No bench shall be more than forty-two inches high nor more than two feet six inches wide, nor more than seven feet long overall.
(Prior code § 17-52)
Each bench must have displayed thereon in a conspicuous place the name of the permittee and the permit number.
(Prior code § 17-53)
No person shall install or maintain any bench in the following locations:
In any alley;
At any location where the distance from the face of the curb to the nearest property line is less than eight feet;
At any location more distant than fifty feet from the nearest intersecting street; provided, whenever in the opinion of the city manager observance of this requirement would result in inconvenience or hardship, it can be waived by the city manager;
At any place except passenger bus stops established by the authorized agencies traveling in the city.
(Prior code § 17-54)
No permittee shall locate or maintain any bench at a point less than eighteen inches, nor more than thirty inches, from the face of the curb, except as otherwise may be approved by the city manager where the circumstances are unusual, and each bench must be kept parallel with the curb.
(Prior code § 17-55)
No advertising matter or sign shall be displayed upon any bench except upon the front and rear surfaces of the backrest.
No advertisement or sign on any bench shall be displayed which would be offensive or objectionable to the public, or any other word, phrase, symbol or character which is calculated to interfere with, mislead or likely to distract traffic.
In the event that any sign or advertisement is determined by the city manager to be in violation of subsection B of this section, the city manager shall notify the permittee in writing of the violation and direct that the permittee correct the sign or advertisement within five days. If the permittee fails to make the correction, the city manager may cause the bench to be removed.
Whenever a permittee has more than twenty-five benches in the city, at least ten percent of such benches shall contain advertising which is of a community promotional nature.
(Prior code § 17-56)
It shall be the duty of each permittee to inspect the permittee's benches periodically and to maintain the same in a safe condition at all times and at their proper and lawful locations.
(Prior code § 17-50)
Whenever any bench for which a permit has been issued under this chapter is sold, or the title or control thereof is assigned or transferred, the permittee shall report such facts to the city manager within ten days after such sale, transfer or assignment.
The new owner of the bench shall, within such ten-day period, either remove the bench or obtain a permit for its maintenance in the street.
(Prior code § 17-51)