No person shall park any commercial vehicle, as defined in the Vehicle Code, weighing more than six thousand pounds, nor unladen or laden vehicles, including campers, weighing more than six thousand pounds, and no person shall park a cement mixer, compressor or trailer on any street in a residential zone for more than two hours at any one time, except for:
Necessary loading and unloading;
Vehicles engaged in performing a service activity on the adjacent lot or parcel of land;
Vehicles used in conjunction with a lawful commercial use on the adjacent lot or parcel of land;
Vehicles used during the construction of buildings or structures on the adjacent lot or parcel of land;
Vehicles engaged in construction or maintenance within the street, alley, parkway or highway.
(Prior code § 12-17)
No person shall park, stand or leave standing any motor vehicle, except in compliance with the direction of a police officer or other authorized officer, on any street in the city enumerated by the council at such times as are set forth by the council.
No person shall park any vehicle weighing more than six thousand pounds per axle in the median parking area along the north-south axis of Hawthorne Boulevard, nor shall loading or unloading of commercial vehicles, as defined by the vehicle code, be permitted in said median parking area.
Any person who violates this section shall be fined such sum as the city council shall establish from time to time by resolution.
Parking in the median of Hawthorne Boulevard between the south city limits and the north city limits is prohibited from two a.m. to four a.m. and restricted for a period not to exceed two hours from 4:01 a.m. to 1:59 a.m. the next day. Commercial establishments with a current business license may apply for two all day parking permits, at a no cost fee. One additional permit may be issued for each of the establishments' employees listed on their business license application. Violation of this subsection is punishable by a fine of one hundred dollars for the first offense, two hundred dollars for the second offense within one year, and five hundred dollars for the third or subsequent offense within one year. Upon the second or subsequent violation of this subsection involving the same vehicle, said vehicle shall be subject to removal pursuant to Section 10.08.080.
(Prior code § 12-18; Ord. 597-88 § 1; Ord. 898-01 § 1; Ord. 911-02 § 1)
No person may park or stand or permit to remain for longer than a period of two hours on any street or highway or public alley or on a parkway area between curb and sidewalk a recreational vehicle, as that term is defined in Health and Safety Code Section 18010, unless the owner of such recreational vehicle has obtained a city-issued recreational vehicle parking permit and said permit is displayed in the front window of the vehicle in a manner that is visible from the roadway or adjacent parkway.
Limited Exception—Provision of Permits. When a city resident has a guest with a recreational vehicle staying at the resident's home, or the resident desires to park a recreational vehicle on the street for a limited term for loading, etc., the resident may obtain a city-issued recreational parking permit from the city's municipal services department. Each permit shall be valid for seven days, commencing on the date that is stamped on the permit by city staff. Each city household shall be eligible to obtain two city-issued recreational parking permits within any calendar year. Each recreational vehicle shall be eligible to obtain two city-issued recreational parking permits within any calendar year.
Use of Permit. A recreational vehicle permittee must park its temporarily permitted vehicle within two hundred feet of the residence of its city-host and shall comply with all other parking rules and regulations issued by the city and state.
Revocation of Permit. No recreational vehicle permit may be given, sold or otherwise used by anyone other than the person identified on the application pursuant to which the permit was issued, nor may any permit be altered or reproduced.
Permit Fee. Recreational vehicle permits will be issued upon payment of a fee that will be set by resolution of the city council.
(Ord. 988-07 § 1; Ord. 1143-17 § 1)
No person shall park, stand or leave standing any motor vehicle, except in compliance with the direction of a police officer or other authorized officer, on any street, highway or portion thereof during such hours of the day as such street or highway or portion thereof is designated for street sweeping, pursuant to ordinance, resolution or order of the council.
No person shall be guilty of violating this section until signs or markings giving adequate notice of the provisions of this section have been placed on the street or highway or portion thereof designated for street sweeping.
Any person who violates this section shall be fined such sum as the city council may establish from time to time by resolution.
(Prior code § 12-19; Ord. 597-88 § 2)
The city council may by resolution establish vision safety parking zones adjacent to any intersection of two or more streets where at least one of such streets is not controlled by stop signs or traffic signals.
It is unlawful for any vehicle, except passenger vehicles less than six feet in height with windows on all sides that are transparent and are unobstructed, to park in any area designated as a vision safety parking zone.
This regulation shall not be effective unless and until the city has caused signs to be erected to designate the limits of the vision safety parking zones and provide adequate notice of the restrictions of such zones.
(Prior code § 12-20; Ord. 537-87 § 1)
It is unlawful for any vehicle to stop, stand or park at any time within any intersection which has been designated and marked with a "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" sign or similarly worded sign, except in compliance with the orders of a police officer or other authorized officer. No driver of a vehicle shall enter such a marked intersection if traffic conditions will not permit his or her vehicle to pass through the intersection completely, so as not to block vehicular traffic entering into the intersection from any other direction.
The city council may by ordinance or resolution designate intersections in the city for the erection and enforcement of "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" signs, or other similarly worded signs sufficient to meet the purposes of this section.
When an intersection is designated, the city shall cause signs to be erected at each of the points in the intersection where vehicular traffic enters into the intersection. These signs shall carry the wording "DO NOT BLOCK INTERSECTION" or some other similar wording. No person shall be in violation of this section unless the intersection is so designated and marked.
(Prior code § 12-21; Ord. 502-85 § 1)
No person, except as defined by Section 22511.5 of the Vehicle Code of the State of California as disabled, shall park, stand or leave standing any motor vehicle in a space limited exclusively to the vehicles of disabled persons. Vehicles occupying handicapped spaces shall display a valid distinguishing license plate or placard issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Any person who violates this section shall be fined such sum as the city council may establish from time to time by resolution.
(Prior code § 12-22; Ord. 515-86; Ord. 913-02 § 42)
No person shall interfere with or obstruct in any way any law enforcement officer or other officer or employee of this city in the enforcement of the provisions of this title. The removal, obliteration or concealment of any chalk mark or other distinguishing mark used by any law enforcement officer or other employee or officer of this city in connection with the enforcement of the parking regulations of this title shall, if done for the purpose of evading the provisions of this title, constitute such interference or obstruction.
(Ord. 622-89 § 1)
Authority to Remove. Any peace officer, as defined in Chapter 4.5 (commencing with Section 830) of Title 3 of Part 2 of the California Penal Code, or any regularly employed and salaried employee who is engaged in the directing of traffic or enforcing parking laws and regulations of the city of Lawndale, may remove any vehicle parked or left standing in violation of this Chapter 10.08. Removal of a vehicle may be requested by the city manager, or designee, and shall be conducted in compliance with the provisions of this section and Division 11, Chapter 10 of the California Vehicle Code.
Signs. The city traffic engineer is hereby authorized to construct and maintain, by appropriate signs or by paint upon the curb surface, all no stopping zones, no parking areas and restricted parking areas, as defined and described in this chapter. No vehicle may be removed unless signs are posted giving notice of the removal.
(Ord. 911-02 § 2)
It is unlawful for any person to park, keep or store any motor vehicle upon any public street within the city in connection with or as a part of the business operation of an automobile-related business. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the parking of personal vehicles of employees of automobile-related businesses upon any street. As used in this section, "automobile-related business" shall include, but is not be limited to, any motor vehicle repair business, automobile body shop, automobile car wash, automobile detailing business, automobile impound yard business, automobile service station, automobile or truck rental business, or automobile or truck sales business.
(Ord. 1075-12 § 1)