This ordinance codified in this article is adopted pursuant to the requirements of the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Act (California Public Resources Code Sections 2621 et seq.) and the adopted policies and criteria of the State Mining and Geology Board. Within the earthquake fault zones shown on the maps prepared by the state geologist pursuant to the Act, all permit applications shall comply with the provisions of the Act and this article. The maps delineating the earthquake fault zones are on file in the offices of the Planning Director and the Director of Public Works.
(Prior code § 150.055)
For the purpose of this article, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
means the Alquist-Priolo Special Studies Act as defined in California Public Resources Code Sections 2621 et seq.
means conditional use permit, land use permit, public use permit, plot plan, development plan, specific plan, proposed zone change, proposed general plan change, building permit, tentative land division (subdivision or parcel map) or certificate of occupancy.
means an individual, association, firm, co-partnership, corporation or other organization.
has the same meaning as provided in California Public Resources Code Section 2621.6.
(Prior code § 150.056)
With exception to the provisions of Section 15.64.040 of this chapter, all projects that lie within an earthquake fault zone shall require a geologist’s report from a State Geologist before the project may be approved by the City.
The report shall be issued by a geologist that is registered in the state, shall be directed toward the problem of potential surface fault displacement and shall be prepared in accordance with the Act.
(Prior code § 150.057)
This chapter shall not apply to alterations or additions to any structures within an earthquake fault zone the value of which does not exceed 50 percent of the value of that structure.
This chapter shall not apply to the conversion of an existing apartment complex into a condominium, except as required in California Public Resources Code Section 2621.9.
No geologic report shall be required for single-family wood frame dwellings which are built or located as part of a development of four or more such dwellings constructed by a single person if the dwellings are located within a new real estate development for which a geologic report has been either approved or waived pursuant to California Public Resources Code Section 2623.
Any single-family wood frame dwelling not exceeding two stories which is not part of a development of four or more such dwellings and mobile homes are exempt from a geologist’s report.
Should the City find that no undue hazard (surface fault rupture) exists, the geologist’s report on such hazard may be waived with approval of the State Geologist.
After a report has been approved or a waiver granted, subsequent geologic reports shall not be required; provided, that new geologic data warranting further investigation is not recorded.
(Prior code § 150.058)
No application for a permit shall be considered as completed for filing and the time limitations for processing a permit shall not begin to run until the geologic report required by this chapter shall be accepted as complete or until a waiver thereof has been finally approved.
(Prior code § 150.059)