[Added 4-24-2023 by L.L. No. 5-2023; amended 7-10-2023 by L.L. No. 7-2023]
The erection of tents for the temporary enclosure of persons or property typically incidental to a social event risks adversely impacting the peace and quiet of residential neighborhoods within the Village, and this article is intended to enable a review of any such planned activity so as to protect the public interest, including the expectation of peace and quiet particularly during seasonal periods of greater activity.
Tents shall be permitted in residential districts only as an accessory use and only in conformity with the regulations set forth herein.
No tent or combination of tents totaling an excess of 200 square feet in area shall be erected or maintained in any residential district without obtaining a tent permit the Chief Building Inspector or his or her designee.
No tent or tents for which a permit is required shall be erected or maintained in any residential use district for a period of time in excess of 96 hours.
No tent or combination of tents totaling in excess of 2,000 square feet in area shall be maintained in any nonresidential use district, and any tent over 200 square feet must obtain a tent permit from the Chief Building Inspector.
Tents located in other than residential districts shall be a minimum of 200 feet from the nearest residence.
There shall be, within a reasonable distance from the tent, one off-street parking space for every 50 square feet of area occupied by the tent or tents.
The limits set forth in Chapter 281, Noise, shall apply at all times.
No tent requiring a permit pursuant to this section shall be erected or maintained for a period of time in excess of 96 hours.
No permits shall be issued for events scheduled to be held closer than 30 days apart.
The approved tent can only be maintained for the event and under no circumstance can it be used as an extension or expansion of the commercial business on the property apart from the event.
All tents in excess of 200 square feet shall comply with all federal, state and Village building, fire and electrical codes.
Tents used as a part of an approved special event pursuant to Chapter 357 of this Code are exempt from the size limitations in § 205-67A.
No person shall erect, construct or maintain a tent to remain on public or private property within the Village for any amount of time unless a permit is issued by the Chief Building Inspector and his or her designee.
Any application for a permit shall be submitted at least 30 days prior to any requested date of issuance.
Any such application shall be accompanied by a fee according to the Village schedule of fees maintained by the Village Clerk, which may be changed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Trustees.
Any such application shall be approved or denied by the Chief Building Inspector if he/she determines there is a substantial risk of any of the following:
Adverse impact on the health, safety and welfare of the community; or
Undue inconvenience to neighbors; or
Adverse impact on property values or the aesthetic character of the neighborhood; or
The proposed use is unlawful; or
The tent will remain for more than 96 hours or more than 24 hours after any event using the tent is concluded.
With respect to any approval granted hereunder, the Chief Building Inspector may impose any reasonable conditions it deems appropriate to protect the health, safety and welfare of the community and/or to preserve the surrounding property values and aesthetic character of the neighborhood community.
Within 24 hours of the expiration of a permit issued hereunder, the tent for which the permit was granted shall be disassembled and removed from the Village or stored inside an accessory building or garage by the person(s) issued the permit.