Editor's Note: Prior ordinance history includes portions of Ordinance Nos. 86-122, 86-131, 87-136, 87-137, 87-138, 87-146U, 87-147, 88-191, 88-206, 211, 88-217, 89-239, 89-242, 90-250, 90-257, 90-258, 90-263, 90-264, 90-265, 90-273, 90-274, 90-275, 90-278, 91-283, 91-285, 91-286, 91-295U, 91-299, 91-303, 91-307, 92-329, 92-342, 92-349, 92-352, 93-366, 93-367, 93-380, 93-386, 94-396, 94-399, 94-401, 94-408U, 94-410U, 94-413U, 94-416, 94-417, 94-420, 95-445, 96-468, 96-478, 96-480.
As used in this chapter:
"Commercial permit"
shall mean a permit granting a parking exemption to an eligible merchant or employee of merchant within the commercial district of a preferential parking district to which it is issued, normally subject to renewal on an annual basis.
"Contractor permit"
shall mean a permit granting a parking exemption to an eligible contractor working on a city project.
"Dwelling unit"
shall mean a house, apartment, condominium, mobile home or other type of residence, in conformance with the Zoning Ordinance of the West Hollywood Municipal Code and related zoning maps, having an address assigned consistent with the house numbering maps maintained by Los Angeles County. Apartments having numbers or letters assigned in addition to the street address shall be deemed as a dwelling unit.
"Employee of merchant"
shall mean any person employed by a merchant within the commercial district of a preferential parking district.
shall mean any person visiting a resident located in a preferential parking district for any traditional guest purpose, but shall not include an employee of a merchant in the commercial area either within or adjacent to the preferential parking district who is parking in connection with such employment.
"Guest permit"
shall mean a permit granting a parking exemption to guests of the resident within the district to which it is issued, normally subject to renewal on an annual basis.
shall mean a person who, as proprietor, operates a commercial business involved in the retailing of goods or services within a preferential parking district.
"Nonresident residential property owner"
shall mean an individual who owns residential real estate inside the boundaries of one of the city's preferential parking districts, but resides outside the city limits or in another of the city's preferential parking districts.
"Official business permit"
shall mean a permit issued to an eligible city official or employee that grants a parking exemption from certain, identified parking restrictions and may be used only during official city business.
shall mean any identification hang tag issued to an eligible user or any vehicle license plate that is electronically registered by an eligible user through the City of West Hollywood on-line parking permit-by-plate system that grants exemptions to certain, identified parking restrictions.
"Permit-by-plate system"
shall mean a system operated by the City of West Hollywood that allows it to electronically link eligible users' license plates to permits, obviating the need for traditional identification hang tags.
"Preferential parking district" or "district"
shall mean a residential area with streets or boundaries designated by the ordinance establishing the district wherein registered vehicles displaying a valid permit shall be exempt from parking restrictions established pursuant to this chapter.
"Residential permit"
shall mean a permit issued to an eligible resident or any vehicle license plate that is electronically registered by an eligible resident through the City of West Hollywood on-line parking permit-by-plate system.
"Visitor permit"
shall mean a permit available to residents to distribute to or authorize an individual or group of invitees to visit or gather to park within the boundary of the preferential parking district to which the dwelling unit is located for a limited duration not to exceed five days, subject to a maximum of fifteen calendar days per month.
(Prior code § 3210; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 10-860 §§ 1, 2, 2010; Ord. 15-959 § 1, 2015; Ord. 18-1035 § 1, 2018)
The City Council may, by ordinance, at its discretion or upon receipt of a petition signed by residents or merchants living or working in at least fifty-one percent of the developed frontage of the area proposed for designation, designate a certain area or areas to be a preferential parking district.
(Prior code § 3211; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997)
The Director of Public Works shall be responsible for establishing policies, administering procedures and disseminating information to the public regarding the distribution of parking permits.
Parking permits shall be available to:
Residents or merchants within a prescribed preferential parking district;
Real estate agents conducting open houses within a preferential parking district for their use and the use of persons viewing the open house;
Nonresident residential property owners, who may obtain one annual guest permit for the property owner's personal use;
City Council members, commissioners, or city employees who the Director of Public Works determines regularly and routinely use their personal vehicles to perform work throughout the city;
Contractors performing work on city projects.
Parking permits shall not be available to:
Any person who has outstanding parking tickets;
Merchants who have entered into agreements for parking credits and/or are required to provide off-street employee parking by conditions of a conditional use permit, planned development permit, specific plan, development agreement or any other permit entitlement or approval.
It shall be the sole responsibility of the owner, operator, manager or driver of a vehicle to become familiar with the provisions for and limitations on the use of parking permits, and ignorance of these provisions and limitations shall not be claimed as a defense in any legal action.
(Prior code § 3212; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 10-860 §§ 3 – 5, 2010; Ord. 15-959 § 2, 2015; Ord. 18-1035 § 2, 2018)
Upon the adoption by the City Council of an ordinance designating a preferential parking district and the specified parking regulations applicable thereto, the City Engineer shall cause appropriate signs to be erected in the district, indicating prominently thereon the parking limitation, period of the day for its application, and the fact that motor vehicles with valid permits shall be exempt therefrom.
(Prior code § 3213; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 18-1035 § 3, 2018)
A motor vehicle displaying a valid parking permit shall be permitted to stand or park in the preferential parking district for which it is issued or authorized without being limited by parking restrictions established pursuant to this chapter.
A preferential parking district permit shall not guarantee or reserve to the holder thereof an on-street parking space within the designated preferential parking district.
(Prior code § 3214; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 18-1035 § 4, 2018)
No person shall, without a parking permit, park or leave standing any vehicle or trailer in a preferential parking district in excess of the parking restrictions authorized pursuant to this chapter, except under the following circumstances:
Repair, maintenance, refuse, utility, fuel or delivery vehicles doing business in the preferential parking district;
Vehicles delivering life-support and health commodities to residential areas and schools located in the preferential parking district;
Vehicles displaying distinguishing handicapped license plates or placards issued pursuant to Sections 9105 or 22511.5 of the California Vehicle Code; and
City officials and employees responding to an emergency which constitutes an immediate threat to life or safety.
City officials and employees with official business permits; and city contractors with contractor permits are exempt from the following parking restrictions:
Time limited parking;
Preferential parking district regulations/permit requirements; and
Parking meters.
Failure to properly display a permit or register a vehicle in the permit-by-plate system will not constitute grounds for relief from a parking citation.
(Prior code § 3215; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 18-1035 § 5, 2018)
The provisions of Los Angeles County Code Section 15.04.050 of the Traffic Code shall apply in preferential parking districts.
(Prior code § 3216; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997)
Except as otherwise provided, each parking permit shall be valid for the period of time set forth by the Department of Public Works and renewed upon reapplication by permit holders in good standing.
(Prior code § 3217; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 18-1035 § 6, 2018)
The fees for preferential parking district permits shall be established by resolution of the City Council.
(Prior code § 3218; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 18-1035 § 7, 2018)
Permit fees collected under the provisions of this chapter shall be paid into the treasury of the city and deposited in the Parking Permit Fund.
(Prior code § 3219; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997)
Unless exempted by the provisions of this chapter, no person shall stand or park a motor vehicle in any preferential parking district established pursuant to this chapter in violation of any parking restrictions established pursuant to this chapter. Except as provided in subsection (c), a violation of this section shall constitute an infraction, which shall be punishable by a fine established by resolution of the City Council.
No person shall furnish false documentation or falsely represent him or herself as eligible for a parking permit in an application.
No permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall thereafter be assigned, transferred or used for any consideration, monetary or otherwise. Violation of this subsection shall constitute an infraction and be punishable by a fine of $100.
No person shall copy, produce or create facsimile or counterfeit a parking permit, nor shall any person use or display a facsimile or counterfeit preferential parking district permit.
Permit holders shall report to the Permit Office a lost, stolen or missing permit within ten days of loss, at which time that permit shall be canceled and a new permit issued for a replacement fee. The Permit Office shall notify the Sheriff of the cancellation.
Permits shall be returned to the city when the permit holder moves out of a preferential parking district.
No person shall misuse a residential guest permit or display a stolen permit. Any such misuse or display on a vehicle shall be cause for immediate ticketing and towing in addition to the penalty set forth in subsection (a) of this section. Misused permits shall be confiscated by the impounding authority.
No person who has been issued a parking permit for a preferential parking district shall use or permit the use of such permit in any other district.
No person shall alter, deface, or intentionally conceal an expiration date or otherwise attempt to present false information as true and genuine, on the face of a parking permit which is displayed in a vehicle parked on a city street. Violation of this subsection shall constitute an infraction and be punishable as set forth in subsection (b) of Section 1.08.010 of this code.
(Prior code § 3220; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 10-860 § 6, 2010; Ord. 18-1035 § 8, 2018)
Any permittee violating the provisions of subsections (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), or (h) of Section 10.08.110 shall be subject to having the permit revoked and cancelled and shall be notified in writing of the revocation.
(Prior code § 3221; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 18-1035 § 9, 2018)
Residential permits shall be renewed annually to specific vehicles with proof of California registration, subject to a maximum of four vehicles per dwelling unit at any one time.
Guest permits shall be renewed annually.
Residents shall be entitled to hold no more than two active guest permits per dwelling unit at any one time.
Guest permit(s) shall be returned to the permit holder at the end of each visit.
The guest permit shall not be used by persons employed in the commercial area inside or outside of the district, for daily, all day, or temporary parking.
Owners of residential property who are non-residents shall be entitled to purchase one guest permit for the property owner's personal use to visit the property by providing a copy of the dwelling unit's lease agreement and a current property tax bill at the time of the application and renewed annually.
Visitor permits shall be issued to eligible residents to facilitate a visit or attendance at a resident's social function or gathering, subject to the following conditions:
The maximum number of visitor permits an eligible resident may be issued shall be based on a point system calculated by the number of permits and the duration of days the permit is in effect, subject to a daily and/or monthly cap.
Each visitor permit shall not exceed five calendar days of parking exemption.
Each dwelling unit is limited to a number of visitor permits that total fifteen calendar days of parking exemption in each month.
Each dwelling unit is limited to twenty-five permits per calendar day, but cannot exceed one hundred permits per calendar month.
Visitor permits may be issued no more than five days in advance of the effective date.
Real estate agents conducting open houses within a preferential parking district may obtain up to five visitor, one-day dated permits for their use and the use of persons viewing the open house by providing proof of current licensing by the California Real Estate Commission and the listing address of the property to be shown within the preferential parking district. Real estate agents who are residents of a preferential parking district shall not be entitled to obtain more than five visitor permits unless the intended use of the permit is solely personal to facilitate a house guest or attendance at a resident's social function as provided for in this section.
Visitor permits shall expire at 12:00 noon following the last effective date of the permit.
Commercial permits shall be available only to merchants for use by the merchant and his or her employees.
Commercial permits shall not be issued to merchants who are required to provide off-street employee parking by conditions of a conditional use permit, parking credits agreement, planned development permit, specific plan or any other permit entitlement or approval.
Official Business Permits.
The Director of Public Works shall maintain a list of all city officials and employees with official business permits and provide the user with information on the proper use of the permit.
Official business permits shall be solely and exclusively for city officials and employees to conduct official city business, including without limitation, field visits, inspections, attendance at meetings and while working on city projects. City officials and employees are responsible for compliance with city parking policy are prohibited from transferring parking privileges to family members and/or guests not on official business.
City officials and employees who are not engaged in city business while using official business permits shall suffer the following consequences: (i) revocation of the permit; (ii) temporary or permanent ineligibility for entitlement to the permit; (iii) issuance of a parking citation for any underlying violation as well as a violation of Section 10.08.110 of this code; (iv) towing of the vehicle, where appropriate; and (v) with respect to city employees, disciplinary action in accordance with applicable personnel rules and memoranda of understanding.
Issuance of an official business permit is a privilege, not a right, and the holder thereof shall possess no property interest whatsoever in possession of a permit.
Official business permits shall not be valid in a one-block radius surrounding City Hall, and may be subject to other limitations by the Director of Public Works.
Contractor permits shall be available to contractors performing work on city projects for a period not to exceed six months and for specified locations in the vicinity of the construction project.
(Prior code § 3222; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 18-1035 § 10, 2018)
The designation process as set forth in this chapter shall be utilized by the City Council in determining whether to dissolve a preferential parking district.
(Prior code § 3223; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997)
The City Council of the City of West Hollywood may waive by resolution or suspend enforcement of preferential parking regulations for a specifically enumerated period of time, upon determining enforcement of such regulations during that time would not serve the best interests of the community.
(Prior code § 3225; Ord. 99-543 § 1, 1999)
The City Council of the City of West Hollywood establishes the authority for the Director of Public Works to make interim changes to parking regulations on certain streets in preferential parking districts while the impacts of implementing permanent changes are studied.
(Ord. 03-647 § 1, 2003; Ord. 10-860 § 8, 2010)
Applications to amend parking regulations in a preferential parking district may be initiated in writing by a resident located in that district. Applications must be filed on a form provided by the Department.
Applications for amendments to preferential parking regulations shall pertain to:
Days or hours of enforcement;
Time limits on nonresident parking;
Loading or tow-away zones;
Parking layout or design.
Applications to amend preferential parking regulations shall be scheduled for a community meeting, only if the Director of Public works or designee determines that all of the following criteria are met:
Vehicle occupancy rates in the study area must equal or exceed eighty-five percent;
Nonresident vehicles account for:
Fifty-one percent of the occupied spaces on streets zoned R1 or R2;
Forty percent of the occupied spaces on streets zoned R1 or R2 with housing on both sides of the street but with parking allowed on only one side of the street;
Forty percent of the occupied spaces on streets zoned R3 or R4.
Off-street public parking is available within one thousand feet of the street(s) requesting the change and/or neighboring streets can accommodate potentially displaced nonresident parkers without exceeding eighty-five percent occupancy. When a portion of the subject street is located within another city, or when the subject street is adversely impacted by the parking demands of a business or businesses located in another city, the Director or designee may waive this third criterion.
Any recommendation proposed at the community meeting shall not move forward through the approval process outlined below unless the applicant obtains a petition signed by residents living in at least fifty-one percent of the developed frontage of the area proposed for designation. Upon receipt of the petition, the proposed preferential parking regulation will then be scheduled for a public hearing for the Transportation and Mobility Commission. The Transportation and Mobility Commission will then make a formal recommendation to the City Council. The City Council shall conduct a public hearing to consider the proposed preferential parking regulation. Notice of the public hearing shall be mailed to dwelling units on the subject street segment at least ten days before the public hearing.
In reviewing requests for change in a preferential parking district, the Parking Division, Transportation and Mobility Commission and City Council shall consider all relevant factors, including, but not limited to:
Underutilized resident owned or controlled off-street parking resources;
Occupancy rate;
Impact of nonresident vehicles;
Proximity to and availability of off-street public parking;
Potential impacts to nearby residents and businesses;
Consistency of the proposed regulation(s) to adjacent streets and/or other preferential parking districts;
Turnover, violation and capture rates.
(Ord. 08-782 § 1, 2008; Ord. 20-1122 § 1, 2020; Ord. 23-09 § 32, 2023)
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District 1 – Purpose. The purpose of the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 1 is to reduce air pollution and automobile commuting, to encourage reliance on employee car pools and public transit, to reduce noise, litter, blockage of residential driveways, and to equitably allocate residential, commercial, and commuter parking in the residential area, thereby increasing availability of parking spaces for residents and providing parking spaces for businesses during the day.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District 1 – Boundary. The area bounded as described below shall be designated the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 1:
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Doheny Drive and Melrose Avenue; then easterly along the centerline of Melrose approximately 200 feet, then northerly 85 feet along the west line of Lot 2, Winnetka Tract, to the westerly prolongation of the south line of Lot 8, Winnetka Tract; then northerly along the west line of Lots 8, 7, 6, 5 and 4 of said tract 250 feet to the northwest corner of Lot 4; then easterly 90 feet along the northern boundary of Lot 4, said tract; then northerly 50 feet to the north line of Lot 3, Winnetka Tract, then easterly 80 feet along the north line of Lot 3, Winnetka Tract to the centerline of Almont Drive, then northerly along the centerline of Almont Drive 150 feet to its intersection with the westerly prolongation of the north line of Lot 20, then easterly along said westerly prolongation and the north line of Lot 20, Winnetka Tract 170 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 25 of said tract; then northerly 100 feet along the west line of Lots 25 and 24 of said tract to the northwest corner of Lot 24; then easterly 170 feet along the north line of Lot 24 of said tract to the centerline of La Peer Drive; then northerly along the centerline of La Peer Drive 150 feet to its intersection with the westerly prolongation of Lot 40 of said tract; then easterly 170 feet along said westerly prolongation and the north line of Lot 40 of said tract to the northeast corner of said lot; then southerly 620 feet along the west boundaries of Tracts Numbers 6167 and 3585 to the northwest corner of Lot 13, Tract No. 6167; then easterly 100 feet along the north line of Lots 13 and 14 of Tract No. 6167; then southerly approximately 140 feet along the east line of Lot 14, Tract No. 6167 and its southerly prolongation to the centerline of Melrose Avenue; then easterly approximately 180 feet along the centerline of Melrose Avenue to its intersection with the southerly prolongation of the west line of Lot C, Tract No. 3616, then northerly along said southerly prolongation and the west line of said Lot C 130 feet to the northwest corner of Lot E of said tract; then northeasterly approximately 580 feet along the northern boundary of the Lot E, Tract No. 3616, to the centerline of San Vicente Boulevard, then southerly along the centerline of San Vicente Boulevard to its intersection with the centerline of Melrose Avenue; then easterly along the centerline of Melrose to the centerline of La Cienega Boulevard; then southerly along the centerline of La Cienega Boulevard to the Los Angeles-West Hollywood boundary at Rosewood Avenue, then westerly and southerly along the Los Angeles-West Hollywood boundary at Beverly Place, then westerly along the Los Angeles-West Hollywood boundary to intersection with the centerline of Beverly Boulevard, then westerly along the centerline of Beverly Boulevard to the west right-of-way line of George Burns Drive, then southerly along the west right-of-way line of George Burns Drive to the Los Angeles-West Hollywood boundary, then westerly along the Los Angeles-West Hollywood boundary to the centerline of Doheny Drive, then north along the centerline of Doheny Drive to point of beginning.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 1 – Preferential Parking Restrictions – Daytime.
Vehicles displaying a valid parking permit shall be permitted to stand or park without being limited by parking restrictions established pursuant to this chapter described in Section 10.08.050 in any unmetered portion(s) of the designated side(s) of the following streets from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
Bonner Drive:
North side from Beverly Boulevard to Sherbourne Drive.
Huntley Drive:
East side from Melrose Avenue to Rosewood Avenue.
Norwich Drive:
East side from Melrose Avenue to Rosewood Avenue.
Rangely Avenue:
South side from Doheny Drive to Almont Drive and from Almont Drive to Robertson Boulevard; and
North side from Robertson Boulevard to San Vicente Boulevard.
Rosewood Avenue:
North side from Doheny Drive to Almont Drive and from Almont Drive to Robertson Boulevard.
San Vicente Boulevard:
East side from point sixty feet north of Beverly Boulevard to Rosewood Avenue.
Westbourne Drive:
East side from Melrose Avenue to Rosewood Avenue.
Westmount Drive:
East side from Melrose Avenue to La Cienega Boulevard.
West Knoll Drive:
East side from Melrose Avenue to Rosewood Avenue.
Vehicles displaying a valid parking permit shall be permitted to stand or park without being limited by parking restrictions established pursuant to this chapter described in Section 10.08.050 in any unmetered portion(s) of the designated side(s) of the following streets from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday.
Almont Drive:
West side from Melrose Avenue to Beverly Boulevard.
Ashcroft Avenue:
South side from Doheny Drive to Robertson Boulevard; and
North side from Robertson Boulevard to Sherbourne Drive.
Doheny Drive:
East side from Dorrington Avenue to Rosewood Avenue.
Dorrington Avenue:
South side from Doheny Drive to Robertson Boulevard; and
North side from Robertson Boulevard to San Vicente Boulevard.
Huntley Drive:
East side from Rosewood Avenue to Beverly Place.
Rosewood Avenue:
South side from Norwich Avenue to La Cienega Boulevard; and
North side from Robertson Boulevard to Sherbourne Drive.
Sherbourne Drive:
West side from Beverly Boulevard to its terminus north of Ashcroft Avenue.
Westbourne Drive:
East side from Rosewood Avenue to Beverly Place.
Westmount Drive:
East side from Melrose Avenue to La Cienega Boulevard.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 1 – Time Limits Posted.
Vehicles parked on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets shall be exempt from time limited parking with a commercial, residential, guest or visitor pass or commercial, residential, guest or visitor permit-by-plate registration as described in Section 10.08.050 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
Almont Drive:
East side from Melrose Avenue to Beverly Boulevard.
Ashcroft Avenue:
North side from Doheny Drive to Robertson Boulevard; and
South side from Robertson Boulevard to Sherbourne Drive.
Bonner Drive:
South side first four parking spaces northeast of Beverly Boulevard and first four spaces west of Sherbourne Drive.
Dorrington Avenue:
North side from Doheny Drive to Robertson Boulevard; and
South side from Robertson Boulevard to San Vicente Boulevard.
Huntley Drive:
West side from Rosewood Avenue to Beverly Place.
Norwich Drive:
West side from Melrose Avenue to Rosewood Avenue.
Rangely Drive:
North side from Doheny Drive to Robertson Boulevard; and
South side from Robertson Boulevard to San Vicente Boulevard.
Rosewood Avenue:
North side from Norwich Drive to La Cienega Boulevard.
South side from Doheny to Almont Drives and first six spaces east of Almont Drive and first six spaces west of Robertson Boulevard and first fourteen spaces west of Sherbourne Drive.
San Vicente Boulevard:
East side from Melrose Avenue to point approximately sixty feet north of Rosewood Avenue.
Sherbourne Drive:
East side from Beverly Boulevard to San Vicente Boulevard.
West Knoll Drive:
West side from Melrose Avenue to Rosewood Avenue.
Westbourne Drive:
West side from Melrose Avenue to Beverly Place.
Westmount Drive:
West side from Melrose Avenue to La Cienega Boulevard.
Vehicles parked on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets shall be exempt from time limited parking with a residential, guest or visitor pass or commercial, residential, guest or visitor permit-by-plate registration as described in Section 10.08.050 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
Huntley Drive:
West side from Melrose Avenue to Rosewood Avenue.
Vehicles parked on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets shall be exempt from time limited parking with a commercial pass or commercial, residential, guest or visitor permit as described in Section 10.08.050 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday.
Rosewood Avenue:
South side from point approximately two hundred feet east of Almont Drive to point approximately two hundred feet west of Robertson Boulevard; and
South side first ten parking spaces east of Robertson Boulevard.
San Vicente Boulevard:
East side from northwest corner at Rosewood Avenue to point approximately sixty feet north.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 1 – Preferential Parking District Restrictions – Evening. Notwithstanding the above, vehicles displaying a valid parking permit shall be permitted to stand or park without being limited by parking restrictions established pursuant to this chapter described in Section 10.08.050 in any unmetered portion(s) of the designated side(s) of the following streets from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., Monday through Saturday and all day Sunday.
Almont Drive:
From Beverly Boulevard to Melrose Avenue.
Ashcroft Avenue:
From Doheny Drive to Sherbourne Drive.
Bonner Drive:
From Beverly Boulevard to Sherbourne Drive.
Doheny Drive:
(East side only) from Rosewood Avenue to Dorrington Avenue.
Dorrington Avenue:
From Doheny Drive to San Vicente Boulevard.
Huntley Drive:
From Beverly Place to Melrose Avenue.
Norwich Drive:
From Melrose Avenue to Rosewood Avenue.
Rangely Avenue:
From Doheny Drive to San Vicente Boulevard.
Rosewood Avenue:
From Doheny Drive to Sherbourne Drive; and
From Norwich Drive to La Cienega Boulevard.
San Vicente Boulevard:
Melrose Avenue to Beverly Boulevard.
Sherbourne Drive:
From Beverly Boulevard to its terminus north of Ashcroft Avenue.
Westbourne Drive:
From Beverly Place to Melrose Avenue.
Westmont Drive:
From Los Angeles-West Hollywood boundary to Melrose Avenue.
West Knoll Drive:
From Rosewood Avenue to Melrose Avenue.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 1 – Parking Restrictions.
No parking shall be allowed at any time on the unmetered portions of both sides of the following streets except with a residential permit:
Almont Drive:
From Beverly Boulevard to Los Angeles-West Hollywood Boundary.
Clark Drive:
From Beverly Boulevard to Los Angeles-West Hollywood Boundary.
La Peer Drive:
From Beverly Boulevard to Los Angeles-West Hollywood Boundary.
Swall Drive:
From Beverly Boulevard to Los Angeles-West Hollywood Boundary.
Wetherly Drive:
From Beverly Boulevard to Los Angeles-West Hollywood Boundary.
No parking shall be allowed Monday through Saturday from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. and all day Sunday on the metered portions of both sides of the following streets except with a residential permit:
Almont Drive:
From Beverly Boulevard to Los Angeles-West Hollywood Boundary.
Clark Drive:
From Beverly Boulevard to Los Angeles-West Hollywood Boundary.
La Peer Drive:
From Beverly Boulevard to Los Angeles-West Hollywood Boundary.
Swall Drive:
From Beverly Boulevard to Los Angeles-West Hollywood Boundary.
(Prior code § 3230; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 97-490 § 1, 1997; Ord. 06-740 §§ 1, 2, 3, 2006; Ord. 07-771 §§ 1 – 3, 2007; Ord. 15-968 § 1, 2015; Ord. 18-1035 §§ 13—17, 2018)
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 2 – Purpose. The purpose of the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 2 is to reduce air pollution and automobile commuting, to encourage reliance on employee car pools and public transit, to reduce noise, litter, blockage of residential driveways, and to allocate residential, commercial and commuter parking in the residential area, thereby increasing availability of parking spaces for residents and providing parking spaces for businesses during the day.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 2 – Boundary. The area bounded as described below shall be designated the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 2:
Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of Huntley Drive and Melrose Avenue, easterly along the centerline of Melrose to the centerline of La Cienega Boulevard; then northerly along the centerline of La Cienega to the Los Angeles City-West Hollywood boundary; then westerly, northerly and easterly along the Los Angeles City-West Hollywood boundary to the centerline of La Cienega Boulevard; then northerly to the intersection of the centerlines of La Cienega Boulevard and Santa Monica Boulevard; then westerly along the centerline of Santa Monica Boulevard to a point approximately 165 feet beyond the intersection of the centerlines of Huntley Drive and Santa Monica Boulevard; then southerly, along the line approximately 140 feet west of the centerline of Huntley Drive (also described as the eastern boundary of the Pacific Design Center) to the intersection of the centerlines of Melrose Avenue and Huntley Drive.
Excepting therefrom the following three areas:
8612 Santa Monica Boulevard (Sports Connection); described as:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 25 of Tract 4769;
thence North 57° 13' 20" East, 513.94 feet;
thence South 0° 48' 00" West, 125.47 feet;
thence North 57° 13' 20" East, 30 feet;
thence South 1° 00' 30" West, 55 feet;
thence South 57° 13' 20" West, 298.11 feet;
thence North 89° 25' 00" West, 40.00 feet;
thence South 0° 48' 00" West, 10.00 feet;
thence North 89° 25' 00" West, 79.60 feet;
thence South 0° 48' 00" West, 25.62 feet;
thence South 57° 13' 30" West, 60.01 feet;
thence North 0° 48' 00" East, 12.00 feet;
thence South 57° 13' 30" West, 41.39 feet;
thence North 0° 48' 00" East, 125.00 feet, to the point of beginning.
8714 Santa Monica Boulevard (Gina B); described as:
Beginning at the Northwest corner of Lot 38 of Tract 4912;
thence North 57° 13' 30" East, 171.37 feet;
thence South 0° 55' 30" West, 110 feet;
thence South 57° 13' 30" West, 171.37 feet;
thence North 0° 55' 30" East, 110 feet to the point of beginning.
733 North West Knoll Drive (Le Parc Hotel); described as:
Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot 22 of Tract 4769;
thence South 89° 14' 20" East, 130 feet, to the northwest corner of Lot 22;
thence South 0° 48' 00" West, 410 feet, to the southeast corner of Lot 14;
thence North 89° 14' 20" West, 130 feet, to the southwest corner of Lot 14;
thence North 0° 48' 00" West, 410 feet, to the point of beginning.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 2 – Residential Parking Restrictions. Only vehicles with residential permits may park twenty-four hours a day, every day on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions on both sides of the following streets:
North Huntley Drive:
From Melrose Avenue to Santa Monica Boulevard.
North Westbourne Drive:
From Melrose Avenue to Santa Monica Boulevard.
North Westmount Drive:
From Melrose Avenue to Rugby Drive.
North West Knoll Drive:
From Melrose Avenue to Santa Monica Boulevard.
West Rugby Drive:
From Westbourne Drive to West Knoll Drive.
West Sherwood Drive:
From Huntley Drive to the Los Angeles-West Hollywood boundary.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 2 – Commercial Parking Restrictions. Vehicles with commercial permits may only park 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday, on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions, on both sides of the following streets:
North Huntley Drive:
From Melrose Avenue to Santa Monica Boulevard.
North Westbourne Drive:
From Melrose Avenue to Santa Monica Boulevard.
North Westmount Drive:
From Melrose Avenue to Rugby Drive.
North West Knoll Drive:
From Melrose Avenue to Santa Monica Boulevard.
West Rugby Drive:
From Westbourne Drive to West Knoll Drive.
West Sherwood Drive:
From Huntley Drive to the Los Angeles-West Hollywood boundary.
(Prior code § 3231; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 18-1035 §§ 18—20, 2018)
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 3 – Purpose. The purpose of the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 3 is to reduce air pollution and automobile commuting, to encourage reliance on employee car pools and public transit, to reduce noise, litter, blockage of residential driveways, and to allocate residential, commercial and commuter parking in the residential area, thereby increasing availability of parking spaces for residents and providing parking spaces for businesses during the day.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 3 – Boundary. The area bounded as described below shall be designated the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 3:
Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of North La Cienega Boulevard and Santa Monica Boulevard; then westerly along the centerline of Santa Monica Boulevard to a point 60 feet south of the curbline of the eastern side of Palm Avenue; then northerly along the curbline of the eastern side of Palm Avenue to a point on Sunset Boulevard 160 feet north of the curbline of the eastern side of Palm Avenue; then easterly along the centerline of Sunset Boulevard to a point on the centerline of Sunset Boulevard 260.00 feet east of the intersection of the centerline of Sunset Boulevard and North Sherbourne Drive; then northerly along the north-south property line between 8711 and 8721 Sunset Boulevard to the City of West Hollywood boundary; then easterly along the City of West Hollywood boundary to the intersection of the City of West Hollywood boundary and the centerline of North La Cienega Boulevard; then southerly along the centerline of North La Cienega Boulevard to the point of beginning.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 3 – Residential Parking Restrictions. Only vehicles with residential permits may park twenty-four hours a day, every day, on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions on both sides of the following streets:
Hancock Avenue:
West side from Santa Monica Boulevard to Holloway Drive.
North Westbourne Drive:
West side from Santa Monica Boulevard to West Knoll Drive.
North Westmount Drive:
West side from Santa Monica Boulevard to West Knoll Drive.
North Westmount Drive:
East side from West Knoll Drive to Holloway Drive.
West Knoll Drive:
North side from Santa Monica Boulevard to Hancock Avenue.
Holloway Drive:
North side from Sunset Boulevard to Westmount Drive.
Holloway Drive:
South side from Westmount Drive to La Cienega Boulevard.
Alta Loma Road:
West side from Holloway Drive to Sunset Boulevard.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 3 – Daily Daytime Parking Restrictions. There shall be two-hour-time-limit parking between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., every day, on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions of the following streets. Vehicles with residential permits shall be exempt from the two-hour time limit every day. Vehicles with commercial permits shall be exempt from the two-hour time limit Monday through Saturday.
Alta Loma Road:
East side between Holloway Drive and Sunset Boulevard.
Hancock Avenue:
East side between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Holloway Drive:
North side between Westmount Drive and La Cienega Boulevard.
South side between Palm Avenue to Westmount Drive.
Westbourne Drive:
East side between Santa Monica Boulevard and West Knoll Drive.
Westmount Drive:
East side between Santa Monica Boulevard and West Knoll Drive.
West side between West Knoll Drive and Holloway Drive.
West Knoll Drive:
South side between Hancock Avenue and Westmount Drive.
West side between Santa Monica Boulevard and Westmount Drive.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 3 – Weekend Daytime Parking Restrictions. There shall be two-hour-time-limit parking between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions of the following streets. Vehicles with residential permits shall be exempt from the two-hour time limit.
Holloway Drive:
South side between Westmount Drive and La Cienega Boulevard.
North side between Westmount Drive and Palm Avenue.
(Prior code § 3232; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 02-633 §§ 1, 2, 2002; Ord. 18-1035 §§ 21—24, 2018)
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 4 – Purpose. The purpose of the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 4 is to reduce air pollution and automobile commuting, to encourage reliance on employee car pools and public transit, to reduce noise, litter, blockage of residential driveways, and to allocate residential, commercial and commuter parking in the residential area, thereby increasing availability of parking spaces for residents and providing parking spaces for businesses during the day.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 4 – Boundary. The area bounded as described below shall be designated the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 4:
Beginning at a point on the centerline of Sunset Boulevard 260.00 feet east of the intersection of the centerlines of Sherbourne Drive and Sunset Boulevard; then westerly along the centerline of Sunset Boulevard to the intersection of the centerlines of Hilldale Avenue and Sunset Boulevard; then northerly along the centerline of Hilldale Avenue to a point on the City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary line 145.66 feet north of the centerline of Sunset Boulevard; then northerly, easterly and southerly along the City of West Hollywood City of Los Angeles boundary line to a point on the north-south property line between 8711 and 8721 Sunset Boulevard to the point of beginning.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 4 – Residential Parking Restrictions.
Only vehicles with residential permits may park between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., Monday through Friday, and from 7:00 p.m. Friday through 7:00 a.m. Monday, on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions of the designated sides of the following streets:
Clark Street:
West side from Sunset Boulevard to Ozeta Terrace.
Larrabee Street:
West side from Sunset Boulevard to Ozeta Terrace.
Horn Avenue:
West side from Sunset Boulevard to the Northern End of Horn Avenue.
Shoreham Drive:
North side from Horn Avenue to the Eastern End of Shoreham Drive.
Sherbourne Drive:
East side from Shoreham Drive to Sunset Boulevard.
Vehicles parked on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets shall be exempt from time limited parking with a residential, guest, visitor or commercial permit as described in Section 10.08.050 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
Horn Avenue:
West side from Sunset Boulevard to Northern End of Horn Avenue.
Shoreham Drive:
North side from Horn Avenue to the Eastern End of Shoreham Drive.
Sherbourne Drive:
East side from Shoreham Drive to Sunset Boulevard.
(Prior code § 3233; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 18-1035 §§ 25, 26, 2018)
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No 5 – Purpose. The purpose of the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 5 is to reduce air pollution and automobile commuting, to encourage reliance on employee car pools and public transit, to reduce noise, litter, blockage of residential driveways, and to allocate residential, commercial and commuter parking in the residential area, thereby increasing availability of parking spaces for residents and providing parking spaces for businesses during the day.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 5 – Boundary. The area bounded as described below shall be designated the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 5:
Beginning at a point on the intersection of the centerlines of Hilldale Avenue and Sunset Boulevard; then easterly along the centerline of Sunset Boulevard to the intersection of the prolongation of Sunset Boulevard and a point 60 feet north of the centerline of Palm Avenue; then easterly along the centerline of West Holloway Drive to a point 60 feet north of the curbline of the western side of Hancock Avenue; then southerly along the curbline of the western side of Hancock Avenue to the centerline of Santa Monica Boulevard; then westerly along the centerline of Santa Monica Boulevard to the intersection of the centerline of Santa Monica Boulevard and the centerline of Doheny Drive; then northerly, northwesterly, westerly, and northerly along the City of West Hollywood – City of Beverly Hills boundary line; then easterly along the City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary line to the centerline of Hilldale Avenue; then southerly along the centerline of Hilldale Avenue to the point of beginning.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 5 – Residential Parking Restrictions.
Only vehicles with residential permits may park between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., every day, on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions of the designated sides of the following streets:
Carol Drive:
East and west sides from Sunset Boulevard to the southern City of West Hollywood boundary.
Cory Avenue:
East side from Sunset Boulevard to the southern City of West Hollywood boundary.
Dicks Street:
North and south sides from Hilldale Avenue to Doheny Drive.
Doheny Drive:
East and west sides from the City of West Hollywood boundary to Phyllis Avenue, east side only from Phyllis Avenue to Vista Grande Street; and beginning at the intersection of Elevado Avenue and Doheny Drive, extending 100 feet north; and from Keith Avenue to Elevado Avenue.
Doheny Road:
North and south sides from Sunset Boulevard to the western City of West Hollywood boundary.
Elevado Avenue:
North side from Doheny Drive to Lloyd Place.
Hammond Street:
East and west sides from Vista Grande to the northern City of West Hollywood boundary.
Harland Avenue:
North and south sides between Doheny Drive and Willey Lane.
Harratt Street:
North and south sides from its terminus east of Doheny Drive to San Vicente Boulevard.
Hilldale Avenue:
East and west sides from Santa Monica Boulevard to the northern City of West Hollywood boundary.
Keith Avenue:
South side from Willey Lane to Hilldale Avenue; and north and south sides from Doheny Drive to Willey Lane.
Larrabee Street:
East and west sides from Sunset Boulevard to Santa Monica Boulevard.
Lloyd Place:
North and south sides from Doheny Drive to Hilldale Avenue.
Nellas Street:
North and south sides from Larrabee Street to Palm Avenue.
Norma Place:
North and south sides from Doheny Drive to Hilldale Avenue.
Palm Avenue:
East and west sides from Sunset Boulevard to Santa Monica Boulevard.
Phyllis Avenue:
North and south sides from Doheny Drive to Hammond Street and north side only from Cory Avenue to Doheny Drive.
Ramage Street:
East and west sides from Santa Monica Boulevard to Keith Avenue.
Sunset Hills Road:
East and west sides from Doheny Road to the northern City of West Hollywood boundary.
Vista Grande Street:
North and south sides from Hilldale Avenue to Doheny Drive.
Wetherly Drive:
East and west sides from Cynthia Street to Phyllis Avenue; and from Sunset Boulevard to the northern City of West Hollywood boundary.
Willey Lane:
East and west sides from Santa Monica Boulevard to Lloyd Place.
Only vehicles with residential permits may park between the hours of 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., every day, on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions of the designated sides of the following streets:
Cynthia Street:
North and south sides from Doheny Drive to Palm Avenue.
San Vicente Boulevard:
East and west sides from Sunset Boulevard to Santa Monica Boulevard.
Only vehicles with residential permits may park for a period exceeding two hours, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions of the designated sides of the following streets:
Carol Drive:
East and west sides from Sunset Boulevard to the southern City of West Hollywood boundary.
Hammond Street:
West side from Sunset Boulevard to Phyllis Avenue.
Norma Place:
North and south sides from Doheny Drive to Hilldale Avenue.
Only vehicles with residential permits may park for a period exceeding two hours, 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., every day on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions of the designated sides of the following streets:
Doheny Road:
South side from Sunset Boulevard to the western City of West Hollywood boundary.
Harratt Street:
North and south sides from Larrabee Street to Palm Avenue.
Larrabee Street:
East side from Nellas Street to Harratt Street.
Keith Avenue:
South side from Willey Lane to Hilldale Avenue.
Sunset Hills Road:
East and west sides from Doheny Road to the northern City of West Hollywood boundary.
(Prior code § 3234; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 97-509 § 1, 1997; Ord. 98-521 § 1, 1998; Ord. 99-555 § 1, 1999; Ord. 00-568 § 1, 2000; Ord. 09-816 § 1, 2009; Ord. 10-837 § 1, 2010; Ord. 13-922 § 1, 2013; Ord. 14-938 § 1, 2014; Ord. 18-1035 §§ 27, 28, 2018)
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 6 – Purpose. The purpose of the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 6 is to reduce air pollution and automobile commuting, to en-courage reliance on employee car pools and public transit, to reduce noise, litter, blockage of residential driveways, and to allocate residential, commercial and commuter parking in the residential area, thereby increasing availability of parking spaces for residents and providing parking spaces for businesses during the day.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 6 – Boundary. The areas bounded as described below shall be designated the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 6:
Area a. Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of North Hayworth Avenue and the northern City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary; then westerly along said boundary 220 feet; then southerly through Block B of the Crescent Heights Tract along the easterly rear yard line of parcels 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, and 16 to its intersection with the southern line of parcel 16 of said Block B; then easterly along the south line of parcel 15 and its prolongation and along the south line of parcel 16 of Block A of the Crescent Heights Tract to its intersection with the westerly line parcel 15 of said Block A; then northerly along the westerly rear yard line of parcel 15 to its intersection with the south line of said parcel 14; then westerly along the south line of said parcel 14 to its intersection with the westerly rear yard line of said parcel 14; then northerly along the westerly rear yard line of parcels 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5 and 4 to its intersection with the City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary then westerly along said City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary, a distance of 220 feet to the point of beginning.
Area b. Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Harper Avenue and Sunset Boulevard; then approximately 300 feet northeasterly along the centerline of Sunset Boulevard to the City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary line; then along the City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary line 300 feet southerly, 275 feet easterly, 50 feet southerly, 175 feet easterly, 50 feet northerly, continuing along the boundary line 1,600 feet easterly, then 1,000 feet southerly to the centerline of Fountain Avenue: then westerly continuing along the centerline of Fountain Avenue to the intersection of the centerline of La Cienega Boulevard; then northerly along the centerline of La Cienega Boulevard to the intersection of the centerline of Sunset Boulevard; then easterly along the centerline of Sunset Boulevard to the point of beginning.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 6 – Residential Parking Restrictions.
Area a: Only vehicles with residential permits may park between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. Monday through Friday, and all day Saturday and Sunday, on the unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets:
Hayworth Avenue:
Both sides between the City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary and Fountain Avenue.
Laurel Avenue:
Both sides between the City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary and Fountain Avenue.
Area b: Only vehicles with residential permits may park between the hours of 6:15 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., seven days a week on the unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets:
Fountain Avenue:
North side between La Cienega Boulevard and Harper Avenue.
Only vehicles with residential permits may park twenty-four hours a day, every day on the unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets:
Olive Drive:
East and west sides between Fountain Avenue and Sunset Boulevard.
Only vehicles with residential permits may park between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., every day, on the unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets:
De Longpre Avenue:
North and south sides between Sweetzer Avenue and Harper Avenue; and
South and east side between Fountain Avenue and Sweetzer Avenue.
Flores Street:
East and west sides between Fountain Avenue and De Longpre Avenue.
Harper Avenue:
East and west sides between Fountain Avenue and Sunset Boulevard.
Hayvenhurst Drive:
East and west sides between Fountain Avenue and Sunset Boulevard.
Sweetzer Avenue:
East and west sides between Fountain Avenue and Sunset Boulevard.
Only vehicles with residential permits may park between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., every day, on the unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets:
Crescent Heights Boulevard:
East and west sides between Fountain Avenue and Sunset Boulevard.
(Prior code § 3235; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 97-492 § 1, 1997; Ord. 97-508 § 1, 1997; Ord. 18-1035 §§ 29, 30, 2018)
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 7 – Purpose. The purpose of the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 7 is to reduce air pollution and automobile commuting, to encourage reliance on employee car pools and public transit, to reduce noise, litter, blockage of residential driveways, and to allocate residential, commercial and commuter parking in the residential area, thereby increasing availability of parking spaces for residents and providing parking spaces for businesses during the day.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 7 – Boundary. The area bounded as described below shall be designated the West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 7:
Beginning at a point on the intersection of the centerlines of La Cienega Boulevard and Fountain Avenue; then continuing easterly along the centerline of Fountain Avenue to the centerline of Fairfax Avenue; then continuing southerly along the centerline of Fairfax Avenue; then continuing westerly along the centerline of Santa Monica Boulevard; then continuing northerly along the centerline of La Cienega Boulevard to the point of beginning.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 7 – Residential Parking Restrictions.
Only vehicles with residential parking permits may park between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., seven days a week on the unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets:
Fairfax Avenue:
West side between Fountain Avenue and Santa Monica Boulevard.
Fountain Avenue:
South side between La Cienega Boulevard and Fairfax Avenue.
Hacienda Place:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Harper Avenue:
East and west sides between Fountain Avenue and Norton Avenue.
Havenhurst Drive:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Hayworth Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Kings Road:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Laurel Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Norton Avenue:
North and south sides between Harper Avenue and Havenhurst Drive; and
North and south sides between Crescent Heights Boulevard and Fairfax Avenue.
Olive Drive:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Sweetzer Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Only vehicles with residential permits may park between the hours of 6:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., every day on the unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets:
Flores Street:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Vehicles parked on the unmetered or otherwise unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets shall be exempt from time limited parking with a residential, guest or visitor permit as described in Section 10.08.050 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday through Saturday:
Fairfax Avenue:
West side between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Hacienda Place:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Kings Road:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Olive Drive:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
(Prior code § 3236; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 97-511 § 1, 1997; Ord. 01-611 § 1, 2001; Ord. 02-616 §§ 1, 2, 2002; Ord. 02-617 § 1, 2002; Ord. 02-623 § 1, 2002; Ord. 02-626 § 1, 2002; Ord. 05-713 §§ 1, 2, 2005; Ord. 18-1035 §§ 31, 32, 2018; Ord. 18-1039 § 1, 2018)
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 8 – Purpose. The purpose of West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 8 is to reduce air pollution and automobile commuting, to encourage reliance on employee car pools and public transit, to reduce noise, litter, blockage of residential driveways, and to equitably allocate residential, commercial and commuter parking in the residential area, thereby increasing availability of parking spaces for residents and providing parking spaces for businesses during the day.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 8 – Boundary. The area bounded as described below shall be designated the West Hollywood Parking District No. 8:
Beginning at a point on the intersection of the centerlines of Fairfax Avenue and Fountain Avenue, heading northerly to the City of Los Angeles boundaries, then easterly on Fountain Avenue along the city boundaries of West Hollywood and Los Angeles; then continuing easterly along the center line of La Brea Avenue; then southerly along the centerline of La Brea Avenue; then westerly along the centerline of Santa Monica Boulevard to centerlines of Fairfax Avenue to the point of beginning.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 8 – Parking Restrictions. Only vehicles with residential permits may park between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., seven days a week, on the unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets:
Curson Avenue:
East and west sides between Lexington Avenue and Hampton Avenue.
Detroit Street:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Fairfax Avenue:
East side between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Formosa Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Fountain Avenue:
South side between Spaulding Avenue and Ogden Drive.
Fuller Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Genesee Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Greenacre Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and northernmost cul-de-sac.
Hampton Avenue:
North and south sides between Spaulding Avenue and Curson Avenue.
Lexington Avenue:
North and south sides between Genesee Avenue and Spaulding Avenue; and
North and south sides between Spaulding Avenue and Curson Avenue; and
North and south sides between Curson Avenue and Gardner Street; and
North and south sides between Gardner Street and Vista Street; and
North and south sides between Formosa Avenue and La Brea Avenue.
Norton Avenue:
North and south sides between Genesee Avenue and Spaulding Avenue; and
North and south sides between Spaulding Avenue and Curson Avenue.
Ogden Drive:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Orange Grove Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Poinsettia Drive:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Poinsettia Place:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
Spaulding Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Lexington Avenue; and
East and west sides between Lexington Avenue and Fountain Avenue.
Vista Street:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Fountain Avenue.
(Prior code § 3237; Ord. 97-481 § 1, 1997; Ord. 02-618 §§ 1, 2, 2002; Ord. 02-623 § 2, 2002; Ord. 02-625 § 1, 2002; Ord. 02-628 § 1, 2002; Ord. 02-629 § 1, 2002; Ord. 02-639 § 1, 2002; Ord. 02-642 § 1, 2002; Ord. 03-644 § 1, 2003; Ord. 03-646 § 1, 2003; Ord. 03-652 § 1, 2003; Ord. 03-666 § 1, 2003; Ord. 05-697 § 1, 2005; Ord. 05-700 § 1, 2005; Ord. 05-702 § 1, 2005; Ord. 05-710 § 1, 2005; Ord. 06-727 § 1, 2006; Ord. 07-775 § 1, 2007; Ord. 08-795 § 1, 2008; Ord. 09-814 § 1, 2009; Ord. 11-867 § 1, 2011; Ord. 13-905 § 1, 2013; Ord. 15-953 § 1, 2015; Ord. 18-1035 §§ 33, 34, 2018)
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 9 – Purpose. The purpose of West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 9 is to reduce air pollution and automobile commuting, to encourage reliance on employee car pools and public transit, to reduce noise, litter, blockage of residential driveways, and to equitably allocate residential, commercial and commuter parking in the residential area, thereby increasing availability of parking spaces for residents and providing parking spaces for businesses during the day.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 9 – Boundary. The areas bounded as described below shall be designated the West Hollywood Parking District No. 9:
Area a. Beginning at a point on the centerline of the intersection of Santa Monica Boulevard and La Cienega Boulevard; then southerly approximately 75 feet to the City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary line; then continuing along the City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary line approximately 175 feet easterly, 50 feet northerly, 135 feet easterly, 100 feet northeasterly, 130 feet easterly, 100 feet northerly, 150 feet easterly, 30 feet northerly, 130 feet easterly, 75 feet northeasterly, 175 feet easterly; then southerly along the easterly rear yard lines of lots 43, 42, 41, 40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, and 21, to its intersection with the south line of parcel 908, lot 5; then easterly 200 feet along the south line of said parcel 908; then continuing easterly 60 feet across Kings Road; then 195 feet easterly along the south line of parcel 911 to its intersection with the easterly side yard line of lot 33; then 50 feet northerly to the point of intersection of parcels 910, 911, 32 and 33; then 205 feet easterly along the northerly yard lines of parcels 33, 31, and 29 to the intersection of parcel 28; then northerly approximately 535 feet along the easterly front yard lines of parcels 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, and 19 to the City of West Hollywood – Los Angeles border at the centerline of Willoughby Avenue; then easterly approximately 1,175 feet following said boundary line at the centerline of Willoughby Avenue; then continuing approximately 600 feet northerly along said boundary line along the easterly rear lot lines of parcels 31, 30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, and 13 to the northwest corner of parcel 17, lot 137; then easterly approximately 325 feet to the northeast corner of parcel 29, lot 14; then northerly approximately 500 feet along the easterly rear yard lines of parcels 12, 11, 10, 27, 7, 6, 5, and 4; then continuing northerly along the easterly side yard line of parcel 3, lot 3 to the centerline of Santa Monica Boulevard; then westerly approximately 3,600 feet to the point of the beginning.
Area b. Beginning at the intersection of the centerlines of Santa Monica and Crescent Heights Boulevards; then continuing easterly approximately 1200 feet to the centerline of Fairfax Avenue and Santa Monica Boulevard; then southerly for approximately 1300 feet along the centerline of Fairfax Avenue to the intersections of the centerlines of Fairfax and Willoughby Avenues; then following the City of West Hollywood – Los Angeles border westerly for approximately 400 feet; then continuing along the City of West Hollywood – Los Angeles border northerly for approximately 550 feet; then westerly for approximately 175 feet; then northerly for approximately 50 feet; then westerly for approximately 800 feet to the centerline of Crescent Heights Boulevard; then continuing along the centerline of Crescent Heights Boulevard in a northerly direction for approximately 1300 feet to the point of the beginning.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 9 - Residential Parking Restrictions. Only vehicles with residential permits may park between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., seven days a week, on the unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets:
Croft Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and the City of Los Angeles/West Hollywood border, north of Romaine Street.
Edinburgh Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and the City of Los Angeles/West Hollywood border, north of Romaine Street.
Harper Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Romaine Street; and East and west sides between Romaine Street and Willoughby Avenue.
Havenhurst Drive:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Romaine Street; and East and west sides between Romaine Street and Willoughby Avenue.
Hayworth Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Romaine Street; and East and west sides between Romaine Street and Willoughby Avenue.
Laurel Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Romaine Street.
La Jolla Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Romaine Street; and East and west sides between Romaine Street and Willoughby Avenue.
Romaine Street:
North and south sides between Sweetzer Avenue and Harper Avenue; and North and south sides between Harper Avenue and La Jolla Avenue; and North and south sides between La Jolla Avenue and Havenhurst Drive; and North and south sides between Havenhurst Drive and the City of Los Angeles/West Hollywood border, west of Crescent Heights Boulevard.
(Prior code § 3238; Ord. 97-497 § 1, 1997; Ord. 98-514 § 1, 1998; Ord. 00-580 § 1, 2001; Ord. 02-640 §§ 1, 2, 2002; Ord. 03-660 § 1, 2003; Ord. 05-706 § 1, 2005; Ord. 07-761 § 1, 2007; Ord. 13-910 § 1, 2013; Ord. 14-932 § 1, 2014; Ord. 16-975 § 1, 2016; Ord. 17-1009 § 1, 2017; Ord. 18-1035 §§ 35, 36, 2018; Ord. 18-1036 § 1, 2018; Ord. 19-1068 § 1, 2019)
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 10 – Purpose. The purpose of West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 10 is to reduce air pollution and automobile commuting, to encourage reliance on employee car pools and public transit, to reduce noise, litter, blockage of residential driveways, and to equitably allocate residential, commercial and commuter parking in the residential area.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 10 – Boundary. The area bounded as described below shall be designated the West Hollywood Parking District 10:
Beginning at a point on the centerline of the intersection of Santa Monica Boulevard and Fairfax Avenue; then continuing southerly approximately 1300 feet to the City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary line; then continuing along the City of West Hollywood – City of Los Angeles boundary line approximately 2600 feet easterly, to the centerline of the intersection of Willoughby Avenue and the easterly rear yard lines of parcels 20, 19, 21, 16, 15, 14, 13, and 12; then continuing northerly approximately 110 feet to the northwest corner of lot 21; then continuing easterly along said boundary line approximately 680 feet to the centerline of the intersection of Romaine Street and Martel Avenue; then continuing easterly along the centerline of Romaine Street approximately 170 feet; then continuing northerly approximately 30 feet to the southeastern corner of lot 7; then continuing northerly approximately 620 feet along the easterly rear lot lines of lots 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 22, 15, 16 and 20 to the centerline of Santa Monica Boulevard; then continuing westerly approximately 2300 feet to the point of the beginning.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 10 – Residential Parking Restrictions. Only vehicles with residential permits may park between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., seven days a week, on the unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets:
Genesee Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Romaine Street.
Martel Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Romaine Street.
Ogden Drive:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Romaine Street.
Orange Grove Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Romaine Street; and
East and west sides between Romaine Street and Willoughby Avenue.
Romaine Street:
North and south sides between Genesee Avenue and Spaulding Avenue; and
North and south sides between Ogden Drive and Genesee Avenue; and
North and south sides between Curson Avenue and Gardner Street.
Spaulding Avenue:
East and west sides between Santa Monica Boulevard and Romaine Street.
(Ord. 03-665 § 1, 2003; Ord. 07-770 § 1, 2007; Ord. 08-788 § 1, 2008; Ord. 08-796 § 1, 2008; Ord. 13-909 § 1, 2013; Ord. 14-933 § 1, 2014; Ord. 15-949 § 1, 2015; Ord. 17-1010 § 1, 2017; Ord. 18-1035 §§ 37, 38, 2018; Ord. 18-1045 § 1, 2018)
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 11 – Purpose. The purpose of West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 11 is to reduce air pollution and automobile commuting, to encourage reliance on employee car pools and public transit, to reduce noise, litter, blockage of residential driveways, and to equitably allocate residential, commercial and commuter parking in the residential area.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 11 – Boundary. The area bounded as described below shall be designated the West Hollywood Parking District 11:
Beginning at a point on the intersections of the centerlines of La Cienega Boulevard and Rosewood Avenue; then continuing northerly along the centerline of La Cienega Boulevard to a point on the City of West Hollywood-City of Los Angeles boundary line 200 feet south of the centerline of Melrose Avenue; then easterly along the City of West Hollywood-City of Los Angel es boundary line to a point on the centerline of Sweetzer Avenue; then southerly along the centerline of Sweetzer Avenue to a point on the intersections of the centerlines of Sweetzer Avenue and Rosewood Avenue; then approximately 1200 feet westerly along the centerline of Rosewood Avenue to a point on the City of West Hollywood-City of Los Angeles boundary line; then continuing northerly along the eastern property line of Lot 18, Tract 11, Parcel 900 for approximately 600 feet north to a point intersecting the centerlines of the northern and eastern property lines of Lot 18, Tract 11, Parcel 900; then easterly along the northern property line of Lot 18, Tract 11, Parcel 900 to the intersections of the northern and western property lines of Lot 18, Tract 11, Parcel 900; then southerly to the intersection of the centerline of Rosewood Avenue; then approximately 400 feet easterly to the point of the beginning.
West Hollywood Preferential Parking District No. 11 - Residential Parking Restrictions. Only vehicles with residential permits may park between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m., seven days a week, on the unregulated portions of the designated side(s) of the following streets:
Clinton Avenue:
North and south sides between Sweetzer Avenue and Orlando Avenue; and north and south sides between Orlando Avenue and Alfred Street.
Croft Avenue:
East and west sides beginning at the City of West Hollywood/City of Los Angeles boundary line, immediately south of Melrose Avenue, to Clinton Avenue.
Kings Road:
East and west sides beginning at the City of West Hollywood/City of Los Angeles boundary line, immediately south of Melrose Avenue, to Clinton Avenue.
Rosewood Avenue:
North side between Sweetzer Avenue and Kings Road; and north side between Orlando Avenue and Croft Avenue
Sweetzer Avenue:
West side beginning at the City of West Hollywood/City of Los Angeles boundary line, immediately south of Melrose Avenue, to Clinton Avenue.
(Ord. 05-721 § 1, 2005; Ord. 06-735 § 1, 2006; Ord. 10-848 § 1, 2010; Ord. 12-900 § 1, 2012; Ord. 18-1035 §§ 39, 40, 2018; Ord. 19-1069 § 1, 2019; Ord. 19-1078 § 1, 2019; Ord. 24-10, 4/15/2024)