This chapter provides for discretionary review before demolition of any structure, to protect against the inadvertent destruction of structures of historic, architectural or cultural importance, and the potentially blighting effects that the unregulated demolition of structures can have on surrounding neighborhoods.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)
Discretionary approval of a demolition permit shall be secured under the provisions of this chapter before demolition of any building or structure (see demolition definition in Section 19.90.020, Definitions of Specialized Terms and Phrases) and before commencement of a substantial remodel as that term is defined in Section 19.48.020(D) (Development permits – Applicability). Approval of a demolition permit shall also be required before a structure is moved from any site within the city.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 14-940 § 32, 2014)
A demolition permit may be approved by the Community Development Director or the Planning Commission, whichever has authority to approve the discretionary permits being processed concurrently with the demolition permit application; provided however, that:
The Community Development Director may approve a demolition permit in the event demolition of a structure is compelled by public safety as provided in Section 19.50.040; and
Only the Planning Commission is empowered to approve a demolition permit for demolition or remodel of a designated cultural, historic or architectural landmark, or for demolition of a structure to be replaced by an interim use, as provided in Section 19.50.040(C).
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 § 182, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
An application for a demolition permit shall not be considered complete unless accompanied by complete applications for all discretionary approvals necessary for the proposed new construction on the site, except as provided in subsection (C), below.
The application for a demolition permit shall be processed concurrently with all other required discretionary applications and shall not be approved until and unless all discretionary permits for the proposed new project on the site are approved. This discretionary approval, as well as compliance with Section 19.50.060, is a prerequisite to issuance of a demolition permit by the Building Official.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, concurrent processing of permits shall not be required for processing and approval of a demolition permit when:
Compelled by public safety due to the imminent hazard posed by a building, as determined by the Building Official; or
A proposed interim use resulting from a demolition satisfies a public need, as determined by the Planning Commission at a public hearing.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 § 183, 2019)
A demolition permit shall be approved if the following findings are made in a positive manner:
All other applications for discretionary permits necessary for the new project to be constructed on the site have been approved, or, alternatively, the requirements of Section 19.50.040(C) are satisfied; and
The building or structure is not a designated historic resource, is not being formally considered for this designation, and is not listed on the city's List of Potential Resources or, alternatively, the building is a designated resource, but is being demolished or remodeled pursuant to a certificate of appropriateness issued by the Historic Preservation Commission.
Conditions may be imposed on the demolition permit to carry out the purpose and intent of this chapter, and to protect the integrity of the neighborhood in which the structure or building to be demolished is located.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 03-663 § 4, 2003)
The Building Official shall not issue a demolition permit, or a building permit which includes demolition, for demolition of any structure, or for a substantial remodel, as that term is defined in Section 19.48.020(D) (Development Permits – Applicability) unless:
Discretionary approval of the demolition permit has been obtained in compliance with this chapter;
The applicant has received all required planning entitlements for the proposed new construction for the site, provided evidence that construction financing has been secured or committed, and executed architectural, engineering and construction contracts, unless the demolition is exempt from this requirement by virtue of Section 19.50.040(C), and the Building Official has received both an application for building and demolition permits and complete plans and specifications for the replacement buildings;
In the event that the building to be demolished contains registered rental units, the tenant notice and relocation requirements of the Rent Stabilization Ordinance have been met to the satisfaction of the Director of Rent Stabilization; and
In the event that the building to be demolished contains rental housing, the applicant has offered the right of first refusal to occupy any replacement housing to be constructed on the site to tenants displaced by the demolition; provided, however that occupancy of inclusionary units shall be governed by the provisions of Chapter 19.22 (Affordable Housing Requirements and Incentives).
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 06-742 § 6, 2006; Ord. 14-940 § 33, 2014)
A demolition permit may be suspended or revoked by the Community Development Director upon finding that:
The demolition permit was obtained in a fraudulent manner;
The demolition permit was issued in error;
The permittee has failed or refused to comply with any condition of approval; or
Significant demolition activity has ceased for more than 30 successive calendar days.
A suspension of the permit shall take effect immediately, and shall be followed by a public hearing, at which the Community Development Director shall consider evidence pertaining to any or all of the above findings and determine whether the permit should be reinstated or revoked. Not less than 10 days' notice of the hearing shall be given to the permittee.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 § 184, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
A demolition permit approved under this chapter shall expire the sooner of six months from the date of approval by the Community Development Director or Planning Commission, as applicable, if demolition pursuant to the permit has not commenced or is not proceeding with due diligence, or upon expiration of the discretionary permits approved concurrently therewith. The permittee may request one or more extensions of time of not to exceed six months each, provided that the application for an extension is filed with the Community Development Director before the expiration date. A decision on the application for extension shall be made by the Community Development Director. An extension shall not be granted unless the construction financing referred to in Section 19.50.060(B) is in place.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 § 185, 2019; Ord. 24-16, 6/24/2024)
The approval or denial of a demolition permit may be appealed in compliance with Chapter 19.76 (Appeals). The procedures of Chapter 19.62 (Permit Implementation, Time Limits, and Extensions) shall apply after the approval of a demolition permit.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001)