The office of city clerk shall be filled by election by the voters of the city. No person shall hold the office of city clerk unless such person has the qualifications for office provided in Title 4, Division 3, Part 1 of the Government Code of the state of California. The city clerk shall receive as compensation the sum of three hundred fifty dollars per month, as prescribed in Government Code Section 36517.
(Prior code § 2-66; amended during 6/30/96 supplement; Ord. 865-99 § 2; Ord. 1003-07 § 1)
The city clerk shall perform all mandatory functions required by state law including keeping an accurate record of council proceedings, keeping the city ordinance book, recording all ordinances, keeping custody of the city seal, administering oaths or affirmations and certifying affidavits and depositions pertaining to city affairs and business which may be used in any court or proceedings, and such additional duties as may from time to time be prescribed for the office by the council.
(Prior code § 2-67)
Commencing with the April 2000 municipal election, the assistant city clerk shall perform the following duties without additional compensation: the assistant city clerk shall be, and is, designated as the city's elections official within the meaning of the California Elections Code, and shall be responsible for all duties, either express or implied, in conjunction with conducting the April 2000 municipal election within the city of Lawndale.
At each municipal election thereafter, the Lawndale city council shall, in connection with the resolution(s) necessary to call such election, designate the individual to serve as the city's elections official within the meaning of the California Elections Code. Such individual, shall be designated by the Lawndale city council by resolution, and shall be responsible for all duties, either express or implied, in conjunction with conducting the municipal election for which such person is designated as the city's elections official.
(Prior code § 2-72; Ord. 871-99 § 1)
The initial term of office shall be until the second Tuesday in April, 1982, and until the successor is elected and qualified. All succeeding terms of office shall be for four years and until the successor is elected and qualified.
(Prior code § 2-68)
If a vacancy occurs in the office of city clerk, the city council shall, within sixty days from the commencement of the vacancy, either fill the vacancy by appointment or call a special election to fill the vacancy. The vacancy shall be filled in the same manner as a vacancy in the office of mayor or city councilmember, as described in Section 2.04.110 of this code.
(Ord. 1082-13 § 2; Ord. 1123-16 § 2)
The city clerk, upon assuming his or her duties of office, shall execute a bond for the city in conformity with bonds of public officers, and in conformity with the provisions of the Government Code of the state of California relating thereto, in the amount established by the council.
(Prior code § 2-70)