No person shall cause any structure to be wrecked or moved along any highway, without first obtaining from the Community and Economic Development Director of the city a permit so to do.
(Ord. 8045 § 1; Ord. 1261 § 24, 1983; Ord. NS-176 § 5, 1991; Ord. CS-164 § 14, 2011)
The Community and Economic Development Director is authorized and directed to prepare an application form for permission to wreck or move structures which shall contain all questions regarding all aspects of the protection of the general health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city in regard to such proposed wrecking or moving of structures.
(Ord. 8045 § 2; Ord. 1261 § 24, 1983; Ord. NS-176 § 5, 1991; Ord. CS-164 § 14, 2011)
Every person applying for a permit under this chapter shall pay a permit fee of $10.00 at the time of such application.
(Ord. 8045 § 3)
In the event of an application to move a structure into the city or to move a structure from one location to another within the city, the Community and Economic Development Director shall not issue a permit therefor until such time as the Planning Commission of the city or in the event of an appeal of the decision of the Planning Commission, the City Council, shall have approved such moving of a structure. Such approval shall be granted or denied or granted subject to conditions so as to promote the general health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the city.
(Ord. 8045 § 3.5; Ord. 8051-A § 1, 1969; Ord. 1261 § 24, 1983; Ord. NS-176 § 5, 1991; Ord. CS-164 § 14, 2011)
The Community and Economic Development Director shall require as a condition of issuance of a permit hereunder that the applicant provide all necessary protections to the maintenance of the general health, safety and welfare as required by his or her proposed wrecking or moving of structures. The Community and Economic Development Director may decline to issue such a permit if the general health, safety and welfare so requires.
(Ord. 8045 § 4; Ord. 1261 § 24, 1983; Ord. NS-176 § 5, 1991; Ord. CS-164 § 14, 2011)
In the event the Community and Economic Development Director declines to issue a permit or the applicant is dissatisfied with the conditions upon which the permit is issued, applicant may appeal the decision of the Community and Economic Development Director to the City Council by sending to the city a written notice of appeal within 10 calendar days following the decision of the Community and Economic Development Director. The City Council shall thereupon set a hearing date for the hearing of such appeal, shall so notify the Community and Economic Development Director and the applicant and, upon such hearing date or such dates to which the hearing may be continued, the City Council shall finally determine whether or not such permit shall be issued and, if so, upon what conditions. The decision of the City Council shall be final. Fees for filing an appeal under this section shall be established by resolution of the City Council.
(Ord. 8045 § 5; Ord. 1261 § 24, 1983; Ord. NS-176 §§ 5, 6, 1991; Ord. CS-164 § 14, 2011)
By his or her application for a permit according to the provisions of this chapter to wreck or move any structure, every person receiving such a permit agrees that in the event all required conditions are not fulfilled within the time prescribed by the Community and Economic Development Director or the City Council, the City Council may at its sole option, cause the same to be fulfilled, or to wreck and remove the structure, at the owner's expense.
(Ord. 8045 § 6; Ord. 1261 § 24, 1983; Ord. NS-176 § 5, 1991; Ord. CS-164 § 14, 2011)