No business establishment of any kind in the City of West Hollywood which requires proof of age for admittance or for service shall enforce such requirement except as hereafter provided:
No business establishment shall require any person to produce more than one unexpired document issued by a federal, state, county, or municipal government or by any subdivision or agency thereof, or a valid passport of any nation, which has affixed to it the name, date of birth, and photograph of the person to whom it was issued.
If a person presents a document other than that listed in subsection (a), the business establishment may, at its discretion, require the person to produce additional documents; provided, however, that the establishment shall not deny admission or service on this basis except upon its good faith judgment that the document or documents presented are not trustworthy.
(Prior code § 4500; Ord. 85-21, 1985; Ord. 85-23, 1985)
All business establishments that require proof of age shall display a sign clearly visible from the point of entry which recites verbatim the following:
No business establishment shall require more than one unexpired picture identification issued by any agency of the government which has the holder's name and date of birth attached. A business establishment may request more than one identification if no valid picture identification is presented.
If you believe that this law has been violated, call or write the West Hollywood City Hall, 8300 Santa Monica Blvd., West Hollywood, California 90069. (323) 854-7400.
All business establishments subject to this chapter shall maintain such sign in good repair, and in accordance with any further stipulation, including the posting of the current address of the city's enforcement office within five days' written notice by the city of any change.
(Prior code § 4501; Ord. 85-21, 1985; Ord. 85-23, 1985)
All business establishments of any kind in the City of West Hollywood which require proof of age for admittance or for service shall inspect for such identification in accordance with Section 9.12.010 in a uniform and nondiscriminatory manner.
(Prior code § 4502; Ord. 85-21, 1985; Ord. 85-23, 1985)
No business establishment of any type in the city which conditions entry or service upon standards of appearance or dress shall enforce any such rule or condition when the purpose or effect of such enforcement is to arbitrarily discriminate against any person or any class or category of persons. Violations of this chapter shall include, but are not limited to, a rule or condition that the patron not wear open-toed shoes or be required to wear clothes customarily associated with his or her biological sex.
(Prior code § 4503; Ord. 85-21, 1985; Ord. 85-23, 1985)
Every business establishment (as defined in Section 5.04.040 of this code) shall make its restrooms available upon request to any disabled person, regardless of whether the person is a customer or client of the establishment and whether or not its restrooms are ordinarily made available to the public. Restrooms designated only for employees need not be made available if accessible public restrooms are available to the disabled pursuant to this section. For purposes of this section, a "disabled" person is any person who has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities, and who identifies him or herself as disabled when requesting use of restroom facilities.
(Prior code § 4505; Ord. 99-538 § 1, 1999)