Every person engaged in any business in the city, except as indicated in Section 5.08.010(D) below, shall pay an annual business tax.
It shall be the duty and obligation of any applicant for an annual business license pursuant to this section to file with the city simultaneously with the filing of the application, an affidavit showing the number of individuals engaged, employed or used in the conduct of the business during the six-month period immediately prior to the filing of the application and such number of individuals shall determine the license fee to be paid. Included in the determination of the number of employees shall be apprentices and students for whom the business receives compensation for student labor. For the purpose of determining the number of employees pursuant to this section, two part-time employees shall be considered the equivalent of one full-time employee. In the event that the number of part-time employees is an odd number, then the fractional employee shall be rounded up to the next whole number.
If the application is for a new business previously unlicensed in the city, such application and affidavit shall estimate the number of individuals to be engaged, employed or otherwise used in the conduct of the business. The estimate shall be reconciled with the actual facts at the time of the succeeding annual renewal or at any time during the period in which the license certificate is in effect, at which time the license fee shall be adjusted accordingly.
If the business has numerous offices, the number of individuals regularly working at the office or offices located in the city or, in the case of an independent contractor, who would have regular use of the office or offices in the city, shall be included in the affidavit required herein as full-time employees.
The fee for filing an application for any permit pursuant to this chapter shall be in an amount established by the city council from time to time by resolution, payable in advance. The license fee prescribed for the particular business shall accompany the application for the permit.
All permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be renewed annually. The fee for such renewal shall be as established by the city council from time to time by resolution.
Section 5.08.010(A) shall not apply to persons engaged in the collection of solid waste. Such persons shall pay application, business license and AB 939 fees in accordance with Section 5.08.070 for solid waste collectors.
(Ord. 685-91 § 6; Ord. 921-02 §§ 3, 4; Ord. 946-04 § 1)
Every person engaged in the wholesale or retail sale of goods and materials shall pay an annual fee in accordance with Section 5.08.010. Examples of businesses in this category include: apparel stores, food stores, eating and drinking places, furniture and appliance stores, auto dealers and supply stores, and service stations.
(Ord. 685-91 § 6)
Every person engaged in industry and manufacturing shall pay an annual fee in accordance with Section 5.08.010.
Examples of businesses in this category include: lumber and wood products, machinery and machine shops, electric and electronic equipment, textiles, paper and allied products, and fabricated metal products.
(Ord. 685-91 § 6)
The services and professions shall include those individuals involved in clerical, technical, paraprofessional or other support activities whether employed on a full-time or part-time basis and whether employed directly or as independent contractor. Examples of businesses in this category include: legal services, medical services, insurance services, accountancy, mortgage brokerage, real estate, travel agency, appraisal, beauty salon, auto service and repair.
Every person engaged in any service or profession shall pay an annual fee in accordance with Section 5.08.010.
Every person engaged in the EXTERMINATOR, FUMIGATOR or PEST CONTROL (insect) business shall pay an annual fee as established from time to time by the city council by resolution. Every such person or business shall present a license from the State Board of Pest Control at the time of application for a license.
Every person engaged in a PRIVATE PATROL profession, including night watch service, private police officer, police patrol service or any other service the purpose of which is to afford police or fire protection within the city, in addition to that provided by the city, to the public for hire or reward, shall pay an annual fee in accordance with Section 5.08.010. Every firm or business so engaged shall have obtained a license from the state to be engaged in the business prior to application for a city license. Every person operating a patrol system or employed as a patroller within the city shall also obtain a permit from the city describing the area to be patrolled. The registration shall contain, among other things, an accurate description of the area in which operations are permitted and the names of all patrollers permitted to such permittee.
Every person engaged in the TELLING OF FORTUNES, forecasting of futures, or furnishing of any kind of information not otherwise obtainable by the ordinary process of knowledge, by means of any occult, psychic power, faculty, force, clairvoyance, clairaudience, cartomancy, psychometry, phrenology, spirits, tea leaf, or other such reading, mediumship, seership, prophecy, augury, astrology, palmistry, necromancy, mind reading, telepathy or other craft, science, cards, talisman, charm, potion, magnetized article or substance, crystal gazing, oriental mysteries, or magic, of any kind or nature, shall pay an annual fee as established from time to time by the city council by resolution.
Such license shall only be renewed where there have been no unfavorable reports from the law enforcement agency and the business continues to be in compliance with all requirements established in its permit to operate.
(Ord. 685-91 § 6; Ord. 802-96 § 5)
Every individual or business providing construction or building services shall have the appropriate state license prior to submitting an application for a business license from the city.
All such individuals shall pay an annual fee in accordance with Section 5.08.010.
Every person engaged in any contracting activity pursuant to this section shall be entitled to four vehicle permit stickers as required by this chapter.
Each additional vehicle shall require an annual fee as established by the city council by resolution.
(Ord. 685-91 § 6)
Every person engaged in TRANSPORTING PASSENGERS FOR HIRE, excluding taxicabs, shall pay an annual fee as adopted by the city council by resolution. The fee shall be per vehicle.
No person engaged in a TAXICAB service shall be subject to any license or fee requirements, other than the requirement for a permit issued pursuant to Section 5.24.200.
(Ord. 685-91 § 6; Ord. 1107-15 § 4; Ord. 1156-19 § 1)
Every person engaged in the collection of solid waste (including refuse, recycling and green waste, but excluding construction and demolition debris haulers) within the city shall pay fees as established by the city council from time to time by resolution and to obtain any required permits. Such fees shall include, but are not limited to, those listed below.
Business License Fees. This annual fee may be adjusted periodically by the city council. Payment is due within thirty days of the end of each calendar year.
AB 939 Fees.
Commercial Services. Each solid waste collector shall pay a quarterly AB 939 fee set by the city as a percentage of the solid waste collector's gross receipts as defined by Section 5.04.010(L) from all commercial accounts within the city. The amount of this fee may be adjusted periodically by the city council. Payment is due within twenty days of the end of each calendar quarter, based upon the previous quarter's gross receipts from all commercial accounts within the city. Revenue from the collection and diversion of recyclables and/or green waste may be exempt from quarterly AB 939 fees, provided that such excluded loads of recyclables are taken to a materials recovery or other processing facility and that at least ninety percent of the material collected in the load is diverted from a landfill. Each solid waste collector shall make readily available to the city upon request records supporting that such loads were recycled.
Residential Services. Each solid waste collector shall pay a quarterly AB 939 fee of seven thousand five hundred dollars. The amount of this fee may be adjusted periodically by the city council. Payment is due within twenty days of the end of each calendar quarter.
Franchise Fees. Each exclusive franchise solid waste collector shall pay a franchise fee set by the city as a percentage of the solid waste collector's gross receipts as defined by Section 5.04.010(L). The amount of this fee may be adjusted periodically by the city council. Payment is due within twenty days of the end of each calendar quarter, based upon the previous quarter's gross receipts. Revenue from the collection and diversion of recyclables and/or green waste may be exempt from quarterly franchise fees, provided that such excluded loads of recyclables are taken to a materials recovery or other processing facility and that at least ninety percent of the material collected in the load is diverted from a landfill. Each solid waste collector shall make readily available to the city upon request records supporting that such loads were recycled.
(Ord. 685-91 § 6; Ord. 921-02 § 5; Ord. 946-04 § 2; Ord. 1049-10 § 1)
Every person engaged in and providing recycling services involving the establishment of those facilities identified as small collection facilities as defined in Sections 17.96.020 and 5.04.010(H) of this code, excluding providers of kiosk-type units and unattended containers placed for donation of recyclables by a nonprofit organization, shall pay an annual business license fee as established by the city council from time to time by resolution.
(Ord. 831-97 § 6; Ord. 921-02 § 6, 2002; Ord. 946-04 § 3)
Every person engaged in providing live entertainment within the city shall pay a permit fee pursuant to Chapter 17.95, including any entertainment to be shown, staged, performed, exhibited or produced in any restaurant, hotel, cafe, coffee house, cabaret, club, bar room, beer hall, beer garden, public dance hall or theater.
Such entertainment does not include the following:
Private dances participated in only by the occupants of and guests at a private residence, for which no fee or admission or charge of any nature is imposed;
Public dances participated in only by patrons or customers and for which a permit has been issued; or
Teenage dances participated in only by persons eighteen years of age and under and subject to the rules and regulations of this code.
Any entertainment to be shown, staged, performed, exhibited or produced in any restaurant, hotel, cafe, coffee house, cabaret, club, bar room, beer hall, beer garden, public dance hall or theater shall pay an annual or daily license fee as established by the city council by resolution.
Such entertainment does not include the following:
Instrumental or mechanical music only;
Private dances participated in only by the occupants of and guests at a private residence, for which no fee or admission or charge of any nature is imposed;
Public dances participated in only by patrons or customers and for which a permit has been issued;
Teenage dances participated in only by persons eighteen years of age and under and subject to the rules and regulations of this code.
B . 
Every person engaged in providing COMMUNITY ACCESS TELEVISION (CATV) services within the city shall pay an annual fee as established by the city council from time to time by resolution.
(Ord. 685-91 § 6; Ord. 936-04 § 3)
Every person providing COIN-OPERATED MACHINES whether for the purpose of games, amusement, or for the vending of goods, wares or merchandise, shall pay an annual fee as established by the city council from time to time by resolution. Every machine shall be issued a permit sticker which shall be clearly affixed to each machine. This section shall not apply to publication vending machines, as defined in Section 5.70.010(C).
(Ord. 685-91 § 6; Ord. 901-01 § 1)
Every person engaged in the business of RESIDENTIAL RENTAL UNITS shall pay an annual fee as established by the city council from time to time by resolution. The fee shall be calculated on a per unit basis.
Exemptions from the per unit fee will be applied as follows: one exemption for the owner-occupied unit plus one other unit.
(Ord. 685-91 § 6)
Every person engaged in the rental of nonresidential units shall pay an annual fee as established by the city council from time to time by resolution.
(Ord. 685-91 § 6)
Individuals residing in the city may undertake business activities within their residential dwelling unit or outbuilding thereto, provided all of the following provisions are complied with:
The street address of the residential unit shall not be advertised as the location of the business activity.
No clientele shall be permitted at the residential unit.
No goods or materials shall be delivered to the residential unit in conjunction with the business activity.
No warehousing or storing of any materials or goods in connection with the business activity shall be allowed at the residential unit.
No manufacturing of goods shall take place at the residential unit.
The use is permitted in the residential use zone.
Every individual conducting a HOME OCCUPATION and complying with the requirements in this section shall pay an annual fee as established by the city council from time to time by resolution.
(Ord. 685-91 § 6)
Persons involved in the businesses detailed in this section shall all pay an annual fee in accordance with Section 5.08.010.
Every person involved in the business of distributing HANDBILLS such as any circular, poster, pamphlet, leaflet, folder, brochure, print, broadside, bulletin, or other written, printed or typed notice or advertisement.
Every person engaged in the business of ALARM SYSTEM which includes any device, whether known as a burglary, robbery or intrusion alarm, direct dial telephone device, audible or silent alarm or by any other name, which is used for the detection of an unauthorized entry into a building, structure or facility, or to signal the commission of an unlawful act.
Such alarm system shall include those devices which emit a signal within the protected premises only, are supervised by the proprietor of the premises where located, and are otherwise known as "proprietary alarm systems." Auxiliary devices installed by a telephone company to protect telephone company systems which might be damaged or disrupted by the use of an alarm system are not included.
Every person engaged as an AMBULANCE DRIVER/OPERATOR not pursuant to a contract with the city.
Ambulance operator means any person who, for any monetary or other consideration, or as an incident to any other occupation, transports in one or more ambulances one or more persons from any location in the city to any hospital or other place giving first aid or medical treatment, regardless of the location of such hospital or other place.
Every person engaged in the business of FOOD ESTABLISHMENT to include cafe, public eating place or hawker, namely those businesses or occupations as defined in the county health code adopted by reference in Chapter 8.04 of this code.
A public eating place also includes all places where sandwiches, lunches and food or drinks of any kind are prepared for sale or gift to the public, whether sold or given or consumed on the premises and whether prepared or not. Included are drive-in or take-out restaurants.
Every person engaged as a HOUSE NUMBER PAINTER who paints upon public curbs, streets, roadways, sidewalks or other public property house numbers or house addresses or other printed or painted material.
Every person involved in the business of lending money on pledged personal property as a PAWN-BROKER in the city.
Every person involved in the business of SECONDHAND DEALER. "Secondhand dealer" means a person, other than a used car dealer, who deals in secondhand books or magazines or is engaged in conducting the buying, selling or otherwise dealing in secondhand goods, wares and merchandise.
Every person involved in the business of SOLICITOR. "Solicitor" is any person engaged in the business of going from house to house or place to place, other than commercial business houses, or at, on or along the public streets, sidewalks or public places, selling or taking orders for or offering to sell or take orders for goods, or for services to be performed in the future.
(Ord. 685-91 § 6)