Note: Prior ordinance history: Ord. Nos. 9804, 9792, NS-138, NS-179, NS-274, NS-283, NS-288, NS-307, NS-409, NS-662, NS-675, and NS-703.
Off-street parking, designed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter, shall be provided for:
All newly constructed buildings;
Additions to existing buildings, except for:
An existing single family residence which does not meet the required parking standard (i.e. a two-car garage) may expand floor area if a minimum of two off-street parking spaces are provided on-site in a location consistent with Section 21.44.060.
Any change of use within an existing building.
All required parking shall be made permanently available and be permanently maintained for parking purposes.
When calculating the required number of parking spaces, if the calculation results in a fractional parking space, the required number of parking spaces shall always be rounded up to the nearest whole number.
(Ord. NS-834 § I, 2007; Ord. CS-050 § III, 2009)
The number of off-street parking spaces required for the uses or structures designated in this section shall be no less than as set forth in Table A, below.
In the case of multiple uses in a building or on a lot, the total requirements for off-street parking facilities shall be the sum of the requirements for the various uses computed separately, except as otherwise noted. Off-street parking facilities for one use shall not be considered as providing required parking facilities for any other use except as specified in Section 21.44.080 for joint use.
Table A
Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Required
Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces
Residential Uses
Accessory dwelling units
1 space (covered or uncovered), in addition to the parking required for the primary use; unless otherwise specified in Section 21.10.030 of this code.
The additional parking space may be provided through tandem parking on a driveway and may be within the front or side yard setback.
One-family dwellings
Two spaces per unit, provided as either:
• A two-car garage (minimum interior 20 feet × 20 feet); or
• Two separate one-car garages (minimum interior 12 feet × 20 feet each); or
• As otherwise permitted, pursuant to Section 21.10.030 of this title, when a garage is converted to an accessory dwelling unit.
Two-family dwellings (apartments only), for condominium projects see "planned developments"
Same as required for one-family dwellings
Visitor parking
Same as required for multiple-family dwelling visitor parking
Multiple-family dwellings (apartments only), for condominium projects see "planned developments"
Studio and one-bedroom units
1.5 spaces/unit, one of which must be covered
Units with two or more bedrooms
2 spaces/unit, one of which must be covered
Visitor parking
Projects with 10 units or fewer
0.30 space per each unit
Projects with 11 units or more
0.25 space per each unit
Visitor parking may be covered or uncovered
Planned developments
See Chapter 21.45
1.25 spaces for each sleeping room
Mobile home parks
2 paved and covered spaces per unit
1 visitor parking space for every 4 units. On-street parking may be counted towards meeting the visitor parking requirement
Recreation and laundry areas combined shall have sufficient parking facilities to accommodate one automobile for every five mobile home sites up to fifty lots and one space for each ten lots thereafter
Residential care facilities
Two spaces per unit, provided as either:
• A two-car garage (minimum interior 20 feet x 20 feet); or
• Two separate one-car garages (minimum interior 12 feet x 20 feet each)
Rooming house
1 space for each sleeping room
Housing for senior citizens
1.5 covered spaces per unit, plus 1 covered space for an onsite manager's unit (when provided), and 1 visitor parking space per every five units, subject to approval of a site development plan
Time-share projects
1.2 spaces per unit
Emergency shelters
The number of required parking spaces shall be determined by the City Planner and shall be based on the operating characteristics of a specific proposal, including, but not limited to, number of: (1) employees, (2) beds, and (3) service deliveries.
Commercial, Industrial, and Other Non-Residential Uses
Farmworker housing complex, large
The number of required parking spaces shall be determined by the City Planner and shall be based on the operating characteristics of a specific proposal, including, but not limited to, number of: (1) employees, (2) beds, and (3) service deliveries.
Farmworker housing complex, small
One parking space for every four beds plus one space for an on-site manager
Bed and breakfast uses
2 spaces, one of which must be covered for the owner's unit, plus 1 space for each guest room
Bowling alleys
6 per alley
Car rental agencies
1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area for the car rental office space and customer waiting area. Adequate rental car fleet parking shall be addressed through a fleet parking plan that shall be reviewed and approved by the City Planner
Child day care center
1 space/employee plus 1 space for each 10 children
1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area
Driving ranges
1 space/tee plus required parking for accessory uses
Educational facilities, other
1 space/200 square feet of gross floor area
Educational institution or school
1 space/employee plus 1 space for each 10 students, with an adequate loading and unloading area
Elementary Schools
1 space/employee, with an adequate loading and unloading area
High Schools
1 space/employee plus 1 space for each 10 students, with an adequate loading and unloading area
1 space/employee plus 1 space for each 3 students, with an adequate loading and unloading area
Financial institutions and professional offices
Medical Office
1 space/200 square feet of gross floor area
Financial Institutions
1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area
Other office uses
1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area
Office uses within 300 feet of the boundary of the Village-Barrio zone
1 space/300 square feet of gross floor area
Furniture and appliance sales
1 space/600 square feet of gross floor area
Golf courses
6 spaces/hole plus required parking for accessory uses
Gyms and health spas
1 space/200 square feet of gross floor area
3 spaces per bed, or 1 per 200 square feet of gross floor area, whichever is greater
Hotels and motels
1.2 spaces per unit
Industrial building ("spec" - no specific uses identified)
1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area1
1 space/200 square feet of gross floor area
Library substations
1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area
1 space/400 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each vehicle used in conjunction with the use
1 space/50 square feet of assembly area
Motor vehicle uses
Gas Stations
1 space/300 square feet of gross floor area, excluding work bays associated with vehicle repair
Gas stations that include motor vehicle repair services shall provide additional parking as required for motor vehicle "repair" uses
1 space/400 square feet of gross floor area
4 spaces for every work bay (up through three work bays), plus 2 spaces per bay in excess of three bays. Work bays do not count as parking spaces
1 space/500 square feet of gross floor area
Personal and professional services3
1 space/300 square feet of gross floor area
Professional care facilities
0.45 parking spaces per every bed
Public assembly
1 space/5 seats, or 1 space/100 square feet of assembly area, whichever is greater
Recreational vehicle storage areas
1 space for every 10,000 square feet of storage area, with a minimum of 3 spaces
Recycling facilities
1 space per employee plus 1 space for each commercial vehicle of the recycling facility; and space for a minimum of 6 vehicles or the anticipated peak hourly customer load, whichever is greater, as determined by the City Planner
Research and development (R&D)
1 space/250 square feet of gross floor area
Bio industrial R&D - 1 space/300 square feet of gross floor area
Less than 4,000 square feet in size
1 space/100 square feet of gross floor area
4,000 square feet or greater
40 spaces plus 1 space/50 square feet of gross floor area in excess of 4,000 square feet
Retail uses
1 space/300 square feet of gross floor area
Shopping Center
1 space/200 square feet of gross floor area2
Shooting ranges (indoor)
1.5 spaces for each firing lane within the range, plus required parking for other associated uses based on the parking standard for each use
1 space/5 seats
Visitor/information center
1 space per 400 square feet of gross floor area
1 space/1,000 square feet of gross floor area, plus 1 space for each vehicle used in conjunction with the use
Projects proposing a "spec" industrial building may provide parking at manufacturing or warehouse standards, provided a deed restriction is recorded on the property indicating that these uses on the property will be retained and no other type of use creating a need for additional parking will be permitted, unless more parking area is provided to meet city parking standards.
Uses permitted in the underlying zone may be allowed in under-parked shopping centers without the need to provide additional parking, provided there is no expansion of floor area (this does not apply to conditionally permitted uses).
Personal and professional service uses include, but are not limited to, copying/duplicating services, dry cleaners, laundromats, beauty and barber shops, cosmetic services, nail salons, shoe/garment repair, travel agent, etc.
(Ord. NS-834 § I, 2007; Ord. CS-102 § LXXXVIII, 2010; Ord. CS-164 § 10, 2011; Ord. CS-189 § XLVII, 2012; Ord. CS-190 § VII, 2012; Ord. CS-191 §§ XIX, XX, 2012; Ord. CS-249 § XVII, 2013; Ord. CS-290 § 8, 2015; Ord. CS-324 §§ 18, 19, 2017; Ord. CS-334 § 9, 2018; Ord. CS-384 § 23, 2020; Ord. CS-432, 9/27/2022)
Where the parking requirements for a use are not specifically defined herein, the parking requirements for such use shall be determined by the City Planner. Such determination shall be based upon the following:
The parking requirements for the most comparable use specified in this chapter; and/or
A parking study or other evidence satisfactory to the City Planner.
(Ord. NS-834 § I, 2007; CS-102 § LXXXIX, 2010; Ord. CS-164 § 10, 2011)
The City Planner may waive or modify the provisions as set forth in this title establishing required parking areas for uses such as electrical power generating plants, electrical transformer stations, utility or corporation storage yards or other uses of a similar or like nature where there are a minimal number of employees/occupants.
The City Planner may modify the required parking standards where it can be demonstrated that adequate parking will be provided and the modification will not adversely affect the neighborhood or the site design and circulation. The modification shall be based on the results of a parking study prepared by a registered Traffic Engineer or other qualified parking consultant, or other evidence satisfactory to the City Planner.
(Ord. CS-102 § XC, 2010; Ord. CS-164 § 10, 2011)
The following general requirements shall apply to all parking spaces and areas:
Table B
Parking Spaces and Areas
Parking space size
Standard parking space
Minimum area of 170 square feet
Minimum width of 8.5 feet
Maximum overhang of 2.5 feet, provided the overhang does not encroach into any required landscape setback
Parallel parking space
Minimum length of 24 feet, exclusive of driveway/drive-aisle entrances and aprons
Minimum length of 20 feet if located immediately adjacent to a driveway/drive-aisle apron
Minimum width of 7 feet
Compact parking space
Minimum width of 8 feet
Minimum length of 15 feet
No overhang permitted
Compact parking
Nonresidential zones
Up to 25% of the total required parking spaces may be compact spaces
Residential zones
Up to 45% of the required visitor parking spaces may be compact spaces
All zones
Compact car spaces shall be located in separate parking aisles from standard sized spaces
Aisles for compact car spaces shall be clearly marked with permanent pole signs denoting "Compact Cars Only"
Compact car spaces shall be located in close proximity to the facility they are intended serve, so as to encourage their maximum usage
Minimum width of aisles that provide access to parking spaces
30 and 45 degree parking
One-way traffic
14 feet wide
Two-way traffic
24 feet wide
60 degree parking
One-way traffic
18 feet wide
Two-way traffic
24 feet wide
90 degree parking
24 feet wide
20 feet - where no vehicles pull into or back-out into a drive-aisle from a parking space
Additional width may be required for vehicle/emergency vehicle maneuvering area
Circulation within a parking area must be such that a car entering the parking area need not enter a street to reach another aisle and that a car need not enter a street backwards. This provision shall not apply to off-street parking required for one-family and two-family dwelling units.
Location of required parking
For one-family, two-family, and multiple-family dwellings
See Section 21.44.060
For other residential uses or care facilities (e.g., housing for senior citizens, hospitals, and, when serving more than six persons, residential care facilities, etc.)
Not more than 150 feet walking distance from the nearest point of the parking facility to the nearest point of the building that the parking facility is required to serve.
For uses other than those specified above
Not more than 300 feet walking distance from the nearest point of the parking facility to the nearest point of the building that the parking facility is required to serve.
Required landscaping of parking areas
For parking areas having a capacity of five or more vehicles (except parking provided for one-family and two-family dwellings)
For purposes of required landscaping, the words "parking area" shall include all blacktop or paved areas, including access ways and areas.
At least 3% of the parking area shall be planted and maintained with trees listed on the city's official street tree list, or approved shrubs. Said trees or shrubs shall be:
• Contained in planting areas with a minimum dimension of 4 feet and bounded by a concrete or masonry curb of a minimum of 6 inches in height;
• Located throughout the off-street parking areas in order to obtain the maximum amount of dispersion.
All landscaped areas shall be served by a water irrigation system and be supplied with bubblers or sprinklers.
All plans for such landscaped areas shall be approved by the City Planner prior to the construction and placement thereof.
Development and maintenance of public or private parking areas with a capacity for 5 or more vehicles
Off-street parking areas shall be paved or otherwise surfaced and maintained so as to eliminate dust or mud, and shall be so graded and drained as to dispose of all surface water. In no case shall such drainage be allowed across sidewalks or driveways.
Border barricades, screening, and landscaping
Every parking area that is not separated by a fence from any street or alley property line upon which it abuts, shall be provided with a suitable concrete curb or timber barrier not less than 6 inches in height, and located not less than 2 feet from such street or alley property lines, and such curb or barrier shall be securely installed and maintained; provided no such curb or barrier shall be required across any driveway or entrance to such parking area.
Every parking area abutting property located in a residential zone shall be separated from such property by a solid wall, view-obscuring fence or compact evergreen hedge 6 feet in height measured from the grade of the finished surface of such parking lot closest to the contiguous residentially zoned property; provided, that along the required front yard, the fence, wall or hedge shall not exceed 42 inches in height. No such wall, fence or hedge need be provided where the elevation of that portion of the parking area immediately adjacent to a residential zone is 6 feet or more below the elevation of such residentially zoned property along the common property line.
Any lights provided to illuminate any public parking area, semi-public parking area or used car sales area permitted by this chapter shall be so arranged as to reflect the light away from any premises upon which a dwelling unit is located.
Entrances and exits
The location and design of all entrances and exits shall be subject to the approval of the City Planner or other designated person, provided no entrance or exit, other than on or from an alley, shall be closer than 5 feet to any lot located in a residential zone.
Parking areas for commercial or office/professional uses in R-3, R-P and R-T zones
No parking lot to be used as an accessory to a commercial or office/professional establishment shall be established until reviewed by the City Planner and its location approved. Such approval may be conditioned upon the City Planner requiring the planting and/or maintenance of trees, shrubs or other landscaping within and along the borders of such parking area.
The parking lot shall be no farther than fifty feet when measured from its closest boundary to the commercial or office/professional establishment to which it is accessory.
Such parking lot shall be used solely for the parking of private passenger vehicles.
(Ord. NS-834 § I, 2007; Ord. CS-164 § 10, 2011; Ord. CS-178 § LXXVI, 2012; Ord. CS-249 § XVIII, 2014)
In all residential zones the following parking regulations shall apply:
Garages, parking stalls, carports and RV parking spaces (excluding those in approved RV parking lots) shall be for the exclusive use of the residents only and shall not be separately sold or rented to nonresidents of the property.
Required parking spaces for dwelling units shall be located subject to the following:
Table C
Location of Required Parking Spaces in Residential Zones
Parking Required For:
Location Standards For Required Parking Spaces
One-family, two-family, and multiple-family dwellings
All dwelling types
Required parking spaces shall be located on the same lot or building site as the buildings they are required to serve.
Required parking shall not be located within the front yard setback.
Required uncovered parking spaces may be located within the side and/or rear yard setback, provided that a 6-foot-high masonry wall (or some other solid material approved by the decision-making authority) is built along the property line adjacent to the setback area.
Accessory dwelling units
Same as parking required for primary residential use, with the following exceptions:
• May be located in the front or side yard setback; and
• May be located as a tandem space on a driveway.
• Other parking requirements and exemptions may be applicable pursuant to Section 21.10.030.
Multiple-family dwellings
Required parking spaces shall be located no more than 150 feet as measured in a logical walking path from the entrance to the unit it could be considered to serve.
Visitor parking for two-family and multiple-family dwellings
Same as parking required for primary residential use, with the following exception:
• Required visitor parking need not be located within a garage.
• Required visitor parking spaces shall be not more than 300 feet walking distance to the unit the parking space is required to serve.
• For projects with 10 or fewer units (outside the Beach Area Overlay Zone), all required visitor parking may be located within driveways (located in front of a unit's garage), provided that all dwelling units in the project have driveways with a depth of 20 feet or more (measured from the front property line, back of sidewalk, or edge of drive-aisle, whichever is closest to the structure).
Existing substandard frontage lots with a width of less than 50 feet
Tandem parking within the front yard setback shall be permitted, provided:
• There is a minimum of one parking space per dwelling unit located within the required setback lines; and
• The front yard building setback is no less than 20 feet (in the R-W zone, the front yard setback shall be no less than 10 feet to a second or third building floor).
Subterranean parking
A zero foot setback for subterranean parking shall be permitted, provided that within the setback area(s) all of the "subterranean parking structure" is completely underground and the setbacks are fully landscaped, except for driveways necessary to provide access.
Garages in residential zones shall be constructed according to the following standards:
Table D
Residential Garage Standards
Garage Standard
One-car garage
Minimum interior dimensions of 12 feet by 20 feet.
Two-car garage (both spaces for same unit)
Minimum interior dimensions of 20 feet by 20 feet.
Multiple one-car garages in one structure
Each separate, one-car garage shall have interior dimensions of 12 feet by 20 feet, exclusive of supporting columns.
As a minimum, each space shall be separated from the adjacent garage, floor to ceiling, by a permanent stud partition with ½-inch gypsum board on one side, where no additional fire protection is required.
Enclosed parking garage with multiple, open parking spaces
Each parking space shall maintain a standard stall size of 8.5 feet by 20 feet, exclusive of supporting columns or posts.
A backup distance of 24 feet shall be maintained in addition to a minimum 5 feet turning bump-out located at the end of any stall series.
The parking of vehicles in residential zones shall be subject to the following regulations:
Type of Vehicle
Where Vehicles Can Be Parked
Passenger vehicles, and light-duty commercial vehicles used as a principal means of transportation by an occupant of the dwelling
One-family, two-family, and multiple-family dwellings
Covered or uncovered parking spaces provided as required for the dwelling unit
One-family dwellings on individual lots (in addition to parking spaces required pursuant to Table A of this chapter or as otherwise permitted pursuant to Section 21.10.030 of this code)
In the required front yard on a paved driveway or parking area that:
1. Does not exceed 30% of the required front yard area; or
2. Is comprised of 24 feet of width extended from the property line to the rear of the required front yard, whichever is greater.
A paved area between the required front yard and the actual front of the building, as long as it is an extension and does not exceed the width of the area described above.
Any other area of the lot provided that they are screened from view from the public right-of-way.
For corner lots, the provisions of this subsection shall apply to the required street side yard; however, in no case, shall the provisions of this section allow parking in both the required front yard and the required street side yard.
Recreational vehicles, boats, and trailers
One-family dwellings on individual lots
In an enclosed structure observing all required setbacks
Open parking in the side yard or the rear yard
Subject to City Planner approval, open parking in the required front yard is permitted if the parking area does not exceed the maximum paved area permitted for passenger vehicles, and that access to the side or rear yard cannot be provided. In making this determination, the City Planner shall give notice pursuant to Section 21.54.060.B and shall consider:
1. Whether parking in, or access to, the side or rear yard would require structural alteration to the existing residence, or would require the removal of significant or unique landscaping. A fence shall not be deemed to prevent access to the side or rear yard;
2. Whether parking in or access to the side or rear yard would require extensive grading;
3. Whether, because of the configuration of the lot, existing landscaping, the location of the structures on the lot, and the size of the recreational vehicle, parking of the recreational vehicle in the front yard would interfere with visibility to or from any street;
4. Whether allowing parking of the recreational vehicle in the front yard would interfere with traffic on the street or sidewalk, or would encroach into the street and utility right-of-way.
Any person may file an objection to the decision or request an administrative hearing with the City Planner pursuant to Section 21.54.060.B. The decision of the City Planner shall become effective unless appealed in accordance with the provisions of Section 21.54.140 of this title.
Note: A corner lot is deemed to have reasonable access to the rear yard.
Notwithstanding the above, during the construction of a permanent one-family dwelling on a lot, the owner of the lot may live in a recreational vehicle upon said lot during construction of said dwelling for a period not to exceed six months.
The provisions listed in this section are not intended to supersede more restrictive homeowner provisions contained in approved conditions, covenants and restrictions (CC&Rs). If the provisions of any such CC&Rs are less restrictive than the ordinance codified in this section, then the provisions contained herein shall apply.
Inoperable vehicles
One-family, two-family, and multiple-family dwellings
Storage or parking of inoperable, wrecked, dismantled or abandoned vehicles shall be regulated by Chapter 10.52 of this code, with the following exception:
• For one-family dwellings on individual lots, not more than two vehicles in any inoperable, wrecked or dismantled condition may be parked in the side yard or rear yard while said vehicles are being repaired or restored by the owner of the property, provided the vehicles are visually screened from the public right-of-way.
Heavy-duty commercial vehicles
One-family, two-family, and multiple-family dwellings
No heavy-duty commercial vehicles as defined by Section 10.40.075 of this code, except for trailers as permitted by the provision for "recreational vehicles, boats, and trailers" above, shall be parked on any residential lot, except while loading or unloading property; or when such vehicle is parked in connection with, and in aide of, the performance of a service to the property on which the vehicle is parked.
(Ord. NS-834 § I, 2007; Ord. CS-164 § 10, 2011; Ord. CS-178 § LXXV, 2012; Ord. CS-324 §§ 20—22, 2017; Ord. CS-384 § 24, 2020)
Areas may be exempted from the parking requirements as otherwise set up in this chapter, provided:
Such area shall be accurately defined by the Planning Commission after processing in the same manner required for an amendment to the zoning title;
No such district may be established and exempted from the provisions of Section 21.44.020 unless sixty percent or more of all record lots comprising such proposed district are zoned to uses first permitted in a commercial (C) or industrial (M) zone;
Such exemptions shall apply only to uses first permitted in the commercial (C) or industrial (M) zones;
Before such defined district shall be exempt as provided in this section, active proceeding under any applicable legislative authority shall be instituted to assure that the exempted area shall be provided with comprehensive parking facilities which will reasonably serve the entire district.
(Ord. NS-834 § I, 2007)
Joint use of off-street parking facilities shall be allowed for uses or activities listed in subsection A.1 of this section, subject to the requirements of subsection A.2 of this section.
Uses or Activities.
Up to fifty percent of the parking facilities required by this chapter for a use considered to be primarily a daytime use may be provided by the parking facilities of a use considered to be primarily a nighttime use;
Up to fifty percent of the parking facilities required by this chapter for a use considered to be primarily a nighttime use may be provided by the parking facilities of a use considered to be primarily a daytime use;
Up to one hundred percent of the parking facilities required by this chapter for a church or for an auditorium incidental to a public or parochial school may be supplied by parking facilities of a use considered to be primarily a daytime use;
Up to fifty percent of the parking facilities required by this chapter for a church may be jointly utilized by an on-site, accessory, child day care center provided there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the church and child day care center;
The following uses are typical daytime uses: banks, business offices, retail stores, personal service shops, clothing or shoe repair or service shops, manufacturing or wholesale buildings and similar uses;
The following uses are typical of nighttime uses: dance halls, theaters and bars.
Requirements for Joint Use of Off-Street Parking.
The owner or lessee of the subject property shall provide written evidence to the planning division to demonstrate compliance with the provisions and requirements of this section.
The buildings or uses associated with the joint use of a parking facility shall be located within one hundred fifty feet of such parking facility;
The application shall show that there is no substantial conflict in the principal operating hours of the buildings or uses for which the joint use of a parking facility is proposed;
Parties involved in the joint use of a parking facility shall provide evidence of agreement for such joint use by a proper legal instrument approved by the City Attorney as to form and content. Such instrument, when approved as conforming to the provisions of this title, shall be recorded in the office of the County Recorder and copies thereof filed with the City Planner.
(Ord. NS-834 § I, 2007; Ord. CS-063 § VII, 2009; Ord. CS-164 §§ 10, 11, 2011)
Common parking facilities may be provided in lieu of the individual requirements contained herein, but such facilities shall be approved by the decision-making authority as to size, shape and relationship to business sites to be served, provided the total of such off-street parking spaces, when used together, shall not be less than the sum of the various uses computed separately.
When any such common facility is to occupy a site of 5,000 square feet or more, then the parking requirements as specified herein for each of two or more participating buildings or uses may be reduced not more than 15%, subject to approval by the decision-making authority.
(Ord. NS-834 § I, 2007)
The site plan submitted with a building permit application for the building to which a parking area is accessory shall clearly indicate the proposed development, including location, size, shape, design, curb cuts, lighting, landscaping and other features and appurtenances of the proposed parking area.
(Ord. NS-834 § I, 2007)