A person shall not use any premises in zones C-1, C-2, C-3, C-4, C-M, P, R-1-P, R-2-P, R-3-P, or R-4-P except as hereinafter specifically permitted in this division and subject to all regulations and conditions enumerated in this chapter.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-1)
Premises in zone C-1 may be used for:
Any use permitted in zone R-4, subject to all of the restrictions of that zone;
The following uses:
Antiques, the retail sale of genuine antiques;
Automobiles, automobile agency for the sale of new motor vehicles and motor vehicles which were imported from a foreign country not more than six months before the date of sale, and which have not been operated more than five hundred miles, including the repair of such new or imported motor vehicles as an incident of their sale without additional charge, and the sale of secondhand motor vehicles on the same lot or parcel of land taken in as trade-in. No other repairing of any kind may be done;
Automobile courts;
Automobile detailing businesses subject to all of the following standards:
All automobile detailing operations shall be conducted within a building,
That a building used for automobile detailing activities shall be equipped with a water purifier, a water and oil separator or other similarly approved equipment and subject to inspection and approval by the city's building inspector to ensure compliance with the city's and applicable federal, state and county laws regarding wastewater treatment. The purifier shall be installed prior to commencement of the automobile detailing operation,
That a minimum of one parking space shall be provided for every two hundred fifty square feet of gross floor area. Parking spaces and parking areas shall comply with the size, design and maintenance requirements of Chapter 17.72 (Parking and automobile storage),
This section shall not apply to mobile or temporary automobile detailing businesses and/or services nor does this section permit these types of businesses;
Automobile parts, the retail sale of new automobile parts;
Automobile trailers, sale of new;
Bakeries, retail;
Bars (see Section 17.28.100 for special use permit requirements);
Cafés or restaurants;
Cocktail lounges (see Section 17.28.100 for special use permit requirements);
Comfort stations;
Drug stores;
Dyeing, retail dyeing and cleaning agencies including spotting, sponging, and pressing only;
Electrical transformer substations subject to the following conditions:
That all such installations be completely surrounded by a chain link or other industrial-type fence with screen planting or masonry wall to the height required by any applicable statute of the state,
That the area between the fence or wall and the property line be landscaped and maintained while such use exists;
Employment agencies;
Escort bureaus;
Fine arts galleries;
Flowers, the growing, or retail sale of, or both, of flowers;
Food markets;
Furniture stores (new only), retail;
Furrier's shops;
Gasoline service stations, if established, operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of Section 17.56.030 and subject to a special use permit and the conditions of Sections 17.56.210 through 17.56.260;
Glass, assembling of stained art glass in sections not larger than nine square feet, using not more than one kiln with a capacity not to exceed eight cubic feet and using such kiln only for baking the pigment on the glass;
Grocery stores, retail;
Hardware stores, retail;
Health centers, if operated by the state or by the county and if no patients are given bed treatment on the premises;
Ice cream, the freezing of ice cream or ice milk, or both, and its retail sale from a dispensing machine;
Laundry agencies,
Hand laundries,
Self-service laundries (self-operated and automatically equipped);
Liquor stores, retail;
Locksmith stores, retail;
Manufacturer's agents, carrying no inventory other than samples;
Massage establishments (see Section 17.28.190 for special use permit requirements);
Meats, the retail sale of;
Notions, the retail sale of;
Nurseries for flowers, plants, and shrubs;
Office buildings;
Outdoor promotional sales, only as provided in Section 17.56.090;
Paintings, retail sale of;
Parking lots, commercial, if developed as provided in Section 17.60.020;
Photographic equipment;
Plants, the growing, or retail sale of, or both, of plants;
Plumbing shops, if all material, whether for sale or not, is kept within a building;
Porcelains, the retail sale of;
Poultry, the retail sale of dressed poultry. Live poultry shall not be kept or maintained on the premises;
Real estate offices;
Reducing salons;
Retail stores, shops, or businesses, selling at retail new products and secondhand articles taken in as trade-in on the sale of new articles provided that such sale of secondhand articles is incidental to the sale of new articles and is conducted on the same premises as the sale of new articles, including, but not limited to, those articles listed in this section;
Shrubs, the growing or retail sale, or both, of shrubs;
Silver, retail sale of;
Single room occupancy (SRO) subject to the standards set forth in Section 17.56.045;
Stationery, retail sale of new stationery;
Studios, including interior decorating studios, stores, or shops and record recording studios;
Telephone company district offices;
Tile, the retail sale of glazed and ornamental tile.
Other similar enterprises or businesses, or other enterprises or businesses which, in the opinion of the commission, are not more obnoxious or detrimental to the public welfare than the enterprises or businesses enumerated in subsection B of this section.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-2 (a); Ord. 674-91 § 1; Ord. 753-94 § 4; Ord. 772-94 §§ 7, 8; Ord. 835-97 § 1; Ord. 1091-13 § 8; Ord. 1122-16 § 9)
The conditions under which the uses described in Section 17.56.020 are permitted in zone C-1 are as follows:
Every dwelling, apartment, or other structure designed for or intended to be used as a dwelling on a lot or parcel of land having an area of less than one acre per dwelling unit shall have on the same lot or parcel of land garages, carports, or other structures suitable for providing automobile shelter as required by Chapter 17.72;
Except where the property is devoted exclusively to residential use, that not to exceed fifty percent of the land be occupied by structures;
That all goods other than nursery stock, offered for sale, be displayed within a building enclosed by a roof and on all sides by walls;
That automobile storage spaces be provided, designed and maintained as required by Section 17.60.020 and Chapter 17.72;
That all buildings and structures be located not nearer than sixty feet to the center line of a secondary highway or seventy feet to the center line of any major highway, and also be the same distance or more back from any highway as is required in any adjacent residential zone, except as expressly permitted otherwise by Chapter 17.44;
That the architectural and general appearances of all such commercial buildings and grounds be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and such as not to be detrimental to the public health, safety, and general welfare of the community in which such use or uses are located;
That no commercial structure shall exceed a height of two stories, including the basement, but excluding the cellar and advertising signs which are a part of the structure. In an apartment building exceeding two stories in height, including the basement but excluding the cellar, any use permitted in hotels in zone R-4 is permitted only on the ground floor thereof;
That no enterprise is permitted which produces or causes any dust, gas, smoke, noise, fumes, odors, or vibrations which are or may be detrimental to other property in the neighborhood or to the welfare of the occupants thereof;
That residential uses, including dwelling units, flats or apartments, are permitted only above the first floor of any building; provided, that the entire street frontage of the first floor of the building, on each side of the building which faces a street zoned commercial, is devoted exclusively to commercial uses.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-2 (b); Ord. 662-90 § 6)
It is the intention of the city council to allow those uses in zone C-1, specified in Section 17.56.020, if all of the requirements and conditions of Section 17.56.030 are valid and enforceable. Should Section 17.56.030, or any portion thereof, be held invalid, then Section 17.56.020 shall also be ineffective and only those uses shall be permitted in zone C-1 which are permitted in zone R-4. Should the application of Section 17.56.030, or of any portion thereof, to any use permitted by Section 17.56.020 be held invalid, then such use shall not be permitted under any conditions in zone C-1.
If, as the result of the holding of any portion of Section 17.56.030 or any application thereof invalid, any use listed or described in Section 17.56.020 is unlawful in zone C-1, any such use made or established in zone C-1 prior to such decision in complete conformity with the whole of this chapter, as written, shall not be construed as a violation of this title.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-2 (c))
In addition to complying with Sections 17.56.030 and 17.56.040, the following requirements shall also apply to single room occupancy ("SRO") developments.
The development shall be restricted to low and very low income occupants as defined by the State of California Department of Housing and Community for Los Angeles County. This restriction shall not apply to an SRO's twenty-four-hour resident manager.
Site Plan Review. The developments shall be subject to the staff site plan review process by and payment of commercial review fees.
All projects shall be subject to special use permit review (see Section 17.28.100 for special use permit requirements).
Development Requirements.
Individual SRO project shall be designed to meet the following standards:
Each unit must comply with the California Building Code's definition of a dwelling unit and all applicable standards. The California Building Code defines a dwelling as "[a] single unit providing complete, independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eating, cooking and sanitation."
Each SRO project shall comply with all applicable commercial development standards for the applicable zoning district except as provided in this section.
Each single occupancy room shall be no less than one hundred seventy-five square feet and no greater than two hundred twenty square feet.
Each double occupancy room shall be no less than two hundred seventy-five square feet and no greater than four hundred fifty square feet.
Double occupancy rooms shall not make up more than ten percent of any SRO project.
One unit accessible by a disabled person shall be included for each twenty rooms in the project. Such unit shall comply with all applicable disabled person access requirements.
Each SRO project shall provide the following common facilities:
A single, controlled, lockable entrance to the project adjacent to and in full view of the manager's desk.
A usable common recreational/social space (outdoor or indoor) of at least four hundred square feet for each development containing thirty or fewer units. An additional fifteen square feet is required for each additional unit. Usable common recreational/social space may be a combination of indoor and outdoor space but the minimum area for any space shall not be less than two hundred square feet.
No outdoor storage shall be permitted if visible from off-site.
Laundry facilities shall be provided in a separate room or rooms located in close proximity to the units being served. A minimum of one washer and one dryer shall be provided for every ten units or fraction thereof.
A utility closet or supply storeroom with at least one laundry tub with hot and cold water shall be located on each floor.
A trash and recycling area in a centralized location.
A centrally located management office, with a resident manager who is available on a twenty-four-hour basis, which office shall be at least six hundred fifty square feet. The manager may not occupy a SRO unit.
Secure mail boxes for residents.
Parking. All projects shall provide one parking space for the resident manager, one space per single occupancy room, two spaces per SRO double occupancy room and one space per every two SROs for guest parking.
Operational Requirements.
A management plan must be submitted to the community development department for each development at the time of project submission to the community development department. Approval of said plan shall be in the reasonable discretion of the community development director. The plan must address the requirements of this section.
Security. All security issues including, but not limited to, access by residents and nonresidents, lighting, alarm systems and management responsibilities.
Rental Periods. Each unit shall be rented on a monthly basis or longer.
Tenant Screening and Residency Requirements. An explanation of how tenant screening will be undertaken and policies for ensuring resident safety and comfort. The management plan shall also provide clear standards for grievances, responding to unwanted tenant behavior, and evictions.
Each project owner shall file an initial report when the project is approved and thereafter an annual report with the community development department. The initial report shall include anticipated range of monthly rents, anticipated monthly income of residents, anticipated occupancy rates, and anticipated number of vehicles owned by the residents. The annual report shall include the range of monthly rents, the monthly income of the residents, occupancy rates, and the number of vehicles owned by the residents which are parked on-site.
(Ord. 1091-13 § 9)
Property in zone C-2 may be used for:
Any use permitted in zone R-4, subject to all of the restrictions of that zone;
Any use described in Section 17.56.020 subject to the conditions described in subsections A through D and G through I of Section 17.56.030;
Commercial swimming pools if enclosed in the building;
Manufacture of ceramics if the kiln does not exceed eight cubic feet in size, and all products are sold at retail on the premises;
Outdoor promotional sales, only as provided in Section 17.56.090 (51);
Churches and other religious facilities, subject to the issuance of a special use permit under Section 17.28.150.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-3; Ord. 753-94 § 5)
The following standards are applicable to properties located in the C-2, C-3, C-3 CPD, C-3 CCA, and C-4 zones:
Barbed wire is prohibited for use on the side of the property fronting the primary street and on any side that adjoins a residentially zoned or developed property.
Barbed wire is permitted for use on the side and rear of the property that does not adjoin a residentially zoned or developed property. The barbed wire must face the inside of the property at a forty-five degree angle.
Razor wire is prohibited.
Any security measure or device that covers the inside of a window or door opening is permitted.
A security measure or device that covers the outside of a window or door opening is prohibited if on the side of the property facing the primary street. Properties with frontages on two streets (corner lots) must consider each street the primary street.
A security measure or device that covers the outside of a window or door opening is permitted on the side and rear of the property.
The security measures prohibited in this section, in place at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, must be removed within one year after the adoption date of the ordinance codified in this section.
The community development director may refer issues relating to the interpretation of the provisions of this section and potential aesthetic impacts to the planning commission.
(Ord. 842-98 § 5; Ord. 861-99 § 6)
Any use permitted in zone C-2 is permitted in zones C-3 and C-4 subject to the restrictions of subsections A, D and I of Section 17.56.030, but not subject to any other restrictions of Section 17.56.030, or of any of the restrictions of Section 17.56.020, but subject to the following additional restrictions:
That no more than ninety percent of the area of a lot or parcel may be covered by a structure or, if there is more than one structure, the cumulative total of all structures;
That a minimum of five percent of the lot or parcel area shall be landscaped and open to the sky;
That, whenever a C-3 or C-4 lot is adjacent to a lot zoned residential, a minimum setback of five feet shall be maintained for the first ten feet of building height, such setback to increase by one foot for each two additional feet of building height, to a maximum setback of twenty feet;
That, whenever a building is proposed to exceed sixty-five feet in height, a special use permit, as provided for in Chapter 17.28 must first be obtained.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-4 (a))
Sale at retail only of:
Flagstones, other ornamental stone, ornamental bricks and ornamental tile.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-4 (b))
Stores or shops for the conduct of retail or wholesale business other than as listed in Section 17.56.070, new or secondhand, including, but not limited to:
Auction houses or stores,
Bird shops,
Pet shops,
Plumbing shops, if outside storage of pipe or fixtures or both, if any, be enclosed with a solid fence not less than six feet in height.
This section does not permit junkyards.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-4 (c))
The following uses are also permitted:
Automobile trailer parks,
Battery services,
Billiard halls,
Bowling alleys,
Boxing arenas,
Commercial carnival shows operated at one particular location not longer than one week in any six months' period if not within three hundred feet of any public park or school or area in any residential zone, and which does not produce, cause, or emit any dust, gas, smoke, noise, fumes, odors, or vibrations which are or may be detrimental to other property in the neighborhood or to the welfare of the occupants thereof,
Dog food catering services, if the use is for distribution and retail sale only, and no manufacturing of dog food is done on the premises,
Dyeing of yarn,
Extracting and bottling of fruit and vegetable juices if no carbonization is used and not more than a total of five horsepower in electric motors is used in connection with the extracting and bottling operations,
Fish, the barbecuing or smoking of fish within a building provided that the oven does not exceed one hundred cubic feet. The fish are to be sold at retail and no fish are cleaned on the premises,
Frozen food lockers,
Furniture reupholstering or redecorating stores or shops,
Furniture storage,
Garages, public garages,
Gas, distribution depot of a public utility selling and distributing gas,
Gas meter and control stations of public utilities selling gas,
Gas heaters; laboratories for the testing of gas heaters,
Glass edging, beveling and silvering in connection with the sale of mirrors and glass decorating furniture,
Laundries of not more than ten horsepower boiler and not more than ten horsepower of electric motors,
Miniature golf courses,
Missions, temporary rescue mission, tent revivals, and neighborhood carnivals for not to exceed thirty days within any six months' period, if not within three hundred feet of any public park or school or any area in zone R-1 or zone R-2. Such use may not be re-established within one mile in the same six months' period,
Motion picture film, processing of motion picture film,
Optical establishments, including the sale of lenses and frames and the grinding and mounting of lenses,
Parcel delivery terminals,
Perfume, the blending of perfume by hand and the bottling thereof, if not more than six persons are employed at any one time,
Plating of precious metals, including silver, gold, platinum, bronze, and brass for retail service,
Poles. Storage of telephone poles and equipment in connection with a telephone company garage and yard, provided that not more than ten telephone poles are stored at any one time; that the storage of poles and equipment is limited to a period of twenty-four hours after delivery to the yard, excepting Sundays and holidays; and that a six-foot masonry wall is erected enclosing the storage space. Plans for such wall shall be subject to approval by the commission as to location, design and construction,
Pool halls,
Poultry hatcheries and sale of baby poultry,
Printers or publishers or both (power operated),
Service stations, gasoline service stations, subject to the conditions of Sections 17.56.210 through 17.56.260,
Skating rinks, ice or roller, when housed in a permanent building,
Tire retreading with not to exceed five press-type molds with removable matrices or fifteen band-type electric molds with nonremovable matrices, either type to be used in connection with a public garage, gasoline service station, auto parts and accessories store or retail tire sales shop. The tires processed on the permitted equipment shall be primarily for retail sales,
Trailers, rental of house trailers not over one thousand pounds in weight or ten feet long,
Transfer companies for furniture and household goods,
Trucks, rental of trucks of not over two tons capacity,
Water service establishments,
Light manufacturing on the ground floor only incidental to the retail sale of goods from the premises only:
Seventy-five percent or more of the total ground floor area of the premises shall be used for retail sales, display of goods, and office space;
A commercial appearance shall be maintained by office or window display space or both, across all of the street of highway frontage of the building, except doorways, to a depth of not less than two feet if the building has street or highway frontage;
Any portion of any building or premises used for such light incidental manufacturing shall not be nearer than fifty feet to any residential, or A-1 zone,
The manufacture of clothing; provided:
Not more than one hundred individuals are employed therein;
Adequate free off-street parking is provided for all employees;
A commercial appearance is maintained by office or window display space or both across all of the street or highway frontage of the building, except doorways, to a depth of not less than two feet if the building has street or highway frontage;
Off-street or off-highway loading and unloading space is provided, and so located that there will be no interference with the free flow of traffic on any highway, street or alley,
The manufacture of ceramics if the total volume of the kiln space does not exceed sixteen cubic feet,
The production of phonograph records from prepared biscuits where no manufacturing is done other than the molding of the record in steam presses and the packaging for distribution,
Automobile repair garages if all operations are conducted within a building,
Other similar enterprises or businesses or other enterprises or businesses which, in the opinion of the commission, are not more obnoxious or detrimental to the public welfare than the enterprises or businesses herein in this section enumerated; provided, however, that no junk or auto wrecking yard or establishment shall be established or maintained in zone C-3 or in zone C-4,
Outdoor promotional sales are permitted in the city only if a valid permit is obtained from the department of community development and subject to the following regulations:
All outdoor sales shall be conducted on a citywide and/or industrywide basis and only in commercially zoned or used properties;
Applications for such sales shall be submitted, in writing, to the department of community development by the chamber of commerce as the official representative of all businesses in the city for the purpose of such sales;
No participant in the promotional sale shall operate the sale in such a way as to interfere with required parking allotted to an adjoining land use or in such a manner as to cause a disturbance to any adjoining land use;
Authorization to conduct outdoor promotional sales shall be granted for a period not to exceed five consecutive days and only two such authorizations may be issued to commercial establishments during any calendar year;
No promotional sales activity shall be conducted on any public street, highway, or road; or interfere with normal pedestrian or vehicular traffic or result in conditions dangerous to persons lawfully using the public right-of-way;
All promotional sales shall be conducted during regular store hours and shall be confined to a specified location within the parking area of the business establishment or areas along store frontage;
All promotional sales shall be restricted to the type of products sold by the particular business establishment participating in such promotional sales;
The participating businesses shall be required to remove or have removed any and all signing relating to the promotional sale, or the participation of any business in the promotional sale, within five days after the last day of the sale,
Cat clinics are a permitted use for the medical treatment and care of domestic cats only and shall not include pet hotels, kennels, experimental animal laboratories, or other similar uses,
Schools in C-3 and C-4 zones shall be permitted only above the first floor, subject to the following regulations:
All applicants for a school shall submit a detailed parking plan subject to the parking standards. Parking shall be one space for every twenty-five square feet of classroom area. Parking for offices, retail and other uses associated with the school shall be required as set forth in Section 17.72.160.
All applicants for a school shall submit detailed floor plans.
All applicants for a school shall submit detailed information as to number of classes, number of students, number of instructors, days and hours of operation and any other pertinent information.
Recycling facility, small, if established, operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.96.
Veterinary clinics, subject to review, inspection and approval by the city of Lawndale building and safety division and the community development director to ensure that the proposed facility can effectively mitigate odor, noise and waste removal and will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and general welfare.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-4 (d); Ord. 525-86 § 1; Ord. 678-91 § 1; Ord. 693-91 § 1; Ord. 753-94 § 6; Ord. 772-94 §§ 9—12; Ord. 802-96 § 3; Ord. 831-97 § 8; Ord. 836-97 § 1)
Full service fitness centers shall be permitted in zone C-3 and C-4 subject to the following provisions:
Special Use Permit Required. No full service fitness center shall be established, operated, or maintained within the city unless and until a special use permit approving such use has been obtained.
General Development Standards. The following are minimum standards and restrictions to be imposed upon full service fitness centers:
Physical Site Controls.
Lot Size. The minimum land area shall be five thousand square feet.
On-Site Parking. One parking space for each two hundred gross square feet of floor area shall be provided, designed and maintained as required by Chapter 17.72.
Setbacks. Where the property abuts the public right-of-way a five-foot setback shall be observed; this area shall be landscaped.
Landscaping. An area equal to five percent of the total lot area shall be suitably landscaped, irrigated, and thereafter maintained; the setback required by subsection (B)(1)(c) of this section may be included as part of this requirement.
Signs. All signs shall conform to a sign plan approved by the planning commission. The aggregate area of all signs shall not exceed two square feet for each linear foot of lot frontage. Signs which rotate, flash or otherwise scintillate are prohibited, and no freestanding sign shall exceed twenty feet in height.
Incidental Uses.
The following incidental uses may be permitted by the planning commission provided that the use is directly related to the operation of a full service fitness center, and does not exceed twenty percent of the gross floor area of the facility:
Baths, including, but not limited to, mud, mineral, sauna, steam, therapeutic and Turkish baths;
Massage, only by personnel authorized by the state and in compliance with Chapter 5.37 of this code.
Abandoned Facilities. A special use permit issued for any full service fitness center facility which has been vacant and/or not operated for a period of sixty days shall be void. The facility shall not be reopened until a new special use permit has been obtained.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-4 (e); Ord. 586-88 § 2 (A); Ord. 662-90 § 6; Ord. 1056-11 § 3)
Small fitness centers shall be permitted within the C-3 and C-4 zones subject to the following provisions:
No facility shall exceed two thousand square feet of floor area.
All facilities shall meet minimum ventilation requirements in accordance with the building code of the city.
No facility shall service more than fifteen clients/patrons at one time.
On-site parking: one parking space for each two hundred gross square feet of floor area shall be provided, designed and maintained as required by Chapter 17.72.
No facility shall include a bath including, but not limited to, mud, mineral, sauna, steam, therapeutic and Turkish baths.
(Ord. 1056-11 § 4)
Video arcades, as defined in Section 17.08.500 of this title shall be permitted in only the C-3 zone and only as an accessory use in a family-style restaurant. Such use shall be permitted only after an application for a special use permit has been filed with and approved by the planning commission of the city in accordance with the provisions of this section and Section 17.24.070.
The operation of a video arcade may be permitted by the planning commission subject to any conditions which may be imposed, pursuant to Section 17.24.070, if each of the following requirements is satisfied:
That no proprietor, owner, or manager may permit the video games to be located closer than twelve inches from any wall assembly separating the arcade from any adjacent building or portion of a building.
Where games are located along one side of an aisle, the aisle width shall be a minimum of sixty-six inches and the aisle shall be unobstructed at all times. When games are located on both sides of an aisle, the aisle width shall not be less than ninety inches in width and shall be unobstructed;
Lighting. An adequate lighting plan must be submitted to and approved by the director of community development, and each proprietor, owner, or manager shall maintain the lighting in conformity with the approved plan;
Lavatories. The establishment must provide adequate lavatory facilities accessible to customers, employees, and business invitees;
Bicycle racks shall be provided within twenty-five feet of any game arcade and must provide a total of at least two bicycle stalls for every four games located within the arcade. Bicycle racks shall not be located in any required landscaped areas, entrances, exits, walkways to buildings, driveways, within any legally required parking space, public way, or in such a fashion as to obstruct any entrance or exit to any premises;
Distance From Schools. No license shall be issued to operate a video game in any establishment within four hundred feet of any elementary school, high school, or public playground or any part thereof;
Minimum Age of Participants During School Hours. No proprietor, owner, or manager may allow a person under the age of eighteen to play any video game during the hours of eight a.m. and two-thirty p.m. on any day in which school is in nonsummer session;
Hours of Operation. No proprietor, owner, or manager may allow a person under the age of eighteen to play a video game after ten p.m., Sunday through Thursday, and after twelve midnight on Friday and Saturday, unless accompanied by an adult;
Adult Supervision. No proprietor, owner, or manager may permit any video game to be played unless there is at least one adult (over eighteen years of age) attendant or supervisor overseeing the use of the video games.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-4 (g); Ord. 540-87 § 4)
In area bounded by Marine Avenue, Manhattan Beach Boulevard, and Grevillea Avenue and Larch Avenue:
Notwithstanding any other provisions of Section 17.56.060 or Section 17.60.010 of this title, the following uses are prohibited in zones C-3 and R-3-P within the area in the city bounded by Marine Avenue, Manhattan Beach Boulevard, Grevillea Avenue and Larch Avenue:
Dwellings, except one dwelling on the same lot or parcel of land which is legally being used so as to require the continuous supervision of a caretaker or superintendent and his or her immediate family, and except dwellings on the same premises which are legally being used for agricultural purposes, which dwellings are occupied only by persons employed on the same premises, and their immediate families;
Institutions or homes for the treatment of convalescent persons, children, aged persons, alcoholics, the wounded or mentally infirm;
No building permit application filed between June 1, 1961, and July 24, 1961, shall be denied as a result of any new requirement for the development of property imposed by Section 17.32.010.
No provision of this section shall be construed to prohibit the construction of residential dwelling units in the area defined herein, on other than the ground floor of any structure, provided the ground floor of such structure is designed exclusively for commercial use.
On Hawthorne Boulevard Redondo Beach Boulevard or Artesia Boulevard. Notwithstanding any other provisions of subsections (A)(1) and (3) of this section, and notwithstanding any other provisions of Section 17.56.060 and Section 17.60.010, the following uses are prohibited on any lot or parcel of land where any portion of said lot or parcel fronts upon Hawthorne Boulevard, Redondo Beach Boulevard or Artesia Boulevard:
Dwellings, except one dwelling on the same lot or parcel of land which is legally being used so as to require the continuous supervision of a caretaker or superintendent and his or her immediate family and except dwellings on the same premises which are legally being used for agricultural purposes, which dwellings are occupied only by persons employed on the same premises, and their immediate families;
Apartment buildings;
Institutions or homes for the treatment of convalescent persons, children, aged persons, alcoholics, the wounded or mentally infirm;
Trailer parks.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-5; Ord. 693-91 §§ 2, 3; Ord. 1045-10 §§ 6, 7)
Intent and Purpose. Zone CPD is established as an overlay zone to provide a means of achieving unified commercial development which, through special design features and development standards will permit the expansion of commercial areas while safeguarding the residential portions of the community.
Uses Permitted. Premises in zone CPD may be used for:
Any use permitted in the zone to which zone CPD is added subject to the same restrictions, limitations, and conditions thereof including yards, garages and carports, transitional uses and area requirements;
If a special use permit has first been obtained pursuant to the procedure established in this title, property in zone CPD may be used for a planned commercial development in which the commission may approve any nonresidential use permitted in zone C-1. In the special use permit, the commission may modify any of the prescribed standards of development pertaining thereto. Such uses shall be subject to all of the following provisions:
The commission shall not grant a special use permit for a planned commercial development in the commercial planned development zone unless it finds that the proposed commercial development is required to serve the commercial needs of the city;
A specific plan of the planned commercial development shall be filed with the commission as part of such special use permit application;
The commission may recommend that local streets within a planned commercial development be vacated but only if such vacation will result in a more adequate traffic pattern for the neighborhood and that adequate turning areas for dead end streets are provided;
Design. The arrangement of buildings, architectural design and the types of commercial uses shall be such as to minimize adverse influences on adjacent properties;
Access and Parking. Adequate provisions shall be made for vehicular access, parking and loading in compliance with Chapter 17.72, so as to prevent undue traffic congestion on adjacent streets and highways, particularly on local streets;
Building Coverage. Buildings shall not occupy more than forty percent of the net area. In calculating net area, any streets or highways on the perimeter of the parcel of land or any major or secondary highway or parkway that traverses the property, or any area which is required to be dedicated or a private easement given for any such street or highway, shall be excluded;
Utilities. The applicant shall submit to the commission, and it shall be made a condition of approval, satisfactory evidence that the applicant has made arrangements with the serving utilities to install underground all new facilities necessary to furnish service in the development. This requirement may be waived where it would cause undue hardship or constitute an unreasonable requirement;
Signs. The commission in granting the special use permit may allow advertising signs permitted in zone C-1 which it finds will be in keeping with the concept of planned development;
Development Features. The development plan shall include yards, walls, walks, landscaping, and such other features as may be needed to make the commercial development attractive, adequately buffered from adjacent more restrictive uses, and in keeping with the character of the surrounding area;
Development Schedule. The commission shall approve a progress schedule including all phases of development and indicating that the improvements described in the development plan will be made prior to occupancy of commercial structures. The commission may modify without a hearing this condition pertaining to the development schedule based on an affirmative showing, in writing, of hardships.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-6; Ord. 662-90 § 6)
Uses permitted:
Any use permitted in zone C-3, subject to all the conditions and requirements of this title relating to zone C-3; or
The following uses, if conducted wholly within an completely enclosed building, and subject to the performance standards set forth in this chapter: (In addition, nothing in this section permits punch presses of over twenty-tons rated capacity, drop hammers, or automatic screw machines)
Auto body/paint shops (Subject to the issuance of a special use permit, LMC Section 17.28.020),
Auto/boat upholstery,
Tools, the manufacture of,
Metal fabrication,
Dental offices,
Churches — subject to the issuance of a special use permit, LMC Chapter 17.28,
Used auto, used track and used van sales — subject to the issuance of special use permit, LMC Chapter 17.28,
Post office,
Industrial/research facilities and laboratories — subject to the condition that no animal research or testing be conducted on-site,
Auto repair,
Catering or commissary,
Clothing manufacturing,
Assembly of electronic components, electronic appliance, electric instruments,
Billboards — subject to the issuance of a special use permit, LMC Chapter 17.28,
Recycling facility, small, if established, operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.96,
Automobile detailing businesses—subject to standards set forth in Section 17.56.020,
Other kinds of manufacturing or assembly uses which comply with the performance standards set forth in this chapter,
Treatment facility for the abuse of controlled substances—subject to the issuance of a special use permit and the standards set forth in Section 17.56.290;
The following uses subject to the performance standards set forth in this chapter and to the requirements as noted:
Auto/truck rental, provided that any repair to such vehicles is incidental and conducted within an enclosed building,
Building materials storage and sales. Any outdoor storage in conjunction with such business shall be subject to a special use permit and the regulations in Section 17.56.150(C)(10),
Contractor's office and equipment storage yard, provided that any repair to such equipment is incidental and conducted within an enclosed building. Any outdoor storage in conjunction with such business shall be subject to a special use permit and the regulations in Section 17.56.150(C)(10),
Equipment rental yard, provided that any repair to such equipment is incidental and conducted within an enclosed building. Any outdoor storage in conjunction with such business shall be subject to a special use permit and the regulations in Section 17.56.150(C)(10);
Emergency shelters are also permitted subject to the issuance of a special use permit, LMC Section 17.28.020, and shall only receive a special use permit if the Planning Commission determines that all the following standards will be met:
The cumulative total number of beds allowed within each emergency shelter shall be no more than twelve,
An emergency shelter may not be located within three hundred feet of another emergency shelter,
There shall be provided one parking space per employee and one parking space for every four beds (or fraction thereof),
Services shall be limited to overnight accommodation and meals for residents only. Admittance shall be between the hours of seven a.m. and ten p.m.,
Operator Standards.
Each shelter shall be operated by a responsible agency or organization that has experience in managing and/or providing social services,
An on-site manager shall be present during operating hours,
A written management plan addressing at a minimum staff training, security, neighborhood communication, client intake, loitering control, referral services, outdoor storage, refuse control, and facility maintenance shall be approved by the city and must be submitted at the time of application;
Any other proposed use which, in the determination of the community development director may be obnoxious or offensive by reason of emission of odor, dust, smoke, gas, noise or other similar characteristics, including hazards, shall be referred to the planning commission for determination pursuant to the provisions of Section 17.04.020(F) of this code.
Performance Standards. The performance standards as set forth in the following subsections shall apply to and be complied with by every business or occupation conducted on any property within the C-M commercial-manufacturing zone.
Humidity. Every existing or proposed use, activity or process or portion thereof producing humidity in the form of steam or moist air shall be carried on in such a manner that the humidity caused thereby is not perceptible at or beyond any property line. The presence of humidity in the form of steam or moist air within the boundaries of a property shall not in itself constitute a violation of this section.
Heat. Every existing or proposed use, activity or process or portion thereof producing heat shall be carried on in such a manner that the heat caused thereby is not perceptible at or beyond any property line. The presence of heat in the form of heat waves within the boundaries of a property shall not in itself constitute a violation of this section.
Glare. Every existing or proposed use, activity or process or portion thereof producing glare shall be shielded or directed in such a manner that the glare is not perceptible at or beyond any property line.
Smoke. No existing or proposed use, activity or process or portion thereof shall from any source whatsoever discharge smoke or other particulate matter into the atmosphere.
Odor. No existing or proposed use, activity or process or portion thereof shall discharge from any source whatsoever such quantities of odorous gases or other odorous matter which cause injury to the public or which endangers the comfort, repose, health and safety of any persons or which cause or have a natural tendency to cause injury or damage to business or property.
Dust and Dirt. No existing or proposed use, activity or process or portion thereof shall from any single or combined source or emission whatsoever discharge into the atmosphere dust, dirt or ash.
Electro-Magnetic Disturbances, Radiation. No existing or proposed use, activity or process or portion thereof shall produce electro-magnetic disturbances or radio-active emanations which interfere with normal radio or television reception in residential or commercial zones or which constitute a nuisance or hazard to adjacent properties.
Toxic or Noxious Matter. No existing or proposed use, activity or process or portion thereof shall discharge from any source whatsoever such quantities or odorous gases or other odorous matter or toxic or noxious gases or matter which would cause injury to the public or endanger the comfort, repose, health and safety of any persons or would cause or have a natural tendency to cause injury or damage to businesses or property.
Preemption. If any superior law or regulation is expressly declared or judicially determined to have preempted the field or regulation or is stricter than any provision of this chapter, such other superior law or regulation shall be controlling.
Development Standards.
Buffer Wall. A six-foot solid masonry wall shall be constructed and maintained between any property zoned and used for C-M uses and any adjacent residentially zoned property. If the use is not required to provide a setback, pursuant to subsection (C)(6) entitled "Setback and Height Regulations" of this section, a "buffer wall" is not required for that portion of the property line contiguous with the adjacent residentially zoned property where the building/structure is located.
Outside Refuse. Trash, garbage and refuse may be temporarily stored outside the building, provided, however, such refuse shall be completely screened from public view by any enclosure of which three sides shall consist of six-foot high stucco or decorative masonry walls, or other approved screening devices with a solid metal gate painted a color compatible with the walls.
Inside Storage. Except as provided elsewhere in this chapter, all permanent and temporary storage of wares and merchandise, crates, bottles and similar items shall be within a building. Temporary, wood or metal storage containers, bins, sea cargo storage containers and/or buildings are not permitted.
Incidental Office Area. Not more than twenty-five percent of the floor area of a building utilized for a business engaged in the processing, assembling, manufacturing, warehousing or storing of products or merchandise may be set aside for office space for the manufacturing use.
Exception: If the floor area set aside for the office space is in excess of twenty-five percent, the required parking for the additional area will be calculated at a ratio of one space per three hundred square feet or the fraction thereof in additional floor area.
Landscaping. A minimum of five percent of the gross area of a lot or parcel shall be landscaped and open to the sky. In addition, a minimum of two percent of the required on-site parking area must be landscaped to the satisfaction of the community development director. Inclusive within the landscaping area required in the on-site parking area, if the parking area is adjacent to a street right-of-way it must be separated from the edge of the right-of-way by a minimum three-foot wide landscaped buffer (alleys do not require the three-foot minimum landscaped buffer).
Setback and Height Regulations.
Front Yard Setback Requirements. All front yard setbacks of C-M properties must adhere to the regulations as prescribed in Chapter 17.44 of this code.
C-M Properties Adjacent to Rear Property Lines of Residentially Zoned Properties where there is a Residential Structure Located within Ten Feet of its Own Residentially Zoned Rear Property Line. For all C-M zoned buildings/structures the following setback and height standards shall apply:
Setbacks. Whenever a C-M zoned lot is adjacent to the rear property line of a lot zoned and developed residentially and there is a residential structure located within ten feet of its own residentially zoned rear property line, then the C-M zoned building/structure must provide a "buffer wall" pursuant to subsection (C)(1) of this section and provide a minimum setback distance of five feet.
Height Requirements. The height limitation of the structure at the five-foot setback line shall not exceed two stories or twenty-five feet whichever is less, excluding roof structures, however the roof structure(s) must be set back from the edge of the building/structure a minimum distance of one foot for each one foot of height.
Setbacks/Height Requirements above Twenty-Five Feet or the Second Story, Whichever is Less. For additional building/structure above twenty-five feet or the second story, whichever is less, the setback must be a minimum distance of one foot for each additional two feet of height, to a maximum setback of twenty feet.
C-M Properties Adjacent to Rear Property Lines of Residentially Zoned Properties where there is Not a Residential Structure Located within Ten Feet of Its Own Residentially Zoned Rear Property Line. For all C-M zoned buildings/structures the following setback and height standards shall apply:
Setbacks. Whenever a C-M zoned lot is adjacent to the rear property line of a residentially zoned property and there are no residential structures within ten feet of its own residentially zoned rear property line, then the building/structure may be located on the property line and no "buffer wall" need be provided pursuant to subsection (C)(1) of this section. In addition there can be no openings, doors, windows, vents, etc. on the wall of the building/structure located on the property line, and the building materials of the wall located on the property line must provide soundproofing to the satisfaction of the community development department.
Height Requirements. The height limitation is a maximum twenty-five feet or two stories, whichever is less, for the C-M zoned building/structure located on the property line.
Setbacks/Height Requirements Above Twenty-Five Feet or the Second Story, Whichever is Less. For additional building/structure above twenty-five feet or the second story, whichever is less, the setback must be a minimum distance of one foot for each additional two feet of building height to a maximum setback of twenty feet.
C-M Properties Adjacent to Side Property Lines of Residentially Zoned Properties where there is a Residential Structure Located within Six Feet of Its Own Residentially Zoned Side Property Line. For all C-M zoned buildings/structures the following setback and height standards shall apply:
Setbacks. Whenever a C-M zoned lot is adjacent to the side property line of a lot zoned and developed residentially and there is a residential structure located within six feet of its own residentially zoned side property line, then the C-M zoned building/structure must provide a "buffer wall" per subsection (C)(1) of this section and provide a minimum setback distance of three feet.
Height Requirements. The height limitation of the structure at the three-foot setback line shall not exceed twenty-five feet or two stories, whichever is less, excluding roof structures, however the roof structure(s) must be set back from the edge of the building/structure a minimum distance of one foot for each one foot of height.
Setbacks/Height Requirements above Twenty-Five Feet or the Second Story, Whichever is Less. For additional building/structure above twenty-five feet or the second story, whichever is less, the setback must be a minimum distance of one foot for each additional two feet of height, to a maximum setback of twenty feet.
C-M Properties Adjacent to Side Property Lines of Residentially Zoned Properties where there is Not a Residential Structure Located within Six Feet of Its Own Residentially Zone Side Property Line. For all C-M zoned buildings/structures the following setback and height standards shall apply:
Setbacks. Whenever a C-M zoned lot is adjacent to the side property line of a residentially zoned property and there are no residential structures within six feet of its own residentially zoned side property line, then the building/structure may be located on the property line and no "buffer wall" need be provided pursuant to subsection (C)(1) of this section. In addition there can be no openings, doors, windows, vents, etc. on the wall of the building/structure located on the property line, and the building materials of the wall located on the property line must provide soundproofing to the satisfaction of the community development department.
Height Requirements. The height limitation is a maximum twenty-five feet or two stories, whichever is less, for the C-M zoned building/structure located on the property line.
Setbacks/Height Requirements above Twenty-Five Feet or the Second Story, Whichever is Less. For additional building/structure above twenty-five feet or the second story, whichever is less, the setback must be a minimum distance of one foot for each additional two feet of building height to a maximum setback of twenty feet.
SUP/New Development Requirements. If a proposed use requires the approval of a special use permit or an existing use proposes "new development," which is defined as any structural development of one thousand square feet or more, or any structural additions to existing development of ten percent or more of the existing ground floor area, whichever is more restrictive, then the setback distance will ultimately be determined during the review of the project by the planning commission.
Building Height. Whenever a building in the C-M zone is proposed to exceed sixty-five feet in height, a special use permit, as provided for in Chapter 17.28 of this code, must first be obtained.
Height of Wall/Fence. Perimeter walls and fences are permitted to be six feet in height with the issuance of a fence permit and the review and approval of the community development director or his or her designee. The permitted wall/fence must not obstruct/impede safe ingress or egress to or from the property and must also allow safe pedestrian and other vehicular pass-by traffic. All corner lots shall maintain for safety vision purposes a triangular area at the street intersection corner of the lot, which triangle shall be formed by the front and side lot lines and a diagonal line drawn between two points located fifteen feet along the front and side lot lines from their point of intersection, or, in case of a rounded lot corner, from the point of intersection of the extension of said lot lines. Within the said triangular area, only a maximum six-foot high wrought-iron, or other see-through fence, excluding chain link fencing, may be permitted by the community development director. In addition, no visual obstruction will be placed in the triangular area or no buildings can be constructed. Section 17.48.050(B)(2) defines the "see through" wall/fence. Walls/fences are conditionally allowed between the height of six feet and eight feet provided they receive the approval of the community development director. For walls/fences greater in height than eight feet a special use permit must be approved. All walls/fences must significantly conform to the architectural style of the existing or proposed development where the wall/fence is to be located.
Access. For all uses requiring a special use permit, and those falling under the definition of "new development," as defined in subsection (C)(6)(f) of this section, the issue of access to and from the site will require the review and approval by the director of public works or designee.
Outdoor Storage. All outdoor storage in the C-M zone shall be subject to a special use permit and the regulations in this Section 17.56.150(C)(10).
Outdoor storage uses shall be conducted and maintained in a neat and orderly manner, and all outdoor storage areas shall be fully paved with asphaltic cement, concrete, or other material as approved by the planning commission.
Outdoor storage uses shall be completely concealed from view from nearby public rights-of-way, streets and adjoining properties by buildings or decorative solid masonry walls not less than six feet in height.
At no time shall the goods, materials, merchandise, machines or equipment being stored or stacked exceed the height of the screen wall if visible from the public right-of-way or adjoining properties.
No outdoor storage uses shall be permitted in a required off-street parking area, driveway area, or in a public right-of-way.
Entry gates, if any, shall be screened with solid view obscuring materials such as wood or aluminum baked panels. Slats through chain-linked gates shall not be considered solid, view-obscuring materials.
The use of shipping containers as a method of outdoor storage shall be permitted, subject to all provisions of this section. Containers shall not be stacked in any manner, and shall be completely screened with solid fences or walls. The height of each individual container shall be limited to eight feet six inches high. Placement of containers shall not interfere in any way with required off-street parking or driveway areas.
Site and landscaping plans shall be submitted to the department of community development for approval and shall be developed and maintained as approved.
(Ord. 823 § 2; Ord. 831-97 § 9; Ord. 835-97 § 2; Ord. 922-02 § 2; Ord. 1091-13 § 2; Ord. 1136-17 §§ 6, 7)
Hotels, Defined. "Hotel" means any structure, or any portion of any structure, which is occupied or intended or designed for occupancy by transients for dwelling, lodging or sleeping purposes, and includes any hotel, inn, or motel designed for occupancy by transients for dwelling, lodging or sleeping purposes for periods not to exceed thirty days, and not less than one full day.
Conditional Use Permit Required. No hotel shall be established, operated or maintained within the city unless and until a conditional use permit approving such use has been issued. Hotels in operation on January 6, 1977, the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, shall not be required to obtain a conditional use permit for their operation until two years have elapsed from the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, January 6, 1977.
General Development Standards. The following standards and restrictions set out in Sections 17.56.170 through 17.56.200 are minimum standards and restrictions to be imposed upon hotels and motels. In granting a conditional use permit, additional provisions may be included which are consistent with the spirit and purpose of this chapter.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-8(a), (b), (c); Ord. 553-87 § 2)
A market analysis prepared by a reputable and qualified consultant, evaluating market feasibility and impacts on existing lodging development in the city shall be required.
Confirmation of affiliation with a recognized hotel or motel franchise or chain organization shall be required.
A company profile from the developer, outlining qualifications, past projects and other desired information shall be required.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-8(c)(4); Ord. 553-87 § 2)
The minimum lot size shall be eighteen thousand square feet;
The maximum lot coverage for any structure shall be ninety percent of the total lot area;
The maximum height shall be sixty-five feet unless a greater height is authorized by the approving body;
The project shall observe front yard setbacks, if any, of the zone in which it is located; and the minimum side and rear yard setbacks shall be five feet when adjacent to a residential zone, and shall be increased by one foot for each additional two feet in height over ten feet, up to a maximum setback of twenty feet;
The architectural design of all buildings and structures, including the signing and materials and colors used, shall be compatible and visually harmonious with surrounding development;
The design treatment of the buildings shall include the use of fire retardant decorative roof materials and building materials; all mechanical roof equipment shall be screened from public view;
Landscaping and recreational amenities shall comprise ten percent of the gross site area with a minimum of five percent designated for landscaping. A landscape and irrigation plan, to include the parkway and replacement of mature trees with minimum twenty-four inches box specimen trees, and a recreation plan, to include amenities, such as but not necessarily including swimming pools, tennis courts, patios and outdoor furniture, shall be submitted to the department of planning and building for approval prior to installation;
Units which include kitchen facilities in the project shall be limited to ten percent of the total number of units;
That all utility lines across the subject property or serving the subject property shall go underground when owner has control.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-8 (c) (1); Ord. 553-87 § 2)
Signing for the entire project shall be developed according to an approved sign plan. The sign area shall be limited to two square feet of sign area for every linear foot of street frontage. Freestanding pole signs higher than twenty feet and roof signs shall be prohibited.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-8 (c) (2); Ord. 553-87 § 2; Ord. 586-88 § 2 (B))
Off-street parking spaces shall be provided as follows:
One parking space for each unit without kitchen facilities,
Two parking spaces for each unit with kitchen facilities,
Two parking spaces for each manager's unit,
One parking space marked "handicapped" for every room that is provided for the handicapped,
Accessory uses, such as restaurants and meeting rooms shall comply with the applicable city parking standards; however, the required number of accessory parking spaces, may be reduced up to a maximum of fifty percent of the required parking spaces, if it is determined that the cumulative peak demand for all parking spaces justifies such a reduction;
One parking space for every two employees;
Recreational vehicle overnight connection facilities are prohibited.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-8 (c) (3); Ord. 553-87 § 2)
"Automobile service station" as herein used means a retail business establishment selling motor fuels and supplying goods and services generally required in the operation and maintenance of automotive vehicles including, but not limited to, the sale of petroleum products; the sale and servicing of tires, batteries, automotive accessories and replacement items; manual washing and lubrication services; the performance of automotive maintenance and repairs; the supply of other incidental customer services and products, excluding body and fender repairs, painting, and dismantling.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-9 (a))
No service station shall be established, operated or maintained within the city unless and until a special use permit approving such use has been issued, provided, however, that service stations in operation on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section, shall not be required to obtain a special use permit for their operation until structural modifications or capital improvements are made on the site having a cost in excess of five thousand dollars or in excess of the existing assessed valuation (assessed valuation being defined as twenty-five percent of current market value) of on-site improvements, as determined by the latest available assessment rolls, whichever is greater, or if no such modification or improvements are made, until five years have elapsed from the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section. All of the provisions of Section 17.56.230 are intended to have immediate effect. Service stations existing on March 27, 1972, the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section shall immediately comply with all of the provisions of Section 17.56.230 which would not require structural modification of the service station site.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-9 (b))
The following are general guidelines as to minimum standards and restrictions to be imposed upon service stations. The planning commission may, in granting a special use permit, modify any of these provisions if in its judgment it has imposed other additional conditions which equally satisfy the spirit and purpose of this section. Unless modified by the planning commission, each of these provisions shall be applicable as development standards to all service stations in the city.
Physical site controls:
Lot Size. Minimum land area shall be twelve thousand square feet for a two-bay station, plus two thousand square feet for each additional bay. One pump shall be allowed for each two thousand square feet of land area;
Design. a. The design of the service station shall be appropriate for the site and the surrounding zoning and development; traffic patterns, neighboring land use and aesthetics shall all be considered.
Sufficient space shall be provided to service vehicles efficiently, to meet on-site parking and maneuvering needs, and to ensure the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians on and around the site.
Structures, islands, curb cuts, parking and landscaping shall be so located as to best serve the service station and least adversely affect adjacent properties and the surrounding community;
Driveways. Driveways shall be designed to ensure a safe and efficient operation, and so located that traffic may move on and off the site from the lane of traffic nearest the curb;
On-site Parking. Three parking spaces shall be provided for each working bay. Separate parking areas for the outdoor storage of permitted rental trucks, trailers, etc., shall be required in addition to the foregoing. One additional on-site parking space shall be provided for each two hundred fifty gross square feet of retail space;
Paving. All areas other than planting areas shall be paved with a minimum of four inches A.C. or the equivalent;
Drainage. Drainage shall be provided and so designed that water is not discharged across adjacent public or private property;
Lighting. Lighting shall be directed onto the subject property and so located and designed that the light source is not visible from adjacent properties. No lighting facility shall be allowed higher than twenty feet above finished grade;
Signs. All signs shall conform to a sign plan approved by the planning commission;
Racks and Pits. All hoists, pits, and wheel alignment racks shall be located within a fully enclosed structure;
Outdoor Storage. All permitted outside storage and/or refuse areas shall be fenced or screened from view. No used or discarded automobile parts, equipment, permanently disabled junk, or inoperable vehicles shall be located outside the building except within an approved enclosed storage area;
Setbacks. Buildings shall not be less than ten feet from any property line, and not less than twenty-five feet from any dedicated street or highway. Gas pumps shall be not less than fifteen feet from any property line, or within twenty-five feet of residentially zoned property;
Bathrooms. Each service station shall have a bathroom or bathrooms, with toilet, accessible to the public during all hours the service station is open to the public;
Water and Air Hoses. Each service station shall be equipped with a water and air dispensing unit in a location accessible to the customers, and approved by the planning commission;
Accessibility. Each service station, including any bathroom or accessory mini-mart, shall be accessible to handicapped persons, and shall provide designated parking space(s) for handicapped persons.
Planter Areas. Planter areas shall comprise a minimum of five percent of the gross site area. Landscaping shall be located so as not to obstruct necessary sight distances and traffic flow, so as to offer adjacent residential properties a degree of visual and audio screening, and shall be of such quality as to enhance the site and the surrounding area.
Irrigation. Sprinkler systems shall be provided in all landscaped areas.
Fences and Decorative Screening. Fences, walls and/or screening shall be required adjacent to contiguous property lines and other locations as determined necessary to screen, buffer, protect, or beautify. Materials, textures, colors and design shall be compatible with the on-site development, the adjacent properties, and the neighborhood.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-9 (c); Ord. 662-90 § 6)
Except as permitted by this chapter, no activities other than those clearly incidental to a part of the service station operation shall be conducted on a service station site. Outside operations shall be confined to normal automobile service station activities including the dispensing of gasoline, oil, water, air pressure, the changing of tires and minor servicing. All new and used merchandise shall be stored and displayed within the service station building, except new and reconditioned tires, batteries, accessories and lubrication items which are maintained in movable or enclosable cabinets or racks specifically designed for the display and sale of such merchandise. Vending machines selling items commonly found in a service station, including, but not limited to, refreshments or maps, shall be located within or abutting a structure, in a location approved by the planning commission.
Vehicle Sales. The sale, storage or rental of boats, habitable trailers, trucks, automobiles, two-wheeled vehicles, trailers and other products not incidental to the servicing of automobiles shall be prohibited unless approved by a special use permit.
Promotional Sales. Promotional items for which the franchise is providing mass media advertising may be sold provided that such items not be stored or displayed outside of an enclosed building.
Vehicle Storage/Rental. No commercial vehicles, except vehicles owned and used by the operator of the premises as a normal incidental service station use, shall be permitted to be stored on the site, provided however, that such vehicles, including rental trucks, and trailers, may be stored upon approval of a special use permit by the planning commission of the city upon finding that such use, under conditions established by the commission, would not be detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city or otherwise inconsistent with the spirit and purpose of this title. Required parking areas or areas that could be developed to meet parking requirements may not be utilized for the aforementioned storage.
Commercial Parking. No vehicles shall be parked on the premises other than those of persons, attending to business of the site, vehicles being serviced for customers or businesses, vehicles of employees, other service vehicles used in operation of the station and vehicles permitted by subsection D of this section which require a special use permit.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-9 (d))
Definition. "Mini-mart" as herein used means a small retail store selling commonly purchased groceries, household goods and other sundries, and located on the same parcel as, and operated in conjunction with, a service station.
When Permitted. No mini-mart shall be permitted unless and until a special use permit has been issued.
Development Standards. All mini-marts shall comply with the following minimum standards and restrictions; the planning commission may, in granting a special use permit, modify any of these provisions if, in its judgment, it has imposed additional conditions which equally satisfy the purpose of this subsection:
Design. The mini-mart shall be developed, with a design compatible with the service station, the site and the surrounding properties, to be approved by the planning commission.
Parking. A minimum of one parking space for each two hundred fifty gross square feet of retail floor area shall be provided, in addition to any required parking spaces for the service station. Parking spaces and parking areas shall comply with the size, design and maintenance requirements of Chapter 17.72.
Separation. Any entrance to a mini-mart shall be at least twenty-five feet from any fuel pump.
Staffing. No employees engaged in automobile repair or the pumping of gasoline shall work in the mini-mart during the same work shift.
Arcades. Pinball machines and other coin-operated electronic or manual games shall be prohibited in mini-marts.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-9 (e); Ord. 662-90 § 6)
Abandoned service stations or any automobile service station which for one hundred eighty consecutive days has been vacant and/or not operated for the servicing of motor vehicles owned and operated by the general motoring public shall not be reopened for use as a gasoline service station until a special use permit has been obtained.
In no event shall service station facilities and/or property with service station facilities located thereon be utilized for any use other than a gasoline service station until a special use permit has been obtained.
Service station sites and improvements shall be maintained in a state of good repair, both when occupied and when vacant.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-9 (f))
"Fortunetelling" as used in this section is defined as: the act of fortunetelling or prophesying future events or happenings affecting the personal life of another by resorting to any occult or psychic power, faculty or force; clairvoyance, clairaudience, cartomancy, psychometry, phrenology, spirits, mediumship, seership, prophecy, augury, astrology, palmistry, necromancy, mindreading, telepathy or other similar activity; cards, talisman, charm, potion, spirit photography, spirit writing, spirit voices, spirit materialization, etherealization; crystal gazing, oriental mysteries, or magic of any kind or nature; when such fortunetelling carried on as a business activity for compensation or consideration of any kind or nature.
Special Use Permit Required. Fortune telling and other similar business establishments shall be permitted uses only in the C-3, C-4 and M-1 zones. Such uses shall be permitted only after an application has been filed with and approved by the planning commission of the city in accordance with the provisions of this section and Section 17.28.020. A special use permit shall be granted if all the requirements of this section and other applicable provisions of law are satisfied.
(added during 12-15-90 supplement; Ord. 770-94 § 6)
Carwash Defined. "Carwash" means any facility in which power driven or steam cleaning machinery is used for the exterior and interior washing and cleaning of automobiles and other motor vehicles. Such facility and equipment may be designed for self-service or full-service operation.
Where Permitted. Carwashes shall be permitted only in C-3, C-4 or M-1 zoning districts.
Special Use Permit Required. No carwash shall be established, operated or maintained within the city unless and until a special use permit approving such use has been issued. Carwashes in operation on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this section shall not be required to obtain a special use permit for their operation until one year has elapsed from the effective date of this action.
Special Development Standards. The planning commission may, in granting a special use permit, impose conditions relating to building codes, site size, zoning requirements, parking regulations, use restrictions, building materials, building design, site design, landscaping and signing which satisfy the purpose and spirit of this title to encourage the development and maintenance of quality carwashes in the city.
Plans shall indicate and specify a water reclamation system for the purpose of recycling water to the maximum degree possible given the equipment to be used in conducting car wash activities.
(Prior code § 3-2-D-10; added during 12-15-90 supplement; Ord. 693-91 § 6; Ord. 770-94 § 7)
"Treatment facility for the abuse of controlled substances" as used in this section is defined as: any facility that operates as a methadone clinic, recovery center, group counseling facility, or similar for-profit or non-profit facility whose clientele are seeking treatment for addiction or abuse of a controlled substance. This definition does not include licensed psychiatrists and psychologists treating patients on an individual basis.
Special Use Permit Required. Treatment facilities for the abuse of controlled substances shall only be permitted in the CM zone after an application for a special use permit has been filed and approved by the planning commission of the city in accordance with the provisions of this section and Section 17.28.020.
Location Requirements. Treatment facilities for the abuse of controlled substances shall not be located within five hundred feet of any public school, public park or other treatment facility for the abuse of controlled substances.
(Ord. 922-02 § 3)