c); Ord. 90-269 § 1, 1990; Ord. 08-800 § 2, 2008)