The intent and purpose of the T-C zone is to provide for and ensure the preservation of certain public transportation rights-of-way which will:
Insure that adequate land area is available for future transportation modes;
Insure compatibility of the development with the general plan and the surrounding developments;
Insure that due regard is given to environmental factors;
Provide for public improvements and other conditions of approval necessitated by the development.
(Ord. 9818 § 1, 1986)
In a T-C zone, notwithstanding any other provision of this title, only the uses listed in Table A, below, shall be permitted, subject to the requirements and development standards specified by this chapter, and subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.44 of this title governing off-street parking requirements.
The uses permitted by conditional use permit, as indicated in Table A, shall be subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.42 of this title.
A use similar to those listed in Table A may be permitted if the City Planner determines such similar use falls within the intent and purposes of the zone, and is substantially similar to the specified permitted uses.
A use category may be general in nature, where more than one particular use fits into the general category (ex. in some commercial zones "office" is a general use category that applies to various office uses). However, if a particular use is permitted by conditional use permit in another zone, the use shall not be permitted in this T-C zone (even under a general use category) unless it is specifically listed in Table A of this chapter as permitted or conditionally permitted.
Table A
Permitted Uses
In the table, below, subject to all applicable permitting and development requirements of the municipal code:
"P" indicates use is permitted
"CUP" indicates use is permitted with approval of a conditional use permit.
1 = Administrative hearing process
2 = Planning Commission hearing process
3 = City Council hearing process
"Acc" indicates use is permitted as an accessory use.
Agriculture (see note 2 below)
Light-rail transit related facilities (see note 1 below)
Parking lots
Public streets
Railroad museum
Railroad tracks and related facilities
Recreational facilities (public) (see note 3 below)
Recreation use open to the public (see note 4 below)
Signs, except for billboards, subject to the provisions of Chapter 21.41
Consisting of: (A) Tracks, (B) Energy transmission facilities, including rights-of-way and pressure control or booster stations for gasoline, electricity, natural gas, synthetic natural gas, oil or other forms of energy sources, (C) Maintenance/repair facilities, (D) Stations.
Only the following agricultural uses, and buildings accessory to such agricultural uses, are permitted in the T-C zone: (A) Field and seed crops, (B) Truck crops, (C) Horticultural crops, (D) Orchards and vineyards, (E) Tree farms, (F) Fallow lands.
Limited to: (A) Passive open space, (B) Bicycle paths, (C) Pedestrian trails.
Tennis courts, picnic areas and similar temporary uses.
(Ord. 9818 § 1, 1986; Ord. NS-791 § 30, 2006; Ord. CS-164 § 10, 2011)
No building permit or other entitlement for any use in the T-C zone shall be issued until a site development plan has been approved for the property. The site development plan may include provisions for any accessory use necessary to conduct any permitted use. The site plan shall be processed and approved according to the provisions of Chapter 21.06.
(Ord. 9818 § 1, 1986)
The decision-making body may impose such conditions on the site plan as are determined necessary to implement and ensure consistency with the provisions of this chapter, the general plan, the local coastal land use plans, and any applicable specific plans, to ensure that the uses are sufficiently isolated from any rail facilities.
(Ord. 9818 § 1, 1986)
There shall be no minimum lot area established for the T-C zone. The size of the lot shall be dependent upon the existing or proposed use.
(Ord. 9818 § 1, 1986)