As used in this chapter:
means the City of Desert Hot Springs;
“Controlled substance”
means a drug, substance or immediate precursor as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 11007, or any controlled substance analog as defined in California Health and Safety Code Section 11401;
means the Police Department and Code Enforcement Division of the City of Desert Hot Springs;
“Discarded materials”
means materials such as, but not limited to, junk, trash, debris, garbage, vegetation, household appliances, auto parts, construction debris or any similar materials;
“Motor vehicle speed contest”
means a motor vehicle speed contest as defined in California Vehicle Code Section 23109(a);
means the last registered and legal owner of record of the vehicle that is used to solicit prostitution and/or acquire or attempt to acquire a controlled substance, as shown on records of the Department of Motor Vehicles or similar state entity;
“Solicit prostitution” or “soliciting prostitution”
means the solicitation of prostitution as defined in California Penal Code Section 647(b);
“Solicit controlled substances” or “soliciting controlled substances”
means the solicitation of controlled substances as these are defined in this section;
means a vehicle as defined in California Vehicle Code Section 670.
(Prior code § 95.81)
The City Council has determined that persons who operate vehicles and use them to solicit prostitution, or to acquire or attempt to acquire controlled substances, bring decay to local neighborhoods where they engage in such activities. The Council has further determined that seizing and forfeiting the vehicles of persons who come into the local neighborhoods to engage in such activities will deter them from creating such nuisances. The City Council finds there is a need to provide for the abatement of such nuisance vehicles.
Any vehicle used to solicit an act of prostitution and/or to acquire or attempt to acquire any controlled substance is declared a nuisance and the vehicle shall be subject to seizure and forfeiture as provided in this chapter. Any person, or his or her servant, agent or employee who owns, leases, conducts, uses or maintains any vehicle for the purpose of soliciting prostitution and/or acquiring or attempting to acquire any controlled substance shall be guilty of committing a nuisance. Such vehicle shall be subject to seizure and forfeiture as provided in this chapter. Declaration of this nuisance is made according to the authority of California Government Code Section 38771.
The City Council has determined that persons who operate vehicles and use them to illegally dump any discarded materials, bring decay to local neighborhoods where they dump such matter. The Council has further determined that seizing and forfeiting the vehicles of persons who come into the local neighborhoods to engage in such activities will deter them from creating such nuisances. The City Council finds there is a need to provide for the abatement of such nuisance vehicles.
Any vehicle used to illegally dump any discarded materials in violation of Section 8.04.030 of the Desert Hot Springs Municipal Code is declared a nuisance, and the vehicle shall be subject to seizure and forfeiture as provided in this chapter. Any person or his or her servant, agent, or employee, who owns, leases, possesses, conducts, uses or maintains any vehicle to illegally dump any discarded materials is guilty of a nuisance. Declaration of this nuisance is made according to the authority of California Government Code Section 38771.
The City Council has determined that persons who participate in motor vehicle speed contests blatantly disregard motor vehicle laws resulting in dangerous streets for innocent residents of the City, and have been responsible for deaths in the Coachella Valley area. The Council has further determined that seizing and forfeiting the vehicles of persons who come into the City to engage in such activities will deter them from creating such nuisances. The City Council finds there is a need to provide for the abatement of such nuisance vehicles.
Any vehicle used to participate in a motor vehicle speed contest is declared a nuisance, and the vehicle shall be subject to seizure and forfeiture as provided in this chapter. Any person or his or her servant, agent, or employee who owns, leases, possesses, conducts, uses or maintains any vehicle that is used in a motor vehicle speed contest is guilty of a nuisance. Declaration of that nuisance is made according to the authority of California Government Code Section 38771.
(Prior code § 95.82)
Subject to the requirements of Sections 9.20.040 and 9.20.080, and except as further limited by this chapter to protect innocent parties who claim an interest in any vehicle, all right, title, and interest in any vehicle used to commit any nuisance defined in Section 9.20.020 shall vest in the City upon commission of the act giving rise to forfeiture.
(Prior code § 95.83)
A vehicle subject to forfeiture under this chapter may be seized by any peace officer of the City upon process issued by any court having jurisdiction over the vehicle. Seizure without process may be made if any of the following situations exist:
The seizure is incident to an arrest or a search under a search warrant;
There is probable cause to believe that the vehicle was used in violation of this chapter; or
There is probable cause to believe that the vehicle is directly or indirectly imminently dangerous to the health or safety of persons or property.
The City may notify the Franchise Tax Board of a vehicle seized where there is reasonable cause to believe that the value of the seized vehicle exceeds $5,000.
Receipts for vehicles seized pursuant to this chapter shall be delivered to any person out of whose possession such vehicle was seized, in accordance with California Penal Code Section 1412. There shall be a presumption affecting the burden of proof that a person to whom a receipt was issued is the owner thereof. This presumption may, however, be rebutted at the forfeiture hearing specified in Section 9.20.100.
(Prior code § 95.84)
A vehicle seized pursuant to Section 9.20.040, where appropriate, may be held for evidence in proceedings against the owner of the vehicle or the individual who used the vehicle to commit any nuisance described in this chapter. The City Attorney shall institute and maintain the proceedings.
(Prior code § 95.85)
Within 15 days after seizure, if the peace officer does not hold the vehicle for evidence or if the Department does not refer the matter in writing for institution of forfeiture proceedings by the City Attorney, the peace officer or Department, officer or Division shall comply with any notice to withhold issued to the City with respect to the vehicle by the Franchise Tax Board. If no notice to withhold has been issued with respect to the vehicle by the Franchise Tax Board, the peace officer or the Department, officer or Division shall return the vehicle to the registered owner. Alternatively, the City may return the vehicle to the registered lienholder upon the lienholder’s filing of a hold harmless agreement on behalf of the City. The hold harmless agreement shall be acceptable to the Department, Division, and the City Attorney.
(Prior code § 95.86)
Except as provided in subsection H of this section, or Section 9.20.120, if the City Attorney determines that the factual circumstances warrant that a vehicle described in Section 9.20.020 is subject to forfeiture, and are not automatically made forfeitable by another provision of this chapter, the City Attorney shall file a petition for forfeiture with the superior court of Riverside County.
A petition for forfeiture under this section shall be filed as soon as practicable, but in any case within one year of the seizure of the vehicle which is subject to forfeiture.
Physical seizure of the vehicle shall not be necessary in order to have the vehicle alleged to be forfeitable in a petition pursuant to this section. The City Attorney may seek protective orders for any such vehicle.
The City Attorney shall cause notice of the seizure and of the intended forfeiture proceedings, as well as a notice stating that any interested party may file a verified claim with the superior court of Riverside County, to be served by personal delivery or by registered mail upon any person who has an interest in the vehicle. Whenever a notice is delivered pursuant to this section, it shall be accompanied by a claim form as described in Section 9.20.090, as well as directions for the filing and service of a claim. Notice shall also be published once in a newspaper of general circulation in Riverside County.
An investigation shall be made by the Department or Division as to any claimant to the vehicle whose right; title, interest, or lien is of record in the Department of Motor Vehicles or appropriate federal agency. If the Department or Division finds that a person, other than the registered owner, is the legal owner of the vehicle, and such ownership did not arise subsequent to the date and time of arrest or notification of the forfeiture proceedings or seizure of the vehicle, it shall forthwith send a notice to the legal owner at his or her address appearing on the records of the Department of Motor Vehicles or appropriate federal agency.
All notices shall set forth the time within which a claim of interest in the vehicle seized or that is subject to forfeiture is required to be filed pursuant to Section 9.20.090.
The City Attorney may, pursuant to this section, order the forfeiture of the vehicle seized pursuant to this chapter. The City Attorney shall provide notice of the proceedings under this subsection, including the following information:
A description of the vehicle;
The date and place of seizure;
The violation of law alleged with respect to forfeiture of the vehicle;
The instructions for filing and serving a claim with the City Attorney pursuant to Section 9.20.090 and time limits for filing a claim.
If no claims are timely filed, the City Attorney shall prepare a written declaration of forfeiture of the vehicle to the City and dispose of the vehicle in accordance with this chapter. A written declaration of forfeiture signed by the City Attorney under this section shall be deemed to provide good and sufficient title to the forfeited vehicle. The City Attorney ordering forfeiture pursuant to this section shall provide a copy of the declaration of forfeiture to any person who received notice of the forfeiture proceedings.
If a claim is timely filed within 15 days, then the City Attorney shall file a petition for forfeiture pursuant to this section within 30 days of receipt of the claim.
(Prior code § 95.87)
Notwithstanding the provisions of this chapter, the Department shall return a seized vehicle upon the filing of a timely claim pursuant to Section 9.20.090 and upon a showing by the claimant that:
The vehicle is owned by two or more persons and there is a community property interest in the vehicle by a person other than the person who used or maintained the vehicle while committing any nuisance described in Section 9.20.020, and the vehicle is the sole vehicle available to the person’s immediate family; or
The vehicle is owned by the employer of the person who used or maintained the vehicle while committing any nuisance described in Section 9.20.020; or
The vehicle is owned by a rental car agency with a duly executed contract with the person who used or maintained the vehicle while committing any nuisance described in Section 9.20.020; or
The vehicle was reported stolen to a law enforcement agency by the registered owner prior to the date and time of the commission of any nuisance described in Section 9.20.020.
(Prior code § 95.88)
Any person claiming an interest in the vehicle seized pursuant to Section 9.20.020 must at any time within 15 days from the date of the notice of seizure, file with the superior court of Riverside County a claim, verified in accordance with California Code of Civil Procedure Section 446, stating his or her interest in the vehicle. An endorsed copy of the claim shall be served by the claimant on the City Attorney within ten days of the filing of the claim.
Court proceedings shall be in accordance with the following:
If a verified claim is filed, the forfeiture proceeding shall be set for a hearing on a day not less than 30 days therefrom.
The hearing shall be before the court.
The provisions of California Code of Civil Procedure shall apply to proceedings under this chapter unless otherwise inconsistent with the provisions or procedures set forth in this chapter. However, there shall be no joinder of actions or coordination of actions, except for forfeiture proceedings, or cross-complaints and the issues shall be limited strictly to questions related to this chapter.
(Prior code § 95.89)
With the respect to a vehicle described in Section 9.20.020 for which forfeiture is sought and as to which forfeiture is contested, the City shall have the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that the vehicle was used as set forth in Section 9.20.020. Trial shall be before the court. The presiding judge of the superior court shall assign actions brought pursuant to this chapter for trial.
(Prior code § 95.90)
Upon proof by a preponderance of the evidence that the vehicle was used for any of the purposes set forth in Section 9.20.020, the court shall declare the vehicle a nuisance and order that the vehicle be seized, if not previously seized and held by the Department, forfeited and sold and the proceeds distributed in accordance with this chapter.
(Prior code § 95.91)
Any person, or his or her servant, agent or employee who owns, leases, conducts, uses or maintains any vehicle while committing any nuisance described in Section 9.20.020 and whose vehicle has been seized in accordance with this chapter may request to execute a voluntary settlement agreement with the City for the return of the vehicle. Such request shall be made in writing to the Department or the City Attorney. The minimum amount of the settlement agreement shall be sufficient to cover all of the City’s reasonable administrative costs, including attorneys’ fees and personnel time for the seizure and forfeiture action. The actual amount shall be at the sole and absolute discretion of the City Attorney. The executed settlement agreement shall be accompanied by the appropriate settlement fee amount in the form of a money order, cash or cashier’s check. All settlement funds shall be distributed as set forth in Sections 9.20.130(B) and (C).
(Prior code § 95.92)
In all cases where a vehicle is seized and forfeited to the City pursuant to this chapter, the vehicle shall be sold, or if cash is paid as settlement in lieu of forfeiture of the vehicle, and the proceeds of the sale or the cash shall be distributed and appropriated as follows:
To the bona fide or innocent purchaser, conditional sales vendor, mortgage or lien holder of the vehicle, if any, up to the amount of his or her interest in the vehicle, when the court or City Attorney declares the forfeiture and sale of the vehicle and orders a distribution to that person.
To the City for all expenditures made or incurred by it in connection with the publication of the notices set forth in this chapter, and sale of the vehicle, including expenditures for any necessary repairs, storage or transportation of any vehicle seized under this chapter.
The remaining funds shall be distributed to the Department or Division to cover the costs of implementing the program. Such funds shall be placed in a separate account titled “The vehicle forfeiture account.” The vehicle forfeiture account shall be subject to appropriate accounting controls and financial audits for all deposits and expenditures.
All the funds distributed to the Department pursuant to subsection C of this section shall not supplant any funds that would, in the absence of this chapter, be made available to support the law enforcement and prosecutorial efforts of the Department.
(Prior code § 95.93)
This article is not the exclusive regulation against or penalty for committing the nuisances described in this chapter. It supplements and is in addition to the other regulatory codes, statutes, and ordinances heretofore or hereafter enacted by the City, the state or any other legal entity or agency having jurisdiction.
(Prior code § 95.94)
Any person who violates any provision of this chapter for which no penalty is otherwise provided shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
The owner, occupant, or agent of any lot or premises within the City who permits or otherwise allows the existence of a public nuisance upon any lot or premises owned, occupied or controlled by him or her, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Prior code § 95.100)