Title 20, Utilities, Division 2, Sanitary Sewers and Industrial Waste, of the Los Angeles County Code as amended and in effect on January 2, 1990, is hereby adopted by reference as the "Sanitary Sewer and Industrial Waste Ordinance" of the City of West Hollywood.
A copy of the Sanitary Sewer and Industrial Waste Ordinance has been deposited in the office of the City Clerk of the city and shall be at all times maintained by the Clerk for use and examination by the public.
(Prior code § 5200; Ord. 85-21, 1985; Ord. 90-251 § 1, 1990)
Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be deemed guilty of a separate offense for each and every day or portion thereof during which any violation of any of the provisions of this chapter is committed, continued or permitted, and upon conviction is punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period not exceeding six months or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(Prior code § 5201; Ord. 85-21, 1985; Ord. 90-251 § 1, 1990)
Whenever any of the following names or terms are used in Los Angeles County Code Title 20, Division 2, adopted by reference in this chapter, each such name or term shall be deemed and construed to have the meaning ascribed to it in this section as follows:
means the City Council.
"County Engineer"
means the City Engineer.
"County Health Officer"
means the City Health Officer.
"County of Los Angeles"
means the City of West Hollywood, except in such instances where the County of Los Angeles is a correct notation due to circumstances.
"County sewer maintenance district"
means the county sewer maintenance district, except in the instance where the territory concerned either is not within or has been withdrawn from a county sewer maintenance district. In any such instance, "county sewer maintenance district" means the City of West Hollywood.
means an ordinance of the City of West Hollywood, except in such instances where the reference is to a stated ordinance of the County of Los Angeles.
"Public sewer"
means all sanitary sewers and appurtenances thereto lying within streets or easements dedicated to the city, which are under the sole jurisdiction of the city.
"Trunk sewer"
means a sewer under the jurisdiction of a public entity other than the City of West Hollywood.
(Ord. 14-945 § 2, 2014)
The following described sections of the Los Angeles County Sanitary Sewer and Industrial Waste Ordinance, adopted by this chapter as the Sanitary Sewer and Industrial Waste Ordinance, are amended or repealed as follows:
Section 20.36.260 of said Sanitary Sewer and Industrial Waste Ordinance is amended to not include storm water monitoring or storm water treatment BMP approval/monitoring in the list of classes.
(Ord. 14-945 § 2, 2014)
The fees for the issuance of Industrial waste disposal permits shall be the same as those established by the County of Los Angeles in Title 20, Utilities, Division 2, Sanitary Sewer and Industrial Waste Ordinance, Sections 20.36.230, 20.36.240, 20.36.245, 20.36.250, 20.36.260, 20.36.265, 20.36.270, 20.36.280, 20.36.290, 20.36.295 of the Los Angeles County Code and any subsequent amendments or modifications thereto.
(Ord. 14-945 § 2, 2014)