A planned development district is designed to provide various types of land use which can be combined in compatible relationship with each other as part of a totally planned development. It is the intent of this district to insure compliance with the general plan and good zoning practices while allowing certain desirable departures from the strict provisions of specific zone classifications. The advantages which are intended to result from the application of a planned development district are to be insured by the adoption of a precise development plan with a specific time limit for commencement of construction.
(Prior code § 159.65.010)
The following regulations and general rules set forth in this section and in Chapter 17.76 (Conditional Use Permit) shall apply in a planned development district. Where a conflict in regulations occurs, the regulations specified in this section shall apply. A planned development district may be approved in lieu of a change of zone (for mixed use projects) as specified in Chapter 17.88.
(Prior code § 159.65.020)
The Planning Commission and City Council shall find that the proposed uses as shown on a development plan for a planned development (PD) district are in conformity with the required findings and conditions as set forth in Chapter 17.76 (Conditional Use Permit), the General Plan and sound community development. Only those uses approved by the Planning Commission and City Council may be permitted in a PD district. The following types of uses may be permitted in a PD district.
Planned residential development districts may include a multiplicity of housing types; provided, the density does not exceed the general plan requirements. Housing density may be increased in conformance with State and local regulations if the district assists the City in meeting its housing goals as set forth in the housing element of the general plan. The form and type of development on a PD site boundary shall be compatible with the existing or potential development of the surrounding neighborhoods.
A specific commercial use for property adjacent to an existing commercial zone may be approved as a PD when such property is to be used for additional off-street parking or an extension of buildings proposed in the existing commercial zone or in combination with residential uses. Where this is permitted, the plan for the total property shall be submitted and the applicant shall clearly detail, by engineering and architectural specifications and drawings, the manner in which the subject area is to be developed and the means that will be employed to protect the abutting property and the health, safety, welfare and privacy enjoyed thereon.
In industrial zones, a property which combines industrial and service commercial uses may be approved as a PD subject to the development standards of the zone in which the planned district is located to protect the health, safety and welfare of the area. Such PDs shall be permitted on a major or secondary thoroughfare as indicated on the general plan street plan or when these uses are integrated into an overall development plan. In both instances the proposed use shall not adversely affect the uses of properties in adjoining areas.
Additional uses may be permitted in a PD, including churches, nursery and day schools for pre-school children, when these uses are located on a secondary or major thoroughfare as indicated on the general plan street plan or when these uses are integrated into an overall development plan and when in both instances the proposed use would not adversely affect the uses of property in adjoining areas.
Planned development districts may include a multiplicity of uses; providing, the proposed uses are permitted by the subject zoning and/or general plan regulations. The form and type of development on the site boundary shall be compatible with the existing or potential development of the surrounding neighborhoods.
(Prior code § 159.65.030)
The Planning Commission and the City Council shall establish a full range of development standards appropriate to the orderly development of the site which shall include the following:
Building heights shall conform to the requirements of the underlying zoning district unless modified by the Planning Commission and the City Council. Structures which exceed permitted heights may be considered only when such additional building height would: (1) not adversely affect the uses of property in adjoining areas; (2) fit into the character of the community; and (3) blend in with the natural surroundings.
Parking and loading requirements shall be subject to the requirements of Chapter 17.48, Off-Street Parking Standards. The Planning Commission and the City Council may modify such requirements based upon the submittal of a specific parking plan.
Front yard setbacks compatible with the existing or potential development adjacent and/or opposite from existing development shall be required to provide for an orderly and uniform transition along the streetscape to preserve, protect and enhance the properties adjacent to a proposed PD. Nonperipheral areas of a PD shall not be subject to this requirement but shall be determined by approval of the development plan by the Planning Commission and the City Council.
Minimum lot frontage not less than that of existing lots adjacent and/or opposite from existing developments shall be required to provide for an orderly and uniform transition along the streetscape to preserve, protect and enhance the properties adjacent to a proposed PD. Nonperipheral areas of a PD shall not be subject to this requirement but shall be determined by approval of the development plan by the Planning Commission and the City Council.
Open space for planned districts shall be equal to or greater than the minimum open space requirement for the zone in which a planned district is located, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission and City Council.
Protection of natural landscape features such as watercourses, hillsides, sensitive land area, existing vegetation, wildlife, unique topographical features, and views shall be encouraged. Open spaces shall be integrated into the overall design of the project.
Open space for commercial, industrial and mixed uses shall be determined by the development plan approved by the Planning Commission and City Council.
(Prior code § 159.65.040)
A planned development which requires a subdivision map may include the required map proceedings in the PD public hearing process.
(Prior code § 159.65.050)
A planned development district may be established through application of the property owner or the owner’s legal representative or the City Council in accordance with the public hearing procedures of the Conditional Use Permit as set forth in Section 17.76.040, compliance with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, and the approval of a development plan (map and text). A planned development district may be approved in lieu of a change of zone (for mixed use type of projects) as specified in Chapter 17.88.
Development in a planned development district shall be subject to the requirements of this section and shall conform to the specifications of the development plan (map and text) as approved by the City Council.
Plan Development Plan—Approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. The applicant shall submit a development plan package to the Department of Planning and Building for approval by the Planning Commission and City Council. A map and/or site plan of the subject property shall conform to the requirements of the application checklist provided by the Department of Planning and Building.
Approval by the Planning Commission and City Council of the development plan in accordance with the public hearing procedures required by Chapter 17.104 shall constitute approval of a planned development district. The development plan shall, by reference, be incorporated into and become a part of the planned development district.
Modification of Final Development Plan. The approved development plan may be modified by submitting a request for such modification according to the same procedure as is required in the initial review and approval process, including public hearing by the Planning Commission and City Council in accordance with Chapter 17.104. Minor architectural or site changes not affecting the intent of the PD may be approved by the Planning Commission in accordance with the public hearing procedures required by Chapter 17.104. No Council action is necessary for minor changes except appealed decisions.
(Prior code § 159.65.060)
Each planned development district shall be numbered, the first being shown on the official zoning map as PD(1) and each district subsequently applied for being numbered successively. All approved planned development districts, including planned development districts in lieu of changes of zone, shall be shown on the official zoning map of the city. Designation of a planned development district on the official zoning map shall not constitute an amendment of the official zoning map, except PDs approved in lieu of a change of zone as provided in Chapter 17.88.
(Prior code § 159.65.070)
A development plan shall become valid 15 calendar days after the date of the decision by the City Council.
(Prior code § 159.65.080)
The City Council may extend a development plan time limit following the consideration of an application for same at a duly noticed public hearing upon making a finding that such extension is justified and not detrimental to the public safety and welfare.
The City Council may approve, approve with conditions, or deny the request for time limit extension. If approved, the length of the extension granted shall not exceed the length of time granted the original development plan approval.
(Prior code § 159.65.090)
A development plan shall lapse and become null and void 5 years from the date the development plan was approved by the City Council or within the time set by Planning Commission or City Council approval, unless the right(s) granted therein have become vested (commenced substantial construction; building permits for commercial/industrial projects and final maps for residential projects) or the time limit is extended by the City Council.
If a planned development district lapses or is declared null and void, a new application may be filed and hearings shall be held in accordance with this section. If such a lapse or declaration occurs, all activity authorized by the planned development district, except that specifically approved by the City Council to prevent significant loss and/or to insure the public safety and welfare, shall cease.
For any phased planned development, cessation of development for a period of 2 years or more shall require Planning Commission review and approval prior to further development of the district unless part of an approved development agreement.
Planned development districts which are approved in conjunction with an approved disposition and development agreement (DDA) and/or subdivision map shall not terminate if substantial construction has commenced prior to the termination of the DDA and/or subdivision map.
Any PD which has not started construction within the time constraints of this chapter shall revert to the original zoning designation and the designation shall be removed from the zoning map.
(Prior code § 159.65.100)
The following information is required for submittal of a development plan application:
Proof of title to all the property contained in the application and authorization of the legal owner(s).
A completed application form.
Plans to scale as follows:
Commercial Developments.
Site plan showing general building locations, service and loading areas, access points, location of buildings on adjacent lots, parking areas, on-site circulation, location, height, and type of walls, landscaped areas, proposed drive-through areas.
A discussion of the proposed architectural theme, including available elevations, maximum building and wall height, and sign program.
Landscaping plans showing general landscaping theme, including use of type of landscaping materials or berms to convey theme or image.
Phasing plan (if needed).
A deposit/fee as required by City Council resolution.
Information as required for a public hearing (See Section 17.104.020).
Residential Developments.
Site plan showing use locations such as open space and residential.
Landscape plans showing general character of streetscapes and other landscape elements.
Circulation plan showing vehicular, golf cart path, pedestrian, and bicycle circulation systems.
Plan illustrating general wall theme.
Phasing plan (if needed).
A deposit/fee as required by City Council resolution.
Information as required for a public hearing (See Section 17.104.020).
An Environmental Application. Supplemental documents may be required and may or may not be prepared by City staff at the discretion of the Director of Community Development.
Other information as required by the Director of Community Development.
(Prior code § 159.65.110)