This chapter establishes review procedures and standards for proposed development and new land uses to: ensure compliance with the required standards, design guidelines, and ordinances of the city; minimize potential adverse effects on surrounding properties and the environment; implement the Land Use and Urban Design, and Public Open Space Elements of the General Plan; and promote the general health, safety, welfare, and economy of the residents of the city. Therefore, it is the purpose of this chapter to:
Enhance the overall appearance of the city by improving the appearance of individual development projects within the city;
Promote open space around structures, for access to and around buildings, and the establishment and maintenance of landscaping for aesthetic and screening purposes;
Promote areas of improved open space to protect access to natural light, ventilation, and direct sunlight, to ensure the compatibility of land uses, to provide space for privacy, landscaping, and recreation;
Ensure that new or modified use and development will complement the existing or potential development of surrounding neighborhoods, and to produce an environment of stable and desirable character;
Implement and promote the goals and policies in the Land Use and Urban Design chapter of the General Plan;
Ensure that all new development builds on the city's character and does not have an adverse aesthetic impact upon existing adjoining properties, the environment, or the city in general;
Recognize the interdependence of land values and aesthetics and provide a method by which the city may implement this interdependence to the benefit of its constituents;
Promote the use of sound design principles that result in creative, imaginative solutions and establish structures of quality design throughout the city and which avoid monotony and mediocrity of development;
Promote maintenance of the public health, safety, general welfare, and property throughout the city;
Further communication between building interiors and their surroundings, and contribute meaning and visual interest to the pedestrian environment; and
Recognize that the greater the project (e.g., impact, location, size, etc.), the more important the need to look at projects in greater detail.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
The standards of this chapter shall apply to all proposed development and new land uses except the activities and structures listed in Section 19.02.020 (Exemptions from Land Use Permit Requirements).
All development projects within the Sunset Specific Plan area shall comply with the design standards and criteria specified in the Sunset Specific Plan. In a case where the Sunset Specific Plan standards are inconsistent with or contradict this Zoning Ordinance, the Sunset Specific Plan design standards shall prevail.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
The standards of this chapter shall be considered and applied to proposed development and new land uses by the review authority through the applicable land use permit process required by Article 19-2 (Zoning Districts and Allowable Land Uses) to authorize the proposed use.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Conditions of approval to secure compliance with the provisions of this chapter may be adopted as part of the approval of a discretionary land use permit to bring the proposed design into conformity. When the proposed design does not meet the adopted standards or design guidelines, and cannot be conditioned to comply, the proposed project shall be denied and referred to the applicant for potential redesign and resubmittal.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Land use permit approval may be granted by the appropriate review authority only if the proposed project complies with all of the following standards:
The architectural design and situation of structures and their materials and colors are compatible with the scale and character of surrounding development and other improvements on the site or of a higher caliber design quality than surrounding development. Specific design elements (e.g., screening of equipment, exterior lighting, signs, awnings, etc.) have been incorporated into the project to further ensure the compatibility of the structures with the character of surrounding development;
The landscape design, including the location, type, size, color, texture, and coverage of plant materials, provisions for irrigation, protection of landscape elements, and lighting have been considered to create visual relief, complement structures, and provide an attractive environment;
The proposed design promotes a harmonious transition in terms of scale and character between areas of different land use designations where relevant;
The proposed plans provide for adequate and safe pedestrian and vehicular circulation; and
Non-residential projects shall contribute to a pedestrian environment by providing visual access to the interior or other visual interest or other pedestrian amenities, and residential projects shall contribute to the visual interest of the neighborhood.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)