Created. There is created a Desert Hot Springs Architectural and Landscape Review Committee (“Committee”). The Committee shall consist of three members appointed by a majority vote of the City Council. Members of the Committee shall be, to the extent feasible, licensed by the State of California in architecture, landscape architecture, civil engineering; or have expertise in urban planning. The members of the Committee may or may not be residents of the City.
Terms. The terms of the Committee members shall be as follows: two members (Chair and Vice-Chair) having two-year terms and one general member having a one-year term. A Committee member may be dismissed at any time during his or her term by a majority vote of the City Council. Vacancies shall be filled by a majority vote of the City Council.
(Prior code § 32.70)
Duties. The Architectural and Landscape Review Committee shall receive and evaluate all proposed developments and landscaping plans which require a development permit per Chapter 17.92 (Development Permits) and/or a design review permit per Chapter 17.80 (Design Review) of the Zoning Code for consideration by the Planning Commission.
The Committee shall meet only one time on any given project, unless the Committee deems that the proposed project shall come back for additional review prior to being considered by the Planning Commission.
Authority. The Architectural and Landscape Review Committee shall not have authority to approve or deny proposed development projects, but shall have authority to use their expertise to make recommendations early in the development review process on architecture and landscaping design issues prior to review by the Planning Commission. The recommendations of the Committee shall be advisory only and not binding on the Planning Commission. Such recommendations shall be included in the staff report to the Planning Commission.
Venue. The venue of the Architectural and Landscape Review Committee will be in the Community Development Department at City Hall and consist of a conference room where staff would be in attendance to present a staff report describing the proposed development plans to the Committee members. The applicant will be required to be in attendance to answer any questions from the Committee that may arise.
(Prior code § 32.71)
The Architectural and Landscape Review Committee shall follow the rules and procedures set forth in the City of Desert Hot Springs Commission Handbook. Meeting minutes will be taken by the department secretary so that there is a record of the meeting discussions. These meeting minutes, along with the Committee’s recommendation, are to be included in the staff report provided to the Planning Commission prior to any action to be taken on development proposals.
(Prior code § 32.72)
The Architectural and Landscape Review Committee shall have a regularly scheduled meeting which shall be the first and third Thursday of each month at 2:00 p.m. in the Community Development Department at City Hall.
From time to time there may be the need to hold a special meeting which may not correspond to the regularly scheduled meetings. In these cases, such special meeting can take place as long as the rules and records mentioned in Section 2.36.030 are adhered to.
(Prior code § 32.73)
Each member of the Architectural and Landscape Review Committee shall receive a salary in the amount of $50 per any officially convened Committee meeting that they attend.
(Ord. 606 3-21-17)