Note: Ordinance approved by vote of the people.
The redevelopment agency shall not use its power of eminent domain to acquire property which is zoned for residential purposes and/or developed with residential structures with four units or less, except that the agency may use its eminent domain powers to acquire such property with the consent of all owners of the property. This provision shall be incorporated into any redevelopment plan approved by the agency.
(Ord. 744-93 § 1)
The agency shall, at a minimum, comply with all requirements of law in providing citizen participation in the redevelopment process, and shall also ensure that duly noticed public hearings for all affected properties shall be held before undertaking any of the following activities: adopting a redevelopment plan; acquiring any property by eminent domain; disposing of any property for less than fair market value; approving any environmental impact report for any project; and adopting rules for participation by owners and lessees of property, property acquisition procedures and relocation. This provision shall be incorporated into any redevelopment plan approved by the agency.
(Ord. 744-93 § 1)