Property in zone P may be used for:
Any use permitted in zone R-3-P;
If no property in zone R-1, R-2, or R-3 is adjacent to, but property zoned R-4 is adjacent to such property, any use permitted in zone R-4-P.
(Prior code § 3-2-E-1 (a))
In zones R-1-P, R-2-P, R-3-P, and R-4-P, any area used for motor vehicle parking shall be developed as follows:
Such area shall be paved with an asphaltic or concrete surfacing and shall have appropriate bumper guards where needed.
Except for driveways and other entrances, such area shall be properly enclosed with an ornamental fence or wall as hereinafter provided:
None required along common boundary line of property in a commercial, industrial or buffer zone;
None required where the property being developed for parking abuts other property in zones R-1-P, R-2-P, R-3-P, and R-4-P, which is not used for residential purposes, until such time as such abutting property is used for residential purposes;
Where the property being developed for parking abuts property in a residential or an agricultural zone, or property in zones P, R-1-P, R-2-P, R-3-P, or R-4-P, used for residential purposes, a masonry wall six feet in height shall be erected and maintained along the common boundary line of such abutting property. Such wall shall not extend into the front yard or side yard setback required in any abutting residential or agricultural zone or property in zones P, R-1-P, R-2-P, R-3-P, or R-4-P used for residential purposes. Such wall shall not be less than six feet in height above the surface of the parking lot and not less than four feet in height above the surface of the adjoining property. If the wall is more than six feet in height above such adjoining property, then it shall be set back from the adjoining property line a distance of one foot for each foot in height above six feet;
Where the property being developed for parking is across a street or highway from property in a residential or agricultural zone or property in zone P, R-1-P, R-2-P, R-3-P, or R-4-P used for residential purposes, such fence or wall shall be not less than two feet nor more than three and one-half feet in height, and shall be erected and maintained not less than five feet from the front property line. The area between the property line of such lot and such fence or wall shall be planted with lawn, shrubs, or flowers and shall be continuously maintained in good condition;
Where the property being developed for parking is across a street or highway from property in any zone other than a residential zone, or property in zones P, R-1-P, R-2-P, R-3-P, or R-4-P, are used for residential purposes, a fence or wall is required as provided in subsection d above, except that such fence or wall may be closer than five feet to the property line, if the location and type of the development is approved by the city engineer;
The fence or wall required along the front of such property shall not be nearer to the front property line than the required front yard or side yard of such abutting property for a distance of fifty feet from such common boundary line and shall be not less than two feet nor more than three and one-half feet in height. The area between the property line of such lot and such fence or wall shall be planted with lawn, shrubs, or flowers and shall be continuously maintained in good condition.
Any lights used to illuminate such parking area shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from any residential zone.
When property subject to the provisions of this section is proposed to be used for parking purposes, development plans shall be submitted to the director to ensure compliance with all provisions of this chapter, and property shall not be so used unless such plans are approved by the director, and the property is developed in compliance with such plans.
(Prior code § 3-2-E-1 (b))
Property in zone R-1-P may be used for:
Any use permitted in zone P subject to the provisions of Section 17.60.020;
Any use permitted in zone R-1 subject to all area requirements, setbacks, and other regulations applying to zone R-1.
(Prior code § 3-2-E-2)
Property in zone R-2-P may be used for:
Any use permitted in zone P subject to the provisions of Section 17.60.020;
Any use permitted in zone R-2 subject to all area requirements, setbacks, and other regulations applying to zone R-2.
(Prior code § 3-2-E-3))
Property in zone R-3-P may be used for:
Any use permitted in zone P, subject to the provisions of Section 17.60.020;
Any use permitted in zone R-3 subject to all setbacks and other regulations applying to zone R-3.
(Prior code § 3-2-E-4 (a))
The following uses are prohibited in zones C-3 and R-3-P within the area in the city bounded by Compton Boulevard, Manhattan Beach Boulevard, Grevillea Avenue and Larch Avenue:
Dwellings, except one dwelling on the same lot or parcel of land which is legally being used in a manner requiring the continuous supervision of a caretaker or superintendent and his or her immediate family;
Institutions or homes for the treatment of convalescent persons, children, aged persons, alcoholics, the wounded or mentally infirm;
That no building permit application filed between June 1, 1961 and July 24, 1961, shall be denied as a result of any new requirement for the development of property imposed by Section 17.56.130 A of this title;
No provision of this section shall be construed to prohibit the construction of residential dwelling units in the area defined herein, on other than the ground floor of any structure; provided, the ground floor of said structure is designed exclusively for commercial use.
(Prior code § 3-2-E-4 (b); Ord. 693-91 § 4; Ord. 1045-10 §§ 8, 9)
Property in zone R-4-P may be used for:
Any use permitted in zone P subject to the provisions of Section 17.60.020;
Any use permitted in zone R-4 subject to all regulations which apply to zone R-4.
(Prior code § 3-2-E-5)