The purpose of this chapter is to provide for improvements or the payment of fees to defray the actual or estimated cost of the construction of bridges over waterways, railways, highways and canyons and/or major thoroughfares as a condition of approval of a final map or as a condition of issuing a building permit, pursuant to Map Act Sections 66484 and 66489, consistent with the Circulation Element of the General Plan.
(Prior code § 159.30.280)
The following definitions apply specifically to this chapter:
“Area of benefit”
means a specified area for which it has been determined that the real property located therein will benefit from the construction of a bridge and/or major thoroughfare.
“Bridge facilities”
means those situations identified in the Circulation Element requiring construction of, or addition to, a bridge spanning a waterway, railway, highway or canyon or that is part of a major thoroughfare.
means design, acquisition of right-of-way, administration of construction contracts, actual construction and inspection(s).
“Major thoroughfares”
means a roadway designated as arterial, major or secondary highway, as identified in the Circulation Element or as designated by the State, whose primary purpose is to carry through traffic and provide a network connecting to the State highway system.
(Prior code § 159.30.280(1))
Action to establish an area of benefit requiring the payment of fees outlined in this chapter shall be accomplished, pursuant to the provisions of Map Act Section 66484.
(Prior code § 159.30.280(2))
Resolutions establishing areas of benefit may be amended by the City Council to reflect modifications in either bridge and/or major thoroughfare facilities. These amendments shall be adopted in the same manner as the original resolution.
(Prior code § 159.30.280(3))
Fees required pursuant to this chapter shall be paid prior to the recordation of a final or parcel map. These fees shall be based on the City’s Schedule of Fees in effect on the date of payment.
(Prior code § 159.30.280(4))
The City Council may approve the acceptance of consideration in lieu of payment of fees outlined in this chapter.
(Prior code § 159.30.280(5))
If a subdivider, as a condition of approval of a tentative map, is required or desires to construct a bridge and/or major thoroughfare, the City Council may enter into a reimbursement agreement with the subdivider, to provide for payments to the subdivider from the applicable fund.
(Prior code § 159.30.280(6))