This chapter provides standards for on-site and off-site signs to safeguard life, health, property, safety, and public welfare, while encouraging creativity, variety and compatibility, and enhancement of the city's image. The provisions of this chapter are intended to:
Encourage creative and well-designed signs that contribute in a positive way to the city's visual environment, express local character, and help develop a distinctive image for the city.
Encourage signs that are responsive to the aesthetics and character of their particular location, adjacent buildings and uses, and the surrounding neighborhood. Signs should be compatible and integrated with the building's architectural design and with other signs on the property.
Recognize that signs are a necessary form of communication, and provide flexibility within the sign review and approval process to allow for unique circumstances and creativity.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Sign Permits Required. To ensure compliance with the regulations of this chapter, a sign permit shall be required in order to apply, erect, move, alter, reconstruct, or repair any permanent or temporary sign, except signs that are exempt from permits enumerated in Section 19.34.110 (Exemptions from Sign Permit Requirements). See Section 19.34.100 for sign permit application and processing requirements.
Sign Standards. The sign standards provided in this chapter are intended to apply to signs in each zoning district in the city. Only signs authorized by this chapter shall be allowed.
New Zoning Districts. If a new zoning district is created after the enactment of this chapter, the Community Development Director shall have the authority to make determinations as to the applicability of appropriate sign regulations in compliance with Chapter 19.03 (Interpretation of Zoning Ordinance Provisions) until this chapter is amended to govern the new zoning district.
Design Guidelines. The city's Sign Design Guidelines will be used in the evaluation of sign permit applications to ensure that signs are well designed, compatible with their surroundings, and do not detract from the overall visual quality of the city.
Nonconforming Signs. Nonconforming signs are subject to the provisions of Chapter 19.72 (Nonconforming Uses, Structures, Signs and Parcels), in addition to this chapter.
Definitions. Definitions of specific types of signs and the other terms used in this chapter are grouped with the definition of the term "Sign" in Article 19-6 (Definitions).
Substitution Clause. Notwithstanding any other provision of this code, any noncommercial copy may be substituted for any commercial copy on any sign permitted by this code. If non-commercial copy is substituted, the resulting sign will continue to be treated as the original commercial sign under this code and will not be deemed or treated as an off-site sign. The content of any non-commercial copy on any sign otherwise permitted by this code may be changed without complying with any provisions of this code normally required for sign copy or design approval.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 05-703U § 5, 2005; Ord. 05-704 § 5, 2005; Ord. 19-1058 § 102, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
All signs shall comply with the standards of the applicable zoning district, in compliance with the provisions in Tables 3-11 and 3-12.
TABLE 3-11
Sign Class
Allowed Sign Types
Maximum Number of Signs
Maximum Sign Area
Maximum Sign Height
Location Requirements
Lighting Allowed?
Additional Requirements
1. Multi-family project identification
Wall or monument.
1 for each street frontage.
25 sq. ft. maximum per sign.
Below edge of roof; 42 in. monument.
Affixed to wall, or placed within a landscaped area near building entrance.
Name and address of facility only.
2. Bed and breakfast or hotel
Wall or elevated monument sign.
1 for each street frontage.
4 sq. ft.
Below edge of roof; 36 in. freestanding.
Affixed to wall, or placed within a landscaped area near building entrance.
Name and address of facility only.
3. Commercial uses (legal non-conforming only)
Wall or elevated monument sign.
1 for each tenant space.
1 sq. ft. for each lineal ft. of building frontage; 25 sq. ft. maximum.
Below edge of roof; 36 in. freestanding.
Affixed to wall, or placed within a landscaped area near tenant entrance.
Name and address of facility only.
4. Offices (not including home occupations)
Wall or elevated monument sign.
1 for each tenant space.
1 sq. ft.
Below edge of roof; 36 in. freestanding.
Affixed to wall, or placed within a landscaped area near building entrance.
Name and address of facility only. No signs allowed for home occupations.
5. Other allowed uses, except family day care, emergency shelters, and residential care
Wall or elevated monument sign; changeable copy sign if allowed by Section 19.34.050(C).
1 for each street frontage.
4 sq. ft. maximum per sign.
Below edge of roof; 36 in. freestanding.
Affixed to wall, or placed within a landscaped area near building entrance.
Name and address of facility only.
6. Real estate signs
See Section 19.34.050(F).
7. Religious facilities
Wall or free-standing bracket sign; changeable copy sign.
2 identification signs per use, 1 changeable copy sign per façade.
Identification sign: 0.5 sq. ft. for each linear ft. of primary building frontage, 25 sq. ft. maximum per sign. Changeable copy sign: 15 sq. ft. maximum.
Below edge of roof; 36 in. freestanding.
Affixed to wall, or placed within a landscaped area near building entrance.
Name and address of facility only on other than changeable copy signs.
8. Live/work facilities and commercial uses in the R3C-C and R4B-C zoning district
Wall and/or window, awning/ canopy blade/ bracket, free-standing bracket or monument.
2 for each tenant space.
1 sq. ft. for each lineal ft. of tenant frontage; 25 sq. ft. maximum.
Below edge of roof; 36 in. freestanding.
Affixed to wall, or placed within a landscaped area near tenant entrance. Allowed only on ground floor frontage.
Name and address of facility only.
9. Car share vehicle parking
Wall and/or window, blade/bracket, free-standing bracket or monument
1 per street frontage.
3 square feet.
10 feet above grade.
6 ft. for freestanding signs
Near vehicular and/or pedestrian access to the building
TABLE 3-12
Sign Class
Allowed Sign Types
Maximum Number of Signs
Maximum Sign Area
Maximum Sign Height
Location Requirements
Lighting Allowed?
Additional Requirements
1. Business identification – Primary business frontage
Wall and/or window, awning/ canopy blade/ bracket, free-standing bracket or monument
3 per primary business frontage.1 per side street frontage
1 sq. ft. for each linear ft. of primary business frontage. Corner parcels: 1 additional sq. ft. for each linear ft. of side street frontage, 25 sq. ft. maximum for signs on side elevation.
Below edge of roof. 6 ft. for free-standing signs.
Near main entrance. Shall not cover doors, windows, or architectural details.
See 19.34.050 for sign standards by sign type. Signs are allowed only for second story tenants that may be accessed directly from the exterior on the second story level. Monument signs not allowed for second story tenants.
2. Business identification – Secondary business frontage
Wall and/or window, awning/ canopy, blade/ bracket
1 per secondary business frontage
4 sq. ft.
8 ft.
Near secondary entrance
See 19.34.050 for sign standards by sign type.
3. Business identification – Ground-level business with no street frontage
Wall and/or window, awning/ canopy, blade/ bracket
1 per tenant space
1 sq. ft. for each linear ft. of primary business frontage.
Below edge of roof. 6 ft. for freestanding signs.
Near main entrance
Allowed only for uses with no business frontage facing a public street or parking lot.
4. Building or project identification – Multitenant sites
Wall or monument
1 sign for each street frontage
1 sq. ft. for each linear ft. of building façade. 25 sq. ft. maximum per sign.
Below edge of roof. 6 ft. for monument.
Near main entrance to building or project
See 19.34.050 for sign standards by sign type.
5. Business identification directory – Multi-tenant buildings
1 per building entrance
8 sq. ft.
6 ft.
Near main entrances
To identify tenants of the building only.
6. Real estate signs
See Section 19.34.050(F).
7. Service stations:
a. Identification
Wall or canopy
1 per building frontage and 1 per canopy facing a street. 2 signs maximum per street frontage.
10 sq. ft. per sign
Below edge of roof
On building façade or canopy
No pricing information allowed
b. Pricing and identification
1 per use
30 sq. ft. per face. 2 faces maximum .
48 in.
Shall not create hazard at driveways or corners.
Signs shall include identification of the station and gasoline prices. No other price signs are allowed.
8. Theater signs
a. Identification
1 per street frontage
2 sq. ft. of sign area per linear ft. of building frontage. 200 sq. ft. maximum total sign area.
Below edge of roof unless on architectural element that extends above roof edge. See additional requirements.
1. Architectural element shall be integral part of theater building design. 2. Not more the 25% of architectural element shall be devoted to sign area.
b. Marquee
Marquee – changeable copy allowed
1 per use
40 sq. ft. for each screen or stage
Below edge of roof
Allowed in addition to other theater signs, only for displaying movie or performance titles.
c. Poster case
Glass-enclosed poster case
2 per screen or stage
20 sq. ft. for each poster case
10 ft.
Shall be used only to display posters for current or forthcoming movies or performances.
9. Temporary sales and promotional signs
2 per use
50 sq. ft. total, but shall not exceed 25% of any window area if located in window.
Below edge of roof for one-story buildings, or below sills of second story windows for multistory buildings.
May be displayed up to 3 times per calendar year. Maximum of 30 days per display period.
10. Car share vehicle parking
Wall and/or window, blade/bracket, free-standing bracket or monument.
1 per street frontage.
3 square feet.
10 feet above grade.
6 ft. for freestanding signs.
Near vehicular and/or pedestrian access to the building.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 12-882 § 7, 2012; Ord. 14-940 § 20, 2014; Ord. 18-1022 § 14, 2018; Ord. 18-1040 §§ 8, 9, 2018)
Encroachment into Public Right-of-Way. No sign shall encroach into a public right-of-way, except that a blade or bracket sign or awning attached to a building façade may project a maximum of three feet over a public sidewalk, if the lowest part of the sign is at least eight feet above the sidewalk surface, with the approval of the City Engineer.
Illumination of Signs. The illumination of signs, either from an internal or external source, shall be designed to avoid negative impacts on surrounding rights-of-way and properties. The following standards shall apply to all illuminated signs:
External light sources shall be directed and shielded to limit direct illumination of any object other than the sign;
Sign lighting shall not be of an intensity or brightness that will create a nuisance for residential properties in a direct line of sight to the sign;
Signs shall not have blinking, flashing, or fluttering lights, or other illuminating devices that have a changing light intensity, brightness, or color, except for large screen video signs approved in compliance with Section 19.34.080(H), and creative signs approved in compliance with Section 19.34.060;
Signs shall not use colored lights or other design elements that may be confused with or mistaken for traffic-control devices;
Reflective type bulbs and incandescent lamps that exceed 15 watts shall not be used on the exterior surface of signs so that the face of the bulb or lamp is visible from a public right-of-way or adjacent property; and
Light sources shall utilize energy-efficient fixtures to the greatest extent possible.
Measurement of Sign Area.
The surface area of a sign shall be calculated by enclosing the extreme limits of all lettering, background, emblem, logo, representation, or other display within a single continuous perimeter composed of squares or rectangles with no more than eight lines drawn at right angles. See Figure 3-10.
Sign Area Measurement
Supporting framework or bracing that is clearly incidental to the display itself shall not be computed as sign area.
Double-faced (back-to-back) signs shall be regarded as a single sign with one face measured when calculating sign area, only if:
Mounted on a single structure; and
The distance between each sign face does not exceed two feet at any point. This provision shall not apply to off-site billboards.
A sign that consists of one or more three-dimensional objects (i.e., balls, cubes, clusters of objects, sculpture, or statue-like trademarks), shall be processed as follows:
Signs with three-dimensional objects that project more than six inches from the sign face are subject to Section 19.34.060 (Creative Signs). All dimensions shall be shown on the submitted plans.
Signs with three-dimensional objects that project six inches or less from the sign face shall be measured as a flat sign.
Time and temperature devices shall not be included within the measurement of maximum sign area (See Section 19.34.050, Time and Temperature Signs).
Measurement of Sign Height. The height of a sign shall be measured as the vertical distance from the uppermost point used in measuring the area of the sign to the average grade immediately below and adjoining the sign.
Sign Height
Sign Copy. The sign copy (text) of permanent signs shall relate only to the name or nature of the business. Permanent signs that advertise continuous sales or special prices shall not be allowed.
Sign Maintenance. Signs and supporting hardware, including temporary signs and time or temperature signs shall be structurally safe, clean, free of visible defects, and functioning properly at all times. Repairs to signs shall be equal to or better in quality of materials and design than the original sign.
Sign Removal or Replacement. When a sign is removed or replaced, all brackets, poles, and other structural elements that supported the sign shall also be removed. Affected building surfaces shall be restored to match the adjacent portion of the structure.
Window Coverage. Windows, including glass doors, shall not be covered by signs in excess of 25 percent of the total glass area, except for certain temporary signs as permitted in Table 3-13 Requirements for Temporary Signs.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 14-940 § 21, 2014; Ord. 17-1015 § 1, 2017)
Awning and Canopy Signs. Awning and canopy signs may be allowed only as an integral part of the awning or canopy to which they are attached or applied, as follows.
Location. Signs may be placed only on awnings that are located on first- and second-story building frontages (as restricted by Table 3-12), including those fronting a parking lot or pedestrian way.
Maximum Area and Height. Sign area shall comply with the requirements established by Section 19.34.030 (Sign Standards by Zoning District). No structural element of an awning or canopy shall be located less than eight feet above finished grade. An awning valance may be located up to seven feet above finished grade.
Lighting. Downward-directed light fixtures may be allowed within or under an awning only if they do not illuminate the awning itself. This limitation does not apply to creative signs.
Required Maintenance. Awning and canopy signs shall be regularly cleaned and kept free of dust and visible defects.
Figure 3-12
Canopy/Awning Sign
Figure 3-13
Blade/Bracket Sign
Blade/Bracket Signs.
Location. Blade or bracket signs shall be placed only on a ground floor façade, near the main entrance of the business, except for businesses located above the ground level with direct exterior pedestrian access.
Maximum Height. The lowest point of a blade or bracket signs shall be at least eight feet above finished grade.
Sign Structure. Sign supports and brackets shall be compatible with the design and scale of the sign.
Changeable Copy Signs.
Limitations on Use and Sign Area. Changeable copy signs may only be allowed:
In conjunction with facilities used exclusively for the presentation of theatrical, cultural, or religious events subject to the approval of a comprehensive sign program (Section 19.34.120), and limited to one sign per façade of main structure with a maximum of 15 square feet per sign.
To advertise products, services, and prices in conjunction with a retail business and limited to a maximum area of three square feet (see Section 19.34.110 – Exemptions from Sign Permit Requirements).
Signs in Windows or Doors. Changeable copy signs located in windows or doors shall be included in the 25 percent maximum window and door coverage.
Elevated Monument Signs. An elevated monument sign may be allowed when the Community Development Director determines that a wall sign would not be easily seen from the public street and there is sufficient area on the site to accommodate a freestanding sign.
Location. The sign may be located only on a site frontage adjoining a public street.
Maximum Area and Height. The sign shall have a maximum height of three feet and a maximum area of four square feet. The area of the sign shall be counted towards the maximum allowable sign area for the use specified by Tables 3-11 and 3-12.
Sign Mounting. The sign shall be mounted on one or more posts or have a solid monument-type base. Posts shall not have a diameter greater than 12 inches.
Figure 3-14
Elevated Monument Sign
Figure 3-15
Monument Sign
Monument Signs. A monument sign may be allowed when the Community Development Director determines that a wall sign would not be easily seen from the public street and there is sufficient area on the site to accommodate a freestanding sign.
Location. The sign may be located only along a site frontage adjoining a public street.
Maximum Area and Height. The sign shall comply with the height and area requirements established by Section 19.34.030 (Sign Standards by Zoning District).
Design. The design of a monument sign shall be consistent with the overall scale of the building. The design and placement of the sign shall not obstruct traffic safety sight areas.
Landscaping Requirements. Landscaping shall be provided at the base of the supporting structure equal to twice the area of one face of the sign. For example, 20 square feet of sign area = 40 square feet of landscaped area. The Community Development Director may reduce or waive this requirement if it is determined that the additional landscaping would not contribute significantly to the overall aesthetic character of the project.
Temporary Signs. Temporary signs are allowed only in compliance with the standards in Table 3-13, or as provided in Table 3-12. These signs are exempt from sign permit requirements when in compliance with the provisions of Table 3-13. See also Section 19.34.040(H) regarding temporary window signs.
TABLE 3-13
[Explanatory Notes Follow at the End of the Table]
Sign Type
Maximum Number
Maximum Area
Maximum Height
Time Limit
Additional Requirements
Banners in public right-of-way
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Not applicable
Shall be installed by the City or in compliance with an agreement with the City
Construction signs
1 per street frontage
32 sq. ft. per sign. Construction sites for one single project on one or more lots that add up to 25,000 sq. ft. or more may replace all allowable construction signs with one single sign of 160 sq. ft. or less
6 ft.
Shall be removed following Final Building Inspection
Shall contain only the names of architects, engineers, and contractors working on the site and/or renderings and information on the project
Future occupant signs (windows and doors only)
1 per each ground floor, street facing window or glass door
May occupy the entire surface area of each ground-floor, street facing window or glass door
Shall be located below the roof edge of the building
Shall be removed upon first occupancy of the site
Shall contain only the names and/or logos of future occupants of the site and as an optional feature the renderings of approved future improvements, and/or creative images related to the future business. Signs on windows above the ground floor are allowed for second story tenant spaces that may be accessed directly from the exterior on the second story level. The maximum number, maximum area, time limit and additional requirements shall be the same as signs on the ground floor. The maximum height shall be below the sills of second story windows.
Holiday decoration signs
No maximum
No maximum
No maximum
Shall not be displayed more than 30 days before holiday and removed within 10 days following
Shall contain no advertising material
Motor vehicle for sale signs
1 per vehicle
2 sq. ft.
Not applicable
No limitation
Allowed for vehicles located in approved sales lots only
New business signs
1 per street frontage
1 sq. ft. for each lineal foot of building frontage facing a street
Below edge of roof.
60 days maximum
Shall be removed upon installation of permanent sign
Political signs
No maximum
12 sq. ft. per sign, except billboards
5 ft.
Shall be removed within 10 days after the election if its message is connected with a candidate or proposition
Shall not project more than 6 in. from any structure or may be freestanding. Allowed on private property only.
Real estate signs — Residential1,3
Existing residential buildings & unimproved property (see below for common interest)
1 per street frontage 2 riders per sign
432 sq. in. 76 sq. in. per rider
42 in. 6 ft. for unimproved property.
Shall be removed at end of listing period or upon sale or lease, whichever occurs first
Open houses On-site signs
1 sign and 4 flags per open house, on-site only
Not applicable
Not applicable
Shall not be installed before 8:00 a.m. on the day of the open house and shall be removed immediately after the open house
Open houses Off-site signs
1 per corner; maximum of 4 per intersection
18" high
24" wide
42" for sign on a stake
36" for A-frame sign
On Saturday, Sunday, and Tuesday only, from 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
To be placed on private property
Only text permitted is "open house" with an arrow in direction of the property, address of the property, and name of brokerage house and/or agent
Double-faced sign only, 1 flag allowed if attached to the sign, no riders
New residential buildings
1 sign No riders
12 sq. ft.
6 ft.
Shall be removed within 6 months of Certificate of Occupancy, or occupancy, whichever occurs first
Common interest residential developments
1 per unit 2 riders per unit
150 sq. in. per unit 30 sq. in. per rider
42 in.
Shall be removed at end of listing period or upon sale or lease, whichever occurs first
Signs for individual units may only be mounted on 1 common sign for projects of 50 or more units, with a Sign Permit per table 3-11
Real estate signs — Commercial2, 3
Improved commercial property (windows and doors only)
1 per each ground floor street facing window or glass door
May occupy the entire surface area of each ground-floor, street facing window or glass door
Shall be located below the roof edge of the building
Shall be removed at end of listing period or upon sale or lease, whichever occurs first
Shall only include information related to the sale, rental or lease of the property or renderings or images of possible future improvements, and/or creative images related to a potential business. Trademarks or off-site advertising shall be prohibited. Signs above the ground floor are allowed for second story tenant spaces that may be accessed directly from the exterior on the second story level. The maximum number, maximum area, time limit and additional requirements shall be the same as signs on the ground floor. The maximum height shall be below the sills of second story windows.
Individual commercial tenant spaces (windows and doors only)
1 per each ground floor street facing window or glass door
May occupy the entire surface area of each ground-floor, street facing window or glass door
Shall be located below the roof edge of the building
Shall be removed at end of listing period or upon sale or lease, whichever occurs first
Shall only include information related to the sale, rental or lease of the property or renderings or images of possible future improvements, and/or creative images related to a potential business. Trademarks or off-site advertising shall be prohibited.
Signs above the ground floor are allowed for second story tenant spaces that may be accessed directly from the exterior on the second story level. The maximum number, maximum area, time limit and additional requirements shall be the same as signs on the ground floor. The maximum height shall be below the sills of second story windows.
Unimproved commercial property
1 per arterial street frontage
2 riders per sign
16 sq. ft.
576 sq. in. max. for all riders
6 ft.
Shall be removed at end of listing period or upon sale or lease, whichever occurs first
Residential real estate signs: no window signs are allowed. Signs may be placed in front or side setback area only.
Commercial real estate signs shall comply with the following requirements:
The signs are allowed on private property only subject to the owner's permission. Real estate signs shall not be placed in a public right-of-way or at an off-site location.
The signs shall be non-illuminated.
The signs shall be constructed of durable, rigid material suitable to their location and purpose. Only interior window signs may be made of nonrigid material.
Other signs are allowed if expressly permitted by state law notwithstanding local regulations.
Time or Temperature Signs. A time or temperature sign may be allowed on a site in addition to the other signs allowed by this chapter. (See Section 19.34.110 regarding exempt signs.)
Maximum Area and Height. The sign shall have a maximum area of 10 square feet, and shall comply with the height requirements established by Section 19.34.030 (Sign Standards by Zoning District).
Design. The sign shall be designed in a manner that is compatible with other signs on the site and with the structure on which it is placed.
Wall Signs. Where allowed by Tables 3-11 and 3-12, a wall sign shall comply with the following additional requirements.
Location. The sign shall not be placed to obstruct any portion of a window, doorway, transom, or other architectural detail.
Maximum Area and Height. The sign shall not project above the edge of the roof of a structure, and shall comply with the height requirements established by Section 19.34.030. (Sign Standards by Zoning District).
Projection From Wall. The sign shall not project from the surface upon which it is attached more than required for construction purposes and in no case more than 12 inches. See also Section 19.34.040(C)(4) for three-dimensional elements on wall signs.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 02-643 § 29, 2003; Ord. 04-683, 2004; Ord. 09-832 § 5, 2009; Ord. 17-1015 § 2, 2017; Ord. 19-1058 §§ 103, 104, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
Purpose. This section establishes standards and procedures for the design, review, and approval of creative signs. The purposes of this creative sign program are to:
Encourage signs of unique design, and that exhibit a high degree of thoughtfulness, imagination, inventiveness, and spirit; and
Provide a process for the application of sign regulations in ways that will allow creatively designed signs that make a positive visual contribution to the overall image of the city, while mitigating the impacts of large or unusually designed signs.
Applicability. An applicant may request approval of a sign permit for a creative sign to authorize on-site signs that employ standards that differ from the other provisions of this chapter but comply with the provisions of this section.
Application Requirements. A sign permit application for a creative sign shall include all information and materials required by the Planning and Development Services Department, and the filing fee set by the city's Fee Resolution.
Procedure. A sign permit application for a creative sign shall be subject to review and approval by the Community Development Director when the proposed sign is 50 square feet or less, and by the Planning Commission when the sign is larger than 50 square feet. Notification for a sign permit for a creative sign shall be given in the same manner specified by this Zoning Ordinance for Community Development Director-approved development permits in Chapter 19.48.
Design Criteria. In approving an application for a creative sign, the review authority shall ensure that a proposed sign meets the following design criteria:
Design Quality. The sign shall:
Constitute a substantial aesthetic improvement to the site and shall have a positive visual impact on the surrounding area;
Be of unique design, and exhibit a high degree of thoughtfulness, imagination, inventiveness, and spirit; and
Provide strong graphic character through the imaginative use of graphics, color, texture, quality materials, scale, and proportion.
Contextual Criteria. The sign shall contain at least one of the following elements:
Classic historic design style;
Creative image reflecting current or historic character of the city;
Symbols or imagery relating to the entertainment or design industry; or
Inventive representation of the use, name, or logo of the structure or business.
Architectural Criteria. The sign shall:
Utilize or enhance the architectural elements of the building; and
Be placed in a logical location in relation to the overall composition of the building's façade and not cover any key architectural features and details of the façade.
Neighborhood Impacts. The sign shall be located and designed not to cause light and glare impacts on neighboring residential uses.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 § 105, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
Purpose. A comprehensive sign program is intended to:
Integrate the design of the signs proposed for a development project with the design of the structures, into a unified architectural statement; and
Provide a means for defining common sign regulations for multi-tenant projects, to encourage maximum incentive and latitude in the design and display of multiple signs, and to achieve, not circumvent, the intent of this chapter.
Applicability. The approval of a comprehensive sign program shall be required whenever any of the following circumstances exist, or whenever an applicant requests the approval of a comprehensive sign program:
Two or more separate tenant spaces are to be created on the same parcel;
A new project is proposed with five or more non-exempt signs;
Two or more new signs are proposed during any 12-month period, at an existing business with five or more non-exempt signs; and
The Community Development Director determines that a comprehensive sign program is needed because of special project characteristics (e.g., the size of proposed signs, limited site visibility, a business within a business, the location of the site relative to major transportation routes).
Approval Authority. The Community Development Director may approve a comprehensive sign program through the granting of a sign permit for a comprehensive sign program.
Application Requirements. A sign permit application for a comprehensive sign program shall include all information and materials required by the Community Development Department, and the filing fee set by the city's Fee Resolution.
Standards. A comprehensive sign program shall comply with the following standards:
The program shall comply with the purpose of this chapter, the Sign Design Guidelines, and the overall intent of this section;
The signs shall enhance the overall development, be in harmony with, and relate visually to other signs included in the comprehensive sign program, to the structures or developments they identify, and to surrounding development;
The program shall accommodate future revisions that may be required because of changes in use or tenants; and
The program shall comply with the standards of this chapter, except that flexibility is allowed with regard to sign area, number, location, or height to the extent that the comprehensive sign program will enhance the overall development and will more fully accomplish the purposes of this chapter.
Revisions to Comprehensive Sign Programs. Revisions to a comprehensive sign program may be approved by the Community Development Director with a standard sign permit if the intent of the original approval is not affected. Revisions that would substantially deviate from the original approval shall require the approval of a new comprehensive sign program.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 §§ 106, 107, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
Purpose. This section provides standards for off-site signs, including district identification signs and large screen video signs not on Sunset Boulevard. All off-site signs on Sunset Boulevard are governed by the Sunset Specific Plan.
Applicability. District Identification Signs are governed by subsection (E) below and large screen video signs are allowed in the CR zone in compliance with subsection (F) below. (Also see Section 19.34.090 – Prohibited and Restricted Signs.)
Permit Requirement. A sign permit issued in compliance with Section 19.34.100 (Sign Permits) shall be required for any off-site signs allowed under the provisions of this section, except where a different permit requirement is established by this section.
Approval Authority. The Planning Commission shall have the authority to approve district identification signs and large-screen video signs. The Community Development Director may approve all other off-site signs and to the extent permitted under this Code.
District Identification Signs. A district identification sign is an off-site sign for the identification of a specific district or center identified in the General Plan or a business improvement or redevelopment area approved by the Council.
Procedure. Hearing notice shall be sent to all businesses within a district or redevelopment area, or to owners of property within 500 feet of the site, whichever is less.
Standards. District identification signs shall not:
Interfere with pedestrian or vehicular safety to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Works;
Detract from the pedestrian quality of the surrounding area; or
Add to an over-proliferation of signs on one property or in an area.
Maintenance Agreement Required. The owner of the sign shall enter into an agreement with the city for funding the ongoing cleaning, maintenance, and repair of the sign subject to the approval of the Director of Public Works.
Large Screen Video Signs.
Criteria for Eligibility. Large screen video signs shall be allowed only in conjunction with new construction of 5,000 square feet or more. Large screen video signs may be approved when the signs are located in the CR zone and meet all of the following criteria:
The site where the sign is located is designated gateway node under the General Plan.
The site where the sign is located is designated a light way or glow way under the Santa Monica Boulevard Master Plan.
The large screen video sign is a component of a special lighting concept contributing the project's gateway status as a glow way or light way as required by the Santa Monica Boulevard Master Plan.
Procedure. Public notice shall be provided as required by Chapter 19.48 for a development permit.
Standards. Proposed video signs shall comply with the following standards:
The sign shall be at least 100 square feet in screen area.
If the sign is located in the CR zone, the sign shall be at least 200 feet away from any residentially zoned property and 1,000 feet away from any other large screen video in West Hollywood.
If the sign is located in the CR zone, the sign shall be no larger than 500 square feet in size.
Off-site advertising shall be limited to the large-screen video portion of the sign.
Time Limits and Extensions. Large screen video signs shall be installed within two years from the date of approval. The Community Development Director may, upon request before the expiration date, extend the permit one time for an additional six months in compliance with Chapter 19.62 (Permit Implementation, Time Limits, and Extensions).
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 01-604 §§ 5, 6, 2001; Ord. 03-672 § 5, 2003; Ord. 04-684 § 5 (Att. A), 2004; Ord. 14-940 § 22, 2014; Ord. 16-976 §§ 1 – 4, 2016; Ord. 19-1058 §§ 109 – 119, 2019; Ord. 19-1063 § 6, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
Prohibited Signs. The following signs are inconsistent with the purposes and standards of this chapter and are prohibited in all zoning districts:
Cabinet (can) signs;
Notices, placards, bills, posters, cards, stickers, banners, signs, advertising, or other devices designed to attract the attention of the public that are posted or otherwise affixed upon any street, street furniture, right-of-way, public sidewalk, crosswalk, curb, lamppost, hydrant, tree, alley, telephone pole, public telephone, or lighting system, or other public alarm or communication system, or on private property, except as allowed by this chapter;
Obscene or offensive signs containing statements, words, or pictures of an obscene or indecent character which appeal to the prurient interest in sex, or which are patently offensive and do not have serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value;
Off-site signs not specifically allowed by the provisions of Section 19.34.080 (Off-Site Signs) or the Sunset Specific Plan;
Painted signs on fences or roofs, except street addresses;
Portable signs, except for valet signs (see Section 19.34.110(C)(7)) and menu signs within approved outdoor dining areas (see Section 19.34.110(C)(2));
Signs advertising home occupations;
Signs erected in a manner that a portion of their surface or supports will interfere with the free use of a fire escape, exit or standpipe, or obstruct a required ventilator, door, stairway, or window above the first story, or create other hazards;
Signs not in compliance with the provisions of this chapter;
Signs using words, colors, symbols, or characters in a manner that interferes with, misleads, or confuses pedestrian or vehicular traffic and safety; and
Vehicle signs attached to or painted on motor vehicles that are parked on or adjacent to property for more than 24 consecutive hours, the principal purpose of which is to attract attention to a product sold or business located on the property;
Inflated signs, balloons, and figures; and
Mobile billboards.
Restricted Signs. The following signs are generally inconsistent with the purposes and standards of this chapter but may be allowed under certain circumstances or through sign approval programs that offer incentives to encourage well designed, creative signs (e.g., comprehensive sign program, creative sign, creative billboard, etc).
Animated, moving, flashing, blinking, reflecting, revolving, or other similar signs or signs that incorporate these elements are prohibited unless approved as a creative sign;
Awnings that are internally illuminated are prohibited unless approved as a creative sign;
Banners, streamers, and pennants, are prohibited unless allowed for a temporary use by Section 19.34.050(F) (Temporary Signs). See also Section 19.34.030, Table 3-12.
Changeable copy signs over three square feet, are prohibited unless approved through a comprehensive sign program (Section 19.34.120) and in compliance with Section 19.34.050(C) (Changeable Copy Signs);
Electronic graphic signs, are prohibited except:
Time or temperature signs;
Large screen video displays in compliance with Section 19.34.070(H);
A creative sign in compliance with Section 19.34.060; or
A sign that is five square feet or smaller in compliance with Section 19.34.100.
Murals are prohibited except for tall wall signs in compliance with Section 19.34.080(I), or those approved by the Fine Arts Commission;
Roof signs extending above the edge of the roof of a structure are prohibited unless approved as a creative sign;
Signs emitting audible sounds, odors, or visible matter are prohibited unless approved as a creative sign or creative billboard; and
Pole signs are prohibited unless approved as creative signs.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 02-643 § 30, 2003; Ord. 07-773 § 7, 2007; Ord. 19-1063 § 7, 2019)
Application Processing and Fee. A sign perm it application shall include the information and materials required by the Community Development Department, and the filing fee set by the city's Fee Resolution.
Review Authority. The Planning Commission shall have the authority to approve district identification signs, creative signs as specified by Section 19.34.060 (Creative Signs), and large screen video signs. The Community Development Director may approve all other types of signs. Appeals of decisions of the Planning Commission or Community Development Director shall be processed in compliance with Chapter 19.76 (Appeals).
Criteria for Approval. The Community Development Director or Planning Commission may approve a sign permit if the proposed sign:
Meets the requirements of this chapter;
Is in compliance with the Sign Design Guidelines;
Would not interfere with pedestrian or vehicular safety;
Would not detract from the character of a historic or architecturally significant structure;
Would not be located so as to have a negative impact on adjacent property;
Would not detract from the pedestrian quality of street or area; and
Would not add to an over-proliferation of signs on a particular property.
Modification of Standards. Modifications to the requirements of this chapter may be requested in compliance with Chapter 19.60 (Variances and Modifications).
Revocation or Modification of Sign Permits. The Community Development Director may revoke or modify a sign permit, in compliance with Section 19.80.060 (Revocations and Modifications) if it is found that the signs has been erected, altered, reconstructed, or is being maintained in a manner that is inconsistent with the approved permit.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 § 120, 2019; Ord. 19-1079 § 7, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
Sign permits shall not be required for the signs listed in this section. These exempt signs shall not be included in the determination of the total allowable number of signs or total allowable sign area for a site.
Flags. The flag of the United States of America and other nations, states, counties, or municipalities, and flags of incorporated nonprofit organizations or service clubs provided that the pole height shall not exceed 25 feet in height above finished grade within five feet of the pole if located on the ground or 10 feet if located on a roof. The length of the flag shall not exceed one-quarter of the height of the pole. No more than three flags per parcel shall be allowed. More or larger flags may be allowed subject to approval by the Community Development Director.
Permanent Signs Without Size Limitations. The following permanent signs are exempt from sign permit requirements and their size is not limited by this chapter.
Official Signs. Official and legal notices required by a court or governmental agency;
City Signs. Any sign erected by the city;
Federal and State Signs. A sign erected by a federal or state agency to the extent that the city is precluded from regulation by the doctrine of preemption.
Historic Signs. A sign on a historic structure or the adjacent right-of-way in compliance with a city program.
Signs in the Public Right-of-Way. Off-site signs that are part of and accessory to bus shelters, transit shelters, pay phones, trash receptacles, and other similar street furniture located in the public right-of-way and installed by the city or in compliance with an agreement with the city. This includes banners attached to streetlights and other similar structures.
Permanent Signs With Size and Number Limitations. The following permanent signs are exempt from sign permit requirements when in compliance with the requirements of this subsection.
Affiliation Signs. Signs that provide notices of services (e.g., trade affiliations, credit cards accepted) provided the signs are attached to the structure. Signs or notices shall not exceed one-half square foot in area for each sign, and no more than three signs are allowed for each business;
Changeable Copy Signs. Signs with readily changeable copy or text (e.g., chalkboard) limited to one sign per business not to exceed three square feet in area. For larger changeable copy signs, see Section 19.34.050(C).
Gasoline Pump Signs. Signs identifying the brand, types, and octane rating provided the signs do not exceed two square feet for each pump face. Also includes equivalent signs for alternative fuel/electric vehicle recharging stations.
Name Plaques. Commemorative plaques, tables, dates of construction, and the like when carved in stone, concrete, or similar materials or made of bronze, aluminum, or other similar permanent material. Signs shall not exceed three square feet in area. (See subsection (B)(2), above, for signs on historic structures.)
Neighborhood Watch Signs. Signs located in residential neighborhoods that are designated official neighborhood watch areas and limited to three square feet in area.
Off-site Directional Signs. Signs located off-site and providing directions to publicly owned facilities or emergency facilities and limited to 12 square feet in area.
Portable Parking Lot and Valet Parking Signs. One freestanding portable sign at each parking lot entrance limited to 10 square feet in area. Signs shall not cause hazard to pedestrian movement.
Residential Security Signs. One sign per street frontage limited to a maximum of two square feet per sign.
Site Address. A maximum of two site address signs are allowed for each street address, in compliance with Section 19.20.200.
Time or Temperature Signs. Time or temperature signs are exempt from sign permit requirements when provided in compliance with Section 19.34.050(H).
Vehicle-Oriented Safety and Directional Signs. Signs solely for the purposes of guiding traffic, parking, and loading on private property are exempt from sign permit requirements. One safety or directional sign on each site may include the name of the business within a maximum area of two square feet. No other advertising copy or logos shall be allowed. Maximum sign height shall be four feet.
Kiosk Signage. Each kiosk may provide a maximum of two signs of up to three square feet each.
Vehicle Towing Signs. Signs identifying vehicle towing information in compliance with the California Vehicle Code, Section 22658. Signs shall be limited to three square feet in size each, and one sign per entrance to the property in plain view of the entrance. No other advertising copy or logos shall be allowed. Maximum sign height shall be four feet.
Temporary Signs Limited by Size and Period of Display. The temporary signs listed in Section 19.34.050(F) (Temporary Signs) are exempt from sign permit requirements in compliance with Section 19.34.050(G). See Section 19.34.030 for permit requirements for temporary sales and promotional signs.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 04-677 § 4, 2004; Ord. 05-720 § 6, 2005; Ord. 06-734 § 7, 2006; Ord. 14-940 § 23, 2014; Ord. 18-1027 § 7, 2018; Ord. 19-1058 § 121, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
A sign, other than a designated historic sign, that advertises or otherwise identifies a business or activity that is no longer conducted on premises shall be removed by the owner or lessee of the premises within 90 days of the close of business, or the cessation of the identified activity. This section does not require the removal of a designated historic sign.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 14-940 § 24, 2014)
Penalties. Illegal signs shall be subject to the administrative remedies of Municipal Code Chapter 1.08.
Removal of Illegal Signs in the Public Right-of-Way. The Community Development Director may cause the removal of any sign within the public right-of-way or on property that is otherwise abandoned that has been placed there without first complying with the requirements of this chapter.
Storage of Removed Signs. Signs removed in compliance with this section shall be stored by the city for 30 days, during which they may be recovered by the owner only upon payment to the city for costs of removal and storage. If not recovered within the 30-day period, the sign and supporting structure shall be declared abandoned and title shall vest with the city. The costs of removal and storage (up to 30 days) may be billed to the owner. If not paid, the applicable costs may be imposed as a tax lien against the property.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 § 122, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)