No operator of any vehicle shall drive between the vehicles comprising a funeral procession or a parade, provided that such vehicles are conspicuously so designated. The directing of all vehicles and traffic on any street over which such funeral procession or parade wishes to pass shall be subject to the orders of the Police Department.
(Prior code § 71.01)
No person shall operate or drive a commercial vehicle in, on or across any private driveway approach or sidewalk area or the driveway itself without the consent of the owner or occupant of the property, if a sign or markings are in place indicating that the use of such driveway is prohibited. For the purpose of this section, “commercial vehicle” means a vehicle of a type required to be registered under the California Vehicle Code used or maintained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation or profit or designed, used or maintained primarily for the transportation of property and having an unladen weight in excess of one-half ton.
(Prior code § 71.02)
No person shall ride, drive, propel or cause to be propelled any vehicle or animal across or upon any sidewalk excepting over permanently constructed driveways and excepting when it is necessary for any temporary purpose to drive a loaded vehicle across a sidewalk; provided, further, that such sidewalk area is substantially protected by wooden planks two inches thick, and written permission is previously obtained from the Traffic Engineer. Such wooden planks shall not be permitted to remain upon such sidewalk area during the hours of 6:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m.
(Prior code § 71.03)
No person shall ride or drive any animal or any vehicle over or across any newly-made pavement or freshly painted markings in any street when a barrier sign, cone marker or other warning device is in place warning persons not to drive over or across such pavement or marking, or when any such device is in place indicating that the street or any portion thereof is closed or that movement thereon is restricted.
(Prior code § 71.04)
No person, public utility or department in the City shall erect or place any barrier or sign on any street unless of a type approved by the City Traffic Engineer, or disobey the instructions, remove, tamper with or destroy any barrier or sign lawfully placed on any street by any person, public utility or by any department of the City.
(Prior code § 71.05)
No operator of any vehicle shall enter any intersection or a marked crosswalk unless there is sufficient space on the other side of the intersection or crosswalk to accommodate the vehicle he or she is operating without obstructing the passage of other vehicles or pedestrians, notwithstanding any traffic-control signal indication to proceed.
(Prior code § 71.06)
No operator of a vehicle in the operation thereof shall deposit any mud, dirt or debris upon any street, sidewalk, alley or way within the City.
(Prior code § 71.07)
No person shall ride, operate or drive any motor vehicle, motorcycle, motor-driven cycle, motorized bicycle or bicycle upon any portion of any public park in the City, except those portions established by City regulation for the riding and operation thereof such as rights-of-way, public or private, which have been created for the use and operation of such vehicles.
(Prior code § 71.08)
The driver of a vehicle emerging from an alley, driveway or building shall stop such vehicle immediately prior to driving onto a sidewalk or into the sidewalk area extending across any alley way or driveway.
(Prior code § 71.09)
The operator of a vehicle or the person in charge of any animal involved in any accident resulting in damage to any property publicly owned or owned by a public utility, including but not limited to any fire hydrant, parking meter, lighting post, telephone pole or electric light or power pole, or resulting in damage to any tree, traffic-control device or other property of a like nature located in or along any street, shall, within 24 hours after such accident make a written report of such accident to the Sheriff’s Department of the City.
Every such report shall state the time when and the place where the accident took place, the name and address of the person owning and of the person operating or in charge of such vehicle or animal, the license number of such vehicle, and shall briefly describe the property damage in such accident.
The operator of any vehicle involved in an accident shall not be subject to the requirements or penalties of this section if and during the time he or she is physically incapable of making a report, but in such event the operator shall make a report as required in subsection A of this section within 24 hours after regaining ability to make such report.
(Prior code § 71.10)
No driver of a vehicle shall make a right turn against a red or stop signal at any intersection which is signposted giving notice of such restriction as hereinafter provided in this section.
The City Traffic Engineer shall post appropriate signs giving effect to this section where he or she determines that the making of right turns against a traffic signal “STOP” indication would seriously interfere with the safe and orderly flow of traffic.
(Prior code § 71.11)
Those streets and parts of streets established by resolution or ordinance of the Council are declared to be through streets for the purposes of this section.
The provisions of this section shall also apply at one or more entrances to the intersections as such entrances and intersections are established by resolution or ordinance of the Council.
The provisions of this section shall apply at those highway railway grade crossings established by resolution or ordinance of the Council.
Every operator of a vehicle shall bring his or her vehicle to a complete stop before crossing a through-street or railway grade crossing, and at stop signs.
(Prior code § 71.12)