In order to classify regularly and restrict the location of trades and industries and the location of buildings for special uses, and the use and area of premises for the general welfare of the city as regulations for the execution of the general plan pursuant to Chapters 3 and 4 of Title 7 of the Government Code, the planning law, or any statute superseding those chapters, the city is divided into classes of zones, as follows:
Zone R-1, single-family residence
Zone R-2, two-family residence
Zone R-3, limited multiple residence
Zone R-4, unlimited residence
RPD, residential planned development (RPD)
CCA, supplemental civic center area
Zone C-1, restricted business
Zone C-2, neighborhood business
Zone C-3 and Zone C-4, unlimited commercial
CPD, commercial planned development (CPD)
Zone C-M, commercial-manufacturing
Zone P, parking
Zone R-1-P, single-family residence, parking
Zone R-2-P, two-family residence, parking
Zone R-3-P, limited multiple residence, parking
Zone R-4-P, unlimited residence, parking
Zone M-1, light manufacturing
IPD, industrial planned development (IPD)
Zone B-1, buffer strip
Zone B-2, corner buffer
Zone O, open space
Zone I, institution
Note: Zones C-3 and C-4 are listed as one zone because the restrictions in both C-3 and C-4 are the same.
(Prior code § 3-2-A-1; Ord. 770-94 § 3)
The boundaries of the various districts are shown upon the official zoning map of the city adopted by Ord. No. 1, 1959, and subsequently amended, and on file and available for inspection with the city's department of community development.
(Prior code § 3-2-A-2)
Whenever the map in Section 17.32.020, whether added thereto before or after the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, shows any lot or area within any particular zone, such zone shall extend to the center of every adjoining road or highway, provided that while such road or highway remains a public highway or a road used in a similar manner it may be so used.
(Prior code § 3-2-A-3)
If a zone boundary so divides a lot that either or both portions of such lot created by such division are:
Not in zones P, B-1, or B-2; and
Of such size and shape that no part of such portion is more than fifty feet from such zone boundary, then that portion or portions not in zones P, B-1, or B-2, and of such size and shape that no part of such portion is more than fifty feet from such zone boundary may be used for any purpose permitted in the other portion of such lot if such lot is:
Shown as a single lot on a final subdivision map which map was recorded in the office of the county recorder after the effective date of such zone boundary,
At all times since the recording of such final map, in undivided ownership.
(Prior code § 3-2-A-4)
Wherever on the map in Section 17.32.020 strips of land adjacent to land in zone M-1 are shaded or labeled "buffer strip," such strips shall be zoned B-1.
(Prior code § 3-2-A-5; Ord. 770-94 § 4)
Property owned by the city shall, while so owned, be deemed unclassified for zoning purposes.
(Ord. 808-96 § 1)