Note: Prior ordinance history: Ord. Nos. NS-330, NS-340, NS-371, NS-439, NS-506, NS-675 NS-703, CS-178, CS-164, CS-052 and CS-037
The Village-Barrio zone is intended to establish land use classifications, development standards, procedures and guidelines for that unique area of the city described in the Village and Barrio master plan and designated "V-B, Village-Barrio" on the zoning map.
(Ord. CS-334 § 6, 2018)
The Village and Barrio master plan, as adopted by City Council Ordinance CS-357 on August 27, 2019, and as approved and certified by the California Coastal Commission on October 16, 2019, is hereby adopted by reference and incorporated into this chapter.
(Ord. CS-334 § 6, 2018)
This chapter shall apply only to lands located within the boundaries of the Village and Barrio master plan and zoned "V-B, Village-Barrio" on the zoning map.
(Ord. CS-334 § 6, 2018)
Projects developed pursuant to this chapter shall be subject to the provisions of the Village and Barrio master plan, and all applicable provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code, including, but not limited to, those provisions of Titles 18, 19, 20 and 21.
(Ord. CS-334 § 6, 2018)
Except as otherwise provided by the Village and Barrio master plan, the regulations of this title which apply to uses generally or generally to all zoning classifications shall apply to property and uses in this zone.
(Ord. CS-334 § 6, 2018)
The development standards of the Village and Barrio master plan, including the permitted uses table, shall identify the permitted, conditionally permitted, and prohibited uses in the V-B zone. Any use not identified in the permitted uses table is not permitted unless the City Planner determines that such use falls within the vision and intent of the master plan district in which it is proposed and is substantially similar to an allowed use in the district. Further, the City Planner shall not find that a use substantially similar to an expressly prohibited use is permitted in any district.
(Ord. CS-334 § 6, 2018)
Unless specifically exempt from a discretionary permit pursuant to the Village and Barrio master plan and Section 21.201.060, no building permit or other entitlement shall be issued for any development or use in the V-B zone unless there is a valid site development plan, conditional use permit, coastal development permit or other discretionary permit as required by the Village and Barrio master plan and as approved for the property.
(Ord. CS-334 § 6, 2018)
No determination or decision shall be made pursuant to this chapter unless the decision-making authority finds, in addition to any other findings otherwise required for the project, that the project is consistent with the general plan, this code, as applicable, the Village and Barrio master plan, and the local coastal program, as applicable.
(Ord. CS-334 § 6, 2018)
Amendments to the Village and Barrio master plan shall be deemed to be amendments to this chapter; provided, however, that such amendments are processed and noticed in a manner which meets the requirements of Chapter 21.52 of this code and are approved and adopted by City Council ordinance.
(Ord. CS-334 § 6, 2018)