Editor's Note: For the prior ordinance history of this chapter, see the Editor's Note at the beginning of Chapter 15.16.
No person may operate any vehicle for the collection of solid waste or recyclables in the city unless the owner of the vehicle is a collector as defined in Section 15.16.030. Each vehicle used by the collector in the city shall have an identification number printed or painted in legible numbers not less than five inches in height on both sides of the vehicle
(Prior code § 5736; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021)
Any vehicle utilized for the collection, transportation or disposal of solid waste, recyclables, or organic waste in or from the city shall comply with the following standards:
Each vehicle shall at all times, be maintained and/or operated in such a manner to ensure that no solid waste, oil, grease, or other substance will blow, fall out, escape or leak out of the vehicle.
A broom and shovel shall be carried on each vehicle at all times.
Each vehicle shall comply, at all times, with all applicable statutes, laws, or ordinances of any public agency.
Each vehicle must be under five years of age unless specifically authorized in writing by the City Manager.
Routine inspections by the California Highway Patrol shall be conducted bi-annually and certificates for the inspection shall be filed bi-annually with the City Manager.
All vehicles shall at all times be kept clean and sanitary, in good repair and uniformly painted, to the satisfaction of the City Manager.
Each vehicle shall be equipped with watertight bodies fitted with close-fitting metal covers.
The collector's name or firm name and its telephone number shall be printed or painted in legible letters not less than five inches in height on both sides of all of the collector's vehicles used in the city.
High intensity fog lamps are required on any vehicle eighty inches or wider, which shall consist of two red tail lamps in addition to the standard tail lamps. The fog lamps shall be used when visibility is less than fifty feet.
All equipment shall be maintained at all times in a manner to prevent unnecessary noise during its operation.
As the contractor replaces existing equipment, the type and make of the new equipment shall be subject to prior approval by the City Manager.
(Prior code § 5737; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021)
No person shall be awarded a franchise for the collection and for transportation of solid waste, recyclables, or organic waste unless the City Manager determines that the person has sufficient equipment available to meet the dates and times of regularly scheduled pick-ups without interruption due to equipment failure. This requirement shall be maintained throughout the term of any franchise agreement given pursuant to this article.
(Prior code § 5738; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021)
Should the City Manager give notification at any time to a collector that any of such collector's vehicles is not in compliance with the standards of this article, such vehicle shall be forthwith removed from service by the collector. The vehicle shall not again be utilized in the city until it has been inspected and approved by the City Manager. The collector shall maintain its regular collection schedule regardless of such action. Any vehicle used in the collection of or transportation of solid waste, recyclables, or organic waste in the city shall, at all times, be maintained in accordance with all the standards set forth in subsections (a) through (k) of Section 15.32.020. A collector shall forthwith remove any vehicle from collection service which fails, at any time, to conform to any of the standards recited in Section 15.32.020 and shall not use the vehicle until it is repaired. Each collector shall maintain its regular collection schedule at all times notwithstanding the repair of any vehicle. The use of a vehicle which fails to comply with each of the standards set forth in subsections (a) through (k) of Section 15.32.020 is prohibited and unlawful.
(Prior code § 5740; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021; Ord. 22-1198 § 2, 2022)