Premises shall not be used in zone M-1 except for any uses permitted in zone C-M, except that the following uses are prohibited in zone M-1:
Dwellings, except one dwelling on the same lot or parcel of land which is legally being used so as to require the continuous supervision of a caretaker or superintendent and his or her immediate family, and except dwellings on the same premises which are legally being used for agricultural purposes, which dwellings are occupied only by persons employed on the premises, and their immediate families;
Institutions or homes for the treatment of convalescent persons, children, aged persons, alcoholics, the wounded or mentally infirm;
Trailer parks;
Churches and other religious facilities, subject to the issuance of a special use permit under Section 17.28.150.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-1, (1); Ord. 753-94 § 6; Ord. 772-94 § 14; Ord. 1045-10 § 10)
The following uses are also permitted except that nothing in this section permits punch presses of over twenty tons rated capacity, drop hammers, or automatic screw machines:
Acetylene, the storage of oxygen and acetylene in tanks if oxygen is stored in a room separate from acetylene, and such rooms are separated by a not less than one hour fire resistant wall;
Agricultural contractor equipment, sale, or rental or both;
Animal experimental research institute;
Animal hospitals;
Assembly plants;
Automobile body and fender repair shops if all operations are conducted inside of a building;
Automobile detailing businesses subject to standards set forth in Section 17.56.020;
Automobile painting and upholstering;
Bags, manufacture of;
Barrels, storage of empty barrels;
Baseball parks;
Batteries, the manufacture and rebuilding of batteries;
Beds, the manufacture of bedspreads and bedsprings;
Billboards, the manufacture of billboards;
Blacksmith shops;
Boat building;
Bone products, the manufacture of bone products;
Book binderies;
Bottling plants;
Box factories;
Brushes, the manufacture of;
Building materials, storage of;
Bus storage;
Cabinet making;
Candles, the manufacture of;
Cannery, except meat or fish;
Canvas, the manufacture of canvas and products of canvas;
Car barns for buses and streetcars;
Carnivals, commercial or otherwise;
Carpenter shop;
Carpet cleaning;
Casein, the manufacture of casein products, except glue;
Cellophane, the manufacture of cellophane products;
Ceramics, the manufacture of ceramics;
Cesspool pumping, cleaning, and draining;
Cigars, the manufacture of;
Cigarettes, the manufacture of;
Clay products, the manufacture or storage, or both, of clay products, including clay statuary;
Cleaning and dyeing establishments, wholesale;
Clocks, manufacture of;
Cloth, the manufacture of cloth and cloth products, including clothing of all kinds but not tanning;
Coffee roasting;
Coffins, the manufacture of;
Cold storage plants;
Contractor's equipment yards, including farm equipment and all equipment used in building trades;
Cork, the manufacture of cork products;
Cosmetics, the packaging and distribution of pharmaceutical and cosmetic items;
Cotton storage;
Curtain cleaning plants;
Dairy products depot and manufacture of dairy products;
Dextrine, manufacture of;
Distributing plants;
Dog breeding;
Commercial dog kennels;
Dog training schools; provided, that in each case a special use permit is first obtained;
Draying yard or terminal;
Drugs, the manufacture of, and sale at wholesale, of drugs;
Dry goods, the manufacture of and sale at wholesale of, and storage of, dry goods;
Dyeing and cleaning, wholesale;
Electric appliance assembly;
Electrical parts, the manufacture of, the sale at wholesale of, or the storage of, small electrical parts;
Electric signs, manufacture of;
Electrical transformer substations;
Electronic freeway signs, subject to the provisions of Article IV of Chapter 17.76;
Emergency shelters subject to the standards applicable to emergency shelters set forth in Section 17.28.020;
Emery cloth, the manufacture of;
Engines, the manufacture of internal combustion or steam engines; this subsection does not permit a foundry;
Engraving, machine metal engraving;
Fabricating, other than snap riveting or any process used in bending or shaping which produces any annoying disagreeable noise;
Feathers, the manufacture or renovation of feather products, or both;
Felt, the manufacture of felt;
Ferris wheels;
Fiber products, including fiberglass, the manufacture of;
Fixtures, the manufacture of gas or electrical fixtures, or both;
Food products, the manufacture, processing, storage, and sale of, except lard, pickles, sausage, sauerkraut or vinegar;
Fox farms;
Fruit packing plants;
Fuel yards;
Fumigating contractors;
Fur products, the manufacture of;
Fur warehouses;
Furniture, the manufacture of;
Generators, the manufacture of electrical generators;
Glass, the production by hand of crystal glass art novelties within a closed building of fire resistant construction;
Glass, the storage of;
Gloves, the manufacture of;
Granite, the grinding, cutting, and dressing of granite;
Hair products, the manufacture of;
Harness, the manufacture of;
Heating equipment, the manufacture of;
Hemp storage;
Horn products, the manufacture of;
Humane societies;
Ice, the manufacture, distribution and storage of;
Incinerators, the manufacture of;
Ink, the manufacture of;
Iron, ornamental iron works but not including a foundry;
Jewelry, the manufacture of;
Knitting mills;
Laboratories for testing experimental motion picture film;
Leather products, the manufacture of;
Linen and towel suppliers;
Liquor storage;
Lubricating oil, the canning and packaging of lubricating oil if not more than one hundred barrels are stored above ground at any one time;
Lumber yard except the storage of boxes or crates;
Machine shops;
Machinery storage yards;
Machinery, the repair of farm machinery;
Malt products, the manufacture of;
Marble, the grinding, cutting, and dressing of;
Marine oil service station;
Mattresses, the manufacture and renovation of;
Medicines, the manufacture of;
Manufacture of products of precious metals,
Manufacture of metal, steel, and brass stamps, including hand and machine engraving,
Metal fabricating,
Metal spinning,
Metal storage,
Metal working shop,
Plating and finishing of metals; provided, no perchloric acid is used;
Motors, the manufacture of electric motors;
Moving van storage or operating yards;
Musical instruments, the manufacture of;
Novelties, the manufacture of;
Oil, the manufacture of vegetable oil;
Oleomargarine, the manufacture of;
Optical goods, the manufacture of;
Outdoor promotional sales, only as provided in Section 17.56.090 (51);
Outdoor skating rinks and outdoor dance pavilions, if such rinks and pavilions are not within five hundred feet of any residential zone, or any zone of similar restriction in any city or adjacent county;
Paint mixing except the mixing of lacquers and synthetic enamels;
Papier mache statuary, the manufacture of;
Paper products, the manufacture of, but not including the manufacture of paper itself;
Perfume, the manufacture of;
Pest control service, including residential termite control;
Pharmaceuticals, the manufacture and packaging of;
Phonographs, the assembly of;
Phonograph records, the manufacture of, including the grinding and processing of the basic materials used in connection therewith;
Plaster, the storage of;
Plastics, the molding of plastics including the light manufacturing of products thereof, provided all grinding operations are conducted within an interior room;
Plumbing shops and plumbing contractor's shops;
Polish, the manufacture of;
Pottery, the manufacture of;
Poultry and rabbits, the wholesale and retail sale of poultry and rabbits, including slaughtering and dressing within a building;
Presses, hydraulic presses for the molding of plastics;
Produce yards or terminals;
Putty, the manufacture of;
Radios, the assembly of;
Recycling facility, small, if established, operated and maintained in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 17.96;
Refrigeration plants;
Riding academies;
Roofing contractor's establishments;
Rope, the manufacture and storage of;
Rubber, the processing of raw rubber if:
The rubber is not melted,
Where a banbury mixer is used, the dust resulting therefrom is washed;
Rug cleaning plant;
Rugs, the manufacture of;
Saddles, the manufacture of;
Sand, the washing of sand to be used in sandblasting;
Sandpaper, the manufacture of;
Sash and door manufacturing;
Sheet metal shops;
Shell products, the manufacture of;
Shoes, the manufacture of;
Shoe polish, the manufacture of;
Shooting galleries;
Signs, the manufacture of;
Sodium glutamate, the manufacture of;
Soft drinks, the manufacture and bottling of;
Springs, the manufacture of;
Starch, the mixing and bottling of starch;
Statuary, the manufacture of clay, papier mache and stone statuary and monuments;
Stencils, the manufacture of;
Stone, marble, and granite, grinding, dressing and cutting;
Storage in the M-1 zone not in an enclosed building pursuant to the requirements set out in Section 17.64.030;
Stove polish, the manufacture of;
Textiles, the manufacture of textiles including clothing and upholstery;
Tire retreading;
Tools, the manufacture of;
Toys, the manufacture of;
Trailers, the manufacture of;
Truck storage or rental;
Type, the manufacture of printer's type;
Valves, the storage and repair of oil well valves;
Venetian blinds, the manufacture of;
Ventilating ducts, the manufacture of;
Veterinaries, the consulting office and hospital of a veterinary;
Vitamin tablets, the manufacture of;
Wallboard, the manufacture of;
Warehouses, storage warehouses;
Watches, the manufacture of;
Window shades, the manufacture of;
Wine storage and manufacture;
Wood, the manufacture of wood products; this section does not permit a planing mill;
Wood yards;
Woolen goods, the manufacture and storage of;
Yarn, the dyeing of yarn and manufacture of yard products.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-1(2); Ord. 831-97 § 10; Ord. 835-97 § 3; Ord. 876-00 § 7; Ord. 1091-13 § 3)
The operation of an adult business as defined in Chapter 17.94, shall be permitted in the M-1 zone subject to compliance with each of the requirements of Chapter 17.94.
(Ord. 771-94 § 4; Ord. 776-95 § 6)
All outdoor storage in the M-1 zone shall be subject to a special use permit and the regulations in this section. The standards in this section shall not apply to outdoor sales and display areas for new or used automotive sales.
Outdoor storage uses shall be conducted and maintained in a neat and orderly manner, and all outdoor storage areas shall be fully paved with asphaltic cement, concrete, or other material as approved by the planning commission.
Outdoor storage uses shall be completely concealed from view from nearby public rights-of-way, streets and adjoining properties by buildings or solid fences or walls not less than eight feet in height. All required fences and walls shall be decorative and constructed of materials approved for such use by the community development director.
At no time shall the goods, materials, merchandise, machines or equipment being stored or stacked exceed the height of the screen wall if visible from the public right-of-way or adjoining properties.
No outdoor storage uses shall be permitted in a required off-street parking area, driveway area, or in a public right-of-way.
Entry gates, if any, shall be screened with solid view obscuring materials such as wood or aluminum baked panels. Slats through chain-linked gates shall not be considered solid, view obscuring materials.
The use of shipping containers as a method of outdoor storage shall be permitted, subject to all provisions of this section. Containers shall not be stacked in any manner, and shall be completely screened with solid fences or walls. The height of each individual container shall be limited to eight feet six inches high. Placement of containers shall not interfere in any way with required off-street parking or driveway areas.
Site and landscaping plans shall be submitted to the department of community development for approval and shall be developed and maintained as approved.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-1(2); Ord. 1136-17 § 8)
Any similar enterprises or businesses or other enterprises or businesses which, in the opinion of the commission, are not more obnoxious or detrimental to the public welfare than the enterprises enumerated in Section 17.64.020, are permitted.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-1 (3))
"Industrial planned development" for the purposes of this section shall mean, within the light manufacturing M-1 zone, any project constructed in one or more phases for industrial uses on one or more parcels aggregating twenty thousand square feet or more in area. If the owner of one or more parcels develops related projects on such parcels aggregating twenty thousand square feet in area to avoid the application of this section, the project developed later in time shall be developed in such a manner so that the projects taken together meet the requirements of this section. Where the value of the new construction is less than fifty percent of the value of the existing structures upon the parcel or parcels as determined by the property assessor's last equalized assessment roll, this section shall not apply.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-3(a))
The intent of Sections 17.64.090 through 17.64.160 is to provide a means of achieving unified industrial complexes of high quality to promote amenities beyond those expected under conventional techniques, to achieve greater flexibility in design, to encourage well-planned industrial developments which provide for community needs, to provide for appropriate use of land which is significantly unique in its physical characteristics, location or other circumstances to warrant special methods of development, and to allow the expansion of existing industrial areas while safeguarding and maintaining the integrity of surrounding uses, especially those of a residential nature.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-3(b))
No industrial planned development project shall be established within the city (from the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter), without having first obtained a special use permit.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-3(c))
Approval of a special use permit shall be based upon findings that the proposed use and development complies with the intent of industrial planned development as set forth in Section 17.64.100.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-3(f))
The following are examples of specific factors that shall be considered in special use permit deliberations:
Compatibility of the proposed uses with adjacent public and private properties and development;
Design and aesthetics of the proposed project, especially as it relates to surrounding development;
Adequacy of public facilities, services and utilities in relation to the proposed project including, but not limited to, streets, sewers, storm drains, fire and police service, gas, telephone and electricity;
Dust, smoke, heat, light, noise, odor and vibration generating potential of the proposed project.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-3(g))
Industrial planned developments shall be approved only after a comprehensive environmental review has been submitted by the applicant as required by the California Environmental Quality Act.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-3(d))
The following are permitted IPD uses: any uses permitted in the M-1 zone as outlined in Section 17.64.010 except the following items:
Barels, storage of empty barrels;
Baseball parks;
Batteries, the manufacture and rebuilding thereof;
Billboards, the manufacture of;
Building materials, storage of;
Bus storage;
Car barns for buses and streetcars;
Carnivals, commercial or otherwise;
Cesspool pumping, cleaning and draining;
Commercial kennels,
Training schools;
Electrical transformer substations;
Ferris wheels;
Fox farms;
Fuel yards;
Humane societies;
Lubricating oil, canning and packaging;
Machinery storage yards;
Marine oil service station;
Oil, the manufacture of vegetable oil;
Oleomargarine, the manufacture of;
Outdoor skating rinks and outdoor dance pavilions;
Plaster, the storage of;
Poultry and rabbits, wholesale and retail sale including slaughtering within a building;
Produce yards or terminals;
Riding academies;
Rubber, the processing of raw rubber;
Sand, the washing of sand to be used in sandblasting;
Shooting galleries;
Tire retreading;
Truck storage or rental;
Valves, the storage and repair of oil well valves;
Wallboard, the manufacture of;
Wood yards.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-3(e))
The following general guidelines are minimum standards and restrictions to be imposed on industrial planned developments. Any of the following provisions may be modified if other conditions which equally satisfy the spirit and purpose of this section are applied. In granting a special use permit any conditions deemed necessary or desirable so that the provisions of this section are complied with and adverse impacts minimized shall be made a part of the approval:
The project design and materials utilized in construction shall be compatible with the proposed use and surrounding zoning and development. Traffic patterns, neighboring land use and aesthetics shall all be considered. Sufficient space shall be provided to meet on-site parking, loading and maneuvering needs, and to ensure the safe movement of vehicles and pedestrians on and around the site.
Structures, parking areas, fences, walls, landscaping, lighting and approved storage areas shall have a coordinated design according to a specific development scheme.
Setbacks. The minimum front yard setback shall be ten feet and there shall be no required side and rear yard setbacks except when adjacent to a residential zone, in which case there shall be a minimum fifteen-foot setback increasing by one foot for each additional two feet in height over ten feet, up to a maximum setback of twenty feet.
Floor Area Ratio. The total building floor area shall not exceed six and a half times the buildable area of the lot.
Height. The maximum height shall not exceed sixty-five feet unless otherwise approved by the planning commission.
Lot Coverage. Maximum building area or lot coverage shall not exceed eighty percent of the lot.
Walls and Fences. The project shall include a minimum six-foot high decorative masonry block perimeter wall and eight-foot high wall when adjacent to a residential zone, reducing to forty-two inches in the front ten feet. All height measurements will be taken from finished grade of the side with the highest finished grade. Materials, textures, colors and design shall be compatible with the on-site development, the adjacent properties and the neighborhood.
Outdoor Storage. Outdoor storage shall be permitted provided such storage is behind a minimum eight-foot high decorative block wall or equivalent as provided and measured in subsection F of this section.
Landscaping and Irrigation. Landscaping shall comprise a minimum of ten percent of the gross site area. A specific landscaping and irrigation plan, to include the parkway and replacement of mature trees with minimum twenty-four-inch box specimen trees, shall be submitted to the department of community development for approval. All irrigation systems shall be equipped with an automatic timer.
Energy Conservation. Energy conservation features shall be incorporated into the design of the project and be defined by the applicant in application for approval of the project. Considerations of design concerning the natural environment, such as preservation of existing trees and topography and orienting the buildings to take advantage of active and passive solar energy, shall also be defined.
Trash Storage. Trash storage area shall be centrally located, of a sufficient size to serve the project and shall be enclosed by a six-foot high decorative masonry block wall to be color-compatible with the project. A gate opening of sufficient width to permit the removal and replacement of a standard size commercial trash bin also shall be provided and shall be constructed of solid, decorative material.
Lighting. Exterior lighting shall be designed to enhance the appearance and security of the project and directed away from adjacent properties, and shall be installed according to an approved lighting plan.
Drainage. All drainage for the project shall be conducted by the public right-of-way according to an approved drainage plan.
Utilities. All on-site utilities, telephone lines, and other transmission lines shall be underground. All radio or television antennas shall be installed interior to the building.
Security. Security provisions incorporated into the building shall be defined in the application for approval of the project.
Signs. Signing for the project shall be developed according to a sign plan approved by the commission. Sign area shall be limited to one square foot of sign area for each linear foot of street frontage or building frontage. Freestanding pole signs over twenty feet in height shall be prohibited. Monument signs shall be preferred.
The required number of off-street parking spaces for an industrial planned development shall be determined by the use and building floor area as follows:
General office or research and development: one space for each three hundred gross square feet of floor area;
Manufacturing: one space for each five hundred gross square feet of floor area, or one for every employee on the largest shift, whichever is greater;
Warehouse: one space for each one thousand gross square feet of floor area.
The design of all required parking spaces and parking areas shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 17.72.
Driveway Approach Access. Minimum driveway approach access standards shall be in accordance with Los Angeles County Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, 1988 Edition.
Paving. All areas other than planting areas shall be paved with a minimum of four inches A.C. or the equivalent.
Loading and Unloading. Adequate access shall be provided for loading and unloading of commercial vehicles as provided in Section 17.72.140. No loading or unloading shall be permitted on any public street.
Development Schedule. Projects which are to be developed in phases shall be developed according to an approved schedule. Occupancy, unless otherwise indicated, shall be prohibited until all required improvements have been completed.
Division of Lots or Parcels. All provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and Title 16 of this code shall apply to the subdivision of lots or parcels. However, no subdivision granted under the provisions of this section shall be approved without appropriate conditions of approval.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-3 (h); Ord. 662-90 § 6)
Automobile service stations in the industrial zones shall comply with those zoning regulations set forth in Sections 17.56.210 through 17.56.260.
(Prior code § 3-2-F-4)