The City Council may, by resolution, upon determining that there is a need to take action to protect the public health, safety, and welfare, designate a specific geographical area as a Safety Enhancement Zone and specify the date and time that the designation is effective. The designation of a Safety Enhancement Zone shall be based upon the City Council finding both that the geographical area is subject to unique conditions and circumstances that create the potential for a significant threat to public health and safety, and that the threat would be reduced by enhanced penalties for violations of certain provisions of this Code.
The resolution establishing a Safety Enhancement Zone shall contain the following provisions:
A description of the geographical area comprising the Safety Enhancement Zone; and
The date and time which the Safety Enhancement Zone designation is effective.
(Ord. 669 6-19-18)
Any person who violates a designated provision of this Code within an area that the City Council has designated as a Safety Enhancement Zone, shall be subject to an enhanced fine. The enhanced fine shall be twice the amount of the fine applicable to a violation per the City of Desert Hot Springs bail schedule, up to a maximum of $1,000. A separate offense shall be deemed to have been committed whenever a person repeats the act that constitutes the violation.
At least every two years, areas designated as Safety Enhancement Zones shall be reviewed to determine whether such designation should remain in place.
Enhanced penalties for violations committed within a designated Safety Enhancement Zone, shall apply to violations of the following provisions of this Code:
Chapter 10.20 Traffic Regulations.
Chapter 10.32 Speed Limits.
(Ord. 669 6-19-18)
A violation under this chapter may be prosecuted either criminally or administratively pursuant to Title 4 of this Code.
(Ord. 669 6-19-18)