This chapter provides procedures for the review of applications for specific plan approval or amendment.
Specific plans are recognized as planning tools that facilitate the logical, coordinated planning of a large area for a variety of land uses and types of development. Specific plans are established to provide maximum flexibility in the development of large properties that may benefit from unique or special land use and design policies and standards not otherwise possible under conventional zoning controls, and to establish uniform procedures for the adoption and implementation of specific plans. The specific plan is an instrument for implementing the general plan pursuant to Article 8, Chapter 3, of the state Planning and Zoning Law (California Government Code Section 65450 et seq.).
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 10-842 § 5, 2010)
A specific plan may be initiated in the following manner:
City. By a Resolution of Intention adopted by the Council; or
Property Owner. By an application in compliance with Section 19.40.030(A) (Eligibility for filing). If initiated by property owners, the following shall occur before the filing of an application:
Pre-Submittal Review. A pre-submittal application, fee, and conference with the Planning and Development Services Director; and
Public Meetings. The applicant shall hold at least one public meeting to identify potential community impacts and concerns relating to the proposed plan. Public notice of the meeting shall be provided in compliance with Chapter 19.74 (Public Hearings and Notice), and the appropriate procedures for the meeting shall be determined by the Planning and Development Services Director.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 § 226, 2019)
The initiator shall prepare a draft specific plan for review by the city that includes detailed information in the form of text and diagrams, organized in compliance with an outline furnished by the Planning and Development Services Department and state law (Government Code Section 65451). The following information shall be provided:
Proposed Land Uses. The distribution, location, and extent of land uses proposed within the area covered by the specific plan, including open space areas;
Infrastructure. The proposed distribution, location, extent, and intensity of major components of public and private drainage, energy, sewage, solid waste disposal, circulation, transportation, water, and other essential facilities proposed to be located within the specific plan area and needed to support the proposed land uses;
Land Use and Development Standards. Standards, criteria, and guidelines by which development would proceed, and standards for the conservation, development, and utilization of natural resources, where applicable;
Implementation Measures. A program of implementation measures, including regulations, programs, public works projects, and financing measures necessary to carry out the proposed land uses, infrastructure, and development and conservation standards and criteria;
Relationship to General Plan. A discussion of the relationship of the specific plan to the objectives, policies, general land uses, and programs of the General Plan;
Urban Design Standards Guidelines. Standards and guidelines for proposed structures and public street features within the boundaries of the specific plan area; and
Additional Information. The specific plan shall contain any additional information determined to be necessary by the Planning and Development Services Director based on the characteristics of the area to be covered by the plan, applicable policies of the General Plan, or any other issue(s) determined by the Planning and Development Services Director to be significant.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 § 227, 2019)
Filing and Initial Processing. A draft specific plan proposed by a property owner shall be filed with the Planning and Development Services Department and shall be accompanied by the fee required by the city's Fee Resolution. A draft plan proposed by an applicant or prepared by the city shall then be processed in the same manner as required for General Plans by state law (Government Code Section 65350 et seq.), and as provided by this section.
Planning and Development Services Department Evaluation. After the receipt of a draft specific plan, the Planning and Development Services Department shall review the draft plan to determine whether it complies with the provisions of this chapter. If the draft plan is not in compliance, it shall be returned to the applicant with a written explanation of why it does not comply, and with suggested revisions to ensure compliance. When a draft plan is returned by the applicant to the Department and the Department determines it is complete and in compliance with this chapter, the plan shall be deemed to be accepted for processing, in compliance with Section 19.40.040(A) (Review for completeness).
Environmental Review. The draft specific plan shall be subject to environmental review in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and the city's CEQA Guidelines.
Public Hearings. A proposed specific plan shall be subject to public hearings before both Planning Commission and Council before its adoption, as follows:
Planning Commission. The hearing shall receive public notice and be conducted in compliance with Chapter 19.74 (Public Hearings and Notice). After the hearing, the Planning Commission shall forward a written recommendation, with appropriate findings to the Council, in compliance with subsection (E), below; and
Council. Following the hearing at which the Planning Commission makes a recommendation, a public hearing on the specific plan shall be scheduled. The hearing shall be noticed and conducted in compliance with Chapter 19.74 (Public Hearings and Notice). After the hearing, the Council may adopt the specific plan, may deny the plan, or may adopt the plan with changes, with appropriate findings, provided that any substantial modifications to the plan that were not considered by the Planning Commission shall be referred to the Planning Commission for its recommendation, in compliance with state law (Government Code Section 65356). Failure of the Planning Commission to report within 45 days after the referral, or a longer period set by the Council, shall be deemed a recommendation for the approval of the changes.
Conformance with the General Plan. The Council shall adopt a specific plan only if it finds that the proposed plan is consistent with the objectives, policies, general land uses, and programs of the General Plan and other adopted goals and policies of the city.
The specific plan shall be adopted by ordinance in compliance with state law (Government Code Section 65453) and shall become effective on the 30th day following the date the decision is rendered by the Council.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 19-1058 § 228, 2019)
Development Within Specific Plan Area. After the adoption of a specific plan, a public works project, a tentative map or parcel map, and an amendment to this Zoning Ordinance may be approved or adopted within an area covered by a specific plan only if it is first found consistent with the specific plan. The Council may impose a specific plan fee surcharge on development permits within the specific plan area, in compliance with state law (Government Code Section 65456).
Amendments. An adopted specific plan shall be amended through the same procedure specified by this chapter for the adoption of a specific plan.
Applicability of Specific Plan Regulations. When a specific plan is adopted for a geographic area, the specific plan's land use designations, standards, and other requirements will supersede and control any contrary provision of this title. Where an adopted specific plan is silent, development within the specific plan area will be implemented pursuant to the development standards and procedures in this title. All subdivision, public works projects, development agreements, and other development-related activity within a specific plan zone must be consistent with the adopted specific plan for that area.
(Ord. 01-594 § 2, 2001; Ord. 10-842 § 5, 2010)