Every commercial or industrial building or other structure in zones C-3, C-4 and M-1, with a floor area greater than eighteen thousand square feet shall have conveniently accessible thereto, one parking space measuring twelve feet by thirty feet designated for loading and unloading of commercial vehicles; and one additional loading and unloading parking space for each additional fifty thousand square feet of floor area.
No loading space may encroach into any public right-of-way or otherwise obstruct any on-site driveway, aisle or parking space.
(Prior code § 4-3-1; Ord. 662-90 § 7)
The parking requirements for commercial development in any commercial zone may be satisfied in whole or in part by providing such parking in an area at least equal in size to the area of said commercial structure by providing parking on a parcel of land zoned R-2-P and R-3-P; provided, that there is adequate access from a dedicated public street or dedicated alley to the parking area in Zones R-2-P and R-3-P:
Any R-2-P and R-3-P parcels used for the purpose set forth above must be contiguous to the commercially zoned parcel for which it is to provide the required parking and under the same ownership or in the possession of the same claimant or person pursuant to a recorded lease with a term of not less than twenty years.
The term contiguous as used in this section shall include properties across an alley having at least ten feet of common frontage along the centerline of such alley.
This provision shall apply only to new construction commenced subsequent to September 21, 1964.
All such parking arrangements must be approved by the planning commission prior to a permit being issued for construction, which approval shall not require a public hearing to be held. Such automobile storage space shall be permanently maintained.
(Prior code § 4-3-2)
The number of off-street parking spaces required for commercial or industrial use shall be as follows:
Bowling alleys
Three for every bowling lane. Additional parking spaces for balance of building calculated according to use
Cafés, cafeterias, restaurants, bars, cocktail lounges, night clubs, and other similar places dispersing food or refreshments
One for every three fixed seats or one for every thirty-five square feet of seating area, where there are no fixed seats, plus one employee parking space for each two hundred square feet of gross floor area
Commercial offices: professional business or administration offices
One for every three hundred square feet of gross floor area
Emergency shelter
One parking space per employee and one parking space for every four beds
One for every patient bed, plus one for every two employees on the largest shift
Hotels and motels
One for every room or two for every room with a kitchen and two for every manager's unit plus one for every two employees on the largest shift
Industrial uses
One for every five hundred square feet of gross floor area or one for every employee on the largest shift, whichever is greater
Medical and personal services: medical clinics, doctor's office, dentist, animal clinics, barber shops, beauty salons, tanning salons, health clubs
One for every two hundred feet of gross floor area, except as otherwise provided in the Hawthorne Boulevard Specific Plan
Public assembly: churches, clubs, lodges, fraternal organizations, social halls, assembly halls, dance halls, theaters, spectator stands
One for every two fixed seats or one for every thirty-five square feet of seating area where there are no fixed seats
Retail establishments: dept. stores, furniture stores, appliance sales, automobile sales and repair
One for every two hundred fifty square feet of gross floor area
Sanitariums, convalescent and rest homes
One space for every three patient beds, plus one for every two employees on the largest shift
Schools: business, trade, private
One for every two fixed seats or one for every twenty-five square feet of seating area where there are no fixed seats
Single room occupancy (SRO)
One parking space for the resident manager, one space per single occupancy room, two spaces per SRO double occupancy room and one space per every two SROs for guest parking
Trailer parks
Two for every trailer space and one for every two and one-half trailers for guest parking
One for every thousand square feet of gross floor area
(Prior code § 4-3-3; Ord. 554-87 § 3; Ord. 715-92 § 2; Ord. 841-98 § 10; Ord. 1091-13 § 11; Ord. 1137-17 § 8)
The required off-street parking for any building structure or use of land of a type which is not listed in this article shall be determined by the director of planning. The director of planning shall be guided as much as possible by comparison with similar uses which are listed herein. The director's decision may be appealed to the planning commission in accordance with the appeal procedures set forth in Chapter 17.12 of this code.
(Prior code § 4-3-4; Ord. 554-87 § 3)
Whenever the existing use of a structure is changed to another use requiring a larger number of parking spaces than required for the existing use, a plot plan shall be submitted to the community development department showing parking and loading conforming to the then-current regulations. Thereafter, parking and loading shall be provided and maintained in accordance with such plot plan. As provided in this chapter, "change of use" means the change of use from one category listed in Section 17.72.160 to another category, including any category established pursuant to Section 17.72.170.
(Ord. 745-94 § 1)
In the event of a change in occupancy in a commercial or industrial property with legal nonconforming parking, the new occupant may continue the previous use of the property without conforming with current parking requirements so long as the new occupant does not increase the numerical parking requirement as calculated pursuant to Section 17.72.160.
(Ord. 745-94 § 1)
Any commercial or industrial use of property which is nonconforming as to the regulations relating to off-street parking and loading facilities may be continued in the same manner as if the parking and loading facilities were conforming. However, whenever any additions are made to a structure or such property, then all parking and loading facilities upon the property shall be made to conform with current regulations. For purposes of this section, the term "additions" shall mean additions to square footage area and shall not refer to interior or other modifications which do not add additional square footage. For purposes of making the calculations hereunder, existing and proposed square footage devoted to a carport, garage or other parking structure(s) shall not be counted towards the square footage of the proposed addition or existing structures.
(Ord. 745-94 § 1)
In the event that two or more uses occupy the same building, lot or parcel of land, the total requirements for parking and loading space shall be the sum of the requirements of the various uses computed separately. The planning commission may approve a plot plan for shared use parking that allows fewer parking spaces than otherwise would be required due to the differing hours of operation of the businesses which use or will use such spaces. In such event, all business and property owners shall agree to a binding recorded covenant in form and content approved by the city attorney limiting the use of the property as proposed in the plan and appropriate provisions to such effect shall be included in all tenant leases.
(Ord. 745-94 § 1)
In no case shall there be less than two parking spaces per commercial or industrial building.
Diagram 17.72A Minimum Dimensions for On-Site Parking Spaces
Diagram 17.72B
Diagram 17.72C
Diagram 17.72D
Diagram 17.72E
Diagram 17.72F-1
Diagram 17.72F-2
Diagram 17.72G-1
Diagram 17.72G-2
Diagram 17.72H-1
Diagram 17.72H-2
Diagram 17.72I-1
Diagram 17.72I-2
Diagram 17.72J
Diagram 17.72P Minimum Garage Access
(Prior code § 4-3-10; Ord. 554-87 § 3)