Editor's Note: For the prior ordinance history of this chapter, see the Editor's Note at the beginning of Chapter 15.16.
No person shall throw containers from any vehicle to the ground, or in any other way break, damage or roughly handle containers.
No person other than the owner or occupant of the premises where a container is located, or the collector who provides collection services at the premises where the container is located, or a city employee shall tamper with, injure, destroy, or remove any container or other equipment used for the storage of solid waste, recyclables, or organic waste.
(Prior code § 5780; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021)
No person shall dispose of solid waste into containers at locations other than those that may be located upon property which they own, lease, rent, or at their own place of business (unless a customer), except that the occupants of a residential or commercial/industrial premises may dispose of Solid Waste in containers located at an immediately adjacent residential or commercial/industrial premises, if: (1) the two properties are owned by the same person; and (2) the property owner has made arrangements with the collector to provide containers at only one of the properties.
No person occupying, using, or in charge of any premises shall set out or cause to be set out for collection during any week any solid waste not originating on the premises.
No person shall place construction and demolition waste in a solid waste container, or otherwise for collection, except as set forth in Section 15.36.040.
(Prior code § 5781; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021)
No person other than the residential householder, or agents of the collector authorized to collect from that premises, may do the following:
Remove any container from the location where the container was placed for storage or collection;
Remove any solid waste, recyclable material, or organic waste from any container;
Move any container from the location in which it was placed for storage or collection; or
Apply any paint or markings (commonly known as "graffiti" or "tagging") to any container.
Any person who willfully violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor and is punishable as provided for in Chapter 1.08 of this code.
(Prior code § 5782; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 16-989 § 3, 2016; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021)
Container Requirements.
Any container to be placed for collection of solid waste, recyclables, and organic waste shall have a tightly fitting cover. The cover shall be used at all times. Collection containers not located in a secure area shall be fitted with a locking cover and shall remain closed and in the locked position when placed for collection. Every person owning, occupying or in possession of any residential premises in the city shall provide sufficient containers as to accommodate the amount of solid waste, recyclables, or organic waste generated by the premises. The containers shall be constructed of metal, hard rubber, or plastic, shall be so constructed as not to permit the contents thereof to sift or pass through any opening therein other than the top and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition by the householder. For properties containing more than one dwelling unit the owner shall indelibly mark the solid waste, recyclables, or organic waste containers with a number or letter so that it is apparent to which dwelling unit the container belongs heavy-duty plastic bags especially manufactured for solid waste collection and trash compactor sacks may also be used provided they are securely tied, not perforated or split, and the bag and its contents do not weigh more than the weight limit established by the franchisee.
Any solid waste, recyclables, or organic waste not susceptible to placement in a container may be placed for collection at the same place and time as the container if it is securely tied in bundles not heavier than seventy pounds, not more than four feet in length and not more than eighteen inches in diameter. Wooden boxes, crates, pallets or cardboard boxes are to be broken down and stacked neatly at the depositor's solid waste collection point.
Except multi-family residential dwelling units, commercial businesses are to provide containers for the collection of source separated organic waste, and source separated recyclable materials in all indoor and outdoor areas where disposal containers are provided for customers, for materials generated by that business. Such containers do not need to be provided in restrooms. If a commercial business does not generate any of the materials that would be collected in one type of container, then the business does not have to provide that particular container in all areas where disposal containers are provided for customers. Commercial businesses are not required to replace functional containers, including containers purchased prior to January 1, 2022, that do not comply with the color requirements of this article prior to the end of the useful life of those containers, or prior to January 1, 2036, whichever comes first. Containers shall have labels that include language or graphic images, or both, indicating the primary material accepted and the primary materials prohibited in that container.
Every person owning or occupying or in possession of any commercial premises in the city shall subscribe to the city's collection service in which collector will provide sufficient containers as to accommodate the amount of solid waste, recyclables, or organic waste generated by the premises. The containers shall be constructed of metal, hard rubber or plastic, shall be so constructed as not to permit the contents thereof to sift or pass through any opening therein other than the top and shall be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition by the property owner or the collector. Containers shall be stored in a secure area or shall be fitted with a locking lid. Containers not stored in a secure area shall maintain the lids in the closed and locked position. Commercial businesses shall periodically inspect containers for contamination and inform employees if containers are contaminated and of the requirements to keep contaminants out of those containers pursuant to 14 CCR Section 18984.9(b)(3). Commercial businesses shall also:
Annually provide information to employees, contractors, tenants, and customers about organic waste recovery requirements and about proper sorting of source separated green container organic waste and source separated recyclable materials.
Provide education information before or within fourteen days of occupation of the premises to new tenants that describes requirements to keep source separated green container organic waste and source separated recyclable materials separate from gray container waste (when applicable) and the location of containers and the rules governing their use at each property.
Provide or arrange access for the city or its agent to their properties during all inspections conducted to confirm compliance with the requirements of this article.
No cardboard box or paper bag may be used as a container for solid waste.
All owners or occupants of commercial or residential premises and all persons and entities involved in deconstruction, demolition and construction within the city are required under this article to arrange for solid waste collection with the collector and to keep readily accessible to the collector, one or more containers provided by the collector and of adequate size and quantity, so as to be capable of holding without spilling all solid waste accumulated on the commercial and/or residential premises. All solid waste generated or accumulated on the commercial and/or residential premises shall be deposited in said approved containers.
Commercial uses, including multi-family residential dwellings shall subscribe to a three-container collection service and generators shall place materials into the containers as follows:
Green Container: organic waste
Blue/White Container: recyclable materials
Gray Container: solid waste
All solid waste, recyclable, and organic waste generated or accumulated on the commercial premises shall be deposited in said approved bins. The city or its designee shall have the right to review the number and size of a generator's containers to evaluate the adequacy of capacity provided for each type of collection service for proper separation of materials and containment of materials. Generators may additionally manage their organic waste by preventing or reducing their organic waste, managing organic waste on site, and/or using a community composting site pursuant to 14 CCR Section 18984.9(c).
Residents shall subscribe to a three-container collection service and generators shall place materials into the container as follows:
Green Container: organic waste
Blue Container: recyclable materials
Gray Container: solid waste
(Prior code § 5783; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 01-608 § 6, 2001; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021; Ord. 22-1198 §§ 3, 4, 2022)
C&D debris shall be placed only in a roll-off container intended to be used for the collection of C&D debris or a truck operated by a hauler with a valid solid waste or recyclables collection permit.
(Prior code § 5784; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 13-906 § 1, 2013; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021)
It shall be unlawful for any person owning, managing, or having the control of any premises or vacant lot or any person occupying a dwelling within the city to permit an accumulation of solid waste, recyclables, or organic waste to become or remain offensive, unsightly, unsafe, or hazardous, or to deposit, keep, or accumulate, or permit or cause any solid waste, recyclables, and/or organic waste to be deposited, kept, or accumulated, upon any property, lot or parcel of land, or any public or private place, street, lane, alley, or driveway, except as provided in this article. No person occupying, owning, or in control of any premises shall permit solid waste, recyclables and/or organic waste to accumulate, or to blow about in a manner which creates an unsightly appearance or a health hazard.
(Prior code § 5785; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021)
In the case of residential properties, each container or bundle shall be kept in the side yard or rear yard prior to the time designated for collection, unless otherwise authorized by the City Manager. Subject to the provisions of Section 15.36.100, the containers or bundles shall be placed for collection on the curb in front of the premises or on the curb at the side of the premises where the premises are adjacent to a paved alley of sufficient width to allow easy passage of collection vehicles, the containers or bundles may, upon approval of the City Manager, be placed within two feet of the rear of the property line of the premises and must be readily accessible for collection from the alley. The collector and homeowner may agree, for an additional fee, or the City Manager may require, under unique circumstances, for collection to be made from another location on the premises.
The collector shall return all containers in an upright position to the approximate location where found by the collection and without any unnecessary noise or wear and tear or damage to the receptacles. The collector shall reimburse the customer for any damage caused to receptacles by the unnecessary wear and tear of the collector.
(Prior code § 5786; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 16-989 § 4, 2016; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021)
No residential householder shall place or permit to be placed any container at the place of collection before 5:30 p.m. of the day preceding the scheduled collection and no later than 6:00 a.m. for the day collection is scheduled to take place. No container may be left at the place of collection after 8:00 p.m. on the day of collection or more than two hours after actual collection, whichever is later. All residential householders with an interest in a residential property found to be in violation of this section shall be jointly and severally liable for any and all penalties that may be imposed pursuant to Chapter 1.08 of this code.
(Prior code § 5787; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 16-989 § 5, 2016; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021)
Every collector who rents, owns or controls any container, bin or other equipment used for the storage of commercial or industrial solid waste, organic waste or recyclables shall, at all times:
Place and maintain on the outside of such container, bin or other equipment, in legible letters and numerals not less than one inch in height the collector's name or firm name, and telephone number, in a color contrasting to the background of the container.
Keep such containers and lids in good, clean and sanitary condition to the satisfaction of the City Manager. Where containers are located in a city-owned trash enclosure area, the collector shall maintain such enclosure area in a clean and sanitary condition.
Provide containers on casters of a size, shape and construction approved by the City Manager, in writing, for all industrial property occupants.
Provide containers, for all commercial property occupants, that are of sufficient size and are constructed to prevent the release of any amount of solid waste, recyclables, or organic waste.
The City Manager may, at his or her discretion, require that containers for commercial and industrial property provide a locking-type lid.
(Prior code § 5788; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021)
The owner or occupant of commercial/industrial or residential premises where a container is placed shall provide a clean, safe and sanitary area for the storage thereof. The owner of a multi-unit residential building shall provide sufficient space for the placement of at least one refuse container with a capacity not less than three yards, one recycling container with a capacity not less than ninety-six gallons, and one organics container with a capacity of not less than ninety-six gallons.
(Prior code § 5789; Ord. 00-565 § 1, 2000; Ord. 21-1169 § 2, 2021; Ord. 22-1198 § 5, 2022)