The purposes of this chapter are to:
Enhance the aesthetic appearance of developments throughout the city by providing standards related to the quality and functional aspects of landscaping;
Increase compatibility between abutting land uses and between land uses and public rights-of-way by providing landscape screening or buffers;
Provide for the conservation of water resources through the efficient use of irrigation, appropriate mix of plant materials, recycling water elements, and regular maintenance of landscaped areas;
Protect public health, safety, and welfare by preserving and enhancing the positive visual experience of the built environment, providing appropriate transition between different land uses, preserving neighborhood character, and enhancing pedestrian and vehicular traffic safety;
Reduce urban runoff by ensuring the preservation of permeable surface for the absorption of rainwater; and
Reduce the urban heat island effect and enhance the local micro-climate.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Landscaping Required. All new development projects and projects that require approval of a discretionary land use permit shall provide and/or maintain canopy trees and landscaping in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. These provisions shall not take precedence over State housing laws.
Standards for the provision of canopy trees and landscaping within the public right-of-way are provided in the West Hollywood Municipal Code, Chapter 11.36, Street Trees and Other Plants, and the City's latest adopted Urban Forest Management Plan.
Landscaping requirements for residential and commercial zoning districts shall be subject to Sections 19.20.050 (Fences, Walls, and Hedges), 19.20.055 (Canopy Trees), 19.20.060 (Green Building), 19.20.190 (Storm Drainage and Storm Water Runoff), 19.26.040 (Areas of Required Landscaping), and Chapters 19.28 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards) and 19.36 (Standards for Specific Land Uses) of this Code.
Landscape Plans, Timing of Landscape Installation. Landscape plans, irrigation plans, and plans for the ornamental use of water, including ponds and fountains, shall be submitted to the Planning and Development Services Department for review for compliance with the requirements of this chapter before issuance of a building permit. Landscaping shall not be installed until the applicant receives approval of the final landscape plan (Section 19.26.030(B)). Changes to approved landscape plans that affect the character or quality of the plant material or irrigation system shall be resubmitted for approval before installation.
Tree Removal. When performed in conjunction with new development or a major remodel on private residential or commercial property, the removal of existing mature canopy trees shall require a zone clearance or other applicable permit and shall be subject to conditions set forth in Section 19.26.040 of this Code. Regulations regarding tree preservation, relocation, and removal shall not pertain to any tree temporarily grown and held for sale by a licensed nursery.
Modifications or Waivers of Landscape Standards. The standards of this chapter may be modified or waived through an administrative permit, in compliance with Chapter 19.44 of this Code, where, in conjunction with a recommendation by a qualified tree expert, the Community Development Director determines, based on substantial evidence, that there are unique contextual circumstances on a private property where constraints create an unusual and substantive hardship or make compliance with the standards of this chapter physically infeasible.
Administrative Regulations. The Director of Community Development or their designee is authorized to adopt administrative regulations that are consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 14-940 § 13, 2014; Ord. 19-1058 § 45, 2019; Ord. 23-26, 1/22/2024)
Preliminary Landscape Plan. A preliminary landscape plan shall be submitted as part of an application for a discretionary land use permit. The plan shall include all information and materials as required in the application form provided by the Planning and Development Services Department. The Planning and Development Services Director shall review each preliminary landscape plan to verify its compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The Director shall require any changes necessary to bring the submittal into compliance with this chapter.
Final Landscape Plan. Following approval of the land use entitlement, a final landscape plan shall be submitted as part of the application for a building permit.
Final landscape plans for multi-family and non-residential projects shall be prepared by a licensed landscape architect or licensed landscape contractor. Evidence shall also be provided that a licensed landscape contractor will be responsible for plant and irrigation installation.
Final landscape plans for single-family and duplex projects need not be prepared by licensed professionals, and need only include a preliminary planting plan with a planting palette, in compliance with all applicable provisions of this chapter.
Final landscape plans shall be approved by the Planning and Development Services Director before the start of on-site construction or soil disturbance, and before the issuance of a building permit.
Compliance with Guidelines. Each landscape plan shall incorporate as many features recommended by the Landscape Design Guidelines as are appropriate and feasible for the proposed project.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 § 46, 2019)
All land uses shall be provided with landscaping as specified in this section. Subsection (A) specifies requirements for all land uses while subsection (B) identifies additional requirements for non-residential land uses only, and subsection (C) identifies additional requirements for residential land uses only.
Landscaping Requirements for All Uses.
Setbacks. All setback and open space areas required by this Zoning Ordinance shall be landscaped, except where a required setback is occupied by walkways, decks, approved hardscape, or a driveway, or where a required setback is screened from public view and it is determined by the Planning and Development Services Director that landscaping is not necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter.
Unused Areas. All areas of a project site not intended for a specific use (including areas planned for future phases of a phased development), shall be landscaped unless it is determined by the Planning and Development Services Director that landscaping is not necessary to fulfill the purposes of this chapter.
Parking Areas. Parking areas shall be landscaped as required by Chapter 19.28 (Off-Street Parking and Loading Standards).
Location-Specific Requirements. Location-specific landscaping may be required to provide visual relief or contrast, or to screen incompatible features of the site or use.
Street Trees. All land uses requiring a discretionary land use permit shall provide street trees at a maximum spacing of 30 feet along the sidewalk of the site frontage in compliance with the Urban Design/Streetscape Master Plan. In lieu of providing street trees, the Planning and Development Services Director may allow the applicant to pay a fee to the Street Beautification Trust Fund, as established by Council resolution. Additionally, the applicant shall provide surety acceptable to the Planning and Development Services Director to ensure the ongoing health and maintenance of the street trees in compliance with Section 19.26.080(C) (Performance guarantee), below.
Non-Permeable Surfaces. Landscape areas shall comply with the limitations on non-permeable surfaces provided by Section 19.20.190(D) (Non-permeable surfaces). above).
Tree Preservation.
Existing mature canopy trees shall be preserved and, in new developments, integrated into a proposed landscape plan, except where their preservation is infeasible, and relocations or removals are performed in accordance with this section.
For additional information pertaining to designated or protected heritage trees, refer to the City's Heritage Tree Program.
For information and additional requirements pertaining to oak trees, refer to the Los Angeles County Code of Ordinances Chapter 22.174 (Oak Tree Permits).
Tree Relocation.
Mature Trees. If preservation in the same location is infeasible, mature canopy trees may be relocated on the same property or to another suitable relocation site, pursuant to the following requirements:
A zone clearance or other applicable permit is required for the relocation of any mature canopy tree.
A qualified tree expert shall submit a tree relocation plan to be reviewed and approved by the Community Development Director, which shall indicate the location of each existing and/or mature canopy tree to be relocated and shall identify each tree proposed to be retained or relocated.
Relocation must occur elsewhere on the same property where feasible. Where relocation on the same property is determined to be infeasible by a qualified tree expert and with the approval of the Community Development Director, relocation to another suitable relocation site may be permitted where:
A qualified tree expert confirms in writing that there is no available or appropriate location on the property sufficient for tree growth and survival; and
The owner of the proposed suitable relocation site consents in writing to the placement of a relocated tree.
In the event of a relocation, the Community Development Director may consult with the City's arborist or another qualified tree expert and require measures to be taken to mitigate adverse effects on the tree.
Immature Trees. Immature trees may be relocated without a zone clearance or other applicable permit.
Removal of Trees.
Existing mature canopy trees shall be preserved in place. Removal may only be permitted if the applicant requests removal and provides substantial evidence that one of the following criteria are present and the Community Development Director makes a factual determination that the criteria is met:
The tree poses a hazard. In order to verify that a hazard exists, the city may require a tree hazard assessment to be performed by a qualified tree expert; or
The tree is planted too close to an existing structure, such that it is either damaging or has the clear imminent potential to damage the structure; or
The roots of the tree are causing damage to paved areas or sewer, plumbing or other underground utility lines; or
The tree has an incurable disease or pest infestation that cannot be eliminated. The City may require this condition to be verified by a qualified tree expert; or
The tree has been damaged to the point that it cannot recover and grow properly or that it will grow in a misshapen or unsightly manner as defined by a qualified tree expert; or
A tree may be removed if it is necessary to carry out construction.
Notwithstanding, the Community Development Director may determine that the removal of a tree is necessary to carry out construction in compliance with the Fire Code, Building Codes and any other applicable life-safety requirements or applicable standards, and a replacement is provided in accordance with subsection (A)(10) of this section. The Director shall publish a list of all applicable standards and any implementing regulations.
Removed mature canopy trees shall be replaced on the same property by new canopy trees in accordance with subsection (A)(10) of this section. If the applicant provides evidence that replacement on the same property is technically or physically infeasible based on existing site conditions or new development, a suitable off-site location on private property may be approved by the Director in accordance with subsection (A)(8) of this section.
Replacement of Mature Trees.
Any mature canopy tree that is removed shall be replaced with a canopy tree with a minimum 24-inch box size in a location that will grow to replace the removed tree without posing the hazards for which the tree was removed, if applicable, in accordance with Section 19.20.055 of this Code.
The Director of Community Development may allow for the substitution of a replacement canopy tree with other forms of landscaping if a qualified tree expert determines that the following conditions apply:
There are no other suitable areas available on the site for tree planting; and
The substituted landscape area provides other ecological benefits in the form of nesting, foraging, and other equivalent support for a viable wildlife habitat.
Parkways. In residential zoning districts, parkways shall be installed in accordance with Section 19.20.160 of this Code for sidewalk requirements, and Chapter 11.46 of this Code for parkway requirements.
Landscaping Requirements for Commercial Uses. (In addition to subsection (A), above).
Landscaping Outside Fences and Walls. Freestanding fences or walls that are adjacent to any public street or sidewalk shall be located to provide a landscaped area along the frontage between the fence or wall and the street. Landscaping outside of fences and walls for parking lots shall be in compliance with Section 19.28.100(B) (Parking area landscaping requirements).
The landscaped area shall contain the equivalent of at least two square feet of landscaping for each linear foot of frontage, in compliance with a landscaping plan approved by the Planning and Development Services Director. Where a hardship exists, the Director may reduce this requirement to a minimum of one square foot of landscaping for each linear foot of frontage in return for a wider landscaped strip.
The Planning and Development Services Director may approve alternative methods of providing landscaping along fences and walls where an alternative plan will provide equal or better landscaping within the intent of this chapter.
Outdoor Dining, Plazas, and Walkways. Projects shall incorporate extensive landscaping including trees and shrubs to provide vertical height and mass for outdoor dining, plazas, and walkway areas. These areas shall be designed and maintained to be visually attractive, usable and accessible by the public, and shall incorporate street furniture and pedestrian-oriented amenities.
Landscaping Above Ground Floor Level. Landscaping above the ground floor shall not be considered sufficient to meet the landscape requirements of this chapter.
Landscaping Requirements for Other Specific Land Uses. Landscaping requirements for certain other land uses not listed in this section may be found in Chapter 19.36 (Standards for Specific Land Uses).
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 02-643 §§ 18, 22, 2003; Ord. 14-940 §§ 14–16, 2014; Ord. 19-1058 § 47, 2019; Ord. 19-1074 § 9, 2019; Ord. 23-26, 1/22/2024)
The objective standards in this chapter are intended to support the following goals:
Landscape solutions are planned as an integral part of the overall project design and not simply located in excess spaces after parking structures and building footprints areas have been planned;
Landscape designs are based in sound sustainability principles, environmental stewardship, and climate responsive practices in all development projects;
Landscape elements or features are incorporated into architectural or site designs as an integral and preeminent contributor to both the overall project character and individual detailing of the project;
Existing trees and other significant vegetation are preserved and incorporated into a new landscape plan to the greatest extent possible; and
Landscape designs and planting areas support the regular use and benefits of outdoor spaces and enhance the pedestrian experience and wayfinding on private property.
Proposed landscaping shall meet the following standards, which shall be shown on required landscape plans:
Landscaped areas except strips adjacent to fences or walls shall have a minimum width of three feet.
When existing landscaping is to be retained, a note shall be provided on the landscape plans stating that: "Any existing landscaping indicated to remain on the approved landscape plan that is damaged or removed during construction shall be repaired or replaced in kind with plants of equivalent size."
Landscaped areas shall be irrigated in compliance with Section 19.26.070 (Irrigation and Water Conservation) of this Code.
Trees, shrubs, flowers, and other plants may be placed in a required yard but shall not impede access requirements for buildings, utilities, or other site features.
Planters into which trees will be planted above subterranean or semi-subterranean parking structures, or on elevated floors, terraces, or roofs, shall have a minimum soil depth of 42 inches, exclusive of drainage systems and protective membranes. Only planters that are founded in native soil at ground level or at grade, whichever is applicable, and not on top of subterranean parking garages or other occupied spaces, shall satisfy the permeable surface requirements in Section 19.20.190 of this Code.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 02-643 § 23, 2003; Ord. 14-940 § 17, 2014; Ord. 19-1058 § 48, 2019; Ord. 23-26, 1/22/2024)
Plant materials shall be of a type and placement compatible with the project and surrounding land uses.
Size of Plant Materials at the Time of Installation. Plant materials shall be provided in the following sizes. Calculations documenting the required size mix shall be shown on the final landscape plan.
The minimum acceptable size for street trees and on-site trees shall be a 24-inch box. Newly planted trees shall be supported with stakes or guy wires.
Shrubs shall be a minimum size of five gallons. When planted to serve as a hedge or screen, shrubs shall be planted with two to four feet of spacing, depending on the plant species.
Ground cover shall be generally spaced at a maximum of six to eight inches on center. When used as ground cover, minimum one-gallon-sized shrubs may be planted 18 to 24 inches on center.
Drought Tolerant Requirements. New and rehabilitated landscape areas for residential and nonresidential projects shall comply with the Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance (MWELO), as may be amended from time to time, which is contained within and adopted by reference through Title 13 Chapter 13.24, Green Building Standards Code, of the West Hollywood Municipal Code.
Effect on Traffic or Public Safety. Trees and shrubs shall be planted and maintained so that at maturity they do not interfere with traffic safety sight areas, or public safety.
Effect on Public Improvements. Trees planted near public sidewalks or curbs shall be of a species and installed in a manner that prevents physical damage to sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and other public improvements.
Ground Cover Materials. Ground cover shall be of live plant material. Gravel, colored rock, bark, and similar materials may be used in combination with ground cover. Non-plant materials may be used in limited areas as part of an approved landscape plan.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1054 § 11, 2019)
Irrigation systems of new and rehabilitated landscape areas for residential and nonresidential projects shall comply with all applicable requirements of Chapter 13.24, Green Building Standards Code of the West Hollywood Municipal Code.
General Standards for Outdoor Water Use Practices. Projects shall comply with all applicable requirements of Chapter 15.52, Regulation of Outdoor Water Use Practices of the Municipal Code.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 10-861 § 4, 2010; Ord. 19-1054 § 12, 2019; Ord. 19-1058 § 49, 2019)
Installation Requirements. Landscape materials and support equipment shown in an approved final landscape plan shall be installed as follows.
Soil Preparation and Planting. Sound soil preparation and planting practices shall be implemented for all landscaped areas.
Mulch shall be applied and maintained in all planting areas except those with lawns, slope areas, and established ground cover or other low-lying shrubs.
Irrigated areas shall be amended with a minimum six yards of organic material per 1,000 square feet.
Timing of Installation. Required landscaping shall be installed and verified by the Planning and Development Services Department before occupancy of the site.
Compliance with Plans Required. Landscape materials and irrigation equipment shall be installed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications.
Deferral of Installation. In the event that seasonal conditions prevent the effective installation of required landscape before occupancy, a conditional Certificate of Occupancy and a performance bond in the amount equal to the value of the landscape materials may be allowed, subject to the approval of the Planning and Development Services Director.
Minor Changes to Plans. The Planning and Development Services Director may approve minor changes to approved plans limited to the following:
Minor changes to approved landscaping or irrigation plans that comply with the spirit and intent of these regulations, including revising or substituting plant varieties, container sizes, plant locations, irrigation specifications, hardscape components, berm heights, berm locations, slope features, and similar changes; and
Modifications of planting, installation, or soil preparation details.
Performance Guarantee. When required by the Planning and Development Services Director, a surety in a form approved by the city in the amount of 50 percent of the total value of all plant materials, irrigation, and installation shall be posted with the city for a two-year period to guarantee proper maintenance of installed landscaping, both on site and in the public right-of-way.
Maintenance of Landscape. Landscaping shall be maintained consistent with the approved final landscape plan. Maintenance of approved landscape installations shall consist of regular watering, pruning, fertilizing, mulching, clearing of debris and weeds, removal and replacement of dead plants, and repair of irrigation systems.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 §§ 50, 51, 2019)