The public streets, sidewalks, and other public places within the city should be readily accessible and available to residents and the public at large. The use of these areas by persons engaged in solicitation which intimidates and menaces others, interferes with and hinders the rights of others to use these public places for the purposes which they were intended. It is not the intent of this chapter to completely prohibit all forms of solicitation. Rather, it is the purpose of this chapter to provide an additional enforcement tool to protect persons and businesses (and the potential or actual customers of such businesses) from those who would accost, harass, or intimidate by begging or soliciting in a manner that causes fear, intimidation, or harassment in the solicitee.
(Ord. 813-96 § 1)
Unless the particular provisions or the context otherwise requires, the definitions contained in this section shall govern the construction, meaning, and application of words and phrases used in this chapter.
means to ask another by word or gesture for money or for some other thing of value.
"Solicit by harassing or menacing"
means to do any of the following while soliciting:
Intentionally block or impede the passage of the solicitee;
Touch the solicitee with the intent to intimidate or coerce;
Follow the solicitee, going behind, ahead or along side of him or her, with the intent to intimidate or coerce;
Threaten the solicitee, by word or gesture, with physical harm; or
Abuse the solicitee with words which are offensive and inherently likely to provoke an immediate violent reaction.
(Ord. 813-96 § 1)
It is unlawful for any person to solicit by harassing or menacing another person on a public street or sidewalk or in another place open to the public, whether publicly or privately owned.
(Ord. 813-96 § 1)
This chapter shall not apply to solicitations, including solicitations by or on behalf of a duly licensed non-profit or charitable organization, where the act(s) of solicitation engaged in by the solicitor does not otherwise violate Section 12.31.030.
(Ord. 813-96 § 1)