Allowances by Dwelling Unit. On all legal residential uses, including legal nonconforming residential uses, whether single-family or multiple unit, each dwelling unit may display signs as described in this section. A permit is required only when the sign meets the definition of "structure" in the zoning code. These provisions do not override more restrictive terms which may appear in private contracts and leases.
The total area of all signs, not including name plates or flags, displayed on a single property, shall not exceed twelve square feet at all times; however, this amount may be doubled in the time period which begins forty-five days before a primary, special or general election, and ends five days after such election. In the case of double sided signs, area is measured one side only.
A total number of two signs may be displayed, except in the pre-election period, described in subsection (A)(1) above, when there is no limit on the number of signs.
The maximum height of any sign is five feet. Additionally, signs attached to buildings may not project above the roofline.
Internally illuminated signs are prohibited on all residential uses; however, internally illuminated addresses are permitted provided the number size does not exceed five inches and the rated wattage does not exceed forty watts.
Message types are limited to: garage sale, real estate for sale, noncommercial. Off-site commercial messages and signs for home-based occupations are not allowed.
Flags are subject to the following restrictions:
The maximum number of freestanding poles per parcel is one.
The maximum height of freestanding flag pole shall not exceed the roofline of the residential structure or the height limit set in the general plan.
The number of flags per freestanding pole is not limited.
The total display area of all flags (measured one side each) shall not exceed one hundred square feet, measured one side only.
No commercial images may be displayed on flags on residential uses.
Multiple Unit Residential Uses—Signs for the Management Office. On legal, attached, multiple-family residential uses, including legal nonconforming multiple-family residential uses, at all times and in all zones, the management office may display signs, subject to:
If the management office is used as a principal residence, the sign display rights for the resident are the same as for other individual dwelling units, as stated in subsection A above.
In addition to the signs authorized for individual dwelling units, the management office may display additional signs, subject to the following:
Message types are limited to: nameplate, on-site commercial, those authorized by California Civil Code Section 713 (temporary real estate signs), and noncommercial.
The maximum area of display face shall not exceed ten square feet.
The maximum number of display faces:
Buildings with two units may have three display faces;
Buildings with more than three units may have five display faces.
The maximum height of any display face shall not exceed five feet.
Only freestanding or wall-mounted signs may be used.
Internally illuminated signs are prohibited. Externally illuminated signs are permitted; however, all exterior lighting fixtures shall be directed onto the property and no direct glare shall be visible from adjacent residentially zoned and/or developed properties. Moreover, the maximum allowable illumination at the property line shall not exceed one-half foot candles.
Transient Occupancy. For the purposes of this chapter, hotels, motels and other establishments offering transient occupancy are treated as commercial uses, not residential uses.
(Ord. 985-07 § 2)
The sign rules for legal, nonresidential uses in residential zones are the same as for establishments in commercial or industrial zones. However, in addition to the signs otherwise allowed, legal, nonresidential uses in residential zones may display a bulletin board or special event sign as follows:
A maximum of one sign may be displayed.
The sign shall be either a freestanding, wall-mounted bulletin board or special event sign.
With a maximum area of thirty-two square feet, measured on one side only.
(Ord. 985-07 § 2)
Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, the provisions of this section apply to all signs in commercial and industrial zones, and to legal, nonresidential uses in residential zones.
Commercial Zoned Lots. The total sign area permitted for a lot zoned commercial shall be two and one-half square feet of sign area for each linear foot of qualified street frontage. No individual commercial establishment shall be restricted to a sign square footage which is less than two and one-half times the linear footage of the building frontage of that establishment, or twenty-five square feet, whichever is greater.
Industrial Zoned Lots. The total sign area permitted for a lot zoned industrial shall be four square feet of sign area for each linear foot of qualified street frontage. No individual industrial establishment shall be restricted to a sign square footage which is less than four times the linear footage of the building frontage of that establishment, or forty square feet, whichever is greater.
All signs, including, but not limited to, wall, projecting, roof, ground, pole, temporary or permanent window signs, valance and marquee signs, shall be included. Only those exceptions specifically listed in this chapter shall be excluded. Except as otherwise set forth in this chapter, the sign area to be calculated shall include only those display faces which may be seen from any one direction.
Freestanding and Monument Signs.
Area. The total freestanding or monument sign area on any lot or parcel shall be one square foot of sign for each linear foot of qualified street frontage, to a maximum of two hundred square feet.
Frontage. A minimum qualified street frontage of sixty-five feet shall be required for each freestanding or monument sign.
Height. The maximum height of any freestanding sign and its supporting structure(s) shall be thirty feet, except that the height of a ground sign may be increased by adding one foot of height for each two linear feet the sign is set back from the front property line, provided that the maximum height of any such sign does not exceed forty feet to the top of the sign from grade.
Attachments. Permanent attachment to the ground is required for all freestanding and monument signs.
Projecting Signs.
Area. The total projecting sign area permitted on any lot or parcel shall be equal to one square foot of sign area for each linear foot of qualified street frontage of the lot or parcel where the sign is being constructed, to a maximum projecting sign area of one hundred square feet.
Height. The minimum height of the bottom of any portion of a projecting sign shall not exceed eight feet, as measured from the sidewalk or finished grade directly below the sign. The maximum height of a projecting sign shall not exceed ten feet above the apparent flat roofline or eave line, whichever is higher; provided, however, that the maximum height of a projecting sign shall be twenty-five feet, measured from the sidewalk or finished grade to the highest point of the sign and its supporting elements.
Projection. A sign may not project more than two feet from the building wall or face if the bottom of the sign is eight feet above the sidewalk or finished grade. That projection may be increased by one additional foot for each two feet the sign is raised above the sidewalk or finished grade, to a maximum projection of five feet; provided, however, that no sign may project over more than one-half the width of a sidewalk.
Attachments. Projecting signs shall be free of any exposed bracing, angle irons, guy wires, cables or other supporting elements.
Thickness. The maximum thickness of projecting signs, measured on the sides parallel to any building, shall not exceed eighteen inches.
V-shaped Signs. Any projecting sign with sides that are not parallel to any building shall be considered a V-shaped sign. The maximum width of any single face of a V-shaped sign shall not exceed five feet. Both sides of any V-shaped sign shall be counted in calculating the permitted sign area.
Encroachment Permit. All signs projecting onto public property are also subject to the requirements at Chapters 12.04 and 12.48.
Awnings and Marquees.
Awnings. Awnings shall not be limited to projecting sign criteria, but signs on those awnings shall be subject to the square footage limitations set forth in subsection A of this section. Signs on awnings shall be limited to the identification of any business, such as name, address and logo, subject to the message substitution provision.
Letter Height. The maximum letter height of any awning sign shall not exceed twelve inches.
Wall Signs.
Area. The total area of all wall signs permitted on any one building face shall not exceed twenty percent of the exposed area of the wall on which they are located, which twenty percent shall also include any valance, permanent or temporary window signs and painted signs.
Permit Required. All wall signs whether painted, fixed or otherwise located on a wall shall be subject to the permit requirements of this chapter.
Height. Wall signs shall not project above the apparent roofline or the eave line, whichever is higher.
Illumination. Internal or external illumination is allowed, subject to a maximum of forty watts; however, flashing, moving or sequential operation is prohibited. Notwithstanding the foregoing, all exterior lighting fixtures shall be directed onto the property and no direct glare shall be visible from adjoining residentially zoned and/or developed properties. The maximum allowable illumination at the property line shall not exceed one-half foot candles.
Human Signs. Upon receipt of a sign permit from the city, human signs that comply with all of the following provisions shall be permitted on private property and in public parkway areas and sidewalks:
Human signs shall not be stationed or positioned within twelve feet of any street intersection or within the public median.
Human signs shall not exceed a maximum of eight square feet in size.
Human signs shall not block the visibility of any traffic control device or traffic signal for motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians.
Human signs on public sidewalks shall yield to the passage of pedestrians.
A maximum of two human signs per business establishment shall be allowed to operate at any one time. In addition, as many as two additional human signs per business are allowed once each calendar year for as many as thirty concurrent days upon receipt of a temporary sign permit from the city. This permit requirement shall be subject to Section 17.76.145(E) and (K) of this code.
Permanent Window Signs. The cumulative total area for permanent window signs shall not exceed fifty percent of the area of the windows on which the signs are displayed, except that no individual establishment shall be restricted to less than ten square feet of window signage. Permanent window signs shall comply with subsections A and E of this section regarding total sign area permitted and total area of all wall signs permitted.
Digital on-premises signs. Prior to the installation of a digital on-premises sign:
A special use permit issued pursuant to Section 17.28.180 must be obtained.
No digital on-premises sign shall be located within one hundred feet of a property zoned residential and each digital sign shall be oriented away from properties zoned residential. Light intensity shall not exceed a brightness level of 0.3 foot candles above ambient light measured at the property line of the nearest residential property.
Measurement of Distance. For purposes of this section, all distances shall be measured in a straight line, without regard to intervening structures, from the nearest point of the digital sign to the nearest property line of any land use, land use district, or zone.
Only one digital on-premises sign shall be permitted per tenant.
A digital on-premises sign shall not exceed fifty percent of total sign allotment per tenant.
On multiple tenant developments, no permits for digital on-premises signs shall be issued until approval of a master sign program for the development has been granted by the community development director and/or designee.
Only one digital on-premises sign shall be permitted on a freestanding or monument sign.
Where a single tenant or multi-tenant development exists over multiple parcels, including parcels used for parking, no additional digital on-premises sign shall be permitted solely as the result of the additional parcel(s).
The following limitations apply to all digital on-premises sign displays:
No sign shall display animated messages, including flashing, blinking, fading, rolling, shading, dissolving, or any other effect that gives the appearance of movement.
No sign shall include any audio.
Signs shall display static images only and shall not change more than once every five seconds.
Transitions from one static image to the next shall appear instantaneous, without the appearance of animation.
Each sign shall come equipped with automatic dimming technology which automatically adjusts the sign's brightness based on actual ambient light conditions. Measurement shall be taken at least thirty minutes past sunset, using a foot candle meter to record the ambient light reading for the area. This is done while the message center is off or displaying all black copy. No sign shall exceed a brightness level of 0.3 foot candles above ambient light. The reading shall be taken with the meter aimed directly at the message center at the appropriate pre-set distance. The measuring distance shall be calculated with the following formula:
Digital on-premises signs shall be programmed to go dark in the event of a malfunction.
(Ord. 985-07 § 2; Ord. 1083-13 § 6; Ord. 1089-13 §§ 4, 5)
In all nonresidential zones, temporary banners, decorative flags, feather banners, and portable signs (e.g., A-frames) are permitted subject to the requirements of this section.
Temporary banners, decorative flags, feather banners, and portable signs shall require a temporary sign permit issued by the community development department, upon application of the owner, occupant, or tenant, and shall be subject to the following conditions:
No banner shall exceed forty square feet in area or cover more than twenty percent of the surface of any wall segment of any building upon which it is affixed.
No decorative flag or string of flags or feather banner shall exceed forty square feet in area or one hundred feet in length.
No portable sign shall exceed twelve square feet in area.
Location. Temporary signs shall be securely fastened on all sides to the wall of the structure, face of the building, roof, and/or face of an existing permanent sign, and shall not be allowed to flutter freely. No temporary sign shall block or impede traffic or visibility at or near street or alley intersections or driveways. No temporary sign shall project into the public right-of-way or over a property line.
Number of Temporary Signs. Each tenant space is limited to:
One or more banners, for a cumulative banner area not to exceed forty square feet; or
One or more decorative flags/feather banners, for a cumulative banner area not to exceed forty square feet; or
One or more portable signs, for a cumulative sign area not to exceed twelve square feet, subject to the restrictions contained herein; or
For tenants occupying corner leased spaces, each tenant frontage may have: (a) banner(s), and (b) decorative flags/feather banners and portable signs, subject to the other provisions of this section.
Duration. No more than two sign permits shall be granted during any calendar year, for a cumulative total of not more than one hundred twenty days. The temporary sign shall have its expiration date affixed to it.
Penalty. A penalty will be imposed for temporary signs installed prior to the issuance of a permit. The penalty will constitute the deletion of thirty days from the cumulative time period allowed for temporary signs.
Temporary Identification. In addition to the limitations of subsection D of this section, any owner, occupant, or tenant not otherwise having a permitted permanent sign shall be permitted to have a banner for a period not to exceed sixty days to direct attention to the name of the owner, occupant, or tenant of the premises upon which the banner is placed, or identifying the premises, or advertising goods manufactured, sold or produced or services rendered on the premises upon which the banner is placed, pending the installation of a permanent sign upon receipt of a sign permit for the permanent sign.
Maintenance of Temporary Signs. All temporary signs must be maintained in good condition and repair. Any temporary sign which is torn, faded, sagging, or otherwise in disrepair shall be removed or replaced.
Authorization for Removal. The applicant for a temporary sign permit shall consent to the city entering upon the lot or parcel solely for the removal of the temporary sign, when a sign is not promptly removed at the expiration of the permitted period. Such entry and removal shall occur only after not less than forty-eight hours' written notice is posted upon the property and left with a manager or other responsible person at the location of the temporary sign.
Revocation. The community development director may revoke a permit granted under this section for any of the following reasons:
The permit was obtained by fraud or misrepresentation;
The temporary sign(s) is not maintained pursuant to subsection G of this section; or
For any reason for which the permit application could have been denied.
Temporary Window Signs. In addition to the temporary signs outlined above, temporary window signs may be used for as many as thirty consecutive days and as many as one hundred twenty total days in any one calendar year. The cumulative total area for temporary window signs, displayed for a business, shall not exceed:
Fifty percent of the area of the windows on which the signs are displayed; or
Two hundred square feet per building wall segment in which the windows are located; or
Such signs shall only be located on ground floor windows.
A violation of this section is punishable as an infraction pursuant to Section 1.08.030 of this code or punishable as a misdemeanor pursuant to Section 1.08.020 of this code.
(Ord. 1083-13 § 7)