As used in this chapter:
unless the context indicates otherwise, means the parks, recreation and social services commission of the city.
"Leisure services"
mean those recreational and cultural programs provided within the community and as more specifically defined in Section 2.40.010(B) of this code.
"Social services"
mean those community programs that deal with the problems of the individual or family, but are of community-wide concern, and as more specifically defined in Section 2.40.010(C) of this code.
(Ord. 962-06 § 3; Ord. 1029-09 § 1)
This chapter creates a framework to authorize the commission to procure supplies, services, and equipment: (1) related to social and leisure services and events, and (2) for items not included in the city budget, with the concurrence of a majority of the entire commission.
Any request to spend money by the commission must be considered as a properly agendized item at a regular public meeting of the commission. The request must include the presentation of detailed information regarding the specific supplies, services or equipment under consideration and verification that sufficient funds exist to acquire the same. A public hearing is not required; however, a resolution shall be prepared to document any approval to expend funds.
The commission is encouraged, but is not required, to solicit at least three bids or proposals before considering the procurement of supplies, services or equipment pursuant to this chapter in an amount less than or equal to two thousand five hundred dollars. The purchase of any supplies, services or equipment in excess of this amount shall require the solicitation of at least three bids or proposals.
(Ord. 962-06 § 3; Ord. 1005-07 § 1)
This chapter shall only apply to the expenditure of those funds raised by the commission from its fire-works booth operations, and shall not apply to any monies allocated to the commission by the city council.
The commission shall not authorize the disbursement of more funds than are currently in the account containing funds raised by the commission from fireworks booth operations. The status of the commission's account shall be verified by the commission's staff liaison before the request to expend funds is agendized for consideration by the commission.
(Ord. 962-06 § 3)
Once the commission has authorized an expenditure of funds pursuant to Section 3.10.020 of this chapter, the commission's staff liaison shall prepare a payment voucher to complete the desired acquisition. The commission's staff liaison shall ensure the prompt implementation of the payment voucher. Once supplies or equipment have been acquired by the commission, such goods shall be considered the property of the city of Lawndale.
(Ord. 962-06 § 3)