Editor's Note: This chapter was previously titled Commercial Parking Garage Regulation, and was derived from prior code § 3250, as amended by § 2 of Ord. 00-572.
This chapter shall be known as the "Off-Street Parking Lot Operations Ordinance" of the City of West Hollywood.
(Ord. 02-631 § 1, 2002)
It is the purpose of this chapter to require parking lot operators to provide adequate and accurate information to parking lot patrons regarding rates, hours of operation, name of parking lot operator and tow truck facility used.
(Ord. 02-631 § 1, 2002)
For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
shall mean the City Council of the City of West Hollywood.
shall mean the Director of Transportation and Public Works of the City of West Hollywood or designee.
"Paid commercial parking lot"
shall mean any paved surface or structure built primarily for the parking of motor vehicles that charges a fee or operates a validation system for parking.
"Parking lot operator"
shall mean any person, firm or corporation or other business entity providing on-site parking facilities or engaging in the activity of parking motor vehicles for a monetary fee including valet parking companies.
"Parking lot owner"
shall mean the legal titleholder of the property on which the parking lot operated by the parking lot operator is located.
"Tow truck"
shall mean a motor vehicle which has been altered or designed and equipped for transporting vehicles by means of a crane, hoist, tow bar, tow line or dolly.
"Unpaid commercial parking lot"
shall mean any paved surface or structure built primarily for the parking of motor vehicles that does not charge a fee or operate a validation system for parking.
"Validation system"
shall mean any process managed by a parking lot operator to provide free parking for patrons for a limited period of time.
(Ord. 02-631 § 1, 2002)
This chapter shall apply to paid and unpaid commercial parking lots including, but not limited to, parking facilities located on properties required to participate in a shared parking or validation program as a condition of operation.
(Ord. 02-631 § 1, 2002)
Paid Commercial Parking Lots.
The parking lot owner or operator shall be required to submit a parking operations plan in accordance with Section 19.28.030(B) of the Zoning Ordinance.
The parking lot owner or operator shall install and maintain in a conspicuous place, plainly visible from the street, a sign, the location of which is noted in the parking operations plan, containing the following information:
All daily, monthly and special event rates charged and any rates for subsequent hours or fractions thereof. The rate schedule shall include a daily maximum charge. The rate schedule shall differentiate all changes in hourly rates, if applicable, as well as any tax collected.
Hours of operation for all days the parking facility is open.
The business address and telephone number of the parking lot operator.
Notification of any shared parking, validation or reimbursement program required for a business or group of businesses as a condition of operation, established by resolution of the Planning Commission, Transportation and Mobility Commission or Council.
The name and telephone number of the location where towed vehicles may be retrieved.
Unpaid Commercial Lots.
The parking lot owner or operator shall be required to submit a parking operations plan in accordance with Section 19.28.030(B) of the Zoning Ordinance.
The parking lot owner or operator shall install and maintain in a conspicuous place, plainly visible from the street, a sign indicating the name and telephone number where towed vehicles may be retrieved.
(Ord. 02-631 § 1, 2002; Ord. 23-09 § 34, 2023)
In the event of a conflict with the provisions of this chapter, the design of the sign shall be in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and/or the conditions contained in the conditional use permit and parking use permit in effect for the subject property. A sample design of the sign shall be included in the parking operations plan.
The size of the sign should be a minimum of 36″ x 24″. The letters and numerals indicating the rates must be at least six inches high and one-inch stroke in contrasting colors. All other letters and numerals contained on the sign must be a minimum of one inch in height. If any letters or numerals on the sign exceed 12″ in height, then all other numerals and letters relating to parking fees shall be not less than one-half the height of the largest numeral or letter on the sign.
Except as provided in this section, all signs shall conform with Chapter 19.34 of the West Hollywood Municipal Code.
(Ord. 02-631 § 1, 2002)
Rate changes shall be submitted to the Director by the filing of an amended parking operations plan. The amended plan shall indicate the effective date of the increase, the current parking rate, the new parking rate, and any changes to the hours of operation or company responsible for operating the parking lot, if applicable.
The parking lot operator shall conspicuously post in public view any rate increases a minimum of ten business days before the effective date of the rate increase on a sign at least 11″ x 17″ in size with lettering at least one inch in height. The sign shall indicate the effective date of the rate increase, the current parking rate and the new parking rate.
(Ord. 02-631 § 1, 2002)
It shall be unlawful for the parking lot owner or operator to do any of the following:
Charge or collect any parking fee in excess of that posted or listed in the parking operations plan, unless a rate change has been filed with the Director.
Operate a parking facility unless a sign is posted according to the provisions of this chapter.
Remove an illegally parked vehicle from the premises by a tow-truck unless a sign is posted on site that provides the name and phone number where the vehicle may be retrieved.
Fail to post the current towing and storage rates for vehicles removed from the property for illegal parking.
Any person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to the administrative penalty procedures provided in Chapter 1.08 of this code.
(Ord. 02-631 § 1, 2002; Ord. 05-699 § 1, 2005; Ord. 16-988 § 5, 2016)
Where conflicts occur between the regulations of this chapter and the Zoning Ordinance or other regulations within the city, the more restrictive of any such regulations shall apply.
(Ord. 02-631 § 1, 2002)