The regulations set forth in this chapter shall apply in addition to any other regulations imposed by this code or by state law on businesses operated within the city.
(Prior code § 11-120)
Insurance. An ambulance operator shall keep in full force and effect at all times, and shall file a certificate of that fact with the city clerk, a policy of liability insurance in not less than the sum of five hundred thousand dollars for injury to any one person, or the death of any one person, in any one accident; in the sum of one million dollars for the injury of two or more persons, or the death of two or more persons, in any one accident; and in the sum of fifty thousand dollars for injury or destruction of property in any one accident. The certificate of insurance required prior to issuance of an ambulance operator permit shall provide that the same shall not be canceled without a five-day prior notice thereof given to the city clerk.
Rebates. An ambulance operator shall not give directly or indirectly or cause to be given any rebates, commissions, reserve rebates, or any reduced rates or cash discounts to any person or persons, or groups of any nature.
Rates. An ambulance operator shall charge those rates specified in the permit for services rendered.
(Prior code § 11-121)
Every auto wrecker shall keep records, upon forms as prescribed by the law enforcement agency, of the required information relative to automobiles wrecked or dismantled, and purchases, pledges or consignments.
(Prior code § 11-123)
All places where billiard tables or pool tables are maintained for public use shall be and remain closed every day between the hours of two a.m. and six a.m.
No owner, manager, proprietor or other person having charge of any public billiard or pool hall shall keep the same open or allow or permit the same to be kept open or allow or permit any game to be played therein from two a.m. until six a.m. of any day, or allow or permit any person except such owner, manager, proprietor or person in charge thereof, or the employees regularly employed in and about the same, to be or remain therein between the hours aforesaid.
Disorderly Persons. No owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charge of any public billiard or pool hall shall allow or permit any intoxicated, quarreling or disorderly person or persons to be or remain in such place.
Admission of Minors.
No person under the age of eighteen years shall be permitted to play at any game or lounge about or in any public billiard hall, pool hall or gaming place within the city, unless accompanied by his or her parent or guardian or upon the written consent of his or her parent or guardian.
No owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charge of any billiard or pool hall shall allow or permit any person under the age of eighteen years to be, remain in, enter or visit such place unless such minor person is accompanied by one of his or her parents or his or her legal guardian.
Minors—Where Alcohol Sold. No person under the age of twenty-one years shall be in, remain in, enter or visit any such public billiard or pool hall in which any alcoholic beverages are sold or dispensed or offered for sale.
Minors Excluded Where Alcoholic Beverages Sold. Every owner, manager, proprietor or other person in charge of any public billiard or pool hall in which alcoholic beverages are sold or dispensed or offered for sale shall prohibit and prevent every person under the age of twenty-one years from being in, remaining in, entering or visiting such public billiard or pool hall.
Obstruction of Entrances. A person shall not maintain any public billiard or pool hall, or similar place of business to which the public is invited, or any social billiard or pool club, where there is placed, constructed or maintained any screen, partition, barrier, closet, alcove or object which may obstruct the visibility of any part of such establishment, except restrooms:
From the street or sidewalk, if such establishment is located on the ground floor; or
From the entrance of any establishment which is located either entirely below the level of the street or sidewalk, or on the second or higher floor of any building or other structure.
Permitting Violations. No owner, proprietor or operator of any such establishment shall permit a violation of subsections (A)(1) or (C)(1) of this section within the establishment.
(Prior code §§ 11-124, 14-13; Ord. 812-96 § 12)
Any person or business operating or maintaining an alarm system as defined in Section 5.08.130(B) shall not operate such alarm system without a valid alarm permit.
To receive an alarm permit the applicant shall comply with all sections of this title, complete the application form and pay a fee in such amount as may be established from time to time by resolution of the city council. Alarm permits shall be valid for a period of one year.
No person or business shall use any alarm system which is equipped with a direct dial device and which, when activated, automatically dials any telephone number in any office of the sheriff or operate any other device that is otherwise unlawful to maintain.
The provisions of this section are not applicable to audible alarms affixed to motor vehicles or to a public telephone utility whose only duty is to furnish telephone service pursuant to tariffs on file with the California Public Utilities Commission.
A holder of an alarm permit will be allowed three false alarms, as defined in subsection F, where there was a response from a law enforcement agency within a one-year period. Subsequent false alarm response(s) within twelve months from the time of the first alarm will result in an additional assessment against the permit holder. The fee for this assessment shall be in such amount as may be established from time to time by resolution of the city council. Failure to pay the assessment may result in the revocation of the alarm permit.
False Alarm. "False Alarm" means an alarm signal activated by causes other than the apparent evidence of the commission or attempted commission of an unlawful act, which the alarm system is designed to detect. An alarm signal activated by violent conditions of nature or a breakdown in any utility service necessary for the proper use of the alarm system shall not constitute a false alarm.
(Prior code § 11-125; Ord. 640-89 § 10; Ord. 648-90 § 3; Ord. 870-99 §§ 1— 3; Ord. 1087-13 §§ 1, 2)
No café, food establishment, public eating place or hawker shall remain in business or operate any business unless there is in effect a permit from the Los Angeles County Health Department for conducting the same.
(Prior code § 11-126)
Minors. A minor under eighteen years of age shall not enter, be or dance in any public dance or club dance unless accompanied by the minor's parent or legal guardian. Every parent or guardian of a minor under eighteen years of age, and the proprietor or person in charge of any public dance or club dance, shall prevent any such minor person from entering, being or dancing in any public or club dance unless accompanied by the minor's parent or legal guardian.
Exceptions. Subsection A of this section does not apply to:
Any place where the teaching of dancing is the principal purpose of the establishment; or
Any teenage dance, provided that admission to the dance as a participant is confined exclusively to persons under eighteen years of age or to certain age groups under eighteen years of age.
Intoxicated Persons or Persons Under the Influence of Controlled Substances. Any person who is in an intoxicated condition or under the influence of a controlled substance shall not appear in or be in any place in which there is any dancing while such dancing is in progress pursuant to any permit issued pursuant to this title. A person who conducts or assists in conducting any such dance shall not permit any intoxicated person or person under the influence of controlled substances to appear in, or be or remain at such place while such dance is in progress.
Hours. A person shall not conduct or assist in conducting any public dance, public dance hall or club dance between the hours of two a.m. and six a.m. of any one day.
Permittee's Responsibility Re: Minors and Alcoholic Beverages. A permittee shall not permit or allow any person under the age of twenty-one years to be in any public dance hall or any public dance or club dance when alcoholic beverages are sold or served in the building or on the premises where such public dance or club dance is being held or in which such public dance is situated.
Minors Prohibited Where Alcoholic Beverages Sold or Served. A person under the age of twenty-one years shall not be in any public dance hall or any public dance or club dance when alcoholic beverages are sold or served in the building or on the premises where such public dance is being held or in which such public dance hall is situated.
Report By Owner Or Lessor of Premises. The owner, lessor or other person who rents or leases any premises for the purpose of conducting any dance therein, except a dance for the conduct of which a permit has been issued pursuant to this title, before such dance, shall file a report with the city law enforcement agency showing:
The name and address of the lessor of such premises;
The name and address of the person who is giving the dance and who is responsible for the conduct thereof; and
If the dance is to be given by an organized group, the name and address of such group, firm, corporation or other organization.
(Prior code § 11-127; Ord. 812-96 § 13)
Definition. "Garage or lawn sales," for purposes of this section, means the sale, anywhere on the premises of property being used as a residence, of miscellaneous items accumulated as a normal matter of course by the occupant of such residence and by such other persons residing within the city who may be authorized by the occupant to include their accumulated items in the sale.
Permit Required. Garage or lawn sales shall not be permitted in the city unless a valid permit has been obtained from the finance department and the appropriate fee paid.
Application for permits shall be filed with the finance department.
The application shall contain the following information:
The name and residence address of the applicant and the name and address of all such persons who are participating in the sale;
The business address of the applicant;
The period for which the permit is requested;
General description of all items to be sold, including any serial numbers; and
Such other information as the city may require.
The permit shall not be issued unless approval is obtained from the finance department and the department of community development.
Application Fee and Time Period.
The fee for a garage or lawn sale permit shall be such as the city council may establish from time to time by resolution.
Such permit shall be in force for a period not to exceed two consecutive days and only one such permit may be issued to any one address during any quarter of any calendar year, except that no such permit shall be required during any clean-up program period officially designated by the city council.
Violation of this section is deemed an infraction as defined in Chapter 1.08 of this code, and the amount of the fine shall be such as the city council may establish by resolution.
Requirements. Persons conducting garage or lawn sales shall observe the following requirements:
No signs or devices used in connection therewith shall be placed on or in any public right-of-way.
No signs or devices advertising the sale shall be placed on any private property, except one double-face sign not to exceed five square feet in area (twenty-four by thirty inches) on each face may be displayed at the site of the sale during the period of time that the garage sale permit is in force.
A copy of the garage sale permit shall be displayed at the site of the sale.
(Prior code § 11-139; Ord. 708-92 § 1)
Hawkers and retail vendors of food and ice cream products shall not operate any sound-amplifying equipment within the city between the hours of eight p.m. of one day and eight a.m. of the next day.
(Prior code § 11-128)
Consent. No person shall place or cause to be placed or painted upon any public curb any house number unless the consent of the owner or the occupant of the property immediately adjacent thereto has first been obtained in writing.
House Numbers. Numbers placed on the curb shall be in black paint in figures of the size of three in height, and impressed upon a white background of the size of five by eleven inches.
Identification Card. Every person painting or placing numbers on the curbs as allowed herein must at all times while engaged in such activity have in his or her possession a valid, unrevoked identification card issued by the city stating the person's name and address, the name and address of the permittee and licensee, and the date of expiration of such permit.
(Prior code § 11-129)
Records. Every locksmith must make and keep such records as required by California Penal Code Sections 466.6 and 466.8. In addition, every locksmith shall keep the following records:
Name, address, phone number, date of birth, and driver's license or I.D. number of every person for whom a key is made on site by code and number;
Name, address, phone number, date of birth, and driver's license or I.D. number of every person for whom a locked building, structure, house or store, whether vacant or occupied, is opened and a key provided therefor.
Inspection. All records kept by any locksmith shall be made available for inspection by the law enforcement agency upon request.
Stamping of Keys Made. It is unlawful for any locksmith to fail to stamp the serial number of his permit upon any key made, repaired, sold or given away by such locksmith.
(Prior code § 11-130; Ord. 812-96 § 14)
Definition. As used in this section, "mechanical or electronic game" means any machine, apparatus, contrivance, appliance or device which may be operated or played upon by the placing or depositing therein of any coin, check, plate, disc, slug, ball, key or any other article or device, or by the paying therefor either in advance of or after use, involving in its use either skill or chance, including, but not limited to, tape machine, card machine, marble game machine, horse racing machine, football game machine, electronic video game, or other similar machine or device.
Fees and Permits Required. The operator of any mechanical or electronic game and the proprietor of the premises on which the mechanical or electronic game is located shall pay the necessary license fees and obtain all required permits in accordance with the provisions of the business license ordinance. A sticker or label shall be clearly affixed to each such mechanical or electronic game showing that the game is properly licensed.
Hours. No proprietor, manager or employee of the premises on which the mechanical or electronic game is located shall allow any minor under eighteen years of age to play or use any mechanical or electronic game during the academic year for Lawndale public schools between the hours of seven a.m. and three p.m., except during school holidays and on Saturday and Sunday, nor between the hours of ten p.m. of one day and seven a.m. of the next day on all days preceding school days and between twelve midnight and seven a.m. of any one day on all other days.
Exemption. This section shall not include nor apply to any act which is made a public offense by the Penal Code of the State of California, or by any other law of the state of California, or of the United States government; nor shall this section authorize or be construed as authorizing or permitting the keeping, maintaining, possessing, using or operating in the city of Lawndale of any contrivance or device otherwise prohibited by law.
Equipment. No game, contrivance, or device shall be operated in such a loud or noisy manner as to cause annoyance to passersby or persons in adjacent premises.
Gambling. No gambling or wagering of any kind shall be permitted on the premises.
(Prior code § 11-132; Ord. 913-02 § 24)
State Permit. The owner and/or operator of a patrol system shall register with the city and shall possess a valid California permit to conduct business as a patrol system.
License Not To Be Sold. The holder of a patrol system permit shall not sell or offer to sell the transfer or relinquishment of the privilege to operate a patrol system in territory assigned to such permit holder, nor for any consideration whatever agree to advocate or not to oppose the granting of any other patrol system permit.
Change In Personnel. The holder of a permit to conduct a patrol system shall inform the city clerk within five days after a patrolman is no longer an owner, member or employee of such permittee, and shall return the permit and badge of such patrol person to the law enforcement agency. The city clerk shall remove such patrolman's name from the registration record of such patrol system.
Patrolmen. All patrolmen shall comply with all federal, state and county regulations relative to training, equipment, certification and licensing.
Identification to be Carried. While engaged in the duties as such, a patrolman shall keep upon his person at all times his license and permit or a facsimile thereof, and shall wear the badge issued by the law enforcement agency, and no other badge of any kind, character or description, except for such badges as may be issued by lawful government authority.
Badge Not to be Transferred. A person shall not give, deliver or sell any patrolman's badge or any badge of a design the same as, or so similar to the patrolman's badge as to be mistaken therefor, to any private person.
Unauthorized Ownership. A person shall not purchase or receive as a gift, pawn or pledge any patrolman's badge.
Duty to Report. Permittees shall not perform official police or investigation activities, but shall immediately report every violation of law and every unusual occurrence to the nearest law enforcement agency or police substation. A full report of such violation or other occurrence shall be made without unnecessary delay to such substation.
(Prior code § 11-133)
Hours. A pawnbroker, secondhand dealer, auctioneer, junk dealer, or his or her agent or employee shall not accept any pledge or loan any money on personal property, or purchase or receive goods, wares or merchandise, or any article or thing whatsoever, or engage in or conduct business, between seven p.m. of any day and seven a.m. of the following day.
Records. Each pawnbroker, secondhand dealer, auctioneer and junk dealer shall keep a register containing, in addition to the matters prescribed by state law, a description of all property received or sold by him/her, a description of all persons from whom he/she received such property, and such other information as prescribed by the law enforcement agency.
Business Regulations. In addition to other provisions of this chapter, pawnbrokers, secondhand dealers, auctioneers, junk dealers and operators or owners of every swap meet (licensees) shall be subject to the following provisions and none of the foregoing shall violate the same:
Every licensee shall enter upon the "buy-form" positive identification furnished by the seller, pledgemaker or consignee, such as a driver's license number, passport, auto or truck license number or identification cards issued by United States or state government, in addition to the individual's true name and address.
Licensees shall not melt, destroy, sell or otherwise dispose of any articles received (with the exception of coins and metals) which are reported to the law enforcement agency until thirty days have elapsed after making such report. Until such time has elapsed, the licensee shall not clean, alter, repair, paint or otherwise change the appearance of such articles.
The law enforcement agency may release any property held during such period if satisfied that the property is in the lawful possession of the licensee. In addition, the law enforcement agency may place a holdorder upon any property held during said period where the law enforcement agency has reasonably determined that the property may be stolen. The hold-order shall not exceed a period of ninety days, and upon the release of such hold-order, the licensee shall keep a true record of the property and include the true name and address of the person to whom such property was sold or any other method of disposition. No person shall sell, destroy or otherwise dispose of any property while subject to such hold-order.
Exemptions. The aforementioned provisions in respect to the destruction, sale or disposal of property shall not apply to any of the following:
Property purchased from a business licensee or permittee holding a similar city license or permit, if in the sale of such property said business licensee or permittee had complied with all of the provisions of this title; provided, however, that this exemption shall not apply in the case of purchases made by junk dealers from junk collectors;
Property purchased on a bill of sale or invoice from a regularly established place of business which has been dealing in that type of article for not less than two years;
Purchases or sale by junk dealers or junk collectors of rags, bottles other than milk or cream bottles, secondhand sacks other than cement sacks, barrels, cans, shoes, lamps, stoves or household furniture (with the exception of sewing machines and musical instruments) or the purchase or sale by secondhand dealers of household furniture.
Reporting Requirements. Once every twenty-four hours, each pawnbroker, secondhand dealer, auctioneer or junk dealer shall make a report to the law enforcement agency of the information contained in his or her register during the preceding twenty-four-hour period, in the form and at the time as prescribed by the law enforcement agency. A copy of the aforementioned register shall be preserved for a period of at least two years, or for such longer time as prescribed by law.
Firearms and Weapons. Each pawnbroker, secondhand dealer, auctioneer or junk dealer shall report to the law enforcement agency, in accordance with federal, state and county regulations, information regarding the receiving or selling of firearms and weapons.
Identification Requirement. Every person who sells, pledges or consigns any property to a pawnbroker, secondhand dealer, auctioneer, junk dealer or owner or operator of a swap meet in the course of such business, except household furniture, used tires or used batteries, shall furnish true, positive identification to such business by which such person can be located by the law enforcement agency.
(Prior code § 11-134; Ord. 913-02 § 25)
An owner of five or fewer residential rental units within the city, none of which is owner-occupied, shall receive a credit of one unit from the business license fee calculation. An owner of five or fewer units, one of which is owner-occupied, shall have the owner-occupied unit exemption and shall receive credit for one unit from the business license fee calculation. Additionally, no setup fee shall be charged for residential rentals consisting of one to five units.
(Ord. 672-91 § 2)
Unlawful Activity. It is unlawful for any person within the city:
To act as a solicitor unless such person has a valid permit issued by the city in accordance with the terms and provisions of this title and unless such solicitor has upon his or her person or with him/her an identification card showing the existence of such valid permit;
To fail or refuse to produce such identification card upon demand by the law enforcement agent of the city or any person being solicited; or
To solicit anywhere that is posted "no soliciting or peddling."
Charitable Solicitations.
Each person making charitable solicitations within the city is required to obtain a permit, which shall be issued free of charge. The charitable organization, association or person seeking such a permit is required to file an application with the finance director stating the name and address of the organization, the name(s) and address(es) of the solicitor or solicitors, the purpose of the charitable solicitation and the days and places where the solicitation will be made. Where the application is made by an individual charitable solicitor for an organization, the individual shall present a letter of authority from the organization authorizing the solicitation.
Upon completion of such solicitation, the charitable solicitor or organization shall file with the city a complete sworn or certified statement, made under penalty of perjury, setting forth the amount of money collected and the final disbursement of such funds.
No person under the age of sixteen years shall engage in the activity of charitable solicitations, nor shall any person cause, procure or allow any person under the age of sixteen years to engage in such charitable solicitation activity unless the person under the age of sixteen is under the charge of an adult who has a permit to engage in such charitable solicitation. The words "in charge of" mean and include having sufficient control over such minor so as to know the minor's whereabouts while performing such solicitation and so as to receive from the minor the funds derived from the solicitation.
The provisions of this section do not apply to any person or organization organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes and not operated for the pecuniary profit of any person if the solicitation by such person or organization is conducted among the members thereof by other members or officers thereof, voluntarily and without remuneration from making such solicitation, or if the solicitations are in the form of collections or contributions at regular assemblies or services of such person or organization.
Insurance Agents or Brokers. Notwithstanding any other provision of this title to the contrary, an insurance agent or broker licensed by the state shall be entitled to the issuance of a permit without further hearing or payment of fee, upon the showing of a duly existing California state insurance agent's or broker's license.
(Prior code § 11-135)
No person shall distribute, deposit, throw, place or attach any handbill to, in or upon any porch, yard, steps or mailbox located upon any premises not in the possession of or under the control of the person distributing said handbill, which premises have posted thereon in a conspicuous place, a sign of at least twelve inches in area bearing the words "No Advertising," unless the person distributing the handbills has first received written permission of the person occupying or having possession of such premises authorizing such distribution.
No person shall post, distribute, or otherwise affix any handbill or sign to or upon any public place, upon any vehicle parked on public property, or upon any vehicle parked on private property without the consent of the owner or person in control of such property.
No person shall paint, mark, write on, post or otherwise affix or attach any handbill or sign to or upon any building, wall or part thereof, or upon any private property without the consent of the owner, agent or occupant thereof, or upon any public property without the consent of respective city officials, or upon the property of any private or public utility without the consent of such utility company.
No person shall distribute any handbills between the hours of nine p.m. of any day and eight a.m. of the following day.
The provisions of this section shall not apply to employees of governmental agencies or public utilities while acting in the scope of their duties.
For the purposes of this section, the term "handbill" shall include only printed materials containing commercial speech or advertising, and shall not include printed materials containing speech relating to an election or containing political viewpoints.
(Ord. 656-90 § 1)
Standard, Distinctive and Uniform Color Scheme, Name, Etc. No taxicab permit shall be issued any person whose color scheme, name, monogram or insignia used on any cars shall be in conflict with or imitate any color scheme, monogram, name or insignia used by another business operating within the city in such a manner as to be misleading or tend to deceive or defraud the public.
Approved Vehicles. Upon obtaining a taxicab operator's permit, the permittee shall submit such permit to the law enforcement agency and bring all of the vehicles subject to such permit to a place designated by the law enforcement agency where there shall be attached and sealed a license plate or decal to the rear of the body of each vehicle. Any substitute vehicle must be licensed as stated above prior to being put into service.
Information Card. Every taxicab shall display in the rear of the driver's seat and in the passenger's compartment and in full view of the passenger a card not less than two by four inches, nor more than two and one-half by five inches, which shall have printed thereon the owner's name or the corporate or fictitious name under which the owner operates and the business address and phone number of such owner.
(Prior code § 11-137(a), (b), (i); Ord. 528-86 § 3)
Required — Amounts. No taxicab operator's permit shall be issued until the applicant files with the business license office certificates of insurance with the maximum amount of recovery not less than the following sums:
For the injury to any one person, or the death of any one person in any one accident, one hundred thousand dollars;
For the injury of two or more persons, or the death of two or more persons, or the injury to one person or more and death of one person or more in any one accident, three hundred thousand dollars; and
For the injury or destruction of property in any one accident, fifty thousand dollars.
Notice of Cancellation. If any taxicab operator or driver has any notice or information of a change or cancellation of any insurance policy which is required under this chapter, such operator or driver shall give immediate notice to the city clerk or the law enforcement agency of such change or cancellation.
(Prior code § 11-137(e), (f); Ord. 528-86 §§ 1, 3)
Permit to Operate. Only a permitted taxicab company may operate within the city.
A permitted taxicab company is defined as a taxicab service provider that holds a permit issued by a city within the county of Los Angeles, or a permit issued by the county of Los Angeles. A taxicab company may include a taxicab driver if a taxicab company consists of only one driver.
Every taxicab service provider substantially located within the city, as defined in Government Code Section 53075.5(k)(5)(A), must hold a permit issued by the city, pursuant to this title.
Taxi Stands. Taxi stands shall be at only those locations approved at the time of issuance of the permit.
Accepting Passengers. Every taxicab operator or driver shall accept any passenger, unless:
The operator or driver has no facilities available;
The transportation requested is such that the driver or operator may not legally accept such passenger;
The proposed passenger refuses or says that he or she will refuse to pay or cannot pay the fare; or
The proposed passenger is drunk and disorderly, or for other reasons not a fit passenger.
Rates. A taxicab operator shall not charge in any case any more or less than the rates specified in the operator's permit. Every taxicab operator shall post and maintain in every taxicab operated, in a conspicuous place, the schedule of rates permitted by the operator's permit. Such schedule shall be in letters and figures which are clearly legible and not less than one-quarter inch high.
Passenger's Failure to Pay. A person shall not:
Fail or refuse to pay the fare authorized by the taxicab operator's permit for which such person has become liable;
Accept a ride in any taxicab without having on his or her person sufficient funds to pay the authorized fare, unless prior to accepting such ride the person informs the driver of the taxicab that he or she does not have such funds; or
Accept a ride in any taxicab with the intent to defraud the operator or driver thereof, or not to pay the full fare authorized.
Public Utilities Commission Regulations. Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary, each person operating a taxicab shall abide by all rules and regulations pertaining to taxicabs as approved by the Public Utilities Commission.
(Prior code § 11-137(c), (g), (h), (j), (k), (l); Ord. 528-86 § 3; Ord. 1156-19 § 2)
A taxicab operator's permit which is issued to a corporation shall be valid so long as the directors of such corporation remain the same, as shown on its application for such permit.
(Prior code § 11-137(d))
Acceptance of Passengers.
A taxicab driver shall not stop for or accept any passenger which requires the driver to drive outside of a county for which the taxicab driver has a valid permit.
A taxicab driver who has driven a passenger to any place may wait for and accept such passenger. If the taxicab driver for any reason moves the taxicab from the location where the driver has left the passenger, this section shall not apply.
Direct Route. Every taxicab driver shall carry his or her passengers to their point of destination by the most direct practical route unless specifically directed otherwise by such passengers.
Exclusive Rights of Passengers. When a taxicab is engaged, the occupants have the exclusive right to the full and free use of the passenger compartment. No taxicab operator or taxicab driver may solicit or carry additional passengers, unless the taxicab operator's permit expressly permits the carrying of additional passengers, and then only to the extent expressly permitted.
(Prior code § 11-138; Ord. 1156-19 § 3)
The following shall be additional requirements necessary to obtain a permit to operate under Section 5.24.200:
Employment, or an offer of employment, as a taxicab driver in the jurisdiction, including compliance with all of the requirements of the controlled substance and alcohol abuse testing program, shall be a condition of issuance of a driver's permit.
The driver's permit shall become void upon termination of employment.
The driver's permit shall state the name of the employer.
The employer shall notify the city upon termination of employment.
The driver shall return the permit to the city upon termination of employment.
The operating permit shall include a registration of rates for the provision of taxicab transportation service.
Prior to issuance of the operating permit:
Drivers shall provide evidence of a negative test for each of the controlled substances specified in Part 40 (commencing with Section 40.1) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, before employment. Drivers shall test negative for these controlled substances and for alcohol as a condition of permit renewal or, if no periodic permit renewals are required, at such other times as the city shall designate. As used in this section, a negative test for alcohol means an alcohol screening test showing a breath alcohol concentration of less than 0.02 percent.
Procedures shall be substantially as in Part 40 (commencing with Section 40.1) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations, except that the driver shall show a valid California driver's license at the time and place of testing, and except as provided otherwise in this section. Requirements for rehabilitation and for return-to-duty and follow-up testing and other requirements, except as provided otherwise in this section, shall be substantially as in Part 382 (commencing with Section 382.101) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
A test from another city shall be accepted as meeting the requirement in this section. Any negative test result shall be accepted for one year. However, an earlier negative result shall not be accepted as meeting the pre-employment testing requirement for any subsequent employment, or any testing requirements under the program other than periodic testing.
In the case of a self-employed independent driver, the test results shall be reported directly to the city, which shall notify the taxicab leasing company of record, if any, of positive results. In all other cases, the results shall be reported directly to the employing transportation operator, who may be required to notify the city of positive results.
All test results are confidential and shall not be released without the consent of the driver, except as authorized or required by law.
Self-employed independent drivers shall be responsible for compliance with, and shall pay all costs of, this program with regard to themselves. Employing transportation operators shall be responsible for compliance with, and shall pay all costs of, this program with respect to their employees and potential employees, except that an operator may require employees who test positive to pay the costs of rehabilitation and of return-to-duty and follow-up testing.
Upon the request of a driver applying for a permit, the city or county shall give the driver a list of the consortia certified pursuant to Part 382 (commencing with Section 382.101) of Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations that the city knows offer tests in or near the jurisdiction.
No evidence derived from a positive test result pursuant to the program shall be admissible in a criminal prosecution concerning unlawful possession, sale or distribution of controlled substances.
For the purposes of this section, "employment" includes self-employment as an independent driver.
(Ord. 913-02 § 26)