A traffic safety and mobility commission for the city is established.
(Ord. 1106 § 1, 1968; Ord. 1262, 1983; Ord. NS-169 § 4, 1991; Ord. CS-214, 2013; Ord. CS-356 § 2, 2019; Ord. CS-451 § 3, 2023)
The traffic safety and mobility commission shall consist of seven members appointed pursuant to Section 2.15.050(A).
(Ord. CS-451 § 3, 2023)
It shall be the duty of the traffic safety and mobility commission to study matters concerning mobility and traffic safety, including implementation of the General Plan Mobility Element, and to make written recommendations to the City Council and Planning Commission regarding measures that should be taken to promote mobility and traffic safety within the city as follows:
Review staff studies and reports, and make recommendations to the City Council and Planning Commission on mobility and traffic safety matters, including, but not limited to, those related to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular, and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety;
Provide a public forum to review community input regarding mobility and traffic safety matters, including, but not limited to, those related to pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular, and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety;
Review and provide recommendations for revision to the city codes and plans on mobility and traffic safety matters, including, but not limited to, pedestrian, bicycle, vehicular, and transit modes of travel, and parking and school safety.
(Ord. 1106 § 5, 1968; Ord. 1262, 1983; Ord. NS-9 § 1, 1988; Ord. CS-214, 2013; Ord. CS-356 § 2, 2019; Ord. CS-451 § 3, 2023)
Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as restricting any of the powers of the City Council, or as a delegation to the traffic safety and mobility commission of any of the authority or discretionary powers vested and imposed by law in the City Council. The City Council declares that the public interest, convenience and welfare require the appointment of a traffic safety and mobility commission to act in a purely advisory capacity to the City Council for the purposes enumerated. Any power herein delegated to the commission to adopt rules and regulations shall not be construed as a delegation of legislative authority but purely a delegation of administrative authority.
(Ord. CS-451 § 3, 2023)