This article is adopted pursuant to the city's police powers for the purpose of promoting compliance with federal, state, and local laws that regulate the sale and use of tobacco products and paraphernalia. Nothing in this article is intended to, nor does it, duplicate or conflict with applicable local, state, or federal laws.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
Unless the contrary is stated or clearly appears from the context, the following definitions govern the construction of the words and phrases used in this chapter:
means the Lawndale municipal services department;
means the director of municipal services;
means any natural person or legal entity;
means a person with an ownership or managerial interest in a business. An ownership interest is deemed to exist when a person has a ten percent or greater interest in the stock, assets, or income of a business other than the sole interest of security for debt. A managerial interest is deemed to exist when a person can or does have, or can or does share, ultimate control over the day-to-day operations of a business;
"Tobacco product"
means any substance containing tobacco leaf, including, without limitation, cigarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco, dipping tobacco, bidis, or any other preparation of tobacco;
"Tobacco paraphernalia"
means cigarette papers or wrappers, pipes, holders of smoking materials of all types, cigarette rolling machines, and any other item designed for smoking or ingestion of tobacco products;
"Tobacco retailer"
means any person that operates a store, stand, concession, or other place at which sales, or other exchanges for value, of tobacco products are made to purchasers for consumption or use.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
It is unlawful for any person to act as a tobacco retailer without a valid license issued pursuant to this chapter for each location at which activity is proposed to occur.
It is unlawful for any person to act as a tobacco retailer from other than a fixed location within the city's jurisdiction.
It is unlawful for any person to cause, permit, aid, abet, or conceal a violation of any provision of this chapter.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
The director and department are authorized to administer and enforce this chapter.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
Where the provisions of this chapter require that an applicant/licensee be served with notice, such notice is deemed served when personally delivered to such applicant/licensee or when deposited in the first class U.S. mail, addressed to such applicant/licensee at the applicant/licensee's last known address.
Unless otherwise provided, written notification to a applicant/licensee of a license decision will state with particularity the basis for such decision.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
Permit applications must be filed by a natural person in the name of each proprietor proposing to conduct retail tobacco sales.
Every application must be signed by the proprietor, or the proprietor's authorized representative, under penalty of perjury.
Permit applications will be in a form prescribed by the director and contain all of the following information:
The name, mailing address, and daytime and evening telephone numbers of the person filing the application;
The business name, address, and telephone number of the single fixed location for which a license is sought;
The name and mailing address authorized by each proprietor to receive all notices. If such an address is not supplied, notices will be sent to the business address;
Whether or not the proprietor was previously issued a license under this chapter that was suspended or revoked and, if so, the dates of the suspension period or revocation date; and
Such other information as the department deems reasonably necessary for administering or enforcing this chapter.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
The director must issue a license if:
The application was complete in accordance with this chapter;
The applicant pays all applicable license fees;
There are no grounds for denying the license; and
Applicant accepts the license approval or conditional approval in writing.
Use of any license issued pursuant to this chapter must conform to this chapter.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
A license can be denied for the following reasons:
The application is incomplete;
The applicant failed to provide reasonable supplemental application information requested by the director;
Information submitted by the applicant is materially false;
The application is submitted by a proprietor with a suspended license or whose license was revoked; or
The application seeks authorization for tobacco retailing that is prohibited by this code or unlawful under any other local, state, or federal law.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
Tobacco retailer licensees must:
Comply with all local, state, and federal laws regulating tobacco products and tobacco paraphernalia including, without limitation, this code;
Maintain a valid business license issued pursuant to this code;
Allow authorized enforcement officers to enter onto licensed premises to ensure compliance with this chapter during business hours.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
Each license issued by this chapter must be prominently displayed in a publicly visible location at the licensed tobacco retailer's location.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
Unless suspended or revoked, licenses issued pursuant to this chapter have a term of one year. Licenses must be renewed not later than thirty days before they expire in order to be maintained. Should a license expire, the proprietor must comply with this chapter to obtain a new license.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
Nothing in this chapter is intended to, nor does it, grant to a properly licensed tobacco retailer privileges other than permission to operate as a tobacco retailer at the location identified in the license.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
A license issued to a tobacco retailer pursuant to this chapter is nontransferable. Any change in business name or location requires a new license issued in accord with this chapter.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
Violations of this chapter or any condition of a tobacco retailer's license issued pursuant to this chapter shall constitute a public nuisance. Such violations may be enforced as follows:
As an infraction pursuant to Section 1.08.030 of this code or punishable as a misdemeanor pursuant to Section 1.08.020 of this code.
Abated as a public nuisance in compliance with the procedures set forth in Chapter 8.24 of this code. The costs of the abatement shall be assessed against the owner of the property who shall be responsible for all actual and reasonable costs incurred by the city, including attorneys' fees. In the event a nuisance abatement assessment is challenged in a court of competent jurisdiction, the prevailing party shall be entitled to attorneys' fees in connection with the litigation.
Enjoined as unfair business practices that are presumed to nominally damage each and every resident of the community in which the tobacco retailer operates.
Any person acting for the interests of itself, its members, or the general public may bring an action for injunctive relief to prevent future violations or to recover actual damages.
The remedies provided by this chapter are cumulative and in addition to any other criminal or civil remedies.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1; Ord. 1020-09 § 4)
In addition to any other general functions, powers, and duties given to the city attorney by this code or California law, the city attorney is authorized to:
Prosecute on behalf of the people all criminal and civil cases for violations of this chapter including, without limitation, administrative or judicial nuisance abatement and suits for injunctive relief;
Prosecute all actions for the recovery of fines, penalties, forfeitures, and other money accruing to the city under this chapter.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
Upon determining that a person is violating this chapter, the director must serve a notice of violation on the apparent violator. The notice must state the basis of such violations and provide information regarding appeals rights.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
The judgment of any court of competent jurisdiction, or the admission of a tobacco retailer licensee in any civil or criminal action against a tobacco retailer licensee, whether the city is a party or not, that the tobacco retailer has violated any tobacco-related local, state, or federal law is conclusive of that fact for purposes of enforcing this chapter.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
In addition to any other enforcement remedy, the director may fine a tobacco retailer for violating this chapter as follows:
A fine not exceeding one hundred dollars for a first violation in any twelve-month period;
A fine not exceeding two hundred dollars for a second violation in any twelve-month period; or
A fine not exceeding five hundred dollars for a third or subsequent violation in any twelve-month period.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
An administrative fine must be paid to the city within thirty days from the date of the notice of violation or, if an appeal is made, within fifteen days after the date of the city manager's notice of the decision to uphold the imposition of administrative fines, whichever is later.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
A penalty of ten percent is added on any delinquent fines on the last day of each month after the due date. The penalty will not exceed fifty percent of the fine.
In addition to penalties provided by this section, delinquent fines accrue interest at the rate of one percent per month, exclusive of penalties, from the due date.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
All fines, fees, penalties, and interest imposed pursuant to this chapter are civil debts owed to the city by the person fined. In the event that judicial action is necessary to compel payment of any debt owed to the city, the person or persons subject to the fine are also liable for the costs of suit and attorneys' fees incurred by the city to collect the fine.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
In addition to any other penalty authorized by law, the director may suspend or revoke a tobacco retailer's license for the following reasons:
Upon learning or discovering facts that require license denial under this chapter that were not previously disclosed or reasonably discoverable; or
If the licensee violates the tobacco retailer license conditions.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
After serving a notice of violation, the director may suspend a tobacco retailer's license as follows:
Upon finding a first license violation within any sixty-month period, a thirty day suspension;
Upon finding a second license violation within any sixty-month period, a ninety day suspension;
Upon finding a third license violation within any sixty month period, a one year suspension;
Upon finding a fourth license violation within any sixty-month period, revocation.
Nothing in this section is intended to limit the director's ability to impose a different suspension period or to revoke a license as the circumstances of a violation may require.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
Should a tobacco retailer's license be revoked, the proprietor is presumptively disqualified to apply for a new license in accordance with this chapter. This presumption may be overcome upon a showing of good cause as to why a license should be issued following a revocation. Any such showing must be made to the director's satisfaction or, if the director denies a license, to the city manager as prescribed by this chapter.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
An applicant is entitled to appeal the director's decisions to the city manager provided:
A request for review must be commenced within ten days from the date on which written notice of the director's decision is served on the applicant/licensee. If request is untimely, the city manager may, nevertheless, extend the time for commencing such review for good cause shown.
A request for appeal must be on a form provided by the department and contain the following information:
The name, address and telephone number of the person making the request;
A description of the decision, determination or order which is the subject of the review, and the date such decision, determination or order was made or issued;
A brief description of all grounds for making the request; and
Such other information as may be required by the department.
Upon receiving an appeal, the city manager will review the request and, within ten days of receiving the appeal, provide the appellant with a written notification that:
The director's decision is affirmed;
The director's decision is modified;
The director's decision is reversed and a license is issued.
The city manager may, but is not required to, conduct a hearing at a time, place, and manner determined in the city manager's sole discretion. Should such a hearing be held, the city manager may issue a decision orally at the conclusion of the hearing, but also notify the applicant and the director in writing of the city manager's decision.
The city manager's decision is a final determination. There is no right of city council appeal.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
Any notification of action, whether oral or written, must describe with particularity the facts and the reasons for the decision.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)
An applicant/licensee may appeal the city manager's decision by filing an appeal with the Superior Court pursuant to Government Code Section 53069.4, or any successor statute, within twenty days from service of the city manager's decision.
Should a licensee file a timely appeal with the Superior Court, any requirement to pay an administrative fine is suspended and the payment of the fine, if any, will be in accordance with the Superior Court decision.
(Ord. 929-03 § 1)