Note: Prior ordinance history: Ords. 614-89, 812-96, 815-96, 843-98, 885-00, 910-02, 931-03 and 948-05.
It is unlawful to possess or discharge any fireworks not certified by the State Fire Marshal as "safe and sane" pursuant to the State Fireworks Law, Health and Safety Code Section 12500, et seq.
No fireworks may be discharged within the city prior to twelve noon on July 4th or after 11:59 p.m. on July 4th of any calendar year.
It is unlawful to discharge fireworks at any time within or upon a city park as defined in Section 12.32.010(B) of this code, including, but not limited to, those certain parks commonly referred to as Jane Addams Park, Rogers/Anderson Park and William Green Park.
(Ord. 957-05 § 1; Ord. 1106-15 § 1; Ord. 1112-15 § 1)
No person shall offer for sale or sell any fireworks of any kind in the city without a valid permit issued by the city authorizing the sale of fireworks.
(Ord. 957-05 § 1)
The city council shall by resolution or ordinance establish guidelines to regulate the issuance of permits to qualified organizations.
At any regular or special city council meeting, the city council shall have the power, in its absolute discretion, to deny, grant or revoke a permit to sell safe and sane fireworks and for the erection of a temporary stand for such purpose.
Any city councilmember may request that the revocation of a specific fireworks permit be considered by the city council. Revocation hearings shall be held in accordance with Section 8.12.110 of this chapter.
A permitted organization shall be authorized, but not required, to enter into staffing, sales, or profit sharing agreements with any organization which would otherwise meet the requirements of Sections 8.12.030 and 8.12.100 of this chapter; upon receipt of prior written approval of such organization by the city's director of finance; provided, however, that the minimum number of youth members required under Section 8.12.040(A)(3) of this chapter shall be waived for purposes of allowing the permitted organization to enter into staffing, sales, or profit sharing agreement; provided further, however, that notwithstanding the existence of a staffing, sales, or profit sharing agreement, the permitted organization shall remain solely responsible to comply with all provisions of this chapter, including but not limited to, assuring that any organization participating in a staffing, sales, or profit sharing agreement also fully complies with all provisions of this chapter (except as noted in this section).
It is unlawful for any person or entity to sell, provide, or distribute fireworks to any retail seller of safe and sane fireworks, on the condition that the retail seller of such fireworks shall sell or distribute such fireworks only from a fireworks stand location in which the provider has an interest, option, or lease, or in any other manner to restrict the location of such fireworks stand. It is also unlawful for any landowner or licensor of real property, or any person or entity, to charge to any retail seller of safe and sane fireworks a stand or booth fee which shall exceed the sum of one thousand dollars.
(Ord. 957-05 § 1)
Eligibility Requirements. A fireworks permit shall be issued only to such applicants who meet the following qualifications:
At the time of application and during the proposed and actual operation of the fireworks stand, the applicant must be a nonprofit corporation recognized by the state of California and organized under Section 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code.
The corporation or association shall be a Lawndale community-based organization or a Lawndale youth-based organization and be organized and established for a minimum period of seven consecutive years preceding the filing of the application for a permit. As used in this chapter, "Lawndale youth-based organizations" are defined as those specifically organized and conducted solely in support of city youth programs; "Lawndale community-based organizations" are defined as those organized for civic betterment serving varied city groups and not specifically organized and conducted solely in support of city youth programs. Verification that the organization meets these membership requirements shall be demonstrated through the submission of a list of names and addresses and, in the case of youth-based organizations, a statement of the age, of each member of the organization. Should the city receive a public record request for this information, the city shall redact all private information to the extent authorized by law.
A minimum of thirty percent of the membership of a community-based organization making the application for a fireworks permit must reside within or be employed within the city and, in the case of a youth-based organization, at least thirty of the youth members of such organization must reside within the city, at the time of the filing of the application for a permit.
A permit for only one fireworks stand will be issued to any one organization per "umbrella" organization which meets the requirements set forth in this section. An "umbrella" organization is the primary entity in whose name of the organization has been formed and which is recognized by the California Franchise Tax Board. For example, an umbrella organization can be a school district. In this example, only one of the district's subsidiary groups, such as a Spanish club, would be eligible to be awarded a permit in the one calendar year. Other subsidiary groups, such as a baseball team booster club, would be eligible to be awarded a permit in the subsequent year.
The applicant shall not be operating a fireworks stand in any other city in the state of California during the same period the applicant proposes to operate a stand in Lawndale.
If the applicant has previously operated a fireworks stand in the city, the applicant shall have paid all required taxes, including sales taxes.
Revocation by City Manager.
If the city manager receives credible evidence that any person or organization issued a conditional or final permit under this chapter that does not meet any of the qualifications described in this section, the city manager shall conduct a revocation hearing.
The holder of the conditional or final permit shall be given notice of the place, time and grounds for the revocation hearing not less than seventy-two hours in advance. The permit holder shall have the right to present evidence on its own behalf and to be represented by legal counsel at its own expense.
The city manager may revoke the permit effective immediately or effective at twelve midnight on July 4th. Any person or organization whose permit is revoked shall be ineligible for a fireworks permit for a period of five years.
If a permit is revoked or other adverse action taken by the city manager, the permit holder may appeal the decision to the city council. The filing of an appeal shall stay the decision of the city manager, who shall schedule the matter to be heard by the city council in accordance with Section 8.12.110 of this chapter. Such appeal must be filed with the city clerk not more than ten calendars days after receipt of the city manager's decision and shall set forth the basis for the appeal. Failure to file a timely appeal shall constitute a waiver and the city manager's decisions shall be final.
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as requiring a hearing prior to revocation of a fireworks permit or other action under the city's police powers. In the case of a finding by the city manager that his or her order is necessary for the immediate protection of the health, welfare or safety of the citizens of Lawndale, filing of an appeal shall not stay the order of the city manager.
(Ord. 957-05 § 1; Ord. 1036-09 §§ 1, 2)
Applications from qualified organizations for a permit to sell safe and sane fireworks within the city will be received by the city clerk on or before the last business day for the city in the month of January of the calendar year for which the permit is sought. All applications received by the city clerk shall be reviewed by the finance department, or staff designated by the city manager to determine completeness and that all qualifications are met. Incomplete applications will be disqualified from the draw.
Each application shall be accompanied by a filing fee of one hundred fifty dollars payable to the city. Unsuccessful applicants shall have their filing fee returned to them.
Each application shall include all of the following:
Name and address of applicant;
Evidence of the applicant's status as a nonprofit corporation;
The purpose for which the applicant is primarily existing and for which it was organized. Proof is required from the state of California of nonprofit status;
The names and addresses of the officers, if any, of the applicant;
When the applicant was organized and established;
The location of the applicant's principal and permanent meeting place;
Declarations shall be submitted by the applicant stating, under penalty of perjury, that:
Not less than twenty-five percent of any net revenue earned from the sale of fireworks shall be spent in support of youth activities within the city, and that not less than an additional twenty-five percent of any net revenue earned from the sale of fireworks shall be spent in support of youth activities and/or charitable projects within the city;
The applicant will not be operating a fireworks stand in another city during the same period that the applicant proposes to operate a stand within this city; and
The required number of members of the organization reside within or are employed within the city, as required in Section 8.12.040(A)(3) of this chapter.
If the applicant has previously operated a fireworks stand in the city, the applicant shall have paid all required taxes, including sales taxes.
(Ord. 957-05 § 1; Ord. 1036-09 § 3)
The maximum number of permits which may be issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter during any one calendar year shall not exceed eight.
The city council shall receive all qualified applications from the finance department at the second regular city council meeting of February. The eight fireworks stands shall be allotted among organizations in the following two categories: (a) five stands shall be allotted to Lawndale youth-based organizations; and (b) three stands shall be allotted to Lawndale community-based organizations. Should the city council receives qualified applications for more than the permitted number of fireworks stands, issuance of permits will be selected by placement of the names of all qualified applicants, in each of the two categories, in a nontransparent receptacle from which they will be drawn by the mayor, one at a time, until all have been drawn. The draw for each category shall be held independently.
If less than the maximum allowable number of applications qualify for a fireworks stand in either category, the draws will be held in each of the two categories among the qualified applicants, and a third draw will be held among remaining qualified applicants irrespective of category until eight permits for stands are awarded.
The first five applications drawn from the youth-based organization category and the first three applications drawn from the community-based organization category will receive conditionally issued permits. If any applicant shall fail to meet any contingent condition of the permit, such as obtaining approval of the location, then the unsuccessful applicant(s) shall be given the opportunity, in the order originally drawn, to receive a permit.
The eight successful applicants will not be granted a permit the following year, unless the city does not receive sufficient qualified applications in the relevant category. However, different subsidiaries of an umbrella organization, as that term is defined in Section 8.12.040(A)(4) of this chapter, will be eligible to apply for permits in consecutive years. The foregoing procedure thus establishes a rotation system thereby prohibiting a monopoly by any one organization.
In addition to the eight fireworks booths authorized pursuant to this section, the parks, recreation and social services commission for the city of Lawndale is authorized to operate a ninth booth. The city council shall announce the location of this ninth booth no later than the second council meeting in April.
(Ord. 957-05 § 1; Ord. 974-06 §§ 1, 2)
Applicants for a permit shall be notified by the finance department of the conditional granting or denial of the fireworks stand permit on or before the first Monday in March of each calendar year or such other date as the city council may determine.
Final approval of any applicant shall be subject to the following requirements:
After selection, each of the eight applicants must submit to the finance department, on or before the first Thursday in May, a request for a location where the permittee will sell fireworks, together with a plot plan approved by the owner of the property, showing the location of the temporary fireworks stand and all related structures. The plot plan shall also indicate the locations at which the stand operator would display the signs required by Section 8.12.080 of this chapter.
The permittee shall procure public liability and property damage insurance covering its operation in and about the stand and premises in a minimum amount of one million dollars, naming the city as an additional insured and otherwise in the form specified in Section 2.64.020 of this code. The permittee shall file a certificate of such insurance with the finance department no later than the first Thursday in May.
A sales tax permit or evidence of exemption shall be obtained from the board of equalization of the state and shall be submitted to the finance department no later than the first Thursday in May.
The complete application and all site information shall be referred to the fire chief, who shall make an investigation of the site to ensure compliance with this chapter and shall submit a report with findings to the finance director prior to the first Monday in June.
Any permit issued shall be valid only for the premises or location for which issued, shall not be transferable, assignable or renewable, and shall be valid only for the dates specified in the permit.
(Ord. 957-05 § 1; Ord. 974-06 § 3)
All temporary stands for the sale of fireworks shall be located, maintained and operated subject to the following provisions:
No temporary fireworks stand may be erected prior to June 18th of any given year.
Permittee shall strictly comply with all of the provisions of the State Fireworks Law (Health and Safety Code Sections 12500, et seq.), as may be amended from time to time.
Fireworks stands need not comply with the provisions of the building code of this city; provided, however, that all stands shall be erected under the supervision of the building department inspector who shall require that the stands be constructed in such a manner as will reasonably ensure the safety of attendants and patrons and provided further, that if a temporary power pole is required, then in such case, an electrical permit shall first be obtained.
No stands shall have a floor area in excess of two hundred sixty square feet. Stands shall have exits at least thirty inches in width at each end and one exit every twenty feet along the rear wall.
No fireworks display or stand shall be located within twenty-five feet of any structure or property line. The minimum setbacks required from the public sidewalk shall be ten feet.
There shall be maintained in each premises or stand within which fireworks are sold or offered for sale two water-base fire extinguishers approved by the Los Angeles County fire department.
Fireworks on the sale site shall be stored and kept in the permittee's sales booth or in a storage bin or other container, as approved by the Los Angeles County fire department, which is located on the sales site or immediately adjacent to the sales booth. It is unlawful to otherwise store any fireworks in any building, residence, garage, home, or automobile within the city.
All weeds and combustible material shall be cleared from the location of the stand which includes a diameter of at least twenty-five feet surrounding each stand.
All permits and required signs must be posted in a conspicuous place. Required signs include the following:
A sign or signs shall be posted which state "Fireworks may not be discharged prior to twelve noon on July 4th or after 11:59 p.m. on July 4th."
"No Smoking" signs shall be prominently displayed inside and outside of the structure.
A minimum of one sign shall be posted on each stand which states "No Sales to Anyone Under Eighteen Years of Age." The city council may, in its discretion, increase the number of such signs which are required to be displayed on each stand.
Signs shall be posted on each stand to inform the public that the fines for violating Lawndale Municipal Code Section 8.20.060, prohibiting unnecessary and annoying sounds, are tripled for violations occurring between twelve noon on July 4th through three p.m. on July 5th.
Any other signage requested by the city council.
All fireworks and accompanying litter shall be removed from the temporary location by four p.m. on July 6th and the temporary fireworks stand shall be removed from the temporary location by five p.m. on July 11th. Failure to remove the stand prior to the above-mentioned date will result in the assessment, payable to the city, of a penalty of fifty dollars per day, or portion thereof, that the stand remains on-site.
(Ord. 957-05 § 1; Ord. 1112-15 § 2)
As limited by California Health and Safety Code Section 12599, no fireworks shall be sold pursuant to this chapter prior to twelve noon on June 28th or after twelve midnight on July 4th of the same calendar year for which a permit has been issued, and such permit shall expire at the end of this period.
No fireworks shall be sold to any person under eighteen years of age.
Upon request by the city, fireworks permittees shall distribute flyers regarding fireworks safety and regulations to each customer.
The permitted organization shall be responsible for the operation of the stand for which the permit is issued, and shall staff the same with such persons as may be necessary to comply with the requirements of this chapter.
No person other than the individuals who are members of the permitted organization, or the wives, husbands or children over eighteen years of age of such members shall sell or otherwise participate in the sale of fireworks at any such stand.
No person shall be paid any consideration for selling or otherwise participating in the sale of fireworks at any such stand.
Fireworks stands containing fireworks shall be guarded by at least one adult, twenty-one years old or over, at all times.
No smoking shall be allowed in any structure used for the sale and display of fireworks nor within ten feet of the structure.
No person shall light, or cause or permit to be lit, any fireworks or any other similar article or material within any such stand, or within fifty feet thereof.
The permittee shall provide an on-premises adult night watchman who is at least twenty-one years of age to guard the fireworks stand during the hours of storage. Under no circumstances shall the night watchman sleep within the fireworks stand.
No alcoholic beverages shall be allowed on the premises.
(Ord. 957-05 § 1)
On or before September 1st of each calendar year, any organization desiring to sell fireworks which had a permit to sell fireworks in that calendar year, shall submit to the city finance department, on a form specified by the city, an accounting of all proceeds from the sale of fireworks including a copy of the state, local and district sales and use tax return. In addition to the requirement specified above, on or before November 30th of each calendar year, any organization desiring to sell fireworks shall also submit to the city finance department on a form specified by the city, an accounting of expenditures of funds showing that the net revenue earned from the sale of fireworks under any prior permit were spent in the manner required by Section 8.12.050(C)(7)(a) of this chapter. The city will not send reminder notices of this requirement. The failure to timely submit both the accounting of proceeds by September 1st and the appropriate financial expenditure report by November 30th will result in the automatic disqualification of the applicant from the next year's application process and any subsequent application process until the appropriate reports have been timely filed. Thus, if the applicant submits its accounting of proceeds and the appropriate financial expenditure report after the aforementioned deadlines of one year, but prior to the deadlines in another year, the applicant may be considered for the subsequent year's drawing.
Each year, after the city's receipt of the accountings from each organization required above, the city manager shall select a minimum of two of the accountings submitted to be audited by the city's finance department. Each organization selected for audit shall be advised of the audit in writing and shall thereafter provide city finance staff with complete access to the organization's financial records regarding the organization's use of all funds generated at the fireworks booth. The purpose of this audit is to allow city staff to verify that the organization used its sales proceeds in the manner required by Section 8.12.050(C)(7)(a) of this chapter. Should an organization fail to submit to an audit requested pursuant to this subsection or fail to provide all of the documentation necessary for city staff to complete the audit, the organization shall be barred from receiving a fireworks stand permit for a period of five years thereafter. Should an audit reveal that an organization has not used its sales proceeds in the manner required by Section 8.12.050(C)(7)(a) of this chapter or that the organization fails to meet the membership requirements set forth in Section 8.12.050(C)(7)(c), the organization shall be barred from receiving a fireworks stand permit for a period of five years thereafter.
In the event it is determined by a majority of the city council at a regular meeting of the city council that fifty percent of the net revenue to any applicant from the sale of fireworks is not spent in support of youth activities in the city, then such applicant shall be barred from receiving a fireworks stand for a period of five years thereafter, provided that such applicant shall receive at least ten days prior written notice of the city council consideration of such action.
Within seven months of the submission of the accounting of proceeds to the city pursuant to subsection A of this section, a majority of the city council, at a regular meeting of the city council, may request that any organization that submitted an accounting submit to an audit by city finance staff. When a request for an audit is made, the organization shall be required to provide city finance staff with complete access to the organization's financial records regarding the organization's use of all funds generated at the fireworks booth. The purpose of this audit is to allow city staff to verify that the organization used its sales proceeds in the manner required by Section 8.12.050(C)(7)(a) of this chapter. Should an organization fail to submit to an audit requested pursuant to this subsection or fail to provide all of the documentation necessary for city staff to complete the audit, the organization shall be barred from receiving a fireworks stand permit for a period of five years thereafter. Should an audit reveal that an organization has not used its sales proceeds in the manner required by Section 8.12.050(C)(7)(a) of this chapter or that the organization fails to meet the membership requirements set forth in Section 8.12.050(C)(7)(c), the organization shall be barred from receiving a fireworks stand permit for a period of five years thereafter.
(Ord. 957-05 § 1; Ord. 974-06 §§ 4, 5; Ord. 1036-09 §§ 4, 5)
The city council may hear an appeal of a decision by the city manager pursuant to Section 8.12.040 of this chapter, or it may conduct a hearing to determine whether any conditional or final fireworks permit shall be revoked.
At least ten days prior to the hearing, notice of the time and place of the public hearing shall be given to the permit holder via personal delivery or via U.S. mail to the person listed as the responsible agent for the permit holder. Unless the hearing is an appeal, the hearing notice shall contain a general description of the grounds for the revocation.
The city council may revoke the permit effective immediately or effective at twelve midnight on July 4th, and revocation must be based upon a finding that one of the following is true:
The permit holder does not meet the qualifications described in Section 8.12.040 of this chapter;
The permit holder has violated any provision of this chapter; or
Revocation is necessary to protect the health, safety and general welfare of the city.
The decision of the city council may be challenged by filing a petition for a writ of mandate pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1094.5 within ninety days after issuance of the decision.
Any person or organization whose permit is revoked shall be ineligible for a fireworks permit for a period of five years.
(Ord. 957-05 § 1)
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter or who knowingly or intentionally misrepresents to any officer or employee of the city any material fact in procuring the license or permit provided for in this chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be punishable by a fine of not more than two thousand dollars or by imprisonment in the County Jail for a period of not more than six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Any person, who may otherwise be charged with a misdemeanor as a result of a violation of this chapter, may be charged, at the discretion of the prosecuting authority, with an infraction.
In addition to any other remedies set forth in this code, administrative penalties may be imposed against any responsible person for violating any of the requirements set forth in this chapter. Responsible person means a person who causes a code violation to occur, or allows a violation to exist or continue, by his or her action or failure to act, or whose agent, employee or independent contractor causes a violation to occur, or allows a violation to exist or continue. There is a rebuttable presumption that the record owner of a residential parcel, as shown on the county's latest equalized property taxes assessment rolls, and a lessee of a residential parcel each has notice of any violation existing on said property. For purposes of this chapter, there may be more than one responsible person for a violation. Any person, irrespective of age, found in violation of any provision of this chapter may be issued a citation in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Every parent, guardian or other person, having the legal care, custody or control of any person under the age of eighteen years, who knows or reasonably should know that a minor is in violation of this chapter, may be issued a citation in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, in addition to any citation that may be issued to the offending minor.
Each responsible person who is found to possess, use, store, sell and/or display dangerous fireworks in the amount of twenty-five pounds or less shall be subject to an administrative citation, as set forth herein.
Any person violating the provisions of this chapter shall be subject to penalties in the amount of two thousand five hundred dollars for the first violation and five thousand dollars for the second and all additional violations. Each incidence of this violation which occurs again, shall constitute a new and separate violation.
Administrative fine(s) issued pursuant to this chapter shall be due and payable in accordance with Chapter 1.11, and the cited person shall be required to abate the violation, and surrender all dangerous fireworks to the police officer or code enforcement officer, immediately. For penalties not paid in full within that time, a late charge in the amount set by resolution of the city council may be imposed and must be paid to the city by the cited person.
(Ord. 957-05 § 1; Ord. 1106-15 § 2; Ord. 1180-21 § 1; Ord. 1194-22 § 1)