Title 20, utilities, Division 2, sanitary sewers and industrial waste of the Los Angeles County Code, as adopted, amended and in effect on July 7, 2006, is hereby adopted as the sanitary sewer and industrial waste ordinance for the city of Lawndale. Three copies of said sanitary sewer and industrial waste ordinance are on file in the office of the city clerk.
(Prior code § 20-43; Ord. 790-95 § 1; Ord. 913-02 § 45; Ord. 1010-08 § 7)
Whenever any of the following names or terms are used in Los Angeles County Code Title 20, Division 2, adopted by reference in this chapter, each such name or term shall be deemed and construed to have the meaning ascribed to it in this section as follows:
means the city council.
"County engineer"
means the city engineer.
"County health officer"
means the city health officer.
"County of Los Angeles"
means the city of Lawndale, except in such instances where the county of Los Angeles is a correct notation due to circumstances.
"County sewer maintenance district"
means the county sewer maintenance district, except in the instance where the territory concerned either is not within or has been withdrawn from a county sewer maintenance district. In any such instance, "county sewer maintenance district" means the city of Lawndale.
means an ordinance of the city of Lawndale, except in such instances where the reference is to a stated ordinance of the county of Los Angeles.
"Public sewer"
means all sanitary sewers and appurtenances thereto lying within streets or easements dedicated to the city, which are under the sole jurisdiction of the city.
"Trunk sewer"
means a sewer under the jurisdiction of a public entity other than the city of Lawndale.
(Prior code § 20-44; Ord. 913-02 § 46)
The following described sections of the Los Angeles County sanitary sewer and industrial waste ordinance, adopted by this chapter as the sanitary sewer and industrial waste ordinance, are amended or repealed as follows:
Section 20.28.050 of said sanitary sewer and industrial waste ordinance is amended to read as follows:
The City Engineer may recommend that the Council approve an agreement to reimburse or agree to reimburse a subdivided, school district, an improvement district formed under special assessment procedures, or persons for the cost of constructing sanitary sewers for public use where such sewers can or will be used by areas outside of the proposed development; and to establish a reimbursement district and collection rates as described in the agreement under the provisions of this ordinance.
Section 20.32.150 of said sanitary sewer and industrial waste ordinance is amended to read as follows:
In the event the City Engineer determines that the property described in the application for a permit is included within a sewer reimbursement district, which has been formed by the City Council in accordance with Section 20.28.050, the charge for connecting to the public sewer shall be set forth in the agreement.
Section 20.32.280 of said sanitary sewer and industrial waste ordinance is amended by adding the following paragraph:
All monies collected under this Section for sewer maintenance are to be submitted directly to the County Sewer Maintenance District for inclusion in the Maintenance District's Funds.
Section 20.32.290 of said sanitary sewer and industrial waste ordinance is hereby deleted.
Section 20.32.300 of said sanitary sewer and industrial waste ordinance is amended to read as follows:
Except as otherwise provided in this ordinance all money received under Section 20.32.200 shall be deposited with the County Treasurer and credited to the Special Sewer Maintenance Fund.
Section 20.32.690 of said sanitary sewer and industrial waste ordinance is amended by adding the following paragraph:
In the event the damaged public sewer is not in a Sewer Maintenance District, the violator shall reimburse the City within 30 days after the City Engineer shall render an invoice for the same. The amount when paid shall be deposited in the City Treasury.
(Prior code § 20-45; Ord. 790-95 § 2)
The fees for the issuance of industrial waste disposal permits shall be the same as those established by the county of Los Angeles in Title 20, utilities, Division 2, sanitary sewer and industrial waste ordinance, Sections 20.36.230, 20.36.240, 20.36.245, 20.36.250, 20.36.260, 20.36.265, 20.36.270, 20.36.280, 20.36.290, 20.36.295 of the Los Angeles County Code and any subsequent amendments or modifications thereto. In addition, the city engineer shall collect a surcharge of twenty percent of all fees collected to defray the city's administrative and engineering costs.
(Ord. 790-95 § 3)
A violation of this section is punishable as an infraction pursuant to Section 1.08.030 of this code or punishable as a misdemeanor pursuant to Section 1.08.020 of this code.
(Ord. 790-95 § 4; Ord. 1020-09 § 10)